Analysis of Mobile Phone Reliability Based on Active Disassembly Using Smart Materials
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEMAT
Figure 7. Magnesium alloy s hell o f mobi le phone.
of vibration under room temperature. Because the prop-
erty of SMP is easily affected by the temperature, the
elastic modulus of SMP declines sharply under high-
temperature condition which results in the reliability of
mobile phone made up of SMP is relatively low. While
the elastic modulus of PC/ABS affected by the tempera-
ture is not so large, therefore, the mobile phone made up
of PC/ABS can ensure the reliability of vibration under
the temperature of 90˚C.
3) Mobile phone is used under the room temperature
because the electronic components of mobile phone are
easily destroyed under high temperature. The mobile
phone made up of SMP can ensure the reliability of col-
lision and vibration under room temperature, therefore,
the mobile phone made up of SMP meets the environ-
mental reliability.
6. Outlook
It is necessary to analyze the reliability of multi-step ac-
tive disasse mbl y prod ucts, s uch as the i mpact o f collision
and vibration on multi-step active disassembly mobile
phone. What is more, it is necessary to research the im-
pact of active disassembly on the economy and environ-
ment of products.
7. Acknowledgements
Thanks to the suppo rt of NS F C item: 50775064.
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