American Journal of Oper ations Research, 2011, 1, 25-32
doi:10.4236/ajor.2011.12004 Published Online June 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJOR
Component-Oriented Reliability Analysis Based on
Hierarchical Bayesian Model for an Open Source Software
Yoshinobu Tamura1, Hidemitsu Takehara2, Shigeru Yamada2
1Graduat e S chool of Sci e n ce and Enginee ring, Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan
2Graduat e School of Engineering, Tottori University, Tottori, Japan
Received March 11, 2011; revised April 10, 2011; accepted May 9, 2011
The successful experience of adopting distributed development models in such open source projects includes
GNU/Linux operating system, Apache HTTP server, Android, BusyBox, and so on. The open source project
contains special features so-called software composition by which several geographically-dispersed compo-
nents are developed in all parts of the world. We propose a method of component-oriented reliability as-
sessment based on hierarchical Bayesian model and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Especially, we fo-
cus on the fault-detection rate for each component reported to the bug tracking system. We can assess the
reliability for the whole open source software system by using the confidence interval for each component.
Also, we analyze actual software fault-count data to show numerical examples of reliability assessment for
Keywords: Open Source Software, Reliability, Bayesian Model, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
1. Introduction
Software development environment has changed into new
development paradigms such as concurrent distributed de-
velopment environment and the so- called open source pro-
ject by using network computing technologies [1]. Espe-
cially, such OSS (Open Source Software) systems which
serve as key components of critical infrastructures in the
society are still ever-expanding now [2]. The methodology
of the object-oriented design and analysis is a feature of
distributed development environment and greatly success-
ful in the field of programming-language, simulation, GUI
(graphical user interface), and constructing on database in
the software development. A general idea of the object-
oriented design and analysis is developed as a technique
which can easily construct and maintain the complex sys-
tem. The successful experience of adopting the distributed
development model in such open source projects includes
GNU/Linux operating system [2]. However, the poor han-
dling of the quality and customer support prohibit the pro-
gress of OSS. We focus on the problems in the software
quality, which prohibit the progress of OSS.
Especially, many software reliability growth models
(SRGM’s) [3] have been applied to assess the reliability
for quality management and testing-progress control of
software development. On the other hand, the effective
method of dynamic testing management for a new dis-
tributed development paradigm as typified by the open
source project has only a few presented [4-8]. In case of
considering the effect of the debugging process on entire
system in the development of a method of reliability as-
sessment for OSS, it is necessary to grasp the situation of
registration for bug tracking system, the connection status
of each component, degree of maturation of OSS, and so
on [9,10].
Especially, OSS is composed of several software com-
ponents as a feature of distributed development envi-
ronment. In such cases, it is appropriate to apply the me-
thod of component based reliability assessment rather
than one of reliability assessment based on SRGM’s.
Many SRGM’s are assumed to be suitable for the system
testing phase of software development. On the other h and,
it is difficult to apply SRGM’s to OSS, because OSS
development style has not the typical software develop-
ment environment, i.e., OSS development cycle has no
testing phase. Moreover, OSS is developed under a com-
bination of many software components. Therefore, it is
important for software developers to confirm the static
state of each component in OSS development phase from
the standpoint of reliability assessment [6-8]. The char-
acteristics in terms of the reli ability assess ment fo r OSS ’s
are shown as follows [11,12]:
OSS development cycle has no testing phase;
The cumulative number of detected faults can not con-
verge to a finite value;
It is difficult to apply SRGM’s to the development
cycle of OSS;
OSS is developed under a combination of many
software components;
Many software components of OSS are developed by
the geographically-dispersed software developers;
OSS’s are grouped into several categories, i.e., appli-
cation software such as Firefox Web browser, server
software such as Apache HTTP server, embedded sys-
tem software such as Android, operating system soft-
ware s uch as Linux.
In this paper, we focus on an OSS developed under
open source project. We discuss the method of component-
oriented software reliability assessment considering the
fault-detection rate of each component based on Bayesian
theory and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (MCMC).
