Vol.1, No.2, 24-32 (2011) Open Journal of Animal Sciences
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJAS/
Productive performance and blood metabolıtes as
affected by protected protein in sheep
A. A. Abdel-Ghani1, G. M. A. Solouma2, A. K. I. Abd Elmoty1, A. Y. Kassab2, E. B. Soliman1
1Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, Minia City, Egypt;
2Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt; profdradel@yahoo.com
Received 19 April 2011, revised 5 May 2011, accepted 16 June 2011.
This investigation included two experiments.
Experiment 1 was executed to study the effect
of feeding different rations of protected protein
of canola meal on digestibility and nutritive val-
ues within sheep. Twenty male, healthy sheep
were divided into five treatments according to
the methods of protein protection (control, heat,
sodium hydroxide, formaldehyde, and acetic
acid treatments). Experiment 2 was carried out
on developing lambs to investigate the effect of
protected protein on growth performance and
some blood metabolites. Animals in this ex-
periment were also divided into the same
treatments as Experiment 1. Animals in the first
and second experiment were fed concentrate
ration (80%) and wheat straw (20%) to cover the
feed requirements. Nutritive values expressed
as total digestible nutrients (TDN%) and di-
gestible crude protein (DCP%) of the experi-
mental rations was calculated. In the second
experimental all animals were weighed biweekly
and the amounts of rations were adjusted
throughout the experimental period (120 days)
according to their body weight change.
Results indicated that in the first experimental
protected protein by heat (HE) and sodium hy-
droxide (NH) had positive (P < 0.05) effects on
most of digestibility coefficients of different nu-
trients. Protein protection methods also im-
proved (P < 0.05) the nutritive values (TDN and
DCP) in the HE treatment and NH treatment. In
the second experiment body weight increased
by 14% and 7% and also daily gain by 27%
and14% in HE and NH, respectively, while FM
and AC decreased body weight by 8% and 4.4%.
Higher values (P < 0.01) in both thyroid hor-
mones were observed in HE and NH than those
other treatments. Also, higher values (P < 0.01)
of total protein, albumin, and glucose were ob-
served in HE and NH than other treatments. The
control (CTL) group recorded higher concentra-
tions of urea-N and creatinine at different peri-
ods of the experiment in comparison with other
treatments. Generally, from the present investi-
gation it can be concluded that protected pro-
tein of canola meal by heat or sodium hy droxide
treatments were more efficient for productive
performance and some blood metabolites of
Keywords: Protected Protein; Performa nce; Blood
Metabolites; Sheep
Protein is an expensive component of animal diets,
and its content in diets of ruminant animals is very es-
sential for improving the productive performance. Pro-
tein content of some feedstuffs with high quality protein
can be degraded in the rumen while 80 to 90% of the
protein content of some feedstuffs with high quality
protein may be degraded in the rumen (Beever, 1984).
There are several methods for protected protein which
can be categorized into chemical (e.g. sodium hydroxide
(Mir et al, 1984), acetic acid (Waltz and Loerch, 1986)
formaldehyde (Ferguson et al, 1967) and physical (e.g.
heat) treatments (Stern et al., 1985). Incorporation of
protected protein in diets is recommended in high pro-
ducing animals to increase their productivity. Virk et al.
(1994) reported that protected protein increased growth
rate and nitrogen retention in goats. The beneficial ef-
fects of protected protein on body weight and weight
gain in lambs were established and documented
(EL-Ayek et al., 1999 a and b). Economic value of sup-
plemental protein feed is determined largely by the
amount that escapes ruminal degradation and is available
for digestion and absorption in the small intestine
(Beauchemin et al., 1995 and Tomllinson et al., 1997).
A. A. Abdel-Ghani et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (2011) 24-32
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJAS/
Protein content in diets of ruminant animals is very es-
sential for improving productive performance
(El-Reweny, 2006).
