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homotopy approaches are able to estimate the frequency
and period of the oscillations in a better way. Moreover,
unlike the solution of He, no singularity appears in the
displacement solution. Thus it can be concluded that the
homotopy method presented here can safely handle the
situations of high nonlinearity occurring in the Duffing
5. Concluding Remarks
In this paper the nonlinear problem of Duffing equation
has been considered with the homotopy analysis tech-
nique. As compared to the perturbation methods, the
homotopy treatment employed here does not require any
small parameter, yielding explicit formulas for the
quantities of physical desire, such as the displacement,
frequency and the period of the oscillations.
Four homotopy approaches have been pursued in this
analysis. First, the homotopy method of He in [15] has
been reinvestigated further calculating the second-order
contribution that was missed in [15]. Taking the
advantage of free selection of the linear operator and the
initial approximation to the solution, two more approa-
ches have been proposed here. The homotopy methods
with these choices are proven to generate analytic
approximations that are more accurate than the result
presented in [15]. Moreover, the approximate solutions
obtained by these techniques are valid not only for small
parameters but also very large parameters that are in-
volved in the degree of the nonlinearity. The purely
explicit analytical formulas obtained for the frequency
and period agree excellently with the exact values even
for infinitely large parameters, the discrepancy of the
approximate period with respect to the exact one is as
low as 0.26%. In addition to this, the displacement
function is uniformly valid and does not exhibit any
singularities as compared to the solution in [15].
The homotopy technique proposed here can be safely
adopted for sets of fully coupled, highly nonlinear
equations governing other physical problems in science
and engineering. Analytical solutions obtained here also
provide a good scientific base for the validation of the
numerically computed values using different schemes in
the literature.
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