It is important to understand the static state of OSS, i.e.,
the connection status of each component. We consider the
method of reliability assessment for the whole OSS sys-
tem by using the data of proportion for fault-detection rate
in terms of the software components. Especially, we esti-
mate the predicted distributions by using MCMC. Then,
we use the data of proportion data for fault-detection rate
in terms of the software components on the bug tracking
system as the sample data. Also, we analyze actual soft-
ware fault-count data to show numerical examples of soft-
ware reliability assessment for the OSS. Especially, we
derive the confidence interval for each component. Then,
we show that the proposed m e t hod can assi st improvement
of quality for OSS. Our method may be useful for the soft-
ware testing manager to assess the static state of the whole
OSS system automatically.
2. Estimation of Predicted Distribution
Based on Bayesian Theory
We apply a Bayesian theory to the data in terms of fault-
detection rate of each OSS components. Let t be the
proportion data of the fault-detection rate in the OSS by
operational time
. Also, t
is the parameter of the
specific distribution at operational time
. We estimate
by using y
. In this case, we use the prior distribu-
tion up to time . As an example, the updated data
is given by the following equation based on Bayesian
theory in case that we hav e knowledge of the prior infor-
independently of data .
(| )( |)().
pD p
pD pDp
pDp d
In this paper, we estimate t
by using the data of
proportion for past fault detection rate in order to esti-
mate t
for the sequential data . Then, we can de-
rive the following equation from Equation (1):
12 1
12 1
(|, , , )
(|)(|, , , )
(|)(|, , , )d.
tt tt
tt ttt
pyy y
pypy yy
pypy yy
According to Equation (2), 12
(|, , , )
pyy y
(|, , pyy
is up-
dated on a real-time basis from 1
, )
Therefore, we define as follows:
1112 1
12 1
(|, , , )
(|)(|)(|, , , )d
(|)(|, , , )d.
tttttt t
tt ttt
pyy y
pyppy yy
pypy yy
 
 
Equation (3) means the probab ility at operational time
obtained from
at operational time . (1)t
Then, we assume the simple case as follows:
tt t
where t
is the independent Gaussian noise at opera-
tional time
3. Hierarchical Bayesian Model
In this paper, we assume the data trend of proportion for
the fault-detection rate as the following probability den-
sity function of normal distribution for simplicity:
() exp,
fx t
is the mean value and
the standard devia-
tion. We consider the hierarchical Bayesian model based
on the prior distribution and hyper prior distribution
composed of
Then, we can obtain the following equation from Equa-
tion (1).
(, |)
(|, )(|)()
(|, )(|)()dd
(|, )(|)().
pDp p
pDp p
pDp p
 
 
 (6)
Therefore, we can derive as follows:
12 1
12 1
(, |, , , )
(|, )(|)
(|, , , )
(|, )(|)
(|, , , )dd.
tt t
ttt tt
ttt tt
py p
pyy y
py p
pyy yt
 
 
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJOR
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJOR
According to Equation (7), 12
(, | , , , )
tt t
(, |, , ,
Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm in this paper, be is
updated on a real-time basis from 1
yy y
Therefore, we can obtain as follows: cause MH algorithm has simple structure, and widely
used in many research fields.
The flow of MH algorithm is shown in Figure 1. Also,
the procedures of MH algorithm is as follows:
12 1
(, | , , , )
(|, )(|)
(|)(|, , , )d
(|, )(|)
(|, , , )dd.
tt t
ttt tt
tttt t
ttt tt
py p
py p
pyy y
 
 
 
by using the applied density (,p )
in case of t
In case of (, )u
, replace
by 1t
. In case
of (, )u
, apply 1t
Continue the above mentioned process without the
initial value dependence.
In this paper, we assu me that ()
is (, )
. Al-
. Therefore, (, )
given by the following equation in this paper:
Equation (8) means the probability at operational time t
obtained from the operational time . We can esti-
mate (1)t
at operational time t from Equation (8).
Also, we can derive the confidence interval from the es-
timated mean value ˆ
and standard deviation
ˆ. In
case of the upper side probability 100 %
and the de-
gree of freedom (, we can obtain the upper and
lower confidence limits for the estimated confidence in-
terval as follows:
(, |, , , ).
(, | , , , )
tt t
5. Numerical Examples
There are many open source projects around the world. In
particular, we focus on an large scale open source solution
based on the Apache HTTP Server [16]. The fault-count
data used in this paper are collected in the bug tracking
system on the website of each open source pr oject.