The aims of this investigation were to study the effect
of feeding protected protein of canola meal on produc-
tive performance as well as on some blood metabolites
of Sohagi sheep.
2.1. Methods of Protected Protein in Canola
Canola meal used in the different experimental rations
in the present study is classified into four treatments:
1) Heat treatment (HE): Two cm layer of canola meal
was subjected to 135˚C - 145˚C in a forced air oven for 4
hrs according to Stern et al (1985). After the heating
treatment, canola meal was kept at room temperature
(25˚C for 3 days before being mixed with other ingredi-
ents to formulate concentrate ration.
2) Sodium hydroxide treatment (NH): Canola meal
was treated with a solution of sodium hydroxide at the
rate of 3 gm NaOH/100 gm DM of canola meal, accord-
ing to Mir et al. (1984). Then, treated canola meal was
air dried at room temperature (25˚C) for one week be-
fore being mixed with other ingredients.
3) Formaldehyde treatment (FM): Canola meal was
treated with a 40% formaldehyde solution at rate of 1 ml
formaldehyde/100 gm crude protein in canola meal ac-
cording to Ferguson et al (1967). The treated canola
meal was stored in light plastic containers to complete
reaction of formaldehyde with canola meal for 2 weeks
at room temperature (25˚C) before being used
4) Acetic acid treatment (AC): A solution of acetic
acid with a concentration rate of 30 ml acetic acid /1kg
DM of canola meal was spread according to Waltz and
Loerch (1986). Then, treated canola meal was air dried
at room temperature (25˚C) for one week before being
used.Goat milk used in this study was the bulk tank milk
collected from the milking goat herd consisted of Saanen,
Alpine and Nubian breeds at the Georgia Small Rumi-
nant Research and Extension Center, Fort Valley State
University, Fort valley, GA, USA. All goats were ma-
chine milked, and the experimental milks were pasteur-
ized at 63˚C (145˚F) for 30 minutes before manufacture
of the FF and LF experimental goat milk cheeses.
2.2. Experimental Design
2.2.1. Experiment 1
The first experiment was designed to evaluate the ef-
fect of feeding protected protein on digestibility coeffi-
cients of nutrients and nutritive values of different tested
rations. Twenty healthy male Sohagi lambs with an av-
eraged body weight of 35.8 ± 1.29 kg were used in this
experiment. The experimental period lasted 3 weeks.
Animals were divided randomly into five equal (n = 4)
treatments according to method of protein protections
(CTL, HE, NH, FM, and AC). Animals were fed a con-
centrate diet (80%) and wheat straw (20%) according to
NRC (1985) requirements. Animals in each treatment
were fed individually during the whole experimental
period. Formulation of the experimental concentrate
rations are shown in Table 1.
Fecal from each animal was collected at the last week
of the experimental period twice daily. Fecal samples
and rations were analyzed for dry matter (DM), organic
matter (OM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), and
ether extract (EE) according to A.OA.C. (1995). Di-
gestibility coefficients of DM, OM, CP, CF, EE and ni-
trogen free extract (NFE) were determined using acid
insoluble ash (AIA%) as the natural marker according to
Van keulen and Young (1977). Nutritive values (TDN
and DCP%) of the experimental rations were also calcu-
2.2.1. Experiment 2
The second experiment was carried out on growing
lambs to investigate the effect of protected protein on
growth performance and some blood metabolites.
Twenty healthy Sohagi lambs, approximately 3 - 4
months of age and with an averaged body weight of di-
vided randomly into five (n = 4) treatments accord-
Table 1. Formulation of the experimental concentrate rations.
