S. Ghammamy et al. / Natural Science 3 (2011) 683-688
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
Table 2. Calculated and experimental frequencies of com-
pounds 1 - 3 (cm–1).
Compound B3LYP/LANL2DZ Exptl
[FeCl3F]– 125, 165, 309, 362, 630 792,483
[FeCl4]– 119, 362 378
[FeCl3Br]– 110, 235, 325, 362 376
Table 3. Theoretically computed energies, zero-point vibra-
tional energies and Gibs free energy for compounds 1 - 3.
Parameters [FeCl3F]– [FeCl4]– [FeCl3Br]–
HF energy –268.437381–183.540346 –181.756907
Zero-point energy 0.0050809990.004219585 0.003912898
Total energy –268.4323003–183.536126 –181.7529941
Gibs Free energy –268.468259–183.5732334 –181.7912501
Three tetraalkylammonium salts of FeCl3 were synthe-
sized in one step and characterized by elemental analysis,
IR, UV/Visible, and 81Br-NMR techniques. Production
of these compounds show the ability of tetraalkylammo-
nium salts in halide addition to transition metal and main
group elements compounds and the optimized geometry
parameters calculated at B3LYP/LANL2DZ level. The
optimized structures are in good agreement with the
available experimental results. In the present article, the
infrared spectra of the ferrate halide complexes were
studied using the theoretical and experimental methods.
Our theoretical infrared spectrum of compounds 1 - 3 are
in very good agreement compared to our experimental
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