Materials Sciences and Applicatio n, 2011, 2, 729-738 doi:10.4236/msa.2011.27101 Published Online July 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA 729 Structural and Electronic Properties Calculations of AlxIn1–xP Alloy Mohammed Ameri1*, Ali Bentouaf1, Mohammed Doui-Aici2, Rabah Khenata3,4, Fatima Boufadi1, Amina Touia1 1Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université Djillali Liabès, Sidi-Bel-Abbés, Algérie; 2Laboratory Applied Materials (AML), Research Center (Ex: CFTE), Route de Mascara, University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria ; 3Laboratoire Quantum Physics and Mathematical Modeling of Matter (M LPQ3), University de Mascara, Mascara, Algeria; 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Email: Received December 23rd, 2010; revised March 21st, 2011; accepted May 3rd, 2011. ABSTRACT The equilibrium structure and the electronic properties of III-V zinc-blende AlP, InP semiconductors and their alloy have been studied in detail from first-p rinciples calculations. A full-potential linea r muffin-tin-orbita l (FP-LMTO) me- thod has been used in conjunction with both the local-density approximation (LDA) and the generalized-gradient ap- proximation (GGA) to investigate the effect of increasing the concentration of aluminum on the structural properties such as the lattice constants and the bulk moduli. Besides, we report the concentration dependence of the electronic band structure, the direct-indirect band gap crosso vers and bowing. Using the approach of Zunger and co-workers the microscopic origins of the gap bowing were also explained. A reasonable agreement is found in comparing our results with other theoretica l calculations. Keywords: AlP, InP, Semiconductors, FP-LMTO, Bowing, Alloys 1. Introduction Understanding the electronic properties of semiconductor alloys plays a vital role in developing new technologies. The advantage of alloying is that the alloy properties, such as band gap, can be tuned by varying the alloy composition to meet the specific requirements of modern device applications [1-3]. With the advent of small- structure systems, such as quantum wells and superlat- tices, the effects of alloy compositions, size, device ge- ometry, doping and controlled lattice strain can be com- bined to achieve maximum tenability [4]. AlxIn1-xP alloy provides wide bandgap energy in the non-nitride III-V semiconductors and has been wide ap- plied in electronic and photonic devices. The parent (bi- nary) compounds such as aluminum phosphide (AlP) and indium phosphide InP, are non-centrosymmetric cubic semiconductors with zinc-blende structures based on the space group F43m [5,6]. Recently, these compounds have attracted a great deal of attention, [5-41] expecting fabrication of important electronic devices. Indeed, InP is a very promising material for solar cells and high-per- formance computing and communications [7-9]. Simi- larly, AlP, with the largest direct gap of the III-V com- pound semiconductors, is undoubtedly the most “exotic”. Usually, this material is alloyed with other binary mate- rials for applications in electronic devices such as light- emitting diodes (e.g. aluminium gallium indium phosphi- de) [10]. Motivated by the technological importance of these materials, III-phosphides have been the subject of vari- ous theoretical investigations, from empirical [42] to first principles based on the density functional theory (DFT) [43,44]. Most of these studies have been undertaken us- ing the pseudo-potential [45] or the full-potential lin- earized-augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method which considered to be one of the most accurate methods for calculating the structural and the electronic properties of solids, within the local density approximation (LDA) [46] or the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) [47]. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, the (FP- LMTO) method has not yet been used to study the struc- tural and the electronic properties of AlxIn1–xP alloy. Below, we report the results obtained in the study of the variation of different structural and electronic pa- rameters such as lattice constant, bulk modulus, band gap and effective masses with the alloy fraction using the
