P. Löber, K. Holschemacher
opment in the concrete can be improved. Glass fibers are ab le to impro ve the fle xural st rengt h due to t heir hi gh
tensile strength of 1.700 - 3.700 N/mm 2 and their good bond with the cement matrix. However, this effect ap-
pears only at very high fiber contents from 3% - 5% of concrete volume [5]. In these ratios the fibers cannot
anymore mixed in the concrete because of the loss of consistency and bad fiber distribution. Due to their rela-
tively low stiffness co mpared to steel fibers, glass fibers are able to bridge very small cracks and to support the
conc re te al re ad y dur in g se tti n g ( flow of hyd r at io n hea t a nd shrinka ge ) and contrib ute to its i mpermeabilit y. Con-
crete covers as well as minimal cement contents must not be ensured. Therefore GFRC is used for thin elements
or for repair of existing components. Examples for usage are prefabricated elements in façade construction,
noise barriers, place formwork, fire-resista nt panels, design elements in the i nterior or for the renovatio n of old
floors as glass fiber modified concrete [1]. In Germany there are a few standards dealing with test methods for
glass fiber reinforced concrete [9]. These standards are used for testing thin panels of traditional glass fiber
reinforced concrete with high fiber concrete. For struc tural use of GFR C no rul es exis t. At the moment slabs on
ground are constructed with reinforcement bars, steel fiber reinforced concrete, with combined reinforcement
(bars and steel fibers) or are made pre-stressed. If sla bs on ground may also be cons t ructed with struc tural GFRC,
has still to be inve stigated.
Structural Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete-Conceptual Alignment
The term glass fiber reinforced concrete is often used in civil engineering representative of a whole group of
composite building materials and has to be differentiated with respect to material be havior [5]. A distinction is
made between [3]:
● textile reinforced concrete (use of glass fiber rovings (continuous fibers) as reinforcement, analogous to bar
or mat reinforcement);
● glass fiber modified concrete (using microfibers of 12 - 30 mm length, produced in mixing, good for preven-
tion of shrinkage cracks in concrete applications, fiber content up to 1 vol%) and;
● (traditional) glass fiber reinforced (fine) concrete or mortar (using macro fibers up to 50 mm length in spray-
ing metho d for very thin GFRC applications, fiber content up to 5 vol%).
Structural glass fiber reinforced concrete shall be the fourth kind of GFRC wherein the fibers, similar to glass
fiber modified concrete in the form of short macrofibers are mixed with a three-dimensio nal arr ange ment i n the
concrete matrix. Due to excellent mechanical properties, glass fibers (see Table 1) can be used as reinforcing
material in the concrete. However, as usual they have to have a high durability in typical concrete alkaline envi-
ronment. Therefore o nly al kali re sistan t fibe rs are suited .
In structural GF RC integral AR-macr o glass fibers with a le ngth of 36 mm and a slenderness of 67 are used.
As matrix, normal vibrated concrete with a maximum grain size of 16 mm was used in former tests. Structural
GFRC should be economical and easy to prepare, that is why it has to be produced in mixing process and shall
be transported via pump to the respective point of use. That is the reason why the fibers can be interfered only in
s mal l a moun t s in t he mixin g pr oce ss due to the ir le n gth. App ro ximatel y fi ber co ntent s up to 1 5 kg/ m3 are po ssi-
ble with this kind o f pro duction. Glass fiber s reac t sensitive and br ittle at tra nsverse press ur e. This is due to their
low stiffness and the composition of individual filaments. Therefore, it is important to restrict the mechanical
impacts duri ng mixing to a minimum. In structural glass fiber reinforced concrete, the fibers are not used to in-
crease the te nsile strength of the composite buildi ng material, but to make the concrete mo re ductile and give it a
post cracking tensile strength as it is known from steel fiber reinforced concrete with a strain-softening material
behavior after concrete cracking. This shall be su fficient for use in statica lly highl y indet er mina te str uct ures l ike
slabs on ground. In these members structural GFRC can represent a visually appealing alternative to steel fiber
reinforced concrete. It is resistant to corrosion and can normally be used without surface protection system also
because fibers coming out of the surface are harmless.
3. Investigations
At the University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig, four test series with 14 specimens each were carried out. The
mix design was done on experiences with steel fiber reinforced concrete (see Table 2). The four series contain
two different fiber contents (5 and 7 kg/m3) e ac h wit h t wo d if fer e nt mi xi ng ti mes ( 4 5 a nd 1 80 sec) after addition
of fibers. Seven specimens of each series were tested in three- and fo ur-point bending tests according to G e rma n
[2] and European [6] regulations, respectively. The number of specimens has to be at least six [2] on the basis of