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direct in vivo measurement, and cadaver study of the
right common carotid artery of the same rat. Among
three different methods applied to the same artery, the
widest diameter was found in high resolution B-mode
ultrasound examination in all groups (Table 2, Figure 4).
It was probably actual diameter of the given artery in
living subject. In group 1 and 2, the values obtained dur-
ing phase 2 (in vivo measurement) were significantly
grater than those obtained from frozen and formalin
fixed cadavers. In contrast, the average diameter directly
measured on living subject and that measured on latex
filled artery within the same subject were equal. In fact,
this is not unexpected, since latex can sup port vessel wall
as blood pressure does.
5. Conclusions
1) Unless filled immediately with latex or silicon, vascu-
lar diameter values measured in cadaver will be lesser
than in vivo values.
2) In living person, high resolution B-mode ultrasound
is practical way to measure arterial diameter. On the
other hand, the results probably will always be greater
than those written classical textbooks.
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