ˆ(1 ),
 (9)
where k()t
is the value of distribution in case of
the confidence interval t
(1 )
at the degree of freedom
. Also, means the total number of data. kn
5.1. The Estimation Results Based on MCMC
The data of proportion for actual fault-detection rate for
each component in Apache HTTP Server is shown in
Table 1. We use the data from January 2008 to Septem-
ber 2010. Table 1 shows the data of proportion for actual
fault-detection rate for each month. Also, we apply
“Core”, “Documentation”, “mod_ssl”, “mod_proxy”, and
“Build” as the major components. We focus on the data
of all platform for Apache HTTP Server 2 version. We
assume that a unit of time is week, because these results
and computation al times show little chan ge if the unit of
time is day in terms of the software fault data sets.
It is one of the sampling method of the probability dis-
tribution based on Markov chain by the random number
generation. Basically, it is difficult to take a sample of
random variable from the multivariate distribution. How-
ever, we can easily take the probability sample from the
objective probability by using MCMC [14,15]. Several
MCMC algorithms have been proposed by several re-
searchers in order to solve these problems, i.e., Metropo-
lis-Hastings (MH) and Gibbs Sampler. Gibbs Sampler is
the extended method of MH algorith m. We apply the
100,0 00t
*Regardless of the initial value effect
*Histogram analysis for posterior distrbut ion
Likelihood estimation
Initial value1
Figure 1. The flow diagram of MH algorithm.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJOR
Table 1. The data of proportion for actual fault-detection
rate for each component in Apache HTTP Server.
Date Core Documentationmod_ssl mod_proxyBuild
Jan-08 0.500 00 0.050 00 0.150 00 0.250 00 0.050 00
Feb-08 0.357 14 0.142 86 0.071 43 0.214 29 0.214 29
Mar-08 0.153 85 0.307 69 0.076 92 0.230 77 0.230 77
Apr-08 0.269 23 0.307 69 0.153 85 0.192 31 0.076 92
May-08 0.285 71 0.238 10 0.285 71 0.095 24 0.095.24
Jun-08 0.375 00 0.187 50 0.000 00 0.062 50 0.375.00
Jul-08 0.280 00 0.120 0 0 0.080 00 0.320 00 0.200.00
Aug-08 0.230 77 0.076 92 0.307 69 0.307 69 0.076 92
Sep-08 0.277 78 0.166 67 0.222 22 0.111 11 0.222 22
Oct-08 0.380 95 0.142 86 0.142 86 0.047 62 0.285 71
Nov-08 0.214 29 0.214 29 0.071 43 0.214 29 0.285 71
Dec-08 0.176 47 0.352 94 0.294 12 0.117 65 0.058 82
Jan-09 0.315 79 0.421 05 0.105 26 0.052 63 0.105 26
Feb-09 0.200 00 0.133 33 0.133 33 0.333 33 0.200 00
Mar-09 0.285 71 0.285 71 0.142 86 0.142 86 0.142 86
Apr-09 0.500 00 0.000 00 0.250 00 0.250 00 0.000 00
May-09 0.250 00 0.250 00 0.250 00 0.166 67 0.08333
Jun-09 0.235 29 0.352 94 0.294 12 0.117 65 0.000 00
Jul-09 0.200 00 0.300 0 0 0.200 00 0.100 00 0.20000
Aug-09 0.285 71 0.357 14 0.071 43 0.142 86 0.14286
Sep-09 0.625 00 0.12500 0.125 00 0.125 00 0.00000
Oct-09 0.222 22 0.5555 6 0.11111 0.000 00 0.111 11
Nov-09 0.200 00 0.06667 0.46667 0.200 00 0.066 67
Dec-09 0.437 50 0.18750 0.062 50 0.187 50 0.125 00
Jan-10 0.222 22 0.33333 0.222 22 0.111 11 0.111 11
Feb-10 0.363 64 0.18182 0.363 64 0.090 91 0.000 00
Mar-10 0.315 79 0.052 63 0.210 53 0.210 53 0.210 53
Apr-10 0.666 67 0.111 11 0.111 11 0.000 00 0.111 11
May-10 0.000 00 0.500 00 0.375 00 0.000 00 0.125 00
Jun-10 0.545 45 0.181 82 0.181 82 0.090 91 0.000 00
Jul-10 0.333 33 0.222 2 2 0.333 33 0.000 00 0.111 11
Aug-10 0.411 76 0.235 29 0.235 29 0.000 00 0.117 65
Sep-10 0.300 00 0.500 00 0.200 00 0.000 00 0.000 00
Table 2. Comparison of the estimate with the actual data.
