Urban Heat Island Effect over National Capital Region of India: A Study using the Temperature Trends471
The annual mean maximum temperature did not show
any specific trend however the annual mean mini-
mum temperature indicates a warming trend in gen-
eral over the National Capital Region indicating sig-
nificant urbanization process in past few decades.
The inter comparison of the annual mean minimum
temperatures of two stations within Delhi (Safdarjung
and Palam) infers that the night time temperatures
trends have synchronized well with the pace of ur-
banization in the city.
Except post-monsoon season, there is generally an
increasing trend in annual mean minimum tempera-
ture at all the stations and seasons.
Annual mean minimum temperature time series can
provide useful information on the changing develop-
ment scenarios in a region and may indicate the likely
impact on the urban heat island effect especially
where time series of elaborate field campaigns are not
Increasing warming trends in the night-time tempera-
tures reflect the contribution of changing land-use
patterns and additional anthropogenic heat that may
enhance the urban heat island intensities in the city.
Warming trends in temperature reflects local warming
and future studies are required to study it’s Impact on
global warming.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge Indian Meteorological De-
partment for providing the necessary temperature data of
the four meteorological stations of the National Capital
Region. The financial support extended by Indian Space
Research Organization (ISRO) through their RESPOND
programme for carrying out this study is also gratefully
acknowledged. The help extended by Shweta Bhati, Re-
search Scholar at Centre for Atmospheric Sciences of IIT
Delhi is also duly acknowledged.
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