International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2011, 2, 332-338
doi:10.4236/ijcm.2011.23058 Published Online July 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCM
The Pharmacologic Intensification of the Water
Dissociation Process, or Human Photosynthesis,
and Its Effect over the Recovery Mechanisms in
Tissues Affected by Bloodshed of Diverse Etiology
Arturo Solís Herrera, María del Carmen Arias Esparza, J. Jesús Alvarado Esquivel, Graciela Landín
Miranda, Ruth Isabel Solís Arias, Paola Eugenia Solís Arias, Martha Patricia Solís Arias
Human Photosynthesis Study Center, Centro Aguascalientes, México.
Received February 22nd, 2011; revised March 19th, 2011; accepted April 28th, 2011.
The photoreceptor layer of the human retina has several characteristics that are unique. Their energy requirements are
the highest in the organism; in proportion, rods and cones require 10-fold the energy consumed by the cerebral cortex,
6-fold more than the cardiac muscle, and 3-fold more than the renal cortex. Astonishingly, the photoreceptor layer has
no blood vessels at all. So, where is the energy to this tissue coming from? In this article well describe the hith erto un-
known explanation.
Keywords: Melanin, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Water, Energy, Human Ph ot osynthesis
1. Background
This paper aims to provide answers to the question:
where does the energy for the human retina come fro m?
The transduction of light by the retina uses huge
amounts of energy. Current existing theories about en-
ergy require that Proteins, Lipids, and Carbohydrates
must be absorbed, in principle, from ingested meals, and
then they need to be transformed, in first instance, into
Glucose, and then into ATP; thereafter, ATP itself seems
to be the universal support for ATP energy cycles, not
only in retinal cells, but in every Biological System,
Known and Unknown. A very important differentiation
to this respect is that one thing is the building blocks like
amino acids, lipids and carbohydrates that our body ab-
sorbs from meals and thereafter uses them to form our
biomass that comprises skin, nails, bones, muscle, arter-
ies, veins, blood, etc., and another very different is the
energy itself. In accordance with Dave Watson’s defini-
tion, “Energy: its something that makes things hap-
pens,” in other words: Energy is defined as the ability to
do work or cause change. Moreover, the anatomy and
physiology of the pho toreceptor layer is a good example
that these functions are clearly separated.
In regards to the actu al theories about the main source
of energy for the human body coming from glucose,
where as this compound must be transformed trough
several steps into diverse compounds, since Eukaryotes
do not possess functional plastids and are therefore het-
erotrophic: they satisfy their ATP needs through the
oxidative breakdown of reduced organic compounds.
Glycolysis (the Embden-Meyerhof pathway) is the
backbone of eukaryotic energy metabolism: one mol
glucose is oxidized to pyruvate with the help of NAD+
with a net yield of 2 mol ATP. In mitochondriate eu-
karyotes, pyruvate is usually further oxidized in the mi-
tochondria through the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
(PDH), the Krebs cycle and O2 respiration, to yield CO2
and water under the production of an additional 34 - 36
mol ATP per mol glucose [1] until finally we have ATP
[2]. Until this point glucose is considered as source of
biomass and energy at the same time.
We know of only four basic methods to produce ATP:
in the cytoplasm by photosynthesis, in chloroplasts, in
bacterial cell walls, and inside the mitochondria. How-
ever, if mitochondria are the powerhouse of eukaryotic
cells, which are the energy, so urce of the mitochondria it?
Acco rding to the concept of irreducib le comple xity, any -
The Pharmacologic Intensification of the Water Dissociation Process, or Human Photosynthesis, and Its Effect over 333
the Recovery Mechanisms in Tissues Affected by Bloodshed of Diverse Etiology
thing less than an entire ATP molecule will not fun ction.
The process by which ATP releases energy is poorly
understood, and all living things need a constant flow of
energy into and through their systems. The number of
molecules of ATP synthesized by the cell, arising from
glucose, it’s not enough to cover the energetic require-
ments of the cell, given that every biochemical reaction
that occurs normally in our body has energy as first re-
quirement. Since decades ago, ATP researchers have
been explaining the contradiction between energy re-
quirements and energy availability through mechanisms
such as ATP amplification; although nobody can explain
it or even show it. However, the acceptations of theories
like this one keep on.