Structural and Electronic Properties Calculations of Al In P Alloy 730 x1–x (FP-LMTO) method. In our calculations, we have adopted the “special quasirandom structures” (SQS) ap- proach [48,49] which is based on the observation that (for any given composition) atomic disorder mainly af- fects the electronic properties of an alloy through the short-range atomic structure. In fact, Zunger and co- workers have introduced “SQS” approach by the princi- ple of close reproduction of the perfectly random net- work for the first few shells around a given site. The paper is divided in three parts. In Section 2, we briefly describe the computational techniques used in this study. The most relevant results obtained for the ground- state properties as well as the bandgap, optical bowing and effective masse are presented and discussed in Sec- tion 3. Finally, in Section 4 we summarize the main con- clusions of our work. 2. Computational Details The calculations reported here were carried out using the ab-initio full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital (FP- LMTO) method [50,51] as implemented in the Lmtart code [52]. The exchange and correlation potential was calculated using the local density approximation (LDA) [46] and the generalized approximation (GGA) [47]. This is an improved method compared to previous (LMTO) methods. The FP-LMTO method treats muffin-tin spheres and interstitial regions on the same footing, leading to improvements in the precision of the eingen- values. At the same time, the FP-LMTO method, in which the space is divided into an interstitial regions (IR) and non overlapping muffin-tin spheres (MTS) sur- rounding the atomic sites, uses a more complete basis than its predecessors. In the IR regions, the basis func- tions are represented by Fourier series. Inside the MTS spheres, the basis functions are represented in terms of numerical solutions of the radial Schrödinger equation for the spherical part of the potential multiplied by spherical harmonics. The charge density and the potential are represented inside the MTS by spherical harmonics up to lmax = 6. The integrals over the Brillouin zone are performed up to 35 special k-points for binary com- pounds and 27 special k-points for the alloys in the irre- ducible Brillouin zone (IBZ), using the Blöchl’s modi- fied tetrahedron method [53]. The self-consistent calcu- lations are considered to be converged when the total energy of the system is stable within 10–5 Ry. In order to avoid the overlap of atomic spheres the MTS radius for each atomic position is taken to be different for each case. Both the plane waves cut-off are varied to ensure the total energy convergence. The values of the sphere radii (MTS), number of plane waves (NPLW), used in our calculation are summarized in Table 1. 3. Results and Discussions 3.1. Structural Parameters To investigate the structural properties of AlP and InP compounds and their alloys in the cubic structure, we have started our FP-LMTO calculation with the zinc-blende structure and let the calculation forces to move the atoms to their equilibrium positions. We have chosen the basic cubic cell as the unit cell. In the unit cell there are four C anions , three A and one B, two A and two B, and one A and three B cations, respectively, for x = 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75. For the considered structures, we perform the structural optimization by calculating the total energies for different volumes around the equilibrium cell volume V0 of the binary AlP, InP compound and their alloy. The Table 1. The plane wave number PW, energy cut-off (in Ry) and the muffin-tin radius (MTS) (in a.u.) used in calculation for binary AlP and InP and their alloy in zinc ble nde (ZB) str uc ture. PW Ecut total (Ry) MTS (a.u) x LDA GGA LDA GGA LDA GGA 0 5064 12050 92.120 156.381 In 2.453 2.510 P 2.357 2.412 0.25 33400 65266 131.543 197.867 Al 2.395 2.411 In 2.395 2.411 P 2.348 2.939 0.50 33400 65266 136.726 205.941 Al 2.349 2.393 In 2.349 2.393 P 2.303 2.346 0.75 33400 65266 142.279 215.299 Al 2.280 2.340 In 2.280 2.340 P 2.280 2.294 1 5064 12050 105.387 184.707 Al 2.248 2.264 P 2.248 2.264 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Structural and Electronic Properties Calculations of Al In P Alloy 731 x1–x calculated total energies are fitted to the Murnaghan’s equation of state [54] to determine the ground state prop- erties such as the equilibrium lattice constant a, and the bulk modulus B. The calculated equilibrium parameters (a and B) are given in Table 2 which also contains results of previous calculations