Z. Z. Fu, Y. R. Wang
blade increases, the shock moves from blade trailing edge to leading edge. This behavior significantly changes
the aerodynamic work done on the blade. The increasing of total positive aerodynamic work done on the blade
surface is prominent to the dissipative (negative) aerodynamic work. It can be concluded that the energy flowing
from blade to surrounding air is more and more difficult when the strength of in-passage shock increases.
Additionally, a statistical investigation of intentional and random mistuning has been performed through
Monte Carlo simulation. Alternately intentional mistuning with enough frequency offset can stabilizes the ran-
domly mistuned system very effectively. The introduction of intentional mistuning nearly has no effects on
aerodynamic damping coefficient when the standard deviation of random mistuning reaches about 2.1%. There
is an interesting phenomenon that a large amount intentional mistuning (for example 2%IM) is very sensitive to
slight random mistuning. This needs to be investigated in the future.
The authors wish to thank Xingmin Gui professor from Beihang University for his support for providing the
knowledge about swept blade profile design.
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