Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2011, 1, 58-65 doi:10.4236/jtts.2011.13009 Published Online July 2011 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/jtts) Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JTTS On the Comparison of Two Vehicular Safety Systems in Realistic Highway Scenarios A. Amoroso, G. Marfia, M. Roccetti, C. E. Palazzi* Computer Science Department, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy *Pure and Applied Math Department , University of Padua, Padua, Italy E-mail: {amoroso, marfia, roccetti}@cs.unib o.it , cpalazzi@math.unipd.it Received May 13, 201 1; revised June 15, 2011; accepted July 3, 2011 Abstract The application of wireless VANET technology to accident warning systems is gaining an increasing interest. These systems can significantly increase the safety of daily driving and are based on a technology that is steadily becoming mature. We present an experimental comparison between two effective approaches that cope with realistic scenarios. Both rapidly broadcast alert messages throughout platoons of vehicles, and are based on wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. However, with one approach an alert message propagates through the farthest relay at each hop, whereas with the other it propagatesusing the farthest spanning relay (i.e., the relay that can retransmit farthest away an alert message). With this study we will see retransmitting through the farthest spanning relay at each hop can improve the performance by a factor of two in terms of propagation delay, in comparison to choosing the farthest relay. Keywords: Intelligent Transportation Systems, Accident Warning System, VANET 1. Introduction A promising usage of emerging new technologies is the application of inter-vehicular communications to signifi- cantly improve vehicular safety in highway scenarios. In fact, an effective warning system between vehicles could be built either by means of pre-installed infrastructures, or by means of wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) tech- nologies. The latterapproach, however,appearsmore fea- sible, less costly and more efficient on a whole network of highways. Warning systems based on V2V technolo- gies offer good performance and effectiveness, as alert messages are directly broadcast between vehicles and do not experience the delay of flowing through a centralized server. Therefore, both the academic research and the industries are proposing several safety systems based on V2V technologies. As a result, it is now a widely shared idea that effec- tive vehicular warning systems could be built upon inte- gration between vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) and pervasive sensor technologies, as the most promising VANETs are based on the standard IEEE 802.11p [1-5]. The 802.11p standard defines V2V communications that do not rely on any infrastructure, and that are built by means of wireless devices installed on vehicles. However, a few common proposals are also based on 3G technologies (e.g., smartphones). To summarize, these proposals usually assume that a smartphone equipped with an accelerometer (or similar technologies) is on board ofvehicles. In case an accident occurs, generating an abnormal acceleration, the smartphone (i.e., the acci- dent warning software running on it) sends an alert mes- sage to a centralized server, via the cellular infrastructure. In turn, the centralized server advertises such event to all overcoming vehicles, via FM radio or again via the cel- lular infrastructure, for example. Although cellular-based solutions are theoretically feasible, the results that have been so far presented sug- gest that they cannot match the requirements posed by efficient accident warning system [6,7]. An accident war- ning message of a few kilobytes, transmitted between two moving vehicles through a cellular connection could often experience latencies in the order of several seconds, thus resulting almost useless in th is scenario. Hence, several proposals have been so far presented in the scientific literature to rapidly broadcast alert mes- sages among vehicles, by means of V2V communica- tions; these proposals are too many to be cited.However, most of them do not take into account the following characteristics of realistic scenarios:
