Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ACS
the validation results. The quantitative simulation results
show the extent of deterioration due to the difference of
vertical resolution between the profiles for comparison
for a certain c urvature of profile. The results also show
that when the difference of vertical resolution is equal for
each pair of comparison, the larger vertical resolutions
have more influence on comparison for a given curvature.
The influence of vertical resolution on a validation has to
be considered if its caused difference is beyond the com-
bined errors of two instruments. In general, this kind of
influence can be eliminated or reduced by using the av-
eraging kernel of profile with rough vertical resolution to
smooth the profile with fine vertical resolution.
Since the number of validation activities will increase
in the future, it is useful to simulate the influence of ver-
tical resolution on validation for different combinations
of vertical resolution and different curvatures of profile.
Our next aim is to establish a database based on the
complete simulation results. The database will be freely
accessible for all scientists engaging in validation.
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