Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 1051-1058 doi:10.4236/am.2011.28146 Published Online August 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM On Starshaped Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Weihua Xu1,2, Yufeng Liu1, Wenxin Sun1 1The Mathematics an d Statistics, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing, China 2School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China E-mail: chxuwh,, Received May 23, 201 1; revised June 28, 2011; accepted July 6, 2011 Abstract Intuitionistic fuzzy starshaped sets (i.f.s.) is a generalized model of fuzzy starshaped set. By the definition of i.f.s., the intuitionistic fuzzy general starshaped sets (i.f.g.s.), intuitionistic fuzzy quasi-starshaped sets (i.f.q-s.) and intuitionistic fuzzy pseudo-starshaped sets (i.f.p-s.) are proposed and the relationships among them are studied. The equivalent discrimination conditions of i.f.q-s. and i.f.p-s. are presented on the basis of their properties which are meaningful for the research of the generalized fuzzy starshaped sets. Moreover, the invariance of the two given fuzzy sets under the translation transformation and linear reversible transforma- tion are discussed. Keywords: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Starshaped Sets, Cut Sets, Starshapedness, Convex Sets 1. Introduction Since the theory of fuzzy set was proposed by Zadeh in 1965, it has been widely used such as fuzzy control, fuzzy recognition, fuzzy evaluation, system theory, information retrieval and so on. The intuitionistic fuzzy set theory, proposed by Atanassov [1], is an extension of the fuzzy set theory. Th e core idea of in tuitionistic fuz zy sets is added a non-membership functions in the basis of membership functions, which can cooperate with the membership func- tion and describe the fuzzy object of the world more exqui- sitely. At p resent, the research of in tuition fuzz y set theor y is more active in international, especially the research of some similar problems in fuzzy set. Through more than 20 years of d evelop ment, the in tuitionis tic fuzzy set has mad e a lot of important achievements [2-9]. With the deepening of the research work and expan- sion, another more worthy of concern is the emergence of fuzzy starshaped set theory [10] and its applications. Fuzzy starshaped sets have more abundant properties and characteristics, it is a directly extension of the fuzzy set theory and convex set, many useful results have been obtained. In this paper, we define a new kind of fuzzy set which is intuition fuzzy set, by combining the fuzzy starshaped set and intuition fuzzy set. By the basic definition of in- tuitionistic fuzzy starshaped set, we introduce some new different types of starshapedness. We discuss the rela- tionships among these different types of starshapedness, and obtain some important properties. 2. Preliminaries Let ,n yR, | yzzx y is a line segment, where 0 ,0 ,1 . A set is simply said to be starshaped relative to a point Sn R, if yS for any point S . A set is simply said to be star- shaped, which means that there exists a point S in such that is starshaped relative to n R S . The kernel of is the set of all points ker SS S such that yS for any S . Definition 2.1. Let denote an universe of dis- course. An intuitionistic fuzzy set n R is an object hav- ing the form ,,| n AA Ax xxxR where , satisfy :[0, n AR 01 1] :[0, n AR 1] AA for all n R, A and A are called the degree of membership and the one degree of non- membership of the element to respectively. Let n R n R be the classes of normal intuitionistic fuzzy sets on , that is |1, n AA xRxx 0 is non- empty. Example 2.1. Let ,,| AA xx xxR , where
