Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2014, 2, 24-26
Published Online August 2014 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Aminev, E.G., Qing, W. and Khairullina, Z. (2014) Organization Psychoanalysis: Top-Managers Satis-
faction Estimation. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 24-26. http://dx. 4236/js s .2014.28004
Organization Psychoanalysis: Top-Managers
Satisfaction Estimation
E. G. Aminev1, Wang Qing2, Z. Khairullina3
1Hi-tech Psychology Central Institute, HiTPCI, Moscow, Russia
2School of Public Administration, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
3National training & School for Girls, Marillac Hills, Muntinlupa City, Manila, Philippines
Received May 2014
"A good chief" is one of the most important indicators of job satisfaction. However, related to the
immediate supervisor, ordinary employees, and especially top-managers do not tend to show it
openly. The present study confirms the effectiveness of the solution of this problem with the help
of standardized psychoanalytical questionnaires where classic erotic codes are transformed into
corporate ones. An integral model for calculating the level of negativity to company policy was re-
ceived. Approach can be applied effectively in the corporate counseling and within individual re-
ception program of positive psychotherapy.
Job Satisfaction, Leadership, Top-Managers, Interpersonal Attitudes, Human Resources Reliability,
Psychoanalysis, Dreams, Subconscious, Integer Programming
1. Introduction
Good relationship with the leadership is an important factor of satisfaction and happiness at workplace [1].
However, top-managers do not tend to be open on this issue. Moreover, the distorted perception of the image of
the boss can manifest even in private counseling beyond the walls of his own company.
On the one hand, the use of polygraph (lie detector), recording of evoked potentials, analysis of voice mod-
ulation, and rhythm disturbances writing can be proposed to solve such problems. Each of these methods re-
quires expensive equipment or software, training, counselor, and may not always be accepted by the respondent.
On the other hand, classical psychoanalysis also does not provide solutions, as accentuated sexual interpreta-
tion of subliminal images, which can be simply inappropriate. The solution is a humanistic approach to psycho-
dynamics [2], a broader interpretation of symbols than the one proposed in classical psychoanalysis [3] [4] and
the change of the traditional model of working with a client in a therapist's office to the standardized technology
of rapid testing in a natural work environment or via the Internet .
The purpose of this message is to show the possibilities of organizational psychoanalysis.
2. Method
Organizational analysis was carried out on a voluntary basis with the senior management of the banks share of
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interregional 10 top-managers—vice presidents, chief accountant, service and departments chiefs. The central
office is located in Moscow. The name of the organization in accordance with the principles of business ethics is
not given.
The method was tested in earlier work with boxers, wrestlers, Russia basketball team, rescuers of the Ministry
of Emergency Situations, Special Forces soldiers. Regression models were built for the professional interpreta-
tion according to the assessment center, sociometry, emotional burnout, the stability of cognitive functions, and
psychosomatic Biomembrane indicators [5].
Top-managers filled the form on the computer questionnaire including 61 items of dreams, Sigmund Freud
identified. It was necessary to assess what dreams were pleasant for them and what ones were not: +2 to −2
points. Zero point is not allowed. Scales codes and interpretation are not shown and explained to respondents.
To ensure comparability of the results the average response was obtained for each scale for all its issues. The
values obtained were used in the further processing. Equation obtained previously by other groups, were refined
based on the security of the employees involved in the leakage of corporate information. Regression analysis
and uniquely designed digital programming software were applied (Excel-2003, VB).
3. Results
For each classical psychoanalytic code for Freud (F-code), a new corporate code (C-code) was obtained. Below
there are examples of dream symbols and names of the scales included in the basic model:
1) Fairy, mother (men dreams), magician, father (women dreams).
Inc, F-code: Incest, C-code: not implemented plans, hopes for promotion.
2) Evening dress uniforms.
Nak, F-code: Nakedness, C-code: Disappointment lack of career development, the first persons of insincerity,
lack of clear responsibilities.
The following are the corporate codes only, and classic ones are not given because of their fame;
3) A closed door, flowers, bloom
Vrg, inability to confront the employee rudeness of the first persons, lack of support for new ideas in the com-
4) Running, hasty action, swing
Sx: Complaints about abundance of routine and dissatisfaction with the salary;
5) Forest, shrub, meadow
HPb: Loss of faith in the promise of corporate wage supplements, compensation;
6) The Emperor, the King, the Earl
Prn: Dissatisfaction with the authoritarian style of leadership
7) Large yard, market
FGn: Deficit of male style of leadership, a desire to hide from the production hassles and responsibility.