as well as the experimental data. The lattice constants obtained within the LDA for the parent binary system InP and AlP are respectively 0.17 % and 0.03 % lower than the experimental value, while the corresponding bulk modulus are 0.7% and 1.2% larger than the experimental value, which is the usual level of accuracy of the LDA. When comparing the results ob- tained within GGA, the lattice constant are 2.6 % for InP and 1.6 % for AlP larger than the experimental values and the corresponding bulk modulus are 15.14% and 4.7% smaller than the corresponding experimental values. Hence it is safe to conclude that the LDA bulk modulus and lattice constants is in fact in better agreement with the experimental data than the GGA values. The calculated bulks modulus using both approximation LDA and GGA decreases in going from AlP to InP, suggesting the more compressibility for InP compared to that for AlP. Usually, in the treatment of alloys when the experi- mental data are scare, it is assumed that the atoms are located at the ideal lattice sites and the lattice constants varies linearly with concentration x according to the so-called Vegard’s law [55]. 1 1 xAC aABC xaxa where AC and BC are the equilibrium lattice con- stants of the binary compounds AC and BC respectively, (AxB1–xC) is the alloy lattice constant. However, the law was postulated on empirical evidence, several cases of both positive and negative deviations from this law have been documented [56,57]. Hence, it has been sug- gested in the literature that the deviation from Vegard’s law can be represented by a quadratic expression: a a a 1 1 1 x xACBC aABC xaxaxxb (2) where b, is the bowing parameter accounting for the de- viation from linearity. Figures 1 and 2, show the variation of the calculated equilibrium lattice constants and the bulk modulus versus concentration x for AlxIn1–xP alloy. Our calculated lattice constants were found to vary almost linearly following the Vegard’s law [55] with a marginal upward bowing parameters equal to –0.07143 Å. In going from InP to AlP, when the Al-content increases, the values of the lattice parameters of AlxIn1–xP alloy decrease. This is due to the fact that the size of the Al atom is smaller than that of the In atom. Oppositely, one can see from Figure 2 that the value of the bulk modulus increases with the increase of Al concentration. The deviation of the GGA bulk modulus from the linear concentration dependence with a downward bowing equal to +21.9259 GPa. The bowing lattice parameters and the bulk modulus are found to be equal to –0.168 Å and +13.9569 GPa by us- ing LDA approximation. In view on Table 2, it is clear BC (1) Table 2. Computed lattice parameter a and bulk modulus B compared to experimental and other theoretical values of AlP and InP and their alloy. Lattice constant a(Ǻ) Bulk modulus B(GPa) this work. exp. other calc. this work. exp. other calc. LDA GGA LDA GGA x 0 5.8509 6.014 5.861b 5.942a,5.688c,5.869d71.5399 60.25 71b 68 a,70c,73.26g ,5.8686e ,5.8783g,5.729h,5.838l,73.60h ,71l ,62l ,5.968l ,5.729m,5.930n,74m ,76n ,76s ,5.6591o ,5.93s 0.25 5.7979 5.9092 73.2808 61.4585 0.5 5.687 5.7922 75.7209 65.5753 0.75 5.5749 5.6649 80.2789 72.4857 1 5.449 5.534 5.451e 5.471c ,5.462d ,5.44285g 87.067 81.89 86f 84.5 c,95.46g,88.60h ,5.467i ,5.41700h,5.508j,5.42k,81.52j ,86.5k ,89l ,5.520n ,5.4131o ,5.43p 90,46p ,90q ,88r ,5.40q ,5.48r aRef. [11]; bRef. [12]; cRef. [13]; dRef. [14]; eRef. [17]; fRef. [18]; gRef. [19]; hRef. [20]; iRef. [23]; jRef. [24]; kRef. [25]; lRef. [26]; mRef. [27]; nRef. [29]; oRef. [31]; pRef. [32]; qRef. [33]; rRef. [34]; sRef. [39]. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Structural and Electronic Properties Calculations of Al In P Alloy 732 x1–x Figure 1. Composition dependence of the calculated lattice constants within GGA (solid circ le) and LDA (solid squares) of AlxIn1–xP alloy compared with Vegard’s prediction (dot line). Figure 2. Composition dependence of the calculated bulk modulus within GGA (solid circle) and LDA (solid squares) AlxIn1–xP alloy. that the LDA yields higher values than the experiment while GGA provides a good agreement. 