Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG
given the large difference in spatial resolution between
the two sensors and the patchy nature of land cover in
Malawi. Because of the short temporal extent (2001 -
2005) of MODIS data, our analysis of temporal trends is
based primarily on the AVHRR data. If we had been able
to use 1-km AVHRR-NDVI data instead of 8-km resolu-
tion data, the inferred LULC distributions may have been
more compatible with the MODIS results, but such data
were not available.
6. Conclusions
Because of differences in spatial resolutions, AVHRR
and MODIS sensors gave different values for areal ex-
tent of the forest, cropland and SSW land classes over
the period of analysis. The extent of surface water re-
mained virtually unchanged over the period 1982 - 2005.
Both the AVHRR and the MODIS data show that crop-
land was mainly derived from SSW.
7. Acknowledgements
The authors thank the International Water Management
Institute (IWMI), University of Minnesota, and START
for funding for the study. Use of the facilities of the Re-
mote Sensing Laboratory and Water Resources Center at
the University of Minnesota and Monkey Bay Fisheries
Research Station in Malawi is greatly appreciated. We
are happy to acknowledge technical support from James
Kuyper, NASA; John Sapper, NOAA; Ye Myint, Leica;
Prasad Thenkabail, USGS; and the Ministry of Irrigation
and Water Development in Malawi.
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