Canola meal
Untreated 25 ---- ---- ---- ----
Heat ---- 25 ---- ---- ----
Sodium hydroxide---- ---- 25 ---- ----
Formaldehyde ---- ---- ---- 25 ----
Acetic acid ---- ---- ---- ---- 25
Maize grain 42 42 42 42 42
Wheat bran 30 30 30 30 30
Premix* 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Sodium chloride 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Limestone 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
*Premix contents per 3 kg are of vit. A. 12000000 IU, vit. D 3, 2200000 IU,
vit. E, 10 gm, vit. K 3, 2 gm, copper, 10 gm, zinc, 50 gm, Manganese, 55
gm, Iodine, 1 gm, Selenium, 0.1 gm, Carrier (CaCo3), up to 3000 gm. CTL
= Canola meal without treatment; HE = Canola meal heat treatment; NH=
Canola meal sodium hydroxide treatment; FM = Canola meal formalde-
hyde treatment; AC = Canola meal acetic acid treatment.
A. A. Abdel-Ghani et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (2011) 24-32
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJAS/
16.80 ± 0.23 kg, were used in this study. Animals were
ingto the rations type in the first experiment. The ex-
perimental period lasted for 4 months.
Animal fed on concentrate feed mixture rations (80%)
and wheat straw (20%) to cover the requirement of DM
and TDN for average daily gain (ADG) and body
weights (BW) according to NRC (1985). Animals’ body
weights were recorded every 15 days, and the amounts
of ration were adjusted throughout the experimental pe-
riod according of the BW changes. Fresh water was
available at all times.
Total dry matter intake and total protein intake (from
concentrate diets and wheat straw) per animal and treat-
ment were recorded. Daily dry matter, protein intakes,
and body weight gains were also calculated. Dry matter
and protein efficiency were also calculated.
Blood samples (about 8 ml/animal) were collected at
the beginning of the experiment and then at monthly
intervals. Blood samples were allowed to clot at room
temperature, and serum was then separated by centrifu-
gation at 3000 r.p.m for 15 minutes. Serum samples were
divided into two parts and then transferred into dry glass
vials and stored at -20 C until subsequent analysis. In the
first part of the serum, the concentration values of total
protein (g/dl), albumin (g/dl), glucose (mg/dl), creatinine
(mg/dl) and urea-N (mg/dl) were determined by spec-
trophotometer using commercial kits produced by the
Stanbio Company. Globulin (g/dl) values were deter-
mined by subtracting albumin values from total protein
values. The second part of the serum was used to deter-
mine the concentrations of triiodothyronine (FM) and
thyroxin (AC) hormones using radioimmunoassay of
serum techniques. The coat-A count T3 kits produced by
Diagnostic Products Corporation (USA) were used for
the determination of serum triiodothyronine concentra-
tion according to Bates (1994). The coat-A count kits
produced by Diagnostic Products Corporation (USA)
were used for the determination of serum thyroxine
concentration according to Albertini (1982).
2.3. Statistical Analysis
Results were statistically analyzed using the General
Linear Model (SAS, 1998) for Complete Randomized
Design (CRD). Productive performance and blood pa-
rameters were performed by methods of analysis of
variance. Significant differences among treatments
means were tested using Duncan, (1955).
3.1. Digestibility Coefficients and Nutritive
Data presented in Table 2 illustrates that the different
protected protein methods led to significantly improved
(P < 0.05) digestible coefficient values of different nu-
trients except crude fiber. Also, the nutritive values
(TDN% and DCP%) significantly improved as a result
of using different protected protein methods. The present
results show that protected protein by heat and sodium
hydroxide treatments increased the values of TDN by
4.2% and 2.6% respectively, as compared with the CTL.
Also, DCP values increased by 6.6% and 5.02% for HE
and NH in comparison with the CTL treatment. Con-
versely, FM and AC treatments had adverse effect on
TDN% and DCP%, but the differences were not signifi-
cant among the CTL treatment, FM, and AC. The im-
provement of TDN and DCP values may be due to en-
hanced digestibility coefficient of nutrients in response
to the protected protein methods by heat and sodium
hydroxide treatments.
Similar results were reported by EL-Reweny 1999 and
2006, who also indicated that the values of TDN were
significant higher in sheep fed diet supplemented with
protected protein in concentrate feed mixture.
