M. Lin
zational innovation. Previous studies have also pointed out that leadership style is the biggest environmental
factor affecting achievements of subordinates, morale and satisfaction, which also is one of variables of affect-
ing the achievements of an organization. During the past 20 years, some researchers think the innovation climate
have gradually become more and more important. Ekvall & Ryhammar’s study found that atmosphere of an or-
ganization is mainly in the charge of the leadership behavior, culture and values of it [1]. This research is start-
ing from the leadership style and study the correlation between transformational leadership and innovative at-
mosphere of an organization. Assuming transformational leadership style is a variable, this paper analyzed whe-
ther it influences E-commerce organization innovation or not. Then assumed innovation climate be another va-
riable, observing the relevance of various dimensions. Thus, it provides references to executives’ control and
adjustment of leadership style in practice of management.
2. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses
2.1. Transformational Leadership Style
Transformational leadership belongs to a factor of leadership and is a leadership behaviour that inspires his sub-
ordinates to make performance which exceed the expectation [2]. Integrating belief in one’s ability and forming
positive feelings is concerned by transformational leadership [3]. This understanding indicates that the leader is
clear about principal value and task in the organization as well as the final objective the enterprise determine to
fulfill [4]. Transformational leaders encourage followers to view problems from new perspectives (intellectual
stimulation), provide support and encouragement (individualized consideration), communicate a vision (inspira-
tional motivation), and engender emotion and identification (charisma), while transactional leaders motivate
subordinates through the use of contingent rewards, corrective actions (passive management by exception), and
rule enforcement (active management by exception) [5]. “Transformational leadership style scale”, developed
by B. J. Avolio, is adopted during the measurement of Transformational leadership dimensions. This scale is di-
vided into idealized influence, inspiration motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration [6].
2.2. Organizational Innovation Atmosphere
Research on the organizational innovation atmosphere began in the 1960s. Some relevant scholars (for example:
Ekvall, Iisaksen, Amabile, Britz, Tesluk) expounded their own views respectively for the definition of organiza-
tional innovation atmosphere [7] [8], while Chinese scholars also gave their opinions in succession. Scholars Liu
Yun and Shi Jintao think that organizational innovation atmosphere is a perception of organization members
support organization environmental innovation [9]. Chen Baojie thinks that the trait of organization innovation
atmosphere is that organization should have a kind of atmosphere in which everyone believes innovation is an
opportunity, not a threat. Individuals with creative potential are willing and able to release their potential to
promote the organizational innovation performance [10]. Through in-depth analysis and talking with some rele-
vant scholars and the key position employees, this dissertation has designed an organizational innovation at-
mosphere questionnaire of E-commerce organization from scholars Liu Yun and Shi Jintao’s scale. Because this
scale is based on our country’s actual situation. In the questionnaire, the design of the options used by five cate-
gories (specific dimensions: manager support, organization concept, team support, resource supply, task charac-
teristic) [9].
From the arguments bring forth above, we specify the following hypotheses to focus our empirical investiga-
Hypothesis 1: Transformational leadership is positively related to innovation atmosphere.
Hypothesis 2: Transformational leadership is related to E-commerce organization innovation.
Hypothesis 3: Innovation atmosphere is related to E-commerce organization innovation.
Hypothesis 4: Innovation atmosphere change mediates the relationship between transformational leadership
and E-commerce organization innovation.
3. Methods
3.1. Scale Design
Measurement of competent leadership style is on the basis of the multi-factor leadership questionnaire (MLQ)