Mean Standard Deviation
EstimateActual Estimate Actual
Core 0.3152 0.3157 0.1445 0.1386
Document0.2325 0.2321 0.1440 0.1377
mod_ssl 0.1908 0.1910 0.1127 0.1078
mod_proxy0.1357 0.1359 0.1020 0.0978
Build 0.1251 0. 1253 0.0981 0.0941
We show the estimation results based on MCMC for
each component in Figures 2-6, respectively. Moreover,
the comparison results of the estimates with the actual
data are shown in Table 2. Above mentioned results, we
can find that the level of fault-detection rate for “Core”
component is largest. On the other hand, we can find that
the level of fault detection rate for “Build” component is
smallest. Therefore, we can confirm that “Core” compo-
nent is the most affected one for the whole OSS system.
Moreover, we can confirm that the standard deviation of
fault importance level for “Do cument” is large. Thereby,
there is variation in th e data of propo rtion fo r actual f au lt-
detection rate. Also, the estimation results of Table 2 is
shown to be optimistic results in terms of the standard
We show the estimation results based on MCMC for
each component in Figures 2-6, respectively. Above the
mentioned results, we can find that the level of fault de-
tection rate for “Core” component is largest. On the other
hand, we can find that the level of fault detection rate for
“Build” component is smallest. Therefore, we can conf ir m
that “Core” component is the most affected one for the
whole OSS system. Moreover, we can confirm that the
standard deviation of fault importance level for “Docu-
ment” is large. Thereby, there is variation in the data of
proportion for act ual fault -detect i on rat e.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. The estimation results for Core component.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. The estimation results for Documentation component.
(a) (b)
Figure 4. The estimation results for mod_ssl component.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. The estimation results for mod_proxy component.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJOR
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJOR
(a) (b)
Figure 6. The estimation results for Build component.
5.2. The Estimation Results Based on MCMC On the other hand, “mod_ssl” and “mod_proxy” compo-
nents decrease in width of the confidence interval, because
the open source project is proceeding without problems
according to be removed the faults of small components.
with Time Variation Considering
Confidence Interval
In this section, we consider the case of 24, 0.95n
Then, 95% confidence interval is given by the following
equation: 6. Concluding Remarks
In this paper, we have focused on the reliability of OSS.
Moreover, we have proposed the method of component-
oriented software reliability assessment based on th e hie-
rarchical Bayesian model and MCMC in order to esti-
mate the predicted distributions for each component of
OSS. Especially, we have assumed the data of proportion
for the fault-detection rate as t he prob ability d ensity f u n c-
tion of normal distribution. Also, we have analyzed ac-
tual software fault-count data to show numerical exam-
ples of component-oriented software reliability assessment
for OSS.
23 ˆ
ˆ(0.05) .
The estimation results based on MCMC with time varia-
tion of the data of proportion for each component are
shown in Figures 7-11, respectively. From Figures 7-11,
we can confirm that “Core” component is constant in small
width of the confidence interval. Also, “Core” component
remains in the large value continuously. These results mean
that the open source project keeps a high active state.
Therefore, we consider that the focused OSS system is
stable in terms of the occurrence rate of “Core” component.
Figure 7. The estimation results of confidence interval for Core component.
Figure 8. The estimation results of confidence interval for Documentation component.
Figure 9. The estimation results of confidence interval for mod_ssl component.
Figure 10. The estimation results of confidence interval for mod_proxy component.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJOR
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJOR
Figure 11. The estimation results of confidence interval for Build component.
Finally, we have focused on fault-detection rate for
fault importance level of OSS. By us ing our method, th e
software testing manager can assess the static state of
OSS. Our method may be useful as the method of com-
ponent-oriented reliability assessment for OSS.
7. Acknowledgements
This work was supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (C), Grant No. 22510150 from the
Ministry of Education, Cul t ure, Sport s, Sci e nce, and Tech-
nology o f Ja p an.
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