3.2. Growth Performance of Lambs
Data in Ta b l e 3 shows the effect of protected protein
treatments on body weight, total gain, and daily gain.
Body weight, total gain, and daily gain of lambs showed
the highest values in HE followed by NH, CTL, AC and
FM, respectively. Results indicate that the protected
protein by HE and NH treatments increased body weight
at the end of experimental period by 14% and 7% re-
spectively, as compared to CTL treatment, while FM and
AC treatments decreased body weight by 8% and 4.4
respectively, compared to CTL treatment. A similar trend
was observed in total gain and daily gain. This trend
could be related to the higher values of the nutrients di-
gestibility coefficients and feeding values (TDN and
DCP) in HE and NH than in the other tested rations (Ta-
ble 2).
Moreover, many investigators indicated that the ru-
minal undegradable proteins increase as a result of pro-
tected protein. Ruminal undegradable proteins bypass to
the abomasum and, subsequently, increase the amino
acids yield in the abomasum of the host and, hence, in-
crease the retained nitrogen and growth performance
(Beauchemin et al., 1995 and Tomllinson et al., 1997).
In addition, Taie (1998) found that there was a strict
correlation between dietary protein and average daily
gain in sheep. The present results are in agreement with
those finding from El-Reweny (1999), El-Ayek et al.,
(1999 b) and Khalafalla (2004). The presented results in
Table 3 indicate that the total dry matter intake and total
protein intake values in the different treatments (CTL,
HE, NH, FM and AC) are nearly similar. The total
A. A. Abdel-Ghani et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (2011) 24-32
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJAS/
Table 2. Effect of treatment on the nutrients digestibility coefficients and nutritive value of the experimental rations.
Digestibility coefficien ts (LSM)
CTL 66.03c 68.04c 67.84c 67.69c 61.23 69.39c 65.27c 9.96c
HE 69.77a 71.42a 71.87a 71.30a 61.11 72.51a 68.01a 10.62a
NH 67.79b 69.76b 70.31b 69.69b 61.76 71.21b 66.98b 10.46a
FM 62.69d 65.43d 66.83c 67.12c 59.66 68.35 c 64.09 c 9.91c
AC 62.94d 65.60d 67.11c 67.20c 59.38 68.52 c 64.14 c 10.01c
±SE 1.44 1.57 1.19 1.38 1.05 1.00 1.32 0.36
Sig. * * * * NS * * *
•Values are least square means (LSM) ± standard error; a, b, c, d values with different letters in the same column are significantly different,*(P < 0.05), NS = Not
Table 3. Effect of protected protein methods on some productive performance of lambs during the experimental periods.
Treatments (LSM)•
±SE Sig.
Initial weight 16.80 17.00 16.80 16.80 16.60 0.23 NS
Final weight 34.20 c 39.00a 36.60b 31.50e 32.70d 0.29 **
Total gain (Kg) 17.40c 22.00a 19.80b 14.70e 16.10d 0.24 **
Daily gain (g/d) 144.40c 183.00a 164.40b 122.00e 133.80d 1.97 **
Total dry matter
intake (g/d) 800.62 810.72 811.87 798.45 806.89 3.54 NS
Total protein intake
(g/d) 117.61 119.74 120.81 118.48 120.38 0.67 NS
Dry matter effi-
ciency 0.18c 0.2a 0.20b 0.15e 0.17d 0.01 **
Protein efficiency 1.23c 1.53a 1.36b 1.03e 1.10d 0.02 **
•Values are least square means (LSM) ± standard error; a, b, c, d values with different letters in the same row are significantly different; **(P < 0.01), NS = Not
significant; Total gain calculated by subtracts initial body weight from final body weight; Daily gain calculated by divided total gain on 120 days.
dry matter intake during the experimental period in the
different experimental treatments ranged from 798.45 to
811.87 g/d, while the total protein intake from concen-
trate and roughage ranged from 117.61 to 120.81 g/d.
