Open Journal of Optimization
Vol.2 No.1(2013), Article ID:29488,5 pages DOI:10.4236/ojop.2013.21005
A Variable Metric Algorithm with Broyden Rank One Modifications for Nonlinear Equality Constraints Optimization
1School of Electronic Engineering and Automation, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China
2School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China
Received January 17, 2013; revised February 18, 2013; accepted March 8, 2013
Keywords: Equality Constrained Optimization; Variable Metric Algorithm; Broyden Rank One Modification; Superlinear Convergence
In this paper, a variable metric algorithm is proposed with Broyden rank one modifications for the equality constrained optimization. This method is viewed expansion in constrained optimization as the quasi-Newton method to unconstrained optimization. The theoretical analysis shows that local convergence can be induced under some suitable conditions. In the end, it is established an equivalent condition of superlinear convergence.
1. Introduction & Algorithm
This In this paper, it is proposed to consider the following nonlinear mathematical programming problem:
where are continuously differentiable functions. Denote the feasible set as follows:
Let be Lagrangian function of (1), and
If is a KKT point pair of Equation (1), then
At the point pair, the Newton’s iteration of (2) is defined as follows:
Later, a positive definite matrix is replaced for
by a lot of authors to develop some kinds of variable metric methods, such as sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods [1-5], sequential systems of linear equations (SSLE) algorithms [6-8]. In general, the computational cost of those methods is large.
In this paper, a new variable metric method is presented, in which the following fact is based on: a positive definite matrixis replaced for the matrix
In the sequel, we describe the algorithm for the solution of (1). Denote
It is obvious that and from Equation (3), we have
To the system of linear Equations (4), like unconstrained optimization, is dealt with using Broyden rank one modifications as follows:
Now, the algorithm for the solution of Equation (1) can be stated as follows:
Algorithm A:
Step 1: Initialization: Given a starting point (i.e.,
), and a initial positive definite matrix
Step 2: Compute. If
, stop;
Step 3: Compute;
Step 4: Let, and obtain
according to (5). Set
. Go back to step 2.
2. Convergence of Algorithm
If the algorithm stops at, then
is a KKT point of (1). In the sequel, we suppose that algorithm generates an infinite sequence
Four basic assumptions are given as follows:
A1 The feasible set is nonempty; The functions
are two-times continuously differentiable;
A2 For all, the vectors
are linearly independent;
A3 and
are bounded. There exists a KKT point pair
, such that
is positive definite;
A4 There exists a ball of radius
, where
satisfy the Lipschitz condition on
Lemma 1 [9] Let be continuously differentiable in some open and convex set
, and
is Lipschitz continuous in
, then
, it holds that
where is the Lipschitz constant. Moreover,
, it follows that
Lemma 2 [9] Let be continuously differentiable in some open and convex set
, and
is Lipschitz continuous in
. Moreover, assume
is invertible for some
, then there exist some
, such that for all
, the fact
implies that
Lemma 3 [9] For operator, which satisfies:
R1 is continuously differentiable on
R2 There exists a point, such that
, and
is reversible;
R3 is Lipschitz continuous at
, i.e., there exists a constant
, such that
Let, where
, and it holds that
then there exist and
, when
it is true that is meaning, and
is linearly convergent to
. Thereby, we can conclude that
is superlinearly convergent to
, if and only if
In the sequel, we prove the convergence Theorem as follows:
Theorem 1 If there exist constants and
such that
then is meaning, and
is linearly convergent to
, thereby
are linearly convergent to
Proof: From Lemma 3, we only prove that and
satisfy conditions R1, R2, R3 and the inequality (6). From assumption A1, it is obvious that
is continuously differentiable. From A3, it holds that
, and
While is positive definite, and
are linearly independent. So, it is easy to see that
is reversible. In addition,
From assumption A4, it holds that is Lipschitz continuous at
. In a word,
satisfies the conditions R1, R2, R3.
Now, we prove that, for and
generated according to (5), (6) is satisfied.
In fact, from (5), we have
and from Lemma 1, we have
i.e., (6) is true, thereby, from Lemma 3, we get
The claim holds.
Theorem 2 Under above-mentioned assumptions, if,
in Theorem 1 satisfy that
then is superlinearly convergent to
, i.e.,
Proof. From Lemma 3, we only prove that and
satisfy (7). Denote,
Frobenius norm. From (8),
In addition, from (6), (10), using the method of mathematical induction, it is not difficult to prove that
Thus, from (9), (12), (13), we have
i.e. is convergent, thereby,
From Theorem 2, we don’t conclude that is superlinearly convergent to
, i.e.,
In the sequel, we discuss one condition which assures that
is superlinearly convergent to
Lemma 4 Let be a function defined by
Then, , if and only if
Proof. Obviously, using the triangle inequality, it holds that
In addition, from A1, we know that is continuously differentiable, and
It holds that is nonsingular. In fact, let
, and
the facts that has full rank,
is semi-positive definite and
is positive definite imply that
which is a contradiction.
Thereby, from A4 and Lemma 2, there exist , such that
The claim holds.
Theorem 3 Under above-mentioned conditions,
is superlinearly convergent toif and only if
and i.e.,
Proof. The sufficiency: Suppose that (16) holds. We only prove that
From (4), we have
So, the fact implies that
From (15), we have
In addition, according to Lemma 1, we have
so, from (16), it holds that
The necessity: Suppose that
On one hand,
So, in order to prove that
According to Lemma 1, we have
On the other hand, the fact implies that
Let, then
It is easy to see that
The claim holds.
3. Acknowledgements
This work was supported in part by NNSF (No. 11061 011) of China and Guangxi Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2012GXSFFA060003).
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