Journal of Information Security, 2011, 2, 122-130
doi:10.4236/jis.2011.23012 Published Online July 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Proactive Security Mechanism and
Design for Firewall
Saleem-Ullah Lar1,3, Xiaofeng Liao2, Aqeel ur Rehman1, Qinglu Ma1
1Department of Com p uter Sci e nce , Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
2Faculty of Computer S cience , Senior Member IEEE, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
3Departme nt of Comp uter Science and IT, T he Isl a mi a U niversi t y Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Received June 2, 2011; revised July 5, 2011; accepted July 15, 2011
In this paper we have present the architecture and module for internet firewall. The central component is
fuzzy controller while properties of packets are fuzzified as inputs. On the basis of proposed fuzzy security
algorithm, we have figured out security level of each packet and adjust according to packets dynamic states.
Internet firewall can respond to these dynamics and take respective actions accordingly. Therefore, proactive
firewall solves the conflict between speed and security by providing high performance and high security.
Simulation shows that if the response value is in between 0.7 and 1 it belongs to high security.
Keywords: Firewall Security, Security Evaluation, Network Security
1. Introduction
The expansion of the Internet and e-Commerce has made
organizations more vulnerable to electronic threats than
ever before. With the increasing quantity and sophistica-
tion of attacks on IT assets, companies have been suffer-
ing from breach of data, loss of customer confidence and
job productivity degrad ation, all of which even tu ally lead
to the loss of revenue. According to the 2004 CSI/FBI
Computer Crime and Security survey [1], organizations
that acknowledged financial loss due to the attacks (269
of them) reported $141 millio n lost, and this number has
only grown since. Moreover, as unskilled, unmanned
attacks such as worms and viruses multiply the probab il-
ity of attack approaches for every organization. The
question therefore shifts from whether an attack will oc-
cur, to when an attack will occur. Thus, a so und IT secu-
rity plan is more important than ever, and the protection
provided by current and emerging Intrusion Prevention
Systems (IPS) is becoming a critical component [2-5].
IPS utilizes IDS algorithms to monitor and drop or al-
low traffic based on expert analysis. These devices nor-
mally work at different areas in the network and proac-
tively monitor any suspicious activity that could other-
wise bypass the firewall. IPS “firewalls” can intelligently
prevent malicious traffic from entering/exiting the fire-
wall and then alert administrators in real time about any
suspicious activity that may be occu rring on the network
[6]. A complete network IPS solution also has the capa-
bility to enforce traditional static firewall rules and ad-
ministrator-defined whitelists and blacklists.
Though IPS devices are the most resource intensive, they
are still relatively high-performing due to the latest proces-
sors, software, and hardware advancements. IPS may be
distributed and hardware based [7-10]. Today two catego-
ries of IPS exist: Network-based Intrusion Prevention and
Host-based Intrusion Prevention. Network IPS monitors
from a network segment level, and can detect and prevent
both internal and external attacks. Network IPS devices
separate networks in much the same fashion as firewalls.
Host IPS software runs d irectly on workstation s and server s
detects and prevents threats aimed at the local host. In both
cases, attack recognition is usually accomplished via two
primary methods of IDS: known-attack detection, and ano-
malous beha vior det ecti on.
This paper focuses on fuzzy mechanism with the help of
Gaussian mechanism as a member function and center of
gravity procedure which is an implementation of a fuzzy in-
puts and outputs respectively in the model. The rest of the
paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the chal-
lenges faced by traditional security architectures. Section 3
describes proposed firewall architecture. Section 4 explains
about proposed pro active fuzzy security mechanism. Finally,
Section 5 presen ts simulati on results an d concludes t he paper.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
2. The Challenges for Traditional Security
In fact, it is still the Firewall that plays the key role in
traditional security architecture, since it controls most of
the incoming and outgoing traffic of an enterprise. Es-
sentially the firewall is almost a must-have in each en-
terprise. To review the challenges for the traditional ar-
chitecture, undoubtedly it is necessary to address on the
limitation of traditional firewalls. The inability of current
firewalls may include:
1) Limited ports & performance.
2) Complicated UI configuration and policy manage-
3) Scalability limitation to correspond to organization
4) Unreliable network secur ity, due to “Single Point of
5) Insufficient capability to effectively manage
emerging internet applications hidden in HTTP traffic.
6) Passive security mechanism to respond network
threats including network worms, Trojans and cyber-
Facing the emerging malicious codes, network worms
and hybrid attacks today, tradition al firewall is no longer
effectively to harden your enterprise network. Traditional
firewalls usually inspect the incoming traffic cautiously,
and it can base on the network policies to permit, deny or
drop the traffic depending on the traffic trusty or illegal.
But for the outgoing traffic, unfortunately the HTTP traf-
fic is always permitted in the enterprise network, and the
firewalls are lack of the management capability to in-
spect the evolving internet applications which now can
hide themselves in the HTTP traffic and sneak out. Thus,
the enterprises gate seems secure but in fact, the security
cracks have been created.
3. Proposed Firewall Architecture
A true firewall is the hardware and software that inter-
cepts the data between the Internet and your computer.
All data traffic must pass through it, and the firewall al-
lows only authorized data to pass into the corporate net-
work. Firewalls are typically implemented using one of
four primary architectures.
Packet Filters
Circuit-level Gateways
Application Proxies
Network Address Translation
3.1. Definition
Our definition covers the state of firewall technolog y as a
distributed security architecture placed on the data trans-
mission path between communication endpoints. Our
definition of firewall technology states that communica-
tion traffic needs to enter or leave a network security
domain to be of interest to firewall technology. Figure 1
illustrates the possible combinations for point-to-point
communication. For any traffic between sender ai and
receiver bi the definition includes traffic that traverses
the protected domain ({,}, 1)
Aii A
Dab Diand traffic
that traverses networks that are not part of DA with aiεDA
and bi DA (outbound traffic; i = 2), ai 2= DA and bi 2 DA
(inbound traffic i = 3), or both ai 2 DA and bi 2 DB (vir-
tual private networking between DA and DB; i = 4).
Communication traffic between ai and bi that neither
enters nor leaves a network policy domain is not subject
to firewall technology.
Sender {1,2,3,4}
{,}, 1
iAii A
aDabD i
Fuzzy agent is the basic element in this architecture
specific attack or a particular phase of an attack. It con-
sists of three components; fuzzy Context, exponential
moving average module and fuzzy inference engine
shown in Figure 2. Fuzzy context represents the problem
domain i.e. normal profile of network in reference to
particular intrusion. Ex ponential moving average module
adapts the fuzzy context according to current network
conditions and traffic patterns, while fuzzy inference
engine actually classifies an event using fuzzy know-
ledge base and real-time inputs. Fuzzy context is a key
component of the fuzzy agent, which consists of rules
and membership functions. Context generation and evo-
lution module constructs optimized rules and member-
ship functions for current network. Fuzzy rules can be
expressed in terms of simple if-then statements with
higher interpretability score. Let the fuzzy sets for fuzzy
input variables are low, medium and high. The member-
ship functions of each linguistic fuzzy set in terms of
boundary parameters are describe by Equations (1)-(2).
The boundary parameters are functions of evolved para-
meters as defined in Equation (5) and moving average
Figure 1. Communication traffic governed by firewall tech-
nology between senders and receivers.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 2. Architecture of a fuzzy typical approach.
modules output. Member-ship functions contract or ex-
pand linearly according to network history depending
upon exponential moving average modules output. This
helps in adjusting the attack threshold value at that par-
ticular interval while evolved parameters set the normal
and not-normal class boundaries.
Fuzzy inference engine that is third component of
fuzzy agent, classifies the real-time input as normal or
malicious using fuzzy knowledge base. It basically ac-
complishes three functions (fuzzification, fuzzy infe-
rence, defuzzification) based on Mumdani principle [11].
In fuzzification, a crisp input i.e. a record from feature
set is mapped to fuzzy sets to determine the membership
degree. The inference engine evaluates applicable rules
and their degree of matching to generate consequent
rules. The defuzzification function aggregates the con-
sequent rules and using centroid method, generates one
crisp output, which determines the class of input record
3.2. Controller
Proposed mechanism is employed in the controller which
is the core module this firewall. The controller has the
functionality to integrate with th e arrival packets (inputs)
applied rules, and fuzzy logic to measure the security
level of arriving packets. Using these values controller
has to do following main tasks to process the connections
1) Filtration
2) Dynamic Monitoring
3.3. Dynamic Packet Filtering
Dynamic packet filtering is a firewall and routing capa-
bility that provides network packet filtering based not
only on packet information in the current packet, but also
on previous packets that have been sent. For example
without dynamic packet filtering, a connection response
may be allowed to go from the internet to the secu re part
of the netwo rk. Dynamic packet filtering would con sider
whether a connection was started from inside the secure
part of the network and only allow a connection response
from the internet if the packet appeared to be a response
to the request.
Dynamic packet filtering filters packets based on:
1) Administrator defined rules governing allowed ports
and IP addresses at the network and transport layers of
the OSI network model.
2) Connection state which considers prior packets that
have gone through the firewall.
3) Packet contents including the application layer
Static packet filtering only filters packets based on
administrator defined rules governing allowed ports and
IP addresses at the network and transport layers of the
OSI network model as mentioned in item 1 above.
Therefore dynamic packet filtering also called state-full
inspection which provides additional capabilities includ-
ing inspection of packet contents up to the application
layer and consideration of the state of any connections.
Dynamic packet filtering provides a better level of se-
curity than static packet filtering since it takes a closer
look at the conten ts of the packet and also considers pre-
vious connection states.
3.4. Network Address Translation
NAT is a very important aspect of firewall security. It
conserves the number of public addresses used within an
organization, and it allows for stricter control of access
to resources on both sides of the firewall. Most modern
firewalls are state full—that is, they are able to set up the
connection between the internal workstation and the In-
ternet resource. They can keep track of the details of the
connection, like ports, packet order, and the IP addresses
involved. This is called keeping track of the state of the
connection. In this way, they are able to k eep track of the
session composed of communication between the
workstation and the firewall, and the firewall with the
Internet. When the session ends, the firewall discards all
of the information about the connection. It is suggested
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
to design network using RFC-1918 [12] that never ad-
vertised outside from the intranet. The mapping is dy-
namic so it is difficult to guess either two connections
with the same IP actually come from the same or differ-
ent hosts.
3.5. Security Rules and Policies
Allowing or denying services or connections between
networks defined by security policies and rules.
4. Proactive Fuzzy Security Mechanism
Saniee Abadeh [13] presents combined fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithm to evolve fuzzy rules, optimize mem-
bership functions to detect new anomalies. While our
proposed proactive firewall security mechanism which is
employed in the fuzzy controller is different and ex-
plained as follows.
4.1. Proactive Control
Since the state of packets in the networks is constantly
varying, its security level is also changeable. Previous
secure user may initiate malicious attack or disobey the
security rules. So the fields of “attack times” are used to
record the times of disobeying security rules. Accor-
dingly, the source or destination security values will be
adjusted to respond to its varying security state. When
the source and destination security vary from 1 to 0, the
overall security level of the connection smoothly vary
accordingly. Therefore, the output can reflect the chan-
ges of packets status. Different methods and security
policies are used for 1148 different kinds of connections
and policies of control over them are adjusted according
to their varying states. So, the firewall is fuzzily adap tive
and proactive.
4.2. Source Generation
Figure 3 describe Input generation based on source and
destination security values employed in fuzzy controller.
Range of input is [0, 1] and value is directly proportional
to security level. We have defined Gaussian member
function for the source security, which is represented as
,, e01
Ssc S
 (1)
, Sm
and h
denoted as Low, Medium, and High
security levels for the source member function respec-
tively depending on parameters
and c.