The values of dry matter and protein efficiency were
significantly different (P < 0.01). The highest values
were obtained with HE followed by NH and CTL, while
the lowest values were recorded in FM and AC. Pro-
tected protein supplementation increased dry matter effi-
ciency for lambs fed HE and NH rations by 27.8 and
11.1%, respectively, as compared with CTL group.
Conversely, protected protein by FM treatment and AC
treatment decreased dry matter efficiency for lambs fed
FM and AC rations by 16.7 and 5.6% respectively,
compared with those fed CTL ration. The improvement
of dry matter efficiency and protein efficiency values in
HE and NH may be due to the positive effects of pro-
tected protein methods on digestibility coefficients of
most nutrients, feeding values, and/or the significant,
positiveeffects of these treatments on daily gain. At the
same time there are no significant effects of treatment on
total dry matter intake or total protein intake. These re-
sults are in agreement with Abd El- Maksoud (1990) and
Virk et al (1994) who found no improvement in feed
conversion when were goats fed protein treated diet
compared with the CTL. Recently however, El- Reweny
(2006) observed that lambs fed protected protein diets
revealed significantly high (P < 0.05) feed conversion
compared with those fed CTL diet.
3.3. Blood Metabolites
3.3.1 Th yr oi d Hormones
Blood serum triiodothyronine and thyroxin concentrations
at experimental periods in ram lambs groups are pre-
sented in Table 4. Thyroxin values differed significantly
A. A. Abdel-Ghani et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (2011) 24-32
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJAS/
(P < 0.01) at the 2nd and 4th month stages of testing.
Thyroid hormones concentrations recorded were sig-
nificantly different (P < 0.01) concerning the effect of
treatments (regardless of age) on serum.
Triiodothyronine concentration increased by 7.94%
and 2.33% for HE and NH compared with CTL. Also,
the corresponding increase for thyroxin was 9.97% and
2.67%, respectively. Improvement in the secretion of
thyroid hormone concentrations in HE and NH may be
due to the increase of carbohydrate, fat, and protein me-
tabolism, as reflected by a positive effect on digestibility
coefficient of carbohydrate, fat, and protein (Table 2).
Also, the increase in the secretion of thyroid hormones
may be due to the increase of TDN values (Ta b l e 2 ) in
HE and NH in comparison with the other treatments.
There was a positive relationship between energy intake
and the concentration of the thyroid hormones as re-
ported by Tiirates (1997) and Ahmed (2003).Thyroid
hormones are necessary for normal growth and devel-
opment of mammals as reported by Shalaby and Shehata
(1995) and Abdel-Hafez (1997). Concerning the effect of
age (regardless of treatments) on serum triiodothyronine
and thyroxin concentrations (Table 4), it can be ob-
served that the lowest values of triiodothyronine and
thyroxin concentrations were recorded at the beginning
of experiment, while the highest values are recorded at
the end of experimental period (after 4 months) .
Results indicate that the values of triiodothyronine
and thyroxin concentrations increased gradually with the
advancement of age. Similar trends were observed by
Hussein (1991), Yousef (1992), Shaban (2000) and
Saleem (2006). They found that the two hormone con-
centrations were increased by the advancement of age.
3.3.2 Total Protein, Albumin, and Globulin
Blood serum total protein, albumin, and globulin (g/dl)
concentrations at the beginning and after 2 and 4 months
in ram lambs of the experimental groups were presented
in Table 5.Total protein and albumin values were sig-
nificantly different (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01, respectively)
at 2 and 4 months. Protected protein by HE or NH led to
a significant increase of serum protein and albumin con-
centrations at 2 and 4 months during the experimental
period in comparison with those of the CTL, FM, and
AC treatments.