W. H. XU ET AL. 1052 1,0] 0,1] wise ise 1[ 1( 0other A xx xx x [1,0] 0otherw , A xx xx x Then FR. Definition 2.2. An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is called quasi-convex if min , AAA yyx y max , AAA yyx y for all ,n yR, [0,1] Definition 2.3. Let ,n BFR, the union, inter- section and complement of and B are defined as follows, ,, | n ABAB Bx xxxxxR ,, | n ABAB Bx xxxxxR ,1 ,1| cn AA xx xx R Definition 2.4. [11] Let ,n BFR, ,[0,1] , the [,] cut , [,) cut, (,] cut and , cut of are defined as follows: [,] |, , AA AxxXx x [,) |, , AA AxxXxx (,] |, , AA AxxXx x (,) |, , AA AxxXxx 3. Starshaped Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Definition 3.1 An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is said to be i.f.s. relative to n R if AA yy x and AA yy x for all n R, [0,1] , Proposition 3.1 Let n FR is i.f.s. relative to n R, then sup 1 n AA xR yx inf 0 n AA xR yx Proof. Let is i.f.s. relative to , then for all y n R, AA yy x and AA yy x are true for 01 .Thus, only take 0 , it can be found that AA x and AA x are true for all n R. Hence sup 1 n AA xR yx and inf 0 n AA xR yx Example 3.1. The intuitionistic fuzzy FR with e( e(0, x Ax x xx ,0] ) 1e( ,0] 1e(0, ) x Ax x xx is i.f.s. relative to0y . Proposition 3. 2. An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is i.f.s. respect to iff its level sets n yR are starshaped relative to y. Proof. Suppose , A is starshaped relative to n yR for all],[0,1 . For n R , let A , A , then [,] xy A . That is, for any[0.1] AA yy x and AA yy x Conversely, if for all n R, [0,1] , AA yy x and AA yy x hold. Since [,] A , there exists [,] xA , that means Ax() and () Ax . Hence, AA xy yx and Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
W. H. XU ET AL. 1053 AA xy yx for any [0,1] . So [,] xy A . Thus [,] A is starshaped relative to y. Definition 3.2. An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is said to be i.f.g.s. if all level sets are starshaped sets in . n R Definition 3.3. An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is said to be i.f.q-s. relative to if for all n yR n R,[0,1] , the following hold, min , AAA yx y A max , AA yyx x Definition 3.4 An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is said to be i.f.p-s. relative to n R if for all n R,[0,1] , the following are true, 1 AAA yy xy 1 AAA yy xy Definition 3.4. Let ker (respectively, kerqA, kerpA) be the totality of such that n yR is i.f.s. (respectively, i.f.q-s., i.f.q-s.) relative to. y Definition 3.5. The intuitionistic fuzzy hypograph of denoted by .fhpy A, is defined as .().() .() hpyAf hpyf hpy where .,|,0, AA fhpyxt x Rtx .,|, AA f hpyxsxR sx ,1 Theorem 3.1. Let n FRis i.f.g.s. and [,] keryA iff n FR is i.f.s. relative to . y Proof. “” Since n FR is i.f.g.s. and [,] ,ker A , that is [,] ,keryA . Then [,] A is starshaped relative to. By Proposition 3.1 we get that y is i.f.s. relative to. y “” it follows directly from Definition 3.2 and Proposition 3.1. Theorem 3.2. Let n FR is i.f.p-s. relative to n yR, then it is i.f.q-s. relative to. y Proof. Since for all n R, [0,1] , the following hold, 1 min , AA AA A yy xy xy 1 max , AA AA A yy xy xy Thus is i.f.q-s. relative to. y Remark 3.1. The inverse statements do not hold in general as shown in the following example. Example 3.3. The intuitionistic fuzzy n FR with 2 2[ [1,1] 2[1 0 otherwise A xx xx xxx 2,1] ,2] 2 1[2 [1,1] 1[1, 1 otherwise A xx xx xxx ,1] 2] is i.f.q-s. relative to0y . But it is not i.f.p-s. relative to 0y . Theorem 3.3. Let n FR is i.f.q-s. relative to , then n yR sup 1 n AA xR yx inf 0 n AA xR yx iff n FR is i.f.s. relative to. y Proof. “” Since n FR is i.f.q-s. relative to , n yR sup 1 n AA xR yx and inf 0 n AA xR yx then for all n R, [0,1] , we have min , AAAA yyx yx max , AAAA yyx yx Hence it is i.f.s. relative to. y “ ” Since is i.f.s. relative to,that means y n R , [0,1] , AA yy x and Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
1054 W. H. XU ET AL. AA yy x . Take 0 , we get AA x and AA x for alln R. Thus, min , AA AA xy yx y max , AA AA xy yx y Hence, is i.f.q-s. relative to , y sup 1 n AA xR yx inf 0 n AA xR yx Theorem 3.4. Let n FR is i.f.p-s. relative to , if n yR sup 1 n AA xR yx and inf 0 n AA xR yx then it is i.f.s. relative to . y Proof. It follows from Theorem 3.2, Theorem 3.3. Remark 3.2. The inverse statements do not hold in general as shown in the following example. Example 3.4. The intuitionistic fuzzy n FR with e( e(0, x Ax x xx ,0] ) 1e( ,0] 1e(0, ) x Ax x xx is i.f.s. relative to. But it is not i.f.p-s. relative to . 0y 0y 4. Basic Properties of Starshapedness of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Proposition 4.1. If n FR is i.f.s. relative to , then n yR sup 1 n AA xR yx and inf 0 n AA xR yx Proof. Let is i.f.s. relative to , then for all y n R, [0,1] AA yy x and AA yy x Take 0 , we get AA x and AA x for all n R. So sup 1 n AA xR yx and inf 0 n AA xR yx Proposition 4. 2. An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is i.f.s. relative to iff for all n yRn R, [0,1] , the following hold, AA yxy and AA yxy Proof. Supposed is i.f.s. relative to , that is, for all y n R,[0,1] , AA yy x and AA yy x Replacing by y in the above inequality, we can get the desired result. Similarly, we can get the con- verse. Proposition 4. 3. An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is i.f.q-s. relative to iff n yR , A is starshaped set relative to for y Ay 0, , Ay,1 . Proof. “” Supposed is i.f.q-s. relative to , that is for all y n R, [0,1] , min , AAA yyx y max , AAA yyx y For any 0, Ay , , if ,1 Ay [,] xA , then we have that [,] ,xyA . From the above inequal- ity we get that Axy y Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
W. H. XU ET AL. 1055 and Axy y So [,] xy A . “”, For n R, [0,1] , if AA y , then let A y . Accordingly we have [,] xy A ,that is, min , AAA yyx y If AA y , then let A . Accordingly we have [,] xy A ,that is, min , AAA yyx y If AA y , then let A . Accordingly we have , xy A A ,that is, max , AA yyx y If AA y , then let A . Accordingly we have [,] xy A , that is, max , AAA yyx y . Thus is i.f.q-s. relative to . n yR Proposition 4. 4. An intuitionistic fuzzy set n FR is i.f.p-s. relative to iff y .A f hpy is starshaped relative to ,A y y and .A f hpy is starshaped relative to . ,A yy Proof. “” If is i.f.p-s. relative to , y ,.A x tfhpy and ,.A xs fhpy . Since is i.f.p-s. relative to for any y[0,1] we have 1 1 AA A A yy xy ty 1 1 AA A A yy xy sy . Thus, we have ,1 ,. A xtyyfhyp A ,1 ,. AA xsyy fhyp Hence, .A fhyp is starshaped relative to ,A yy and A yp.fh is starshaped relative to ,A yy . “” Assume that ,. A xxfhpyA and ,. A xxfhpyA . By the starshapedness of .A f hpy and A .fhyp we can have 1 . AA yfhpy1,xy x A 1 . AA yfhpy 1,xy x A [0,1] . for any . Thus is i.f.p-s. relative to . y A path in a set in is a continuous mapping S :[0,1] n R SS. A set is said to be path connected if, there exists a path such that 0 x and 1 y for all , yS [12]. A intuitionistic fuzzy set is said to be a path connected intuitionistic fuzzy set if its level sets are path connected [13]. Since a star- shaped crisp set is path connected, one can easily prove the following proposition. Proposition 4. 5. If n FR is i.f.s. relative to n yR, or is i.f.g.s., then is a path connected in- tuitionistic fuzzy set. Proof. It follows from Definition 3.1, Definition 3.2. Proposition 4.6. If n FR is a intuitionistic fuzzy quasi-convex set, then it is i.f.g.s.. Furthermore, if n FR is i.f.g.s. then is i.f.s., and is a fuzzy quasi-convex set. Proof. If is a intuitionistic fuzzy quasi-convex set, that for all ,n yR, [0,1] , we have mi n , AA yy A x y ma x , AA yy ,n A x y Then for all yR , the following hold, xy y , AA x ymin A xyy , AA x ymax A So, [,] xy A . In other words is i.f.g.s.. Additionally if n FR is i.f.g.s., then , A y is starshaped. Thus they are path convex. In other words, they are intervals and there is at least one point in 1,0 . It is well known that intervals are convex sets in , so we have that R is i.f.s. relative to y and is a fuzzy quasi-convex set. Proposition 4.7. If n FR n yR is an intuitionistic fuzzy and the point satisfies that yx infn xR AA and . Then sup n A xR yx A is intuitionistic fuzzy quasi- starshaped set relative to , that is, y ker Ayq . Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
1056 W. H. XU ET AL. Proof. According to Definition 3.3, we have infn AA xR yx and sup n AA xR yx . So this statement is true. Proposition 4.8. If 12 ,n AFR n are i.f.q-s. (re- spectively, i.f.p-s.) relative to . Then yR 12 A is i.f.q-s. (respectively, i.f.p-s.) relative to . y Proof. Because that 12 ,n AFR n are i.f.q-s. rela- tive to , for all n yR R,[0,1] , we have 1min, ii AA i A yx 1max, ii AA y i A yxy 1,i,2 So, 12 12 12 12 2 1 max1, 1,2 min max,, min , i AA A AA AAAA xy xyi xx y y and, 12 112 2 12 12 1 max1,1,2 max max,,max, max , i AA A AA AA AA AA xy xyi yx xy y Hence, 12 A is i.f.q-s. relative to . y If 12 ,n AFR n are i.f.p-s. relative to . Then all n yR R[0,,1] , we have 1 ii AA i A yy xy , 1 ii AA i A yy xy , 1,2 i So, 12 12 12 12 12 1 min1, 1,2 min1, 1,2 min,1 min, 1 i ii AA A AA AA AA AA AA xy xyi xyi xy xy y and 12 12 12 12 12 1 max1, 1,2 max1, 1,2 max,} 1max{, ()1 i ii AA A AA AA AA AA AA xy xyi xyi xy xy y Hence 12 A is i.f.p-s. relative to . y Proposition 4.9. If 12 ,n AFR n are i.f.q-s. (re- spectively, i.f.p-s.) relative to R and 12 AA yy , 12 AA yy . Then 12 A is i.f.q-s. (respectively, i.f.p-s.) relative to. y Proof. Since 12 ,n AFR n are i.f.q-s. relative to n yR, for all R,[0,1] , we have 1min, ii AA i A yx y and 1max, ii AA i A yx y1, 2i, By 12 AA yy and , we can get 12 AA y y 12 12 12 12 2 1 max1,1,2 min max,, min , i AA A AA AAAA xy xyi xx y y and 12 121 112 2 1 min1, 1,2 max min,, max , i AA A AA A AAA xy xyi xy y Hence 12 A is i.f.q-s. relative to . y Since 12 ( n , ) AFR n are i.f.p-s. relative to , for all n yR R[0,1], , we have 11 ii AA i A yx y and 1 ii AA i A yy xy , 1, 2i Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
W. H. XU ET AL. 1057 From and 12 AA yy 12 AA yy we can find 12 12 12 1 max1,1,2 max1, 1,2 1 i ii AA A AA AA AA xy xyi xyi y and 1 12 12 21 min1, 1,2 min(1), 1,2 1 i ii A A AA AA AA xy xyi xyi y Hence 12 A is i.f.p-s. relative to . y Let 0n R, n FR, then the translation of by 0 is the intuitionistic fuzzy 0 A defined as 00 AxAxx. Proposition 4.10. If n FRy is i.f.s. (respectively, i.f.p-s., i.f.q-s.) relative to and 0n R. Then 0 A 0 is i.f.s. (respectively, i.f.p-s., i.f.q-s.) relative to y. Proof. We only give the proof for the case of in- tuitionistic fuzzy starshapedness. Similarly, the others can be proved. For any n R, since n FR is i.f.s. relative to . We have that y 00 0 0 A AA A xxyxyx 0 0 yx yxx xx and 00 00 0 A AA A xxyxyx 0 yx yxx xx So, 0 A is i.f.s. relative to 0 y. Let be a linear invertible transformation on , Tn R n FR. Then by the Extension Principle we have that 1 xAT x TA . Proposition 4.11 If n FR is i.f.s. (respectively, i.f.p-s., i.f.q-s.) relative to and T is a linear invert- y ible transformation on . Then n R TA is i.f.s. (re- spectively, i.f.p-s., i.f.q-s.) relative to . Ty Proof. We only give the proof for the case of in- tuitionistic fuzzy quasi-starshapedness. Similarly, the others can be prove d. For any n R, since n FR is i.f.q-s. relative to . We have that y 1 1 11 min , min() , TAxTyATxy ATx Ay TA xTATy Hence, TA is i.f.q-s. relative to . Ty 5. Conclusions Intuitionistic fuzzy set and fuzzy starshaped set are some special fuzzy sets. In this article, we introduce some new different types of intuitionistic fuzzy starshaped set. By discussing the relationships among these different types of starshapedness, and obtained some important proper- ties. Deepening people’s understanding of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, enrich and perfect the theories of fuzzy sets. 6. Acknowledgements The project is supported by the postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (NO.20100481331) and the Na- tional Natural Science Foundation of China (NO. 71071124, 11001227). 7. References [1] K. Atanassov, “Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1986, pp. 87-96. doi:10.1016/S0165-0114(86)80034-3 [2] S. Manro, “Common Fixed Point Theorems in Intuition- istic Fuzzy Metric Spaces,” Applied Mathematics, No. 1, 2010, pp. 510-514. doi:10.4236/am.2010.16067 [3] G. Deschrijive and E. E. Kerre, “On the Position of In- tuitionistic Fuzzy Set Theory in the Framework of Theo- ries Modelling Imprecision,” Information Sciences, Vol. 177, No. 8, 2007, pp. 1860-1866. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2006.11.005 [4] L. Lin, X. H. Yuan and Z. Q. Xia, “Multicriteria Fuzzy Decision-Making Methods Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets,” Journal of Computer and System Science, Vol. 73, No. 1, 2007, pp. 84-88. doi:10.1016/j.jcss.2006.03.004 [5] L. K. Vlachos and G. D. Sergiadis, “Intuitionistic Fuzzy Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
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