Mechan ochemical Synthesis of Nano Calcium Silicate P ar ticles at Room Temperature
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. NJGC
Figure 4. TEM images and SAEDs (insets) of samples ob-
tained after (a) 10 and (b) 26 h of milling .
three sequential stages: comminution of raw materials,
recombination of comminuted raw materials to final
product, and comminution of final product to smaller
sizes. The nano-sized polycrystalline calcium silicate
particles are found to generate after about 6 h of ball mil-
ling and they are spheroidal in shape. The average par-
ticle size of the as-generated particles is found to be
around 21 nm which decreases down to 13 nm with in-
creasing ball milling but increases up to 30 nm after an-
nealing at 750oC. The annealed sample does not show
any new XRD peaks, therefore, it authenticates the com-
pletion of the solid state synthesis reactions of calcium
silicate at room temperature by the mechanochemical
method using high energy planetary ball milling. We
beli eve tha t thi s work would op en a ne w vista in the area
of nanopar tic le research.
5. Acknowledg ements
The authors grateful ly ack nowledge the fina ncial suppo rt
of NMITLI, CSIR, New Delhi. They gratefully thank
Director o f the institute for his kind per missio n to p ublish
this paper. The technical supports obtained from the in-
frastructural facilities (XRD and Electron Microscope
Divisions) of this institute are also thankfully acknowl-
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