Intelligent Information Management, 2009, 32-37
doi:10.4236/iim.2009.11006 Published Online July 2009 (
Copyright © 2009 SciRes IIM
Design of the Collaborative Platform on Clustering
Applications for Governments
Xuewang ZHANG1,2, Zhoujun LI2, Wei SHEN3
1College of Software, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
2School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
3Chongqing South China Zenith Information Technology Co.,Ltd, Chongqing 400039, China
Abstract: The collaborative platform on clustering applications for governments consists of six large-scale
systems, including the clustering Government Internet portal system, clustering public-mailboxes collabora-
tion system, clustering government affairs portal system, clustering emergency information collaboration
system, clustering office automation collaboration system, and clustering messages collaboration systems.
The application and technique architectures of the collaborative platform are elaborated in this paper,and the
major key technologies on the platform are also expounded, which includes realization of many governments
applications’ scale integration and collaborative application, business model driven software development
platform based on SOA, SSO, tans-departmental and cross-level multi-engine clustering protocol. Based on
the “clustering application” design, to maximize the utilization of hardware, software resources and adminis-
trative resources of the provincial government collaborative platform, rural districts and counties can build
their own platforms based on the provincial platform. The platform having been running for over 2 years
shows that the planning of urban and rural e-governments’ construction and maintenance is achieved, thus
reducing costs greatly and improving governments’ functions and efficiencies.
Keywords: clustering applications, collaborative applications, single sign on, components, e-government
張學旺 1,2, 李舟軍 2, 沈 偉3
1重慶郵電大學軟件學院 重慶 400065;2北京航空航天大學計算機學院 北京 100191;
3重慶南華中天信息技術有限公司 重慶 400039
摘 要:集群政務協同平臺包括六大系統,本文論述了該平臺的總體應用架構和總體技術架構的設計,闡述了它
的主要關鍵技術:多個政務應用的規模集成和協同應用,業務模型驅動的 SOA 架構通用開發平臺,單點登錄技
中圖法分類號:TP393 文獻標識碼:A
1. 引 言
本文受國家自然科學基金重 大研究計劃項目( 90718017)和重慶市重大
產業開發技術項目(渝發改 技[2007]1110 號)資助。
張學旺(1974-),男,講師,主研方向:網絡 信息安全、軟件工 程;李
舟軍(1963-),男,教授,博導,主研方向:高可信軟件與理論 、信息
安全理論與技術、數據挖掘 與文本挖掘技術; 沈偉(1974-),男,總經
理助理,主研方向:企業信 息化。