A formula of dissatisfaction with the company policy, and with the central leadership has the following form:
( )
0.4 33 2 2 3DLIncNakVrgSxHPb ParFGn=++++−− −
Here the normalizing factor 0.4 provides corridor results from 0 to 2: 0 pointsabsolute support, full identi-
fication with the leadership, to 1 pointpartial support, and 2 points—the rejection of the firms strategy.
A protest group corporation is revealed by high values. Managerial staff is clearly divided into three levels:
A group of like-minded management of the bank, DL = 0 points, 2 employees.
Partial support group, DL = 1 point, 2 employees.
Rejection group, DL = 2 points, 6 employees.
You can select a destructive risk subgroup DL ≥ 2, 4 employees
As you can see, in this significant bank, a good proportion of top managers are not satisfied with the work, and
when there is a crisis situation, they lost loyalty to the company.
A number of indicators were not included in the model (1), but also showed dissatisfaction with senior manag-
ers that allows you to design measures for the resolution of social engineering and human resource crisis. Table 1
presents the average values of all scales related to social frustrations of top personnel.
Results were checked by external criteria. Top personnel filled card of formalized mutual assessments of cor-
porate behavior. Discussions with the management of the impact of staff work in the development of new financial
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Table 1. Average values of the dream test scales related to social frustrations.
F-code Score Samples of Dreams Disadvantaged motivation
HPb 1.50 Forest, shrub, meadow Loss of faith in the promise of corporate wage supplements of compensation;
Inc 1.30 Fairy, wizard, mother, father Unrealized plans, hopes in career (fairy mothermen dreams,
magician fatherwomen dreams)
Sx 1.03 Running, rush, swing Complaints about wages and abundance of routine
Gn 1.00 A baby Dissatisfaction with their relationships with colleagues, routine
FGn 0.85 Large yard, market Desire to escape from the troubles of production
Nak 0.70 Evening gown, uniforms Disappointment at the lack of career growth, top officials insincerity
and lack of clear functional responsibilities
Fth 0.70 The Emperor, Count, etc. Dissatisfaction with the authoritarian style of leadership
Mst 0.67 Sliding, rolling Dissatisfaction with wasted work, conversation, the inability to
put him/herself in a team
instruments and western standards were held. External criteria analysis has fully confirmed the composition of
the protest and destructive microgroups of leaders.
4. Discussion
Organizational and psychoanalytic diagnosis is an effective technology to add to the positive methods of psy-
chotherapy. Perception analysis of dream symbols based on corporate rather than erotic codes gives the oppor-
tunity to explore the profile of discontent on the part of staff, as well as to recognize destructive groups.
Organizing psychoanalysis can evolve as the direction of positive psychotherapy, as it is based on humanistic
principles. It has the following advantages:
Sociality—focus not on erotic complexes but on the frustrations diagnosis of major social motivation.
Behaviorismfocus on the diagnosis and corrective procedures in the natural production environments, or
via the Internet. Respondent is not considered as a clinical client.
Objectivity, psychologist uses standardized questionnaires in the diagnosis and treatment model that elimi-
nates the subjective interpretation.
Constructiveness—the task of the psychologist is not to identify objectionable ones, but accurate diagnosis of
corporate complexes. Getting rid of complexes is possible only if not to drive them inside, but on the contrary,
bring to the level of individual awareness solved together with the pressing problems of each employee.
High Technology—it allows you to use modern methods of psychoanalysis mathematical processing (Integer
Programming, Artificial Neural Network), brain research, neyromembranes, Biochemistry and Biophysics
(MRI, UF-, Near-infrared spectroscopy, etc.)
[1] Andrew, S.S. (2009) The Servant Shepherd: A New Leadership Paradigm for Job Satisfaction and Happiness at the
Workplace. In: Sengupta, S.S., Ed., Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leadership, Macmillan Publishers,
London, 377-391.
[2] Peseschkian, N. (1987) Positive Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice of a New Method. Springer.
[3] Freud, S. (1976) The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. Penguin Books, London.
[4] Thoma H., Kachