J. K. Meher et al. / American Journal of Molecular Biology 1 (2011) 79-86 85
of DNA sequence. Hence the exon locations need to be
mapped due to reduction of size of the string.
The proposed indicator sequence consisting of alpha
propensity, dipole moment and EIIP of amino acids are
used for numerical representation and produce sharp
peaks at exon locations as well as suppresses the false
exons. False exons are the peaks observed in intron loca-
tions which do not take part in protein coding. Thus the
proposed method is more sensitive to detect true exons
which take part in protein coding. Again the execution of
reduced sequence due to representation of codons i.e.,
amino acid sequence reduces the computation time to
one-third as compared to the execution of whole se-
quence of original DNA sequence. Thus the proposed
method in not only fast but also efficient.
The new proposed predictor for protein coding regions
based on the amino acid indicator sequence has good
efficacy. The efficacy of the proposed predictor was
evaluated by means of accuracy measures such as exonic
peaks, discriminating factor, sensitivity, specificity, ap-
proximate correlation, wrong rate and miss rate which
shows better performance in coding regions detection
when compared to the existing methods. The execution
of reduced sequence due to representation of codons i.e.,
amino acid sequence reduces the computation time to
one-third as compared to the execution of whole se-
quence of original DNA sequence. Again the filtering
technique with amino acid indicator sequence enables to
detect smaller exon regions by showing high peak and
minimizes the power in introns giving more suppression
to the intron regions. Thus the proposed method is not
only fast but also more sensitive.
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