3.2. Electronic Properties The important features of the band structure (direct Γ-Γ and indirect Γ-X band gaps) are given in Table 3. It is clearly seen that the band gaps are on the whole underes- timated in comparison with experiments results. This underestimation of the band gaps is mainly due to the fact that both the simple form of LDA or GGA do note take into account the quasiparticle self energy correctly [58] which make them not sufficiently flexible to accu- rately reproduce both exchange and correlation energy and its charge derivative. We worth also mention that in general, it is far to say that the experimental data are well reproduced by the calculation. On raison for this differ- ence is that in our calculations we have assumed the crystal to be at T = 0 K and thus do not include contribu- tions from lattice vibrations that are present at room temperature measurements. The calculated band gaps for AlP compound and in good agreement with the available theoretical results. This agreement disappears for the case of InP compound. Figure 3 shows the plots of the concentration variation of the direct gap ( and indirect gap (Γ-X) the studied alloys within both LDA and GGA. Increasing Al content leads to a shift of the conduction band (CB) upwards the Fermi energy (EF) resulting an increase of the direct energy band gap (. The calculated direct band gap values are 0.56 (0.26), 1.0 (0.83), 1.58 (1.45), 1.75 (1.74) and 3.36 (3.08) eV within of LDA (GGA) approach for x = 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0, respectively. The band structure calculations in the present work yield a direct gap (Γ–Γ) for InP, while for AlP compound an indirect gap (Γ–X) has been determined. Hence, one can expect that the band gap of AlxIn1–xP alloys should undergo a crossover between the direct and the indirect band in going from x = 0 to x = 1. As shown in Figure 3, this crossover oc- curs at x = 0.79 for LDA and at 0.82 for GGA. For both approximation the predicted crossover value is twice larger that those determined by Onton and co-authors [59]. 6.1 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 The calculated band gap versus concentrations was fitted by a polynomial equation. 1 gAC BC Ex xExEbxx 1 (3) where EAC and EBC corresponds to the of the AlP and InP gaps for the AlxIn1–xP alloy. The results are shown in Figure 3 and are summarized as follows: 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 2 X1 E0.680.0562.41 (LDA) E=1.56+4.124.05Al InP x xx xx (4) 2 2 X E12.96 4.011.39(GGA) E1.73 3.813.69 xx xx It is clear from the above equations that the direct (Γ → Γ) and indirect (Γ → X) band gaps versus concentra- tion have a nonlinear behavior. The direct gap (Γ → Γ) has a downward bowing with a value of 1.396, while the indirect gap (Γ → X) has an upward bowing of –3.907. These parameters are lower than those obtained using the LDA (2.38 and –4.059). The physical origins of gap bowing were investigated following the approach of Zunger and co-workers [60], which decompose it into three contributions. The overall bowing coefficient at a given average composition x measures the change in the band gap according to the formal reaction 1 AC1 BC ACBCx xeq axaABC a (5) where and AC a C a are the equilibrium lattice constant Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Structural and Electronic Properties Calculations of Al In P Alloy 733 x1–x Table 3. Direct band gap energy of AlxIn1-xP alloys at different Al concentrations (all values are in eV). Energy gap (eV) (Г-Г) Energy gap (eV) (Г-X) this work. exp. other calc. this work. exp. other calc. LDA GGA LDA GGA x 0 0.5647 0.2674 1.39 c, 1.39 a,1.98e,1.23f, 1.6479 1.8804 0.43g ,1.5522n, 2.19r 1.35d, 1.54g,1.67h ,0.62j 1.424l, ,0.85j,1.50j,1.232k, 1.350m 1.3831n,1.34r 0.25 1.0099 0.8315 2.3836 2.7014 0.5 1.5819 1.4578 2.3997 2.5271 0.75 1.578 1.742 2.5961 2.7014 1 3.3666 3.0881 3.63b , 3.44a,2.54e ,3.26f , 1.4658 1.6386 2.50b, 2.17 a,1.44g,1.635i, 2.45d 2.55g ,3.073i, 3.3457n, ,2.52s ,1.44 j,1.57j,2.50j 3.11o ,3.62p ,3.073q ,2.500l ,1.4194n,1.41o,1.49t ,2.50p,1.635q aRef. [14]; bRef. [15]; cRef. [16]; dRef. [17]; eRef. [19]; fRef. [20]; gRef. [21]; hRef. [22]; iRef. [24]; jRef. [26]; kRef. [27]; lRef. [28]; mRef. [30]; nRef. [31]; oRef. [32]; pRef. [36]; qRef. [37]; rRef. [38]; sRef. [23]; tRef. [35] lattice constant of the alloy with the average composition x. Figure 3. Energy band gap of AlxIn1–xP alloy as a function of Al composition using LDA and GGA approximations. 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 Figure 4. Calculated optical bowing parameter as a function of composition vx within LDA (xCenter Square) and GGA (-Center circle). 