Exergetic Analysis of Solar Energy Drying Systems
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. NR
The moisture content versus time plot (solar drying
curves) for shelled corn is shown in Figure 6. For the
three dryers, it was observed that the food item in the
mixed mode and indirect mode dryers dried faster than in
the direct mode dryer. Figure 7 shows the exergetic effi-
ciency curves of the three drying systems. The overall
analysis gave average exergetic efficiencies of 55.2%
and 54.5% for mixed mode and indirect mode systems,
respectively, while for direct mode, an average exergetic
efficiency of 33.4% was obtained.
4. Conclusions
Exergetic analysis was carried out on three types of
solar drying systems (direct, indirect, and mixed modes)
to find the useful and the quality of energy that are ob-
tainable from the systems. The results obtained show that
mixed mode and indirect mode solar dryers are more
effective in utilizing the captured energy than direct
mode dryer. For mixed mode and indirect mode systems,
about 78.1% and 77% of the collected energy respec-
tively is available or useful energy (exergy), while 21.9%
and 23% of the collected energy respectively is unavail-
able or wasted energy (anergy). But the direct mode sys-
tem could only convert 49.3% of the collected energy to
useful energy, while the rest 50.7% is wasted. In the
overall analysis of the systems, mixed mode and indirect
mode solar dryers were found more efficient than direct
mode dryer with mixed mode dryer having a slight edge
in superiority over indirect mode dryer. Average exer-
getic efficiencies of 55.2%, 54.5% and 33.4% were ob-
tained from mixed mode, indirect mode and direct mode
systems respectively.
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