However, ATP metabolic pathways continue to be in
doubt. In the light of a strict chemical point of view,
ATP can’t fill the usual energetic and biomass require-
ments at the same time. On other hand, our finding of
the extraordinary capacity of melanin to absorb a great
part, or maybe the full electromagnetic spectrum, and
the fact that with that energy melanin then splits or dis-
sociates the water molecule, fills the gap: Energy,
therefore, comes from water, and biomass comes from
glucose. This astonishing explanation is congruous and
coherent with the chemical and physical laws. For ex-
ample: many of the chemical reactions that transfer en-
ergy in living thin gs involve the transfer of electrons, as
it happens in photosynthesis. Even more, these reactions
occur most easily in the polar environment of a water
Therefore the discrepancies in this process in regards
to the anatomy of the human eye are also well ex-
plained: The photoreceptor layer uses 10-fold the energy
requirements of the cerebral cortex, 6 times those of the
cardiac muscle and 3 times more than the kidney cortex
[3], and these are amazing facts because it’s a layer of
tissue where no blood vessel at all normally exists (see
Figure 1) [4], so energy for the photoreceptors come
from where?
The transport of the building blocks, or carbon chains
of different lengths and orientation combined in differ-
ent proportions with nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen
that our body takes from meals by means of absorption
through the gastrointestinal tract and then distributes to
every cell in our organism, might take place through
blood vessels and intracellular traffic itself, but the out-
put and flow of energy must be constant as the energy
that melanosomes release symmetrically in every direc-
In order for the ATP theory to work, the photorecep-
tor layer should have enough of a vascular network to
allow an adequate supply of substances to be transporte
Figure 1. Human Retina, stained with H & E; at right, the
photoreceptor layer. (Solís-Herrera; 2005).
by the blood flow with the main aim to obtain energy.
Without blood vessels a source of energy by this way is
not possible. Congruously there are no blood vessels at
all in the photoreceptor layer. Then the energy for the
photoreceptors can’t come from the blood or glucose.
However, if we take into account the capacity of mela-
nin to catch the photonic energy and transform it into
chemical energy by mean of water dissociation, then
there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Recall that the
normal environment of any eukaryotic cell is 70% to 90%
water and the photoreceptor cell it’s not an exception.
2. The Explanation
After twelve years of studies we found a hitherto un-
known explanation: There is a photo-system in human
tissue, composed by Light/Melanin/Water, in the order
of abundance in Nature.
And the main function of our photo-system could be
represented by the next biochemical equation:
2H O2HO2
We have named this reaction “Human Photosynthe-
sis.” Here is a brief explanation: Melanin has the amaz-
ing capacity to harvest the photonic energy of the light,
visible and invisible, and then uses the energy absorbed
to dissociate, split, or break the water molecule into Hy-
drogen and Oxygen diatomic or molecular. Of the two,
the one with the most value is the Hydrogen, because is
the energy carrier by excellence in the Universe, and our
body is not an exception; on the other hand, Oxygen is
toxic at any con cen tr a tion.
The difference with chlorophyll is of paramount im-
portan ce:
2H O2HO2
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The Pharmacologic Intensification of the Water Dissociation Process, or Human Photosynthesis, and Its Effect over
334 the Recovery Mechanisms in Tissues Affected by Bloodshed of Diverse Etiology
In plants, the water dissociation occurs only in one
direction, it’s not reversible. However, in humans, the
reaction will happen in both directions that mean that
our photo-system could dissociate the water and then
reunite it again; in other words, the Hydrogen and Oxy-
gen could be reform into a water molecule again. The
direction of the reaction depends on the reactants con-
centration, temperature, pressure, amount of light and
other known and unknown variables.
The Human Photo-system might work night and day
because melanin absorbs the full electromagnetic spec-
trum. Plants photo-s ystem just works during the d ay due
to the fact that they absorb only at 400 and 700 nano-
Our body begins to lose its water dissociation capabil-
ity at 26 years of age, and from then on approximately
10% more each decade, and after the fifties it goes into
free fall. However, the process is also sensitive to the
cold, as it is in vegetables too, to iron supplements, al-
cohol, anti-depressants, agents used in anesthesia, pesti-
cides, fertilizers, high fructose syrup, contaminated wa-
ter, many man-made chemical compounds, to name a
few factors.
Our research has shown that water dissociation was
probably the very first reaction in the origin of life [5];
therefore any other biochemical process present in our
body was originated or created thereafter. Therefore
many diseases might respond in some degree to the
pharmacologic enhancement of human photosynthesis.
In the next part of this article we will show examples
of how the enhancement of human photosynthesis in-
creases very significantly the capacity of recovery in
some patients with hemorrhage in different parts of the
body. By enhancing the water dissociation capability of
the body, and therefore increasing the release of energy,
we allow the affected tissue to drive away very ade-
quately the deleterious effects of the bloodshed.