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 The Equation (5) is decomposed into three steps: 3.0 AC BC AC BC aaACaBCa (6) 2.5 1 AC1 BC xx axaABC a (7) 2.0 11 xxxeq BCa ABCa (8) 1.5 1.0 The first step measures the volume deformation (VD) effect on the bowing. The corresponding contributions bVD to the bowing parameter represents the relative re- sponse of the band structure of the binary compounds AC and BC to hydrostatic pressure, which here arises from the change of their individual equilibrium lattice con- stants to the alloy value a = a(x). The second contribution, 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Structural and Electronic Properties Calculations of Al In P Alloy 734 x1–x 1 the charge exchange (CE) contribution bCE, reflects the charge transfer effect which is due to the different (aver- aged) bonding behavior at the lattice constant a. The fi- nal step measures changes due to the structural relaxation (SR) in passing from the unrelaxed to the relaxed alloy by bSR. Consequently, the total bowing parameter is de- fined as b = bVD + bCE + bSR. (9) The general representation of the composition-depen- dent band gap of the alloys in terms of binary compounds gaps of the, EAC(aAC) and EBC(aBC), and the total gap bowing parameter b is defined as: 1 gACAC BCBC Ex xEaxEabxx (10) This allows a division of the total gap bowing b into three contributions according the following expressions: 1 AC ACACBCBCBC VD EaEa EaEa bxx (11) 1 AC BC ABC CE EaEaE a b1 xx x (12) 1 ABCABC eq SR EaEa bxx (13) All terms presented in Equations (11)-(13) are com- puted separately via self-consistent band structure calcu- lations. The different contributions to the gap bowing were calculated using the LDA and the GGA schemes and the results are given in Table 4. The calculated band gap bowing coefficient for random AlxIn1–xP alloy ranges from 1.3614 eV (x = 0.25) to 5.8396 (x = 0.75). Our re- sult for x = 0.5 is higher than the experimental one and is in excellent agreement with those obtained by Ferhat and co-authors [61] using the full potential linearized aug- mented plane wave. One can note that for x = 0.25 and 0.50 the main contribution to the gap bowing is due to the volume deformation (VD) effect. The importance of bVD can be correlated with the mismatch of the lattice constants of the corresponding binary compounds. Con- sequently, the main contribution to the gap bowing is raised from the volume deformation effect. In the case of x = 0.75, the contribution of the charge transfer bCE has been found greater than those of the volume deformation bVD. This contribution is due to the different electronega- tivities of the In and Al or P atoms. Indeed, bCE scales with the electronegativity mismatch. The contribution of the structural relaxation is negligible and the band gap bowing is due essentially to the charge exchange effect. Finally, it is clearly seen that our LDA values for bowing parameters are larger than the corresponding values within GGA. 3.3. Calculated Effective Masses The knowledge of the electron and hole effective mass values is indispensable for the understanding of transport phenomena, exciton effects and electro-hole in semicon- ductors. Therefore, it would be of much interest to de- termine the electron and hole effective mass values for the alloys for various Al content. We have computed the electron effective mass at the conduction band minima (CBM) and hole effecRtive mass at the valence band maxima (VBM) for the studied alloy. The electron and hole effective masses values are obtained from the cur- vature of the energy band near the Γ-point at the CBM and VBM for all concentration. At the Г-point the s-like conduction band effective mass can be obtained through a simple parabolic fit using the definition of the effective mass as the second derivative of the energy band with respect to the wave vector, k, via: m* /m0 =– (ћ2/m0)·1/(d2E/d k2) (14) Table 4. Decomposition of optical bowing into volume deformation (VD), charge exchange (CE) and structural relaxation (SR) contributions (all values in eV). this work. exp other cal. LDA GGA x 0.25 bVD 0.6354 0.6873 b CE –0.0756 –0.1583 b SR 0.8016 0.2234 b 1.3614 0.7524 0.5 bVD –0.039 0.7376 0.740b b CE 0.986 –0.09087 0.265b b SR –0.1312 0.2333 –0.172b b 0.815 0.880 0.38a, 0.568a 0.834b 0.75 bVD 0.7286 0.7941 b CE 5.2214 2.6625 b SR –0.1104 –0.0399 b 5.8396 3.4167 aRef. [40]; bRef. [61] Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