 A. AMOROSO ET AL. 59 Different vehicles could have different transmission ranges; The transmissions ranges of each vehicle could change while traveling. As a consequence of these characteristics, it might happen that vehicles experience asymmetric communica- tions: a given vehicle could receive messages from an- other vehicle but not vice versa. To face suchproblem, a new class of V2V algorithms to spread alert messages is emerging, aimed at optimally transmitting alert messages, while taking into account the above-mentioned realistic conditions. The purpose of this paper is the comparison of two among the most effective V2V algorithms that work un- der realistic assumptions [2,8].The first one adopts the strategy of propagating alert messages through the far- thest relay, while the second chooses the farthest span- ning relay. To clearly understand the performance differ- ences, in terms of propagation delay, that these two choices entail, we compared both protocols under the same experimental conditions in wide set of simulations and different propagation scenarios. Anticipating here our results, using the farthest spanning relay algorithm it is possible halve the time require to disseminate alert messages, compared to using the farthest relay. It goes without saying that our comparison could in- clude any new proposals, as these will meet the same aims. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The next Section outlines the motivations of our work. Section 3 describes which are the main challenges in VANET highway scenarios, while Section 4 provides a short description of the main ideas behind the two algo- rithms that we compare. Section 5 describes the main experimental results that we acquired by means of our extensive simulation analysis. To end, Section VI con- tains some concluding remarks. 2. Motivation We discuss in the following example the positive effect that VANET-based technologies may have in ensuring vehicular safety. The adoption of VANET-based acci- dent warning system reduces the number of vehicles that could potentially be involved in an accident. Specifically, we simulated a vehicle crash on a three- lane highway and estimated how many vehicles could, on average, be involved in it. In the simulation, we ac- counted for both realistic driver response times, and ve- hicles lengths. According to the measurements reported in [9] and [10], drivers' response times were randomly drawn from the (0.75, 1.4) s range, while vehicle lengths from the (3.5, 5) m interval. Hence, in our simulation model, just as it happens in reality, a driver waits before braking, for a time equal to his/her response time, after realizing that the vehicle that immediately precedes him/her is braking. We compared the amount vehicles involved in two scenarios: with and without an accident warning system in place. Both scenarios were simulated in the cases of congested and not-congested traffic flows. Additionally, we also considered wet and dry pavement conditio ns (i.e., different friction constants). Finally, to be as realistic as possible, vehicle speeds and related time-headway distributions were drawn from real measurements [11]. Specifically, in the uncongested scenario, vehicles moved at 110 km/h and their time- headway distribution caused a linear density of 20 vehi- cles per km, on a per lane basis. In the congested sce- nario, speed was on average equal to 40 km/h and the linear density of vehicles was of 40 per kilometer. The kinetic friction constant between the tires and the asphalt was equal to 0.2 when wet, and to 0.8 when dry, accord- ing to [12]. We ran 100 simulations for each one of the 8 different scenarios described above. The average numbers of crashed vehicles involved in an accident are shown in Figure 1, with their related 95% confidence intervals. The darkest bars represent the average number of vehi- cles involved in an accident in case only the traditional warning system was used (i.e. drivers alerted by the pre- ceding vehicles brake lights), while the light gray bars represent the cases where a VANET-based accident warning system was running. Firstly, let us focus on the contexts when the p avement is dry, thus when braking is more effective (first and third pair of bars in Figure 1). When the pavement is dry, the deployment of VANET-based accident warning sys- tems reduces the average number of crashed vehicles by nearly the 40%. In the worst case, instead, which occurs when the pavement is wet, the average benefit deriving Figure 1. Average number of vehicles involved in an acci- dent. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JTTS
 60 A. AMOROSO ET AL. from the adoption of a VANET-based accident warning system amounts to about 25%; this still represents a sig- nificant result. From the above simulation results, it should be clear that VANET-based alert systems could provide valid solutions to accident warning challenges. The adoption of such solutions could soon become a reality as it is reasonable to assume that in the next few years a large number of vehicles will be equipped with both GPS- based navigation systems and 802.11 p networking capa- bilities. In [13] the author reports the most prominent ongoing projects in th is field carried by major car manu- facturers. 