3. Clinic Cases
3.1. Case 1
Male patient, 20 years old, healthy, that had suffered a
blunt contusion in the left eye 10 days prior, with imme-
diate vision loss and hard pain; during the first ten days,
the patient was treated with steroids, and maximal ther-
apy to lower the intraocular pressure; with no apparent
success, and while evaluating the surgical option, the
patient came to our office, and we offered him treatment
to enhance the human photosynthesis; the patient and his
family accepted. Treatment was initiated at once at a
dosage of three drops sublingually each hour. The thera-
peutic result was amazing (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Notice that the bloodshed fills the anterior cham-
ber, in spite of 10 days of maximal therapy, the bottom
photography shows the recovery after 5 weeks of medical
3.2. Case 2
Male patient, 21 years old, healthy, with antecedents of
blunt contusion in the right eye one week prior, followed
by pain and vision loss. The patient was treated some-
where else with bed rest, steroids and maximal therapy
in an attempt to lower intraocular pressure. And again,
when the surgical option seemed like the only option to
avoid corneal complications, the patient came to my
office; after examination, we offered the patient treat-
ment based on human photosynthesis enhancement; the
patient and his family accepted the treatment. The dos-
age was three drops under the tongue each hour during
the day. Results were ex tr ao rd in ary (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. The bloodshed in the anterior chamber after 10
days of maximal therapy, the intraocular pressure is 40 mm
Hg. The right photography shows the extraordinary result
after 5 weeks of medical therapy based in human photo-
synthesis enhanceme nt.
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The Pharmacologic Intensification of the Water Dissociation Process, or Human Photosynthesis, and Its Effect over 335
the Recovery Mechanisms in Tissues Affected by Bloodshed of Diverse Etiology
3.3. Case 3
Female patient, 64 years old, with diabetic since 1992,
type 2, and with Systemic Arterial Hypertension since
1987. The patient came to see us due to sudden loss of
vision in the right eye. At examination, bloodshed in the
vitreous of the righ t eye was found. IOP was 20 mm Hg
in both eyes. The patient was treated only with Human
Photosynthesis Enhancement at dosages of three drops
sublingually each hour during the day (see Figure 4).
3.4. Case 4
Male patient, 38 years old, Diabetic with 18 years of
evolution, type 1, and with Systemic Arterial Hyperten-
sion of 10 years of evolution. Six months earlier the pa-
tient had an abrupt loss of vision of the left eye by vitre-
ous hemorrhage, treated by someone else with Laser but
with no success. The patient actually came to examina-
tion due to sudden vision loss in the right eye, of 3 or 4
days of evolution, and came to the office guided by his
mother. The ocular fundus showed vitreous hemorrhage
that covered the macular area, and therefore the central
vision was severely impaired. Treatment based in the
enhancement of human photosynthesis was initiated at
dosages of 3 drops sublingually each hour during the day.
One week later, examination showed significant absorp-
tion of the bloodshed .
Elapsed time between each photographic register:
seven days (see Figure 5).
3.5. Case 5
Female patient, 64 years old, married, 69 kg weight, 156
cm tall, with antecedents of ischemic cardiopathy 2
years prior, with dyslipidemia, dizziness, insomnia;
dyspnea on effort, with sudden loss of consciousness a
Figure 4. Photographs show therapeutic response in a dia-
betic female patient. Left, at first day examination, right:
three months later.
Figure 5. In this diabetic patient, male; with an hemorrhage
that cover the macula, optic nerve and part of the posterior
pole, the enhancement of human photosy nthesis allows that
the macula recovered function in seven days.
few hours prior; the clinical diagnosis was: Vascular
Cerebral event that affected the left cerebral parenchy-
mal at basal ganglia level and subarachnoid hemorrhage
in Sylvian Area, on the left side.
A Computed tomography scan was made when she
went to the emergency room, with the following results:
Figures 6 and 7.
While the patient was at th e ER, due to several circum-
stances and because the family gave their approval, the
Human Photosynthesis Enhancer QIAPI 1 was adminis-
tered at dosages of three drops sublingually each hour,
without stopping beside common support measures; six
hours later clinical symptoms had improved dramatically.
Thereafter the patient continued with the QIAPI 1 treat-
ment and was discharged with no surgery, 5 days later
(see Figure 8).
A new CT scan was made 2 weeks later (8/16/2010)
and the results are shown next: Figure 9.