Generally, data in Table 5 indicate that the highest
values of total protein and albumin were within HE and
NH followed by CTL, FM and AC. The improvement in
HE and NH values may be due to the increase of di-
gestibility coefficient of CP and nutritive values ex-
pressed as DCP (Table 2) as a result of protected protein
methods (HE and NH treatments). A positive correlation
between dietary protein and plasma protein concentra-
tions were reported by Yousef and Zaki (2001) and Sha-
hen et al. (2004). They found that the increase in di-
gestibility of CP could be attributed to the increase in
serum total protein and its fractions. Moreover, protec-
tion of dietary proteins led to lower rumen degradability
and higher concentrations of proteins escaping to the
abomasum and small intestine by gastric and intestinal
juices and, simultaneously, found higher absorption of
dietary amino acids, which lead to high level of plasma
protein. The present results were in agreement with
those of Aly (2005) and Shabrawy (2006). They reported
that values of serum total proteins, albumin, and globulin
were increased (P < 0.01) when goats were fed protected
protein in the diet. On the other hand, El-Reweny (1999
and 2006) found that the concentration of total protein,
albumin, and globulin did not significantly change by
using different sources of protein and protected protein
treatment methods.
Concerning the effect of age (regardless of treatments)
on serum total protein and its fractions, data presented in
Tabl e 5 , illustrates that there was a significance differ-
ence (P < 0.01) among the different ages. The values
(overall mean) of total protein increased gradually. From
the present results, it is clear that serum total protein,
albumin, and globulin tended to increase with advancing
age. Similar results were reported with sheep by Hayder
(1996 and 2004) and El-Reweny (2006).
3.3.3. Bloo d Urea Ni troge n, Creatini ne, and Glucose
Blood serum urea-N (BUN), creatinine (Cr), and glu-
cose (mg/dl) concentrations at three different intervals,
of 0, 2, and 4 months, of the experiment are presented in
Table 6. It can be noticed that differences in urea-N and
creatinine values were not significant at the beginning of
the experiment, but after 2 and 4 months, the values
were significantly different (P < 0.01). Concentrations of
urea-N and creatinine in CTL group showed the highest
values at different testing periods in comparison with the
other treatments, while the lowest values (P < 0.05) or
(P < 0.01) of urea-N and creatinine were obtained in HE.
Data in Table 6 illustrates that blood serum urea-N
and creatinine concentrations in treatments groups (re-
gardless of age) recorded were significantly different (P
< 0.01). It can be observed that the values of urea-N and
creatinine decreased as a result of protein protection
more than those with untreated (CTL) feed. These dif-
ferences may be due the reduction of ammonia concen-
tration released through the microbial fermentation in
rumen of lambs fed protected protein. Subsequently,
then decreasing the absorbed ammonia via the ruminal
wall, which in turn is converted into urea in liver. So, the
decreased level of ammonia in rumen of sheep fed pro-
A. A. Abdel-Ghani et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (2011) 24-32
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJAS/
Ta b l e 4 . Effect of protected protein methods on the concentrations of Triiodothyronine and thyroxin in serum of lambs during ex-
perimental periods.
Treatments (LSM)
±SE Age
Triiodothyronine (µg/dl)
At the beginning 64.40 64.40 64.40 64.40 64.40 0.66NS 64.40C
2 months 96.86b 103.84a 95.74b 96.74b 93.09b 1.80** 97.25B
4 months 104.73ab 110.93a 107.41ab 102.52b 103.91ab 2.54NS 105.90A
Treatment effect 84.56CB 91.28A 86.53B 84.68CB 82.27C 0.80** ±0.90**
Thyroxin (µg/dl)
At the beginning 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 0.05NS 2.99E
2 months 4.73b 5.07a 4.66b 4.22b 4.48b 0.18** 4.81C
4 months 5.03d 5.75a 5.29b 5.22d 5.01c 0.22** 5.36A
Treatment effect 4.11D 4.52A 4.22B 3.95D 4.04C 0.07** ±0.09**
Values are least square means (LSM) ± standard error; a, b, c, d means with the same letters in same row are significantly different. A, B, C, D, E means with same
letters in the same raw or the same column in each parameter are significantly different, **(P< 0.01), NS= Not significant.
