authoritative −0.144 0.228 −0.045 −0.634 0.527 0.897
* are significant at the 0.01 level. (F (df = 3,146) = 26.110, p = < 0.001, Adjusted R2 = 0.336)
The present research was conducted by the aim of consider-
ing the role of parents’ child rearing styles in the quality of life
and mental health of children. The research conclusion showed
that the more authoritative parents the senior high school stu-
dents of Neyshabour city have, the more mental health they
enjoy. These research findings are in mutual accord with the
previous Iranian research findings (e.g. Pourahmadi et al., 2009;
Momeni & Amiri, 2008; SeyedMosavi et al., 2008; Hoseini
Nasab et al., 2008; Zahrakar, 2008) and simlar foreign researches
(e.g. Dwairy & Menshar, 2006; Buri et al., 1988; Lamborn et al.,
1991; Wenar, 1994). Another finding derived from this research
is the students who have permissive parents enjoy a higher rate
of quality of life. On the other hand, the students who have
authoritarian parents enjoy a lower rate of quality of life. This
finding is in mutual accord with previous researches (e.g.
Yousefi, 2008; Sohrabi & Hasani, 2007; Laali-Faz & Askari,
2008; Bayrami, 2009). The limitations related to previous re-
searches is that instead of using the child rearing styles of par-
ents, a perceived form was usually employed for children, in
which it was possible that the children had not yet reached a
proper understanding of their parents’ child rearing styles. One
potential problem of the study is the lack of face-to-face rela-
tionship with the participants’ mothers, such that the mothers’
responses could be biased; however, we tried to minimize the
problem via providing them with extensive written information
prior to the completion of the measures.
We warmly thank all the teachers, and colleagues whom we
have consulted so frequently, and the students who has helped
so much at every stage in this study.
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