Structural and Electronic Properties Calculations of Al In P Alloy735 x1–x Table 5. Electron (), light hole () and heavy hole () effective mass (in units of free electron mass m0) of the ternary alloys under investigation compared with the available experimental and theoretical predictions. * e m* lh m* hh m * lh m * hh m * lh m this work. other calc. this work. other calc. this work. other calc. x LDA GGA LDA GGA LDA GGA 0 0.004 0.032 0.095a, 0.058a 0.351 0.603 0.389a, 0.477a 0.098 0.103 0.093a, 0.057a 0.570 b, 0.060b 0.430 b, 0.400b 0.097 a, 0.078a 0.079 b, 0.081b 0.47 b, 0.895a 0.104 b, 0.118b 0.520 b,0.610b 0.052 a, 0.074a 0.970 b, 0.90b 0.051 a 0.63 b, 0.950b 0.25 0.0042 0.047 0.804 0.770 0.219 0.367 0.50 0.032 0.042 4.126 0.7648 4.214 0.2602 0.75 0.0427 0.0428 0.857 0.8448 0.269 0.2870 1 0.167 0.024 0.176a, 0.170a 0.462 6.194 0.489a, 0.509a 0.159 0.182 0.187a, 0.181a aRef. [31]; bRef. [41]; cRef. [62] where m* is the conduction electron effective mass and m0 is the free electron mass. We can calculate the curva- ture of the valence band maximum using the following approach: if the spin-orbit interaction were neglected, the top of the valence band would have a parabolic behavior; this implies that the highest valence bands are parabolic in the vicinity of the Г-point. In this work, all the studied systems satisfy this parabolic condition of the valence band maximum at the Г-point. Within this approach, and by using the appropriate expression of Equation (14) (us- ing a plus sign instead of the minus sign in the prefactor), we have computed the effective masses of the heavy and light holes at the Г-point. The calculated electron and hole effective mass values for the parent binary compounds InP and AlP and their alloy are given in Table 5. Results from earlier theoretical works are also quoted for comparison. Our results for the binary compounds are in fairly good agreement with the available theoretical data. We would like mentioning here that the divergence of some values should be expected since the computation of the effective mass is very sensitive to the form of the energy band. The highest curvature of the electronic band yields the smallest effective mass of the charge carriers and the highest conductivity. From Table 5 data, we can outline that holes are much heavier than electrons, for all con- centrations in AlxIn1–xP alloy, so carrier transport in this alloy should be dominated by electrons. 4. Conclusions We have performed first-principles calculations using (FP-LMTO) method within the LDA and GGA for the zinc-blende AlxIn1-xP alloy (x = 0.0; 0.25; 0.50; 0.75; 1.00). We have found that lattice parameter follows Ve- gard’s law, the bulk modulus varies significantly with the composition x and the electronic band structure has a nonlinear dependence on the composition. We have cha- racterized the deviation from the linear behavior by cal- culating the optical bowing parameter. The main contri- bution to the total bowing parameter arises from struc- tural (volume deformation) and chemical effects. The computed effective masses of the systems studied are found comparable to those reported in literature. Our results provide an estimate of this important compound. 5. Acknowledgements The author Rabah KHENATA extends his appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud Uni- versity for funding the work through the research group project No RGP-VPP-088. REFERENCES [1] S. Dissanayake, S. X. Huang, H. X. Jiang and J. Y. Lin, “Charge Storage and Persistent Photoconductivity in a CdS0.5Se0.5 Semiconductor Alloym,” Physical Review B, Vol. 44, No. 24, 1991, pp. 13343-13348. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.44.13343 [2] H. X. Jiang, G. Brown and J. Y. Lin, “Persistent Photo- conductivity in II-VI and III-V Semiconductor Alloys and a Novel Infrared Detector,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 69, No. 9, 1991, pp. 6701-6704. doi:10.1063/1.348889 [3] S. Krishnamurthy, A. Sher, M. Madou and A.-B. Chen, “Semiconductor Alloys for Fast Thermal Sensors,” Jour- nal of Applied Physics, Vol. 64, No. 3, 1988, pp. 1530- 1532. doi:10.1063/1.341828 [4] M. Othman, E. Kasap and N. Korozlu, “Ab-Initio Inves- tigation of Electronic and Optical Properties of InAs1-xPx alloys,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2009, pp. 149-153. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. MSA
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