3. Challenges in High way Scenario s As widely discussed in literature, there are several dif- ferences between VANETs and traditional ad hoc net- works [3,14,15]; the main differences could be summa- rized as follows: Higher speeds in vehicular environments than in traditional ad hoc networks; Vehicles typically move along one-dimensional to- pologies in highway scenarios, whereas nodes usually- move along bi-dimensional trajectories in typical ad hoc network scenarios (e.g., military). Moreover, due to their high speeds, vehicles are sub- jected to highly varying surroundings that affect their transmission ranges. As an example, consider a vehicle following a long truck; in such case the forward trans- mission range of this vehicle is severely reduced while remaining behind the truck. When the same vehicle over- takes the truck, its forward transmission range abruptly increases, while its backward transmission range could instead experience the inverse phenomenon. In a similar manner, several events can affect the transmission ranges of vehicles while driving along a highway. As examples consider: tunnels, road dips and hills, surrounding build- ings and trees, weather conditions, and so on. For these reason, in this work we compare two acci- dent warning system proposals th at take into account the fact that the transmission ranges of vehicles can radically change in time at a fast pace, while travelling in a high- way scenario. In fact, under the realistic assumptions of different and varying transmission ranges, many accident warning system proposals might not exhibit satisfactory per- formances, or even not work at all [4,16]. The rationale for the poor performances of many proposals depends on many different factors: Transmission ranges are not constant in time; Communications can be asymmetric; Global network topo logy knowledge is often unfea- sible to obtain. Recently, new approaches emerged to rapidly broad- cast alert messages; these new methods account for the realistic assumption that transmission ranges may be anything, but equa l and constant in time. Among these methods, we have considered as prom- ising the one presented in [2]. This proposal attains very fast broadcast of alert messages by minimizing the num- ber of hops, i.e. minimizing the number of vehicles that relay the alert message. Its intuition is that the farthest vehicle that receives an alert message should relay it; a lightweight mechanism selects the farthest receiver of each message. To do so, this approach estimates the ac- tual transmission range of each vehi c le . Under the same realistic assumptions, an additional method that effectively minimizes the number of hops has been proposed in [8]. To achieve such result, the latter scheme chooses as a relay, among all the vehicles that receive an alert message, the vehicle whose re-transmission will span farthest away in space (i.e., the farthest spanning relay). 4. Choosing the Best Relay in Realistic Scenarios In this Section we briefly outline the main ideas behind the two chosen protocols, namely [2] and [8]. It is worth noticing that we are not interested in providing in this paper an exhaustive discussion of all the technical details underlying these protocols, as these can be found in the referenced papers. Rather, we want to succinctly discuss their most prominent characteristics. Before proceeding, we anticipate here that both pro- tocols assume that GPS and navigation data are locally available on each vehicle. Moreover, to build the local knowledge they utilize, both protocols share the same technique of exchang ing utility messages between neighbor- ing vehicles within a given platoon. Finally, accident- warning messages are in general asynchronous with re- spect to utility messages and both of the chosen protocols append some data to the these messages in order to choose the best relay. 4.1. Farthest Relay Let us start with [2] that selects as its best relay, at each step, the farthest receiver of a message. This method re- lies on two relevant features: the assessment of the transmission ranges, and the probabilistic mechanism of the re-transmission procedure. Each utility message sent by a vehicle contains itsup- dated position and the IDs of the set of all vehicles Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JTTS
 A. AMOROSO ET AL. 61 whose transmissions have been recently received by that given vehicle. Upon receiving a utility message a vehicle can estimate its transmission range computing its dis- tance from the sender of that utility message. Assuming that utility messages are frequent enough, each vehicle can be aware of all the vehicles that have received its recent transmissions. Obviously, this mechanism as- sumes that communications are symmetric. When the accident-warning software running on a ve- hicle generates an alert message, it also appends to that alert message the estimated transmission ranges of the vehicle. This info rmation, in turn, is used by all the v ehi- cles that receive that message to determine if they are near to (or far from) the boundaries of the transmission range of the vehicle that generated that alert. Utilizing such information, each vehicle computes a contention window for the re-transmission of the alert message, that is inversely proportional to its distance