Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AM
formance ratio and levels of accuracy
. TMPRP and
PRP-DC are also comparable with PRP + (pre). It is
noteworthy that the performance differences between
TTPRP and other solvers still tend to increase as the tol-
5. Discussion
Based on the Coope-Price direct search framework, we
proposed three PRP-type direct search methods. All of
them employ a kind of descent conjugate gradient direc-
tion. When exact gradients are available, descent conju-
gate gradient methods can generate sufficient descent
directions for the objective function, and numerical re-
sults have shown that they are often computational more
effective than PRP+ method.
In this paper, the gradient information of the objective
function is not available. We estimate the gradients based
on the function values obtained at the maximal positive
basis. These gradients estimated may be not accurate
very much, but global convergence can be ensured under
the Coope-Price direct search framework. In other words,
convergence is guaranteed by the frame-based nature of
the algorithms, not the fact that they mimic a conjugate
gradients method.
The accuracy of the gradients estimated may also af-
fect the descent property of the descent conjugate gradi-
ent directions. However, the numerical results show that
the proposed PRP-type direct search methods are prom-
ising and competitive, especially the TTPRP method.
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