,, e01
 (2)
denoted as Low, Medium, and
High security levels for the destination member function
4.3. Applied Rules and Regulations
For our system we have defined the rules as shown in the
Figure 3, while fuzzy applied relations for the applied
rules are as follows.
Rule 1 IF source = low and destination = low
THEN security = low
Rule 2 IF source = low and destination = medium
THEN security = low
Rule n IF source = high or destination = high
THEN security = high
Mathematically we can define applied relations as,
For Rule 1: 1111
For Rule n:
So we can write that,
μμ μ
 (4)
We defined above rules just to cope up with the issue
of input space up to maximum possible effort. Since
process mostly requires non-fuzzy values, so defuzzifi-
cation process is necessary to implement this is described
in next section. For low priority based trusted packets
both application level and dynamic packet monitor are
used providing high security, while filtration takes place
for highly trusted packets. It is fuzzily adaptive and
proactive in a sense that its characteristics and packet
status are fuzzified and its output reflects the packet dy-
namic status (Figure 4).
4.4. Destination Generation
We have defined member function for destination output
which is obtained from Equation (5 ) as,
The above equation used is based on center of gravity
Figure 5 shows the characteristics and security level
designed for output generation based on the rules and
relations desc ribed earlier.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 3. Input members function ge ne r a tion.
Figure 4. Defining fuzzy rules.
5. Simulation and Analysis
This section describes the experimental results and per-
formance evaluation of the proposed system. The pro-
posed system is implemented in MATLAB (7.0.1).
Based on above defined procedure our simulation results
described in the following figures. Figure 6 descr ibes the
value generated by source and destination with its secu-
rity level based on the defined rules. We can see that
values on both sides are almost directly proportional
which reflects the level of the security
The fuzzy rules given to the fuzzy system is done
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 5. Members function for destination output security.
Figure 6. Visualization of Source and destination with security level (rule observer).
manually by analyzing intrusion behavior. Some time it
is very difficult to generate fuzzy rules manually due to
the fact that the input data is huge and also having more
attributes. But, a few of researches are available in the
literature for automatically identifying of fuzzy rules in
recent times. Motivated by this fact, we make use of
mining methods to identify a better set of rules.
Table 1 and Figure 7 shows the clear view about the
security level for each connection.
Various control method used to monitor and control the
connection according to its security level. Therefore
firewall is proactive, intelligent and remains secure and
provide high perf ormance.
A smoothly varying surface can provide the value of
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
overall security level for each connection. It has been
observe deeply through ramp function that input and
output security varies from 0 to 1 and the overall security
level also varies smoothly, and we can get the status of
the packets from the output generation. The ramp func-
tion is an elementary unary real function, easily comput-
able as the mean of its independent variable and its ab-
solute value and it is derived by the look of the graph.
From Figures 8 and 9 we can see that as source gen-
erated value increases or decreases it has clear effect on
the security level and a particular action will be taken
place based on the results.
6. Conclusions
In this work, fuzzy based system was designed to eva-
luate the threat level of identified threats, because it is
impossible to provide assurance for the system and jus-
tify security measures incorporated unless the system is
analyzed during the designing state of computer based
systems. With this system designed, risk analysis has
been made easier to perform.
Figure 7. Surface level view (final result).
Figure 8. Rule and surface viewer (high security).
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Figure 9. Rule and surface viewer (low security).
Table 1. Security level for each connection.
Output Value -μ(z) Security Level Action Taken for
>0 and <0.2 Insecure Denied
>0.2 and <0.4 Low Security Dynamic Monitoring and
>0.4 and <0.7 Medium Security Dynamic Monitoring and
>0.7 and <1 High Security Only Filter
Overall security level and methods to control packets
and connections can be adjusted as per network dynamic
status. It resolves the issues between security and speed
providing high security and high performance. It is fuz-
zily adaptive and intelligent and has flexibility with a
high degree of perfo rmance.
7. Future Work
For further research, this system designed can be rede-
signed using object orientated programming language
and other models like DREAD and SWOT model can be
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