Ta bl e 5 . Effect of protected protein methods on total protein, albumin, and globulin concentrations in serum of lambs during the
experimental periods.
Treatments (LSM)
±SE Age
Total protein (g/dl)
At the beginning 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 0.22NS 4.86C
2 months 5.29b 5.40a 5.38a 5.28b 5.21c 0.06* 5.31B
4 months 6.08b 6.70a 6.63a 6.19b 6.13b 0.09** 6.35A
Treatment effect 5.43B 5.66A 5.63A 5.39B 5.38B 0.05** ±0.18**
At the beginning 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 0.06NS 2.75D
2 months 3.06c 3.27a 3.22ab 3.13bc 3.14bc 0.04** 3.16C
4 months 3.77bc 3.98a 3.91ab 3.70c 3.64c 0.05** 3.80A
Treatment effect 3.23B 3.38A 3.36A 3.23B 3.20B 0.02** ±0.03**
Globulin (g/dl)
At the beginning 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 0.25NS 2.11CD
2 months 2.23 2.13 2.16 2.14 2.07 0.06NS 2.15C
4 months 2.30 2.72 2.72 2.49 2.49 0.11NS 2.54A
Treatment effect 2.20 2.28 2.27 2.17 2.19 0.06NS ±0.02**
Values are least square means (LSM) ± standard error; a, b, c means with the same letters in same row are significantly different; A, B, C, D means with same letters
in the same row or the same column in each parameter are significantly different, *(P < 0.05), **(P < 0.01), NS = Not significant
tected protein was reflected in lower level of urea in their
blood (El-Ayek 1999 a). Generally, the lower creatinine
level in serum of lambs fed on protected protein may
indicate the higher utilization of dietary proteins as a
result of higher digestibility of CP (Table 2) in lambs fed
protected protein more than the CTL.
Daura and Reid (1991) reported that blood urea con-
centration decreased (P < 0.01) in lambs fed diets con-
taining protected soybean meal than CTL, which is in
agreement with the present results. Also, El-Sherbieny
(2000) found that plasma urea-N and creatinine de-
creased when bulls were fed protected protein in concen-
trate feed mixture as compared to CTL diet. In addition,
El-Shabrawy (2000) found that protected protein method
caused significant (P < 0.01) reductions in plasma
urea-N concentrations as a result of heat or formaldehyde
treated diets in comparison with untreated ones.
Recently, El- Shabrawy (2006) found lower (P < 0.05)
values of urea-N in plasma of goats receiving formalde-
hyde soybean meal and heat soybean seed diets than
those receiving untreated soybean meal diets. However,
Guillaume et al. (1991), Bruckental et al. (1996), and
Rodriguez et al. (1997) found a non-significant effect of
protected dietary protein on the blood level of urea-N
with dairy cows.
Concerning the effect of age (regardless of treatments)
on urea-N and creatinine concentrations, data in Table 6,
illustrates that the values of urea-N increased gradually.
A. A. Abdel-Ghani et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (2011) 24-32
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJAS/
Table 6. Effect of protected protein methods on urea-N, creatinine, and glucose concentrations in serum of lambs during the experi-
mental periods.
