Stability Study and Modelling of a Pilot Controlled Regulator
sensing lines, the opening of the antipumping valve. This
feature has been confirmed by measurements and simu-
5. Conclusions
The final objective o f the study presented in this paper is
to improve the process control of the pressure regulator
that is to define the operating conditions that maintain a
constant set pressure at small enough oscillations within
tolerance field. For that purpose, numerical and experi-
mental approaches have been performed.
The comparison of calculations and measurements, has
confirmed the relevance of the modelling. From a quali-
tative and a quantitative point of view, the calculations
are in good agreement with experiments. Generally, the
amplitude of oscillations increases dramatically for small
volumes (V = 0.04 m3) and higher upstream pressure. As
regards to the other parameters such as opening of
creeper valve and driving pressure, their influence on the
oscillation downstream pressure is not very sensitive.
Other adjustment parameters such as length of sensing
lines or opening of the antipumping valve, have only
marginal influences on the regulator stability.
6. Acknowledgments
The authors wish to express their indebtedness to Messrs.
MODE Laurent and DELENNE Bruno of the Research
and Development Division of Gaz De France for their
contributions toward the success of this work.
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