from the sender of that alert. The closer a vehicle is to the boundary of the transmission range, the shorter its contention window and the higher the probability th at it will act as the relay. This mechanism has also the advantage of reducing the possibility of collision between relays. In fact, each ve- hicle waits a random time inside its contention window before re-transmitting the message, and the re-transmis- sion of a message takes place solely if none of the other vehicles did it before. Unfortunately, if transmission ranges are different on a per vehicle basis, choosing as a relay the farthest vehicle among all that receive a given message is not the best strategy to minimize the number of hops. It could happen, in fact, that the relay has a shorter transmission range in comparison to that of another vehicle, traveling in be- tween the sender and the relay. Hence this second vehi- cle could span the alert farther than the relay that the discussed method has chosen. In such case, the proposed algorithm would select a sub-optimal relay. 4.2. Farthest Spanning Relay To optimize the number of hops, the method proposed in [8] selects as the best relay of an alert message that vehi- cle, among all the receivers, whose re-transmission will span farthest. This approach really achieves the resu lts of minimizing the number of involved hops. This result is achiev ed through different modifications to the scheme of the previous algorithm, the first of which is the idea of better exploiting the information on transmission ranges, which is now inserted in the utility messages. Hence, each vehicle of a platoon sends utility messages to inform its peers of: its position, its transmis- sion range, and the IDs of the set of vehicle from which it has recently heard communication messages. Upon receiving these utility messages, each vehicle can com- pute an updated estimation of its own transmission range and also obtain the ID of the set of receivers of its mes- sages plus an estimation of their correspondent transmis- sion ranges. All this can be used to overcome the prob- lem of asymmetric communications. Suppose, in fact, that vehicle r hears vehicle s, but not vice versa. As all vehicles now receive utility messages containing the set of information mentioned above, a given vehicle i could exist, between r and s, that is able to detect this anomaly in the communication between the two peers, as it hears the utility messages from both r and s. At this point the problem is sorted out as vehicle ican add information about r in its utility messages so that when s receives them it candiscover that its mes- sages span till r. By virtue of the mechanism mentioned before, the ac- tivity of broadcasting accident alert messages works as follows. Any vehicle in the situation of generating an alert message appends to it a list of possible relays, or- dered based on the length of their re-transmission span. This is possible only because utility messages transport information concerning the transmission ranges of the vehicle that have emitted those utility messages. As soon as a certain vehicle receives an alert message, it waits a time proportional to its position in the list of relays be- fore re-transmitting the message. If none did it before, the vehicle retransmits the alert message. Note that the horizon of knowledge of each vehicle contains solely its neighbors. Clearly, the advantages that this scheme provides come at an increased overhead cost, compared to its competitor. In particular, authors of [2] show that their scheme can operate with less than 1 kb/s of utility mes- sages within a transmission area, opposed to 75 kb/s re- quired by [8] in normal situations. 5. Simulation Assessment For the sake of conciseness, we will refer to the afore- mentioned algorith ms by using th e origin al names, which were given by their designers. Hence, we denote with PIVCA the algorithm that selects the farthest relay [2], while we denote with FROV the one that exploits the farthest spanning relay [8].We evaluated the performance of PIVCA and FROV against three different parameters: 1) end-to-end delay, 2) number of hops, and 3) number of lost messages. Propagation times and the number of involved hops, in particular, represent the most important figures of merit as to the efficacy of the examined app roaches. The num- ber of lost messages accounts instead for the reliab ility of the methods, since none of them exploits ACK based Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JTTS