Treatments (LSM)
±SE Age effect
Urea-N (mg/dl)
At the beginning 8.49 8.49 8.49 8.49 8.49 0.08NS 8.49D
2 months 12.67a 9.83b 9.70b 9.56
b 9.49b 0.16** 10.25B
4 months 12.43a 9.79b 9.93b 10.38
b 10.52b 0.25** 10.61A
Treatment effect 11. 33A 9.40B 9.42B 9.49 B 9.49
B 0.10** ±0.17**
Creatinine (mg/dl)
At the beginning 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.01NS 0.95CB
2 months 1.01a 0.93b 0.93b 0.95b 0.97ba 0.02** 0.96B
4 months 1.11a 0.94b 0.97b 0.96b 0.98b 0.03** 0.99B
Treatment effect 1.06A 0.94B 0.95B 0.96B 0.98B 0.02** ±0.01**
Glucose (mg/dl)
At the beginning 80.58 80.59 80.46 80.36 80.28 0.68NS 80.45A
2 months 71.85bc 77.44a 73.64ab 68.45 c 72.64bc 1.40** 72.80CB
4 months 70.59 71.12 71.05 70.75 70.95 0.59NS 70.89C
Treatment effect 73.08CD 76.77A 74.99B 71.96D 73.94C 0.55** ±0.79**
Values are least square means (LSM) ± standard error a, b, c means with the same letters in same row are significantly different; A, B, C, D means with same letters
in the same row or the same column in each parameter are significantly different, *(P < 0.05), **(P < 0.01), NS = Not significant
This result indicates that serum urea-N and creatinine
increased with advancing age (Table 6). Consistent re-
sults were reported by Rezaei-Roodbari and Zamiri
(2003), and Hayder (2004).
The effect of protected protein on glucose concentra-
tions are presented in Table 6. The values of glucose
after 2 months were significantly different (P < 0.01),
while the differences at the beginning and after 4 months
were not significant. Results of blood serum glucose
concentrations (regardless of age) recorded the highest
value in HE and NH in comparison with the other treat-
ments. Ammann (1991) and Krober et al. (2000) ob-
served that feeding protected protein increased plasma
glucose in the blood. In addition, Aly (2005) reported
that values of serum glucose were increased (P < 0.01)
by using protected methionine and lysine in the diet. The
improvement of glucose values in HE and NH compared
with the other treatments may be due to the positive ef-
fect of protein protection methods on the nutritive values
expressed as TDN (Table 2). These results are in agree-
ment with those of Hadley (1984). He reported that the
high intake of energy supply may increase serum glu-
cose concentration. Also, results obtained by Abd El-
Latif (2003) indicated that values of blood glucose con-
centration in growing Friesian calves were correlated
with energy in the diets. Moreover, an increase of glu-
cose concentrations in HE and NH compared with the
other treatments may be due to the higher carbohydrate
metabolism as a result of higher thyroid hormones secre-
tion (Table 6). The increase in blood glucose in response
to thyroid hormones may also be attributed to the in-
crease of carbohydrate metabolism (Haper et al.1979).
Thyroid hormones increase gluconeogensis and/or
plasma glucose concentration in blood (Cole et al. 1994).
Concerning the effect of age (regardless of treatments)
on glucose concentrations (Ta b l e 6 ), it can be observed
that the glucose concentration started at a high level at
the beginning of the experiment then decreased progres-
sively by the advancing of age of lambs. The decrease of
glucose levels by the advancement of age may be due to
high metabolic rates of young animals resulted from the
high rates of cellular reactions, but this may also be
partly attributed to the rapid synthesis of cellular reac-
tion materials and growth of the body, which require
moderate quantities of energy (Abd-El-Fattah (1993).
Similar results were obtained by Yousef (1992) and Abd-
El-Fattah (1993). They recorded that blood glucose lev-
els significantly declined with an increase of age in
calves (from 1 to 9 to 12 month of age).
From the present results it can be concluded that pro-
tected protein by HE or NH treatments were more effi-
cient than the other treatments (CTL, FM, and AC). Both
methods improved the digestibility coefficients and nu-
tritive values of tested rations and also improved the
productive performance of ram lambs (body weights,
daily gains, total gains, feed efficiency, and protein effi-
A. A. Abdel-Ghani et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 1 (2011) 24-32
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJAS/
ciency). In addition, the methods of protected protein
had beneficial effects on some blood metabolites.
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