3.6. Comments on Case 5
Characteristically, Human photosynthesis gets turned
down with cerebral affections of diverse etiology. The
brain might resist space-taking lesions, however, the
main problem become the secondary reactions, such as
fibrosis or gliosis. Because it’s basic to cellular metabo-
lism, it is very important to keep at the highest the water
dissociation capability level to procure a fast recovery of
the anatomy and physiology of the cell itself, tissues,
organs, and systems. Eukaryotic cells are highly resis-
tant if the water dissociation level is adequate. The pa-
tient went on vacation three months later to the beach at
Puerto Vallarta, México.
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The Pharmacologic Intensification of the Water Dissociation Process, or Human Photosynthesis, and Its Effect over
the Recovery Mechanisms in Tissues Affected by Bloodshed of Diverse Etiology
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCM
Figure 6. Study Date 8/2/2010 Images pretreatment with human photosynthesis enhancement.
Figure 7. Study date 8/2/2010, Images pretreatment with human photosynthesis enhancement.
Figure 8. Study date 8/16/2010.
The Pharmacologic Intensification of the Water Dissociation Process, or Human Photosynthesis, and Its Effect over 337
the Recovery Mechanisms in Tissues Affected by Bloodshed of Diverse Etiology
Figure 9. Study date 8/16/2010.
3.6. Case 6
Child, 5 years old, male; he was knocked down by a car
on September 26, 2010, with loss of consciousness and
coma; at the first emergency room, the coma was classi-
fied as Glasgow 2, the doctors intubated him during 7
days, and mainly due to the poor prognosis, the patient
was taken to another Hospital (CMQ) on October 6 of
2010, where an CT Scan was done: Figures 10-12.
Figure 10. Acute subdural hematoma.
After the patient was moved to CMQ, QIAPI 1 was
initiated at once during the first day of hospitalization, at
dosages of three drops sublingually each hour and the
response of the patient was dramatic; on the second day
of hospitalization the Glasgow level was at 15.
This photograph (Figure 13) was taken on November
2 of 2010; the discharge fr om the hosp ital was on Octo-
ber 20 of 2010.
Figure 11. Chronic bilatera l subdur al he matomas.
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The Pharmacologic Intensification of the Water Dissociation Process, or Human Photosynthesis, and Its Effect over
338 the Recovery Mechanisms in Tissues Affected by Bloodshed of Diverse Etiology
Figure 12. In X rays the findings were: Pneumonia and
bilateral pleural effusion. Date: Oct 6, 2010.
Figure 13. The patient with his mother and Dr. Landin.
4. Conclusions
The original spark of life may have begun in sterile con-
ditions, otherwise it could have been instantly absorbed
or devoured and the human photo-system, composed by
Light/Melanin/Water, following the order of abundance
in th e univer s e, f i ts th e Darwinian requirements.
Therefore, human photosynthesis is the origin of life
and it’s placed at first in the sequence of all biochemical
processes of life; any other function or reaction it’s sec-
ondary to water dissociation and directly or indirectly
are depending of the energy released by our hitherto
unknown human photo-system. More over any disease
will respond to human photosynthesis enhancement in
more or less degree because ou r organism is the r esult of
billion’s years of evolution and hence has a very fine
tuning, ther efore eukaryotic cell has amazing r ecovering
capacities that allow our body to have been survived
during eons of time.
In the different tissues affected by bloodshed, the tis-
sue consistently shows a markedly recovery with no
apparently sequels.
[1] W. Martin and M. Müller, “The Hydrogen Hypothesis for
the First Eukaryote,” Nature, Vol. 392, 1998, pp. 37-41.
[2] J. Bergman, “ATP: The Perfect Energy Currency for the
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1, 1999.
[3] A. Alm, “Ocular Circulation,” In: W. M. Hart Jr, Ed.,
Adler’s Physiology of the Eye, 9th Edition, Mosby, New
York, 1992, pp. 200-226.
[4] W. E. Benson, “Pathophysiology of Retinal Detachment,”
In: C. D. Regillo and W. E. Benson, Eds., Detachment,
Diagnosis and Management, 2nd Edition, Lippincott Wil-
liams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 1998, pp. 17-32.
[5] A. Solís-Herrera, M. de C. Arias-Esparza, R. I. Solís-
Arias, P. E. Solís-Arias and M. P. Solís-Arias, “The Un-
expected Capacity of Melanin to Dissociate the Water
Molecule Fills the Gap between the Life before and after
ATP,” Biomedical Research, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2010, pp.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCM