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Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2011, 4, 456-463 doi:10.4236/ijcns.2011.47055 Published Online July 2011 ( Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS A Framework for Security-Enhanced Peer-to-Peer Applications in Mobile Cellular Networks Shuping Liu1, Shushan Zhao2, Weirong Jiang3 1Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA 2Department of Computer Science, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada 3Juniper Networks Inc, Sunnyvale, USA E-mail:,, Received May 24, 2011; revised June 21, 2011; accepted July 1, 2011 Abstract Due to the dual trends of increasing cellular network transmission capacity and coverage as well as improv- ing computational capacity, storage and intelligence of mobile handsets, mobile peer-to-peer (MP2P) net- working is emerging an attractive research field in recent years. However, these trends have not been clearly articulated in perspective of both technology and business. In this paper, we propose a novel MP2P frame- work that is based on existing cellular network architecture to provide secure and efficient P2P file sharing for 3G and future 4G systems. Our framework, which is built on P2P over Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) mechanism, provides to network operators and P2P service providers efficient data transmission in cellular networks. With a secure enhancement using identity-based cryptography, the framework also provides de- sirable support for security, group management, mobility, and chargeability to meet business requirements. Keywords: Mobile Cellular, 3G, P2P, SIP, IMS, Identity-Based Cryptography 1. Introduction Mobile cellular networks and handsets are developing ra- pidly in recent years. While GSM systems have proven successful, 3G systems (including W-CDMA, CDMA- 2000, and TD-CDMA/TD-SCDMA) are burgeoning and 4G is on the way. These new technologies have brought many conveniences to our life and in some way changed the life style of modern people, although there are also some criticisms against this change. The P2P network has emerged as an efficient system, being typically used for sharing content files containing audio, video, data or any digital-format files and distrib- uting services over fixed networks. Currently, P2P appli- cations are considered to be generating most of the internet traffic [1,2]. Meanwhile, the technology of P2P has recently begun to extend its scope to address relevant problems of mo- bile systems in the cellular networks. P2P data exchange is a very promising business in cellular networks, but it has attracted very little academic interest due to both busi- ness and technical reasons. On the one hand, the business model regarding how this business can operate and make profit is not yet very clear. On the other hand, although there is no technique impediment for applying P2P in cellular networks theoretically, there is no complete so- lution taking practical issues into consideration, e.g. se- curity, group management, mobility, and chargeability. There are many complications considering the complex- ity of cellular networks. A P2P application makes a cellu- lar network more prone to security issues such as trust (privacy: how much information does the un-trusted peer need to know about me? and confidentiality: what if the peer who knows my information misuses it?) and DoS attacks. Techniques widely applied in Internet, such as PKI, are not suitable for cellular networks, due to spe- cific characteristics of the latter, such as lack of infra- structure, constrained communication and computational resources etc. A reliable framework for authentication without centralized elements is a challenge [3]. To inspire more interest and promote research on this topic, we would like to propose a MP2P solution frame- work in this paper. The framework considers P2P appli- cations in cellular networks in particular 3G networks, based on IMS and SIP signaling. The framework has a security add-on layer to meet business requirements, such as user authentication, non-repudiation, data and identity integrity, confidentiality. S. P. LIU ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS 457 The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec- tion 2, we will present types of architectures for MP2P and propose a hybrid P2P architecture which can be ap- plied to IMS-based P2P networks, and introduces the application of SIP in P2P network. In Section 3, we first state the security requirements for the MP2P system, and then propose a solution. To evaluate the performance of the proposed framework we build a mathematical model that takes as input search and download queries, and re- turns as output hit-rate probabilities and time delay. In Section 4, we analyze the system performance and secu- rity features mathematically. The last section concludes the paper. 2. A MP2P Framework in IMS 2.1. Types of Traditional P2P Architectures and Proposed Hybrid P2P Architecture Traditionally, there are two types of P2P architectures: centralized P2P and Decentralized P2P. Centralized P2P: In wired network, centralized P2P is the first generation architecture which uses several central index servers to control the whole network and provide metainformation service, such as index of files for sharing by each peer. To participate in these networks, the peer must connect as a client to the centralized server and then locate specific contents. When the peer is located, the requesting node starts the transfer directly from the located peer. Decentralized P2P: The decentralized P2P architec- ture lacks central entities which could control the network, and every node in the network acts as a peer which is unaware of other peers. All the information, including metainformation, is maintained by peers. The decentralized architecture can be divided into structured and unstructured. Though search and down- load queries are flushed in both structured and un- structured P2P network, queries in structured P2P network are easier to be hit than unstructured P2P network. That is because the topology of structured P2P network is tightly controlled and files for sharing are placed at specific locations. Such kinds of sys- tems usually deploy Distributed Hash Table (DHT). The unstructured P2P networks have no precise con- trol over the network topology or the file placement. Queries in such systems are usually forwarded to random neighbors [4]. In decentralized P2P network, flushing queries consumes a lot of time and band- width. Semi-centralized P2P: The semi-centralized P2P architecture combines the efficiency and resilience of both centralized and decentralized architectures. It structures the network in hierarchies by establishing a backbone network of super peers which function as the central index servers in centralized P2P. As a re- sult the whole P2P network is partitioned by these super peers into several sub-networks logically. Each logical sub-network is characterized by centralized P2P architecture. When a client peer logs on to the network, it makes a direct connection to a single su- per peer which collects and maintains information about client peers and content available for sharing. Comparison among different P2P architecture is given in Table 1. In the context of cellular networks, a cellular network covers a certain area that is divided into possibly over- lapping cells. Each cell has a fixed base station (BS). The base stations are connected to each other by a wired network. In cellular network, radio link is costly and in- adequate. For this reason, in normal structure of cellular communication, there is no direct correspondence be- tween cellular phones. Several architectures have been proposed, such as mobile hash-based structured P2P ar- chitecture (HS-P2P) [5] and mobile agent P2P architec- ture [6]. In this paper we proposed a hybrid P2P architecture that combines the efficiency and resilience of both cen- tralized and decentralized architectures [7]. By using semicentralized architecture, each mobile terminal con- nects to a single super peer directly, which is basically Base Station (BS) of cellular networks. The super peer collects and maintains information about peers and me- tainformation of contents available for sharing. Then all these super peers form a decentralized P2P backbone Table 1. Comparison of different P2P architectures. Architecture CentralizedDecentralized Semi-Centralized Network Scalability Medium Low Very High Resiliency Low Very High Medium Search Efficiency Very HighMedium High Search Coverage Very HighMedium High Operator Control Very HighLow High Signaling Overhead in SP Very High-- High Signaling Overhead in OP Low High Low S. P. LIU ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS 458 network. In this way, the traffic loads are moved to the network (super peers) side, which minimizes the usage of the radio link. Additionally, due to the two-layer hierar- chies, semi-centralized architecture is more scalable. By using SP, the performance of P2P applications is- dramatically improved. At the same time, decentralized P2P applications are also supported for peers with spe- cial requirements, for example high privacy in their com- munication. 2.2. Database Tables in Super Peers Each super peer maintains four tables: content table, cli- ent table, caching table, membership table. The content table stores the information about content for sharing in its network and facilitates SP to locate the client peers (in following sections client is used to refer to client peer). To improve searching efficiency, SP builds three levels index for the lookup table. The first level index consists of different classes of content. For instance, the first level index can be categorized into: mu- sic, picture, literature and so on. The second level com- prises different clusters in each class in the first level, which divides the first level classes into more detailed sub-classes. The third level is made up of leaf nodes which are the specific metainformation of content file for sharing. Each file has a unique id. To illustrate the use of index table, let us look at an example. One client has a piece of song, called “Country Road” for sharing. According to the classification of in- dex, this song belongs to class of music in the first level index and country music in the second level index. SP obtains this information and adds the new item along with the file profiles, such as ownership and file size into its content table. Because the content of shared file with the same name may be different, each content table also contains the basic information of shared file, such as file size, modified time and so on. In client table, each entry is a client which is identified by the client’s ID (such as the telephone number). Each entry records the specific bandwidth and membership information of one client. The client table provides the parameters which SP can choose so that QoS is guaran- teed when downloading the files. The caching table, by nature, is similar with the con- tent table. The only difference is that caching table stores the sharing content owned by clients in other SP net- works. For example, initially the caching table is empty. When a SP A can not find the requested information in its content table, it floods the requests to all the other SPs. If a SP B responses to SP A, which means B has the re- quested information, A locates the client (who has the requested resource) and at the same time stores the re- sponse information and corresponding SP in its caching table. The caching table is updated in the way of Least Recently Used (LRU) cache, in which the items are saved in decreasing order by the times of most recent request. More popular the file, closer it is to the top of the lookup table. To fit the fixed length of caching table, once response information reaches the end of the list, it is removed from the caching table, when a new item is added. Once the caching table has been built, the SP may obtain its next hop without flushing the request message, which, to some extends, reduces traffic flooding. The membership table contains information about groups. Groups are categorized by interest. To participate or leave a group, the client has to apply to SP. SP exam- ines whether the group ID in the request message matches the group ID in the response message. 2.3. Backup Super-Peer In the introduced MP2P hybrid architecture, the super- peer becomes a single-point failure for its network, when super-peer fails or be offline the all shared information in the network is lost. To increase the reliability of the ar- chitecture, the backup super-peer is introduced. They copy all the data information from the super-peer peri- odically. When the super-peer fails or be offline net- work the backup peer replaces it and operates as a super- peer. The possibility of both a super-peer and its backup peer failing at the same time is much smaller than failure of super-peer alone. Therefore, the introduction of the backup super peer improves the architecture's robustness greatly. 2.4. P2P Based on SIP in the IMS To apply the hybrid architecture in the IMS, it is natural to implement the SP as an SIP application server (SP-AS) which hosts and executes services. SP-AS interfaces with the S-CSCF (Serving Call/Session Control Function) using SIP in the ISC (IMS Service Control) interface, as shown in Figure 1. The ISC interface is between the Serving CSCF and the service platforms. The SP-AS uses the ISC interface to communicate with the S-CSCF. The S-CSCF is connected to a P-CSCF (Proxy Call/Ses- sion Control Function) through the Mw interface. The Mw reference point allows the communication and for- warding of signaling messaging between CSCFs, e.g. during registration and session control [8]. The S-CSCF and PCSCF are SIP proxies with IMS functionality. The SCSCF is the central node in the signaling plane and the P-CSCF is the inbound/outbound SIP proxy between the terminal and the IMS network [9]. S. P. LIU ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS 459 Figure 1. Interfaces and elements of P2P in IMS. The SP-AS server has three main functions: content management, cache management and membership ser- vices. The SP-AS server maintains the directory of meta- information. When he/she registers to the network, the client sends the initial list of content for sharing as well as further updates as the content changes to the SPAS. When a client requests resources, the SP-AS consults its lookup tables and replies back with matching contents. It as well forwards the requests to other SP-AS. SIP provides an established method for routing the P2P connection to the end peer utilizing a set of proxy servers. The INVITE message performing this function carries the P2P control message in SDP (Session Descri- ption Protocol) format. The SDP describes the streams used for communication and allows the end peers to agree on the session parameter. 3. Security Enhancement to the Framework 3.1. Security Requirements for MP2P Business The MP2P framework proposed above provides a high- performance content sharing model, and is the carrier of P2P traffic, but it will not work without meeting security requirements for MP2P business. From business perspec- tive, security requirements come from two aspects: the network operator and terminal users, although there is some overlap between them. These requirements include: Identity authentication and non-repudiation: verifies that the data or request came from and goes to a spe- cific, valid user. From network operator perspective, this is to ensure that only subscribed users can get the service, and bills are charged to correct users. From end user perspective, this is to ensure communicating with the correct peer. Data confidentiality: keeps data secret to outsiders. Only the destination user can get the data, and not anybody else; even an outsider gets it, he/she cannot get the meaning of the data. From the network opera- tor perspective, this is to prevent free access to con- tent, and encourage more traffic. From the end user perspective, this is to prevent eavesdropping and pro- tect their privacy. Data integrity: prevents data from being altered. Data freshness: keeps data in correct order and up-to- date. Data availability: data should be available on request. With P2P-over-SIP architecture, the operator can identify and control the transferred contents. As a SIP signaling message passes through the SP, the content type, content name and potentially some other informa- tion can be extracted. This allows the operator to deny access to illegitimate contents and have group manage- ment. Cellular networks have already provided security from Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) to base stations, and base station to handsets. GSM network access security uses A3/A8 (COMP128 actually used in GPRS) authen- tication algorithm and A5 encryption algorithm, which have already been broken [10,11]. 3GPP has developed proprietary cryptographic algorithms—the MILENAGE algorithm set and KASUMI cryptographic core to re- place the broken ones in GSM. However, much of the work with the UMTS access architecture has been fo- cused on backward compatibility with GSM/GPRS [12]. From a security point of view, backward compatibility with a system with weaker security is undesirable but dictated by commercial reality. On the other hand, as for end-to-end security between two cellular terminals, current 3G networks do not pro- vide any mechanism. In Internet world, the traffic can be protected by using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). It is not feasible in cellular networks, especially for handsets. First, there is no such infrastructure in cellular networks. Second, PKI is too heavy weight for cellular handsets. In light of the above reasons, we propose to employ identity-base cryptography (IBC) in this framework. Such a scheme has the property that a user’s public key is an easily calculated function of his identity, while a user’s private key can be calculated for him by a trusted authority, called Private Key Generator (PKG). The identity-based public key cryptosystem can be an alter- native for certificate-based PKI, especially when effi- cient key management and moderate security are re- quired. Compared to PKI, it has the following advantages in cellular networks: Lightweight: PKI is implemented in RSA, and IBC is implemented in Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). S. P. LIU ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS 460 For a security level of 2048-bit RSA, ECC outper- forms in every aspect; for a security level of 1024-bit RSA, ECC outperforms in scenarios such as in mo- bile cellular networks [13]. This saves storage and computational resources of the handsets. Easy to deploy: In PKI, the Public Key Certificate (PKC) of a user need be signed by the Certificate Authority (CA) before being distributed to other users, and a user need to store all PKC’s of all other users he/she wants to communicate. In IBC, the public key is implicit in the communication traffic, and there is no need to have it signed, distributed and stored. This saves communication and storage resources of the network and handsets. 3.2. Basic System Setup Our security scheme is based on Boneh’s implementation of IBC [14]. The scheme needs a setup phase in which system parameters are distributed to its users. These pa- rameters include system public key, master key, private key of each user, and algorithms to be used for hash- ing/encryption/decryption. The operator chooses a Bilinear Map denoted as ê: 11 2 GG G between two cyclic groups G1, G2 of order q for some large prime q, where G1 is the group of points of an elliptic curve over Fp and G2 is a subgroup of 2 * p F . At system setup phase, the operator sets the system public key Ppub as sP where s is a random num- ber in * q Z , and P is an arbitrary point in E/Fp of order q. It also chooses a cryptographic hash function G: 0, 1 F p to map variable identity strings to points in E/Fp, and chooses hash functions H1: 2 *0, 1 p F n , H2: 2 * p F Zq, H3: 0,1 0,1nnFp , and H4: 0,1 0,1nm for keys of specified length. The initial master key s Zq and the system pa- rameters <p, n, P, Ppub, G, H1, H2, H3, H4 >are deter- mined and calculated by the operator. The network op- erator assigns a short code to each super peer in the net- work and publishes the numbers. For a MP2P subscriber, the operator uses the MSISDN as the unique identity and hence public key. For each 0,1ID , the crypto- graphic scheme builds an initial private key dID as dID = sQID where QID is a point in E/Fp mapped from ID. Every user gets the system parameters and its private key from the operator when he/she subscribes the MP2P ser- vice. 3.3. Secured P2P Communication The P2P applications installed on cellular terminals take care of secure communication between two terminals and between a terminals and a SP. When node A wants to send a message to node B, either a SP or a regular peer node, the application encrypts and authenticates the message as follows: 1) A first generates an implicit shared key with B, without any interaction with B: 1r kHg, where ˆ, g edAQB, ˆ 2,rHeQAQB , QAG IDA, QBGIDB, dA sQA . IDB is the MSISDN or short code of the receiver to whom the sender intends to send the message. 2) A encrypts the message M, and outputs the cipher text 4CEHkM, where Ek is a secure symmetric cryptosystem encryption function. 3) A signs the message with its own private key and the receiver’s public key using a message authentication code (MAC) function, named H3 here, the authentication code 3, H Ck is determined by the message to be sent and the private key of the originator, and serves as a signature to the message signed by the node. The en- crypted message C and signature σ are put into the pay- load field of the packet, ,MC . At the receiver B side, the message is verified and de- crypted as follows: 1) B first generates the implicit shared key with A, without any interaction with A: 1r kHg, where ˆ, g eQAdB. Note that IDA is the MSISDN of sender derived from the packet header and ˆˆ ,,eQAdB edAQB. 2) For a received message ,MC in the de- fined format with signature σ and cipher text C, the sig- nature is re-calculated: 3, H Ck and verified against the one in the received message. If they match, the message is processed further. Otherwise, the message is discarded. 3) For the received message, B decrypts it with the shared key: 4 M DHk C , where Dk is a secure symmetric cryptosystem decryption function. M should be the same as the original message M. One weakness of this scheme is key escrow [15], i.e. the network operator knows the encryption key between A and B. To transfer content that A and B want to keep secret from the operator, the following extra steps can be executed for calculating a shared session key between A and B after they get a pairwise secret key: ˆˆ ,, K ABedA QBeQAdBKBA. KAB is then di- vided into two parts Ke and Ka. Encryption under Ke prevents all other networks nodes from reading the mes- sages, whereas Ka is used in a message authentication code to enable mutual authentication. Then, A → B: A, EKe (K1), B → A: B, EKe(K2), MACKa (A,EKe(K1), Eke (K2)), A → B: MACKa (B,EKe(K2), EKe (K1)). A shared session key can be set up as 1, 2 K sesf KK [16]. This key provides forward security and prevents the S. P. LIU ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS 461 operator from being a key escrow. 3.4. Group Generation and Communication The MP2P architecture supports fixed group and ad-hoc group for peers to share data by broadcasting to group members. The security scheme generates group key for each fixed group and ad-hoc group. Each fixed group is formed by the network operator, and includes one super peer and any number of regular peers. The group broadcasting key is chosen by the super peer, and can be generated from a random number. One regular peer can join a super peer’s group by sending a request message and get a reply message, including the group key, from the super peer. These messages are en- crypted and signed using the scheme introduced in Sec- tion 3.3. After that, the super peer can announce infor- mation by broadcasting to its subscribers. The informa- tion can include the updates in its content table, client table, caching table, and membership table. Regular peers can generate ad-hoc groups by them- selves, and exchange data that are protected to outsiders using a group-wide secret key. The secret key is gener- ated in this way: 1) Node 1 computes its broadcast parameter that is uni- que for node 1: ˆ 11,23 K Ne sQidQidQidQidn ˆˆ ˆ 1,21, 31,esQidQidesQid QidesQid Qidn and distribute 11PbrdcstKNP to all candidate nodes using respective pairwise encryption. 2) Node 1 use P1−brdcst to encrypt a message sent to the group, and sign a message as 1 11 1 :, , id Nid MUVrQ KrhQ where r is a random number and h is a hash of the original message. Other group members decrypt the message with 1Pbrdcst, and verify if ˆˆ 1, , 1ePbrdcst VeP UhQid holds. 4. Discussion 4.1. Performance Analysis From previous sections, we know that the search effi- ciency depends on the search in different SP. The effi- ciency of caching policy will be analyzed in the follow- ing section. Suppose all of the SPs form a graph in which all nodes have the same degree D. And there is up to Nf different files for sharing being cached in snumber of N SPs, with Ni files in each SP. Each SP reserves the cache memory space for at most number of K files. Maximum searching steps, which limits the searching steps, are log11 1nDDNi. Let s be the possible number of steps used to search the target. And we assume searching steps and file location are evenly distributed in the content table and caching table. The analysis falls into the following three categories, N × K = Nf and without search loops: Assume that there are no duplicate contents in both the content table and the caching table. When no repeat con- tent and search loop exists, the probability for hitting the target is, 1 0 0 00 11 12 1 11 1 hit ffff n iff n iff PPhits Ps PhitsnPs n KKKK nN NNKNK KK NiKNnK KK nNjKNiK N × K > Nf and without search loops: At a certain time point, there are totally N × K files in SPs and Nf is fixed. If Nf < N × K, the overlap of con- tents occur between the content table and caching table. The repeat probability is defined as follows Pr(n) the probability for a certain cached file in the SP checked in nth steps to be the same as some file in the SP checked before, that is, in the SP checked in 0th , 1th, …, (n–1)th steps. 00; r P 11 f r f NK K PN K r 1P1 21 ; f r f NKK K PN K … 1 r 01P 1; n fi r f NKi K Pn N K Therefore the hitting probability is, S. P. LIU ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS 462 r 1 11 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 11 1 11 12 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hit fff rr ff fr nrr jn j fr fr m k nnr j i f KP KK PnNN NK KP KP K NNK NKK P KPj KPn NKPm NKPk n KPj NK 11 00 1 1 r jj rf r km KPi Pk NKPm With search loops: Now we consider the condition that loops are possible. If the search process hits the target in n steps, then the maximum number of the checked SPs is n, and the maximum number of steps that can be wasted due to loops is n - 2. The wasted step means that one SP that has already been checked is checked for a second time. Suppose the number of possible loop is evenly distrib- uted. Let P lab denotes the probability for hitting target in a steps along with b steps wasted because of loops, then, 11 P labPlA aB bPlAaBb 22PlAaBb Denote the probability for hitting the target in nth steps by Sn, then, 000 l SP; 110 l SP; 220 l SP; 3 111 303130 20 222 ll ll SPPP P 2 10 1 n nl i SPi n . Then the hitting probability is as follows, 32 11 10 200 11 ni hitl ll ij PPPPj ni where 0 l Pj 1 11 0 00 11 1 11 jll in i flfl mi KPi KPj NKPmNKPi . From Figures 2 and 3, the advantages of the proposed Figure 2. File number is 10000, n = 3, file caching room is in the range of 100 to 2000, connectivity degree = 10. File re- peat probability is 0. Figure 3. File number is 10000, n = 2 to 3, file caching room is 1000, connectivity degree = 5 to 40. File repeat probabil- ity is 0. architecture when evaluating hit probability are clear. The hit probability is improved significantly as the cache room and connectivity degree rises. Our results reasona- bly show some trends for parameters changes. 4.2. Business Security Analysis The security enhancement provides integrity, authentica- tion, and confidentiality to MP2P messages by binding a message with a private key possessed only by the cellular terminal. It effectively prevents the following attacks previously available in cellular networks: Identity Impersonation: In cellular networks, the pos- sibility exists that an attacker manages to impersonate the service provider or a terminal user. With the pro- posed security enhancement, the originating address of the sender is bound to the private key of the sender. The attacker, not knowing the private key, cannot forge an arbitrary address. This ensures correctness of delivered service and billing. Message Forgery and Tampering: Similarly to ad- dress forgery, an attacker can also forge or tamper the payload field of a data packet, namely the content of a message, in current cellular networks. With the pro- posed security enhancement, every message is signed by the sender. The attacker, not knowing the private S. P. LIU ET AL. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS 463 key of the sender, cannot tamper the message and ge- nerate a correct signature. It’s easy to verify the inte- grity of the message. Eavesdropping: As was stated earlier, there are many possibilities an attacker can get access to messages transmitted through current cellular networks. The attacker can intercept the messages from the Internet or over the air, and easily get interesting information, since there is no strong protection to them. With the proposed security enhancement, every message is encrypted, and only the sender and receiver know the decryption key. Any attacker will need a great deal of effort if he wants to crack the encryption. With these features, a MP2P service can be securely deployed; security requirements from both the network operator side and terminal user side can be well satisfied. A business model based on this framework is thus feasi- ble, profitable, and also promising. 5. Conclusions In this paper, we propose a framework for implementing P2P as a SIP-based service in cellular networks, in par- ticular in IMS. The framework is based on MP2P hybrid architecture. We show several benefits of this framework by mathematical analysis and simulation. The framework also includes a security enhancement, with which the operators can have control on security and group man- agement, and chargeability is possible. The enhancement is lightweight and convenient to deploy in cellular net- works environment by using identity-based cryptography. Business model using this MP2P framework with secu- rity enhancement can be easily and successfully setup, which is one of our future works. 6. References [1] N. B. Azzouna and F. 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