 62 A. AMOROSO ET AL. mechanism to guarantee that all the cars in a platoon have received the warning of an accident. We used Ns2 [17] to run our simulations, considering alert messages of 1Kbyte sent within two different sce- narios: Transmission ranges of vehicles remain constant during the simulation; Transmission ranges of the vehicles change during the simulation, as it happens in realistic situation s. 5.1. Constant Transmission Ranges The simulation considered a platoon of 400 vehicles on an 8 km long portion of a single lane road. At the begin- ning of the simulation, we considered the road as divided in slots, each of 20 m in length. We randomly placed one vehicle in each slot. Each of the 400 vehicles moved at a constant, but dif- ferent speed. In literature, it is shown th at the distribution of the speeds of vehicles on a freeway is a bell shaped around a median value [18]. Therefore, we randomly set the constant speeds of the 400 vehicles of our experi- ments as shown in Figure 2. Each vehicle had a forward (and a backward) trans- mission range randomly chosen in the (100, 600) m in- terval. To measure propagation times, we considered two probe vehicles: the first vehicle was at the beginning of the platoon while the second vehicle was at the end of the platoon. These specific vehicles constantly remained at a distance of 8 km one from other, for the entire simulation period. All measurements were taken with respect to these two vehicles. To put our system under severe stress, we supposed that more than one vehicle could send an alert message. We tested the cases of 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 different senders, respectively, randomly chosen within the pla- toon. Obviously, any vehicle could send an alert message Figure 2. Speed distribution. We tested the cases of 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 different senders, respectively, randomly chosen within the pla- toon. Obviously, any vehicle could send an alert message, independently of other vehicles. Moreover, the sending vehicles repeatedly sent alert messages on a periodical basis, i.e. they sent alert messages randomly within a period of (1, 1. 5) s. 5.1.1. Propagation Time We repeated each simulation ten times, varying the ran- dom seed at every new run. Figure 3 shows the average propagation times, in milliseconds, for each different case. From a first inspection of that figure, it clearly emerges that FROV is at least twice as faster than PIVCA. We consider that each broadcast terminates when the alert message reaches all the vehicle of the platoon, i.e. when both of the benchmark vehicles received the alert message. In particular, the leftmost pair of points in Figure 3 shows the case of a single vehicle that sends alert mes- sages. In this case, a FROV message took an average of about 120 ms to reach all the vehicles of the platoon, while a PIVCA message took more than twice that time (295 ms).The remaining points show the average times taken alert messages when several vehicles act as sources. It is interesting to note that in the cases of multiple senders both PIVCA and FROV almost do not undergo any performance degradation with respect to the case of a single sender. FROV assesses quite precisely the transmission ranges of all the vehicles, thus resulting in a higher speed in Figure 3. Propagation times. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JTTS
 A. AMOROSO ET AL. 63 reaching all the vehicles in the platoon (by a factor of two at least). This also depends on the optimality of the relay policy that FROV implements. 5.1.2. Number of Hops Figure 4 shows the number of hops required by the broadcasts discussed in the previous section. These re- sults confirm what already observed with propagation times. Note that, on average FROV takes about 30% less hops with respect to PIVCA. The number of hops taken by each broadcast in FROV is almost independent of the number of senders. While the alert messages are independent of each other, their broadcasts take the same number of hops. 5.1.3. Percentage of Lost Messages As already mentioned, neither PIVCA nor FROV guar- antee the delivery of each alert message to each vehicle of the platoon, as they do not exploit ACKs. In practice, it might happen that some alert messages get lost, with the possibility that some of the vehicles in the platoon are not informed about an accident. To measure this, Figure 5 reports the average number of lost messages (with their 95% intervals of confidence) experienced by PIVCA and FROV in the above-described scenarios. Interestingly, even in the most stressful cases, the number of lost messages was very low. This confirmsit that is not necessary to implement an ACK mechanism to effectively broadcast accident-warning messages. The simulation shows that the number of lost mes- sages with FROV is directly proportional to the number of sender s, and therefo re to the number of alert messages to broadcast. The number of messages lost by PIVCA, Figure 4. Number of hops. Figure 5. Percentage of lost messages. instead, seems to be quite independent on the number of broadcasts. 5.2. Variable Transmission Ranges We finally tested the capability of both PIVCA and FROV to adapt to the realistic variations of vehicles’ transmission ranges. To do this, we considered a platoon of vehicles traversing a tunnel, factor that may signifi- cantly and suddenly reduce the transmission ranges of all the involved vehicles. Hence, to stress this point, we set that as vehicles entered the tunnel, their transmission ranges abruptly halved . In particular, flowing through the tunnel had the fol- lowing effects on the transmission ranges of vehicles, depending on their p osi t i on: Entering the tunnel: the portion of the forward transmission range that falls inside the tunnel gets halved. The same event occurs to the backward range,as the ve- hicle passes the entrance of the tunnel; Inside the tunnel: both forward and backward ranges are halved with respect to their initial values; Exiting the tunnel: when the vehicle exits the tunnel its forward range suddenly doubles, restoring its initial value. The portion of backward range that still falls in- side the tunnel remains halved with respect to its initial value. We simulated a platoon of 100 vehicles. At the begin- ning of the experiments, we distributed the vehicles of the platoon on a portion of road that was 2 km long, fol- lowing the same scheme discussed in Section V.A. The speeds of the vehicles were chosen based on the same distribution mentioned above. In this set of experiments, the benchmark vehicles were initially at the two ends of Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JTTS
 64 A. AMOROSO ET AL. the platoon, i.e. they remained about 2 km apart during the experiment. The tunnel was 1 km long and at the beginning of the experiments it was ahead of the first benchmar k veh icle. We limited to 10 the number of vehicles that sent alert messages; each one of these vehicles implemented the sending scheme discussed above. 5.2.1. Propagation Time We repeated a set of 10 experiments for each case, vary- ing the random seed each time. Figure 6 shows the av- erage propagation times for both PIVCA and FROV. We reported the usual 95% intervals of confidence atop of each bar. The Figure shows two different cases: when the platoon traverses a clean portion of road, i.e. without the tunnel, and when the platoon traverses the tunnel. In the latter case, the experiment was long enough to allow both the benchmark vehicles to traverse the tunnel. Measurements were taken since the moment when the first benchmark vehicle entered the tunnel, till the mo- ment when the second benchmark vehicle left the tunnel. We computed the average time taken by alert messages to reach both the benchmark vehicles. Figure 6 shows two important results: 1) FROV is remarkably faster than PIVCA in any circumstance, but 2) it suffers the tunnel much more than PIVCA. In other words, FROV experi- ences a loss of performance close to 30%, when the pla- toon passes through the tunnel. Our insight here is that the relative loss of performance of FROV is mainly caused by the mechanism of assessment that takes some time to detect the reduction of the transmission ranges. In fact, a vehicle would probably insert in the list of possi- ble relays several other vehicles that, instead, are no longer reachable. This leads some vehicles to errone- ously consider their transmission ranges longer than in reality. Thus, as soon as the mechanism of transmission Figure 6. Propagation times with and wi thout the tunne l. range assessment updates its values, FROV returns to operate as usual. PIVCA, instead, suffers less the pertur- bations of trans- mission ranges brought by the tunnel. This effect depends on the intrinsic nature of PIVCA, which ignores asymmetric communications, thustheir disruption of them does not cause any interference. 5.2.2. Number of Hops In contrast with the measurements taken for propagation times, the average number of hops appears to remain quite stable even in the presence of the tunnel for both PIVCA and FROV. Figure 7 shows the average number of hops we measured in all the examined cases. 5.2.3. Percentage of Lost Messages Figure 8 shows the percentage of messages lost with PIVCA and with FROV, respectively, in the presence of the tunnel. While with a clean road the performance of FROV are one order of magnitude better than PIVCA, the presence of the tunnel causes FROV to lose about ten times more messages. This causes the fact that, when the platoon traverses the tunnel, the average number of lost messages by PIVCA and by FROV is basically the same. In any case, the percentage of lost messages is still very low, thus confirming the fact that these methods are re- liable enough even without exploiting ACK-based me- chanisms. Again the sharp increase of lost messages ex- perienced by FROV depends on the temporary flawed gauges of the assessment mechanism, which suffers when vehicles enter and exit the tunnel. 6. Conclusions 6.1.1. Percentage of Lost Messages Figure 8 shows the percentage of messages lost with PIVCA and with FROV, respectively, in the presence of Figure 7. Number of hops wi th and without the tunnel. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JTTS
 A. AMOROSO ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JTTS 65 the tunnel. While with a clean road the performance of FROV are one order of magnitude better than PIVCA, the presence of the tunnel causes FROV to lose about ten times more messages. This causes the fact that, when the platoon traverses the tunnel, the average number of lost messages by PIVCA and by FROV is basically the same. In any case, the percentage of lost messages is still very low, thus confirming the fact that these methods are re- liable enough even without exploiting ACK-based me- chanisms. Again the sharp increase of lost messages ex- perienced by FROV depends on the temporary flawed gauges of the assessment mechanism, which suffers whenvehicles enter and exit the tunnel. 7. Conclusions We here described the results of an extensive experi- mental comparison between two approaches that cope with realistic V2V scenarios. Both of these approaches aim at delivering fast broadcast of alert messages by minimizing the number of retransmission. However, the simulation results have shown that FROV achieves the best performances in terms of dissemination delay, at a cost of a higher, but feasible, amount of protocol over- head. 8. Acknowledgements The Italian FIRB DAMASCO funded this work. 9. References [1] G. Korkmaz, E. Ekici, F. Ozguner and U. Ozguner, “Ur- ban Multi-Hop Broadcast Protocol for Inter-Vehicle Communication Systems,” Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, ACM, New York, October 2004, pp. 76-85. [2] C. E. Palazzi, M. Roccetti and S. Ferretti, “An Interve- hicular Communication Architecture for Safety and En- tertainment,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transpor- tation Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2010, pp. 90-99. doi:10.1109/TITS.2009.2029078 [3] N. Wisitpongphan, O. K. Tonguz, J. S. Parikh, P. Muda- lige, F. Bai and V. Sadekar, “Broadcast Storm Mitigation Techniques in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Wire- less Communications, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2007, pp. 84-94. doi:10.1109/MWC.2007.4407231 [4] A. Zanella, G. Pierobon and S. Merlin, “On the Limiting Performance of Broadcast Algorithms over Unidimen- sional Ad-Hoc Radio Networks,” Proceedings of WMPC 04, September 2004. [5] 802.11 WG, IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Ed, Part II: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Layer Specs, IEEE. [6] M. Elbes, A. Al-Fuqaha and M. Guizani, “A New Hier- archical and Adaptive Protocol for Minimum-Delay V2V Communication,” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, November 2009, pp. 1-6. doi:10.1109/GLOCOM.2009.5426112 [7] C. Wewetzer, M. Caliskan, K. Meier and A. Luebke, “Experimental Evaluation of Umts and Wireless lan for Inter-Vehicle Communication Telecommunications,” Pro- ceedings of the 7th International Conference on ITS, August 2007, pp. 1-6. [8] M. Roccetti, G. Marfia and A. Amoroso, “An Optimal 1d Vehicular Accident Warning Algorithm for Realistic Scenarios,” Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Compu- ters and Communications, June 2010. [9] R. Akcelik, “On the Validity of Some Traffic Engin- eering Folklore,” In Proceedings of 22nd Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research, December 2000. [10] M. Bilban, A. Vojvoda and J. Jerman, “Age Affects Driv- ers’ Response Times,” Journal Collegium Antropologi- cum, Vol. 33, No. 2, June 2009, pp. 467-471. [11] L. Neubert, L. Santen, A. Schadschneider and M. Schrec- kenberg, “Single-Vehicle Data of Highway Traffic: A Statistical Analysis,” Physical Review E, Vol. 60, No. 6, December 1999, pp. 6480-6490. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.60.6480 [12] C.-G. Wallman and H. Astrom, “Friction Measurement methods and the Correlation between Road Friction and Traffic Safety,” Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, Technical Representative, 2001. [13] C. Squatriglia, “Talking Cars Are Coming Soon to Keep Us Safe,” Wired-Autopia, January 2011. http://http://www.wired.com/autopia/2011/01/talking-cars -are-coming-soon-to-keep-us-safe [14] S. Biswas, R. Tatchikou and F. Dion, “Vehicle-to-Vehi- cle Wireless Communication Protocols for Enhancing Highway Traffic Safety,” IEEE Communication Maga- zine, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2006, pp. 74-82. [15] F. Ye, M. Adams and S. Roy, “V2v Wireless Communi- cation Protocol for Rear-End Collision Avoidance on Highways,” Proceedings of IEEE 2008 VehiMobi Work- shop, May 2008, pp. 375-379. [16] J. J. Blum and A. Eskandarian, “A Reliable Link-Layer Protocol for Robust and Scalable Intervehicle Commu- nications,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transporta- tion Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2007, pp. 4-13. doi:10.1109/TITS.2006.889441 [17] The Network Simulator-NS2. http:// www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/. [18] A. Benjamin, “Empirical Highway Speed Comparison between Germany and the USA,” Oregon State Univer- sity, 2006.