R. Mohamed / Open Journal of Ecology 1 (2011) 41-47
The present results indicated that there are signifi-
cant elevations in the level of acid phosphatase and
alkaline phosphatase which can be explained by the
destruction of internal snail cells.
This finding agrees with Bakry et al. [33] using ore-
opanax reticulum and Furcraea selloea plants. Also,
Michelson and Dubois [36] found an increase in alka-
line phosphatase levels in both the heamolymph and
digestive gland from infected B. glabrata with S. man-
soni. El-Emam and Ebeid [34] reported that the acid
phosphatase activity in the heamolymph of B. alexan-
drina was increased by S. mansoni infection. The pre-
sent study showed a significant decrease in LDH activ-
ity in the whole tissue extract of Bulinus truncatus in
response to treatment with the methanol extract of
E.soongerica plant. Several authors have reported a
significant decline in LDH activity of tissues of
vari]ous molluscs in response to some molluscicides
[Aboul-Zahab & El-Ansary, [351 and Bakry et al. [38].
It is concluded that Profenophos pesticide are toxic
to the intermediate snail host of S. mansoni. and there-
fore may have adverse effects on natural populations.
Sublethal concentration of this pesticide play also a
role in suppressing transmission of schistosomiasis by
reducing the infection of snails with schistosomes. In
addition, pesticides caused reduction in number of cer-
cariae per snail during the patent period and in the pe-
riod of cercarial shedding. The present study indicated
that the increase in levels of aminotransaminases, acid
phosphatase and alkaline phosphatases enzymes in
haemolymph and soft tissue of snails and the activity
level of lactate dehydrogenase, hexokinase and pyru-
vatekinase was also significantly reduced in response to
treatment. According to the results obtained, we can
observe that the Low concentrations of Profenophos
tested (residues found in the environment) induced
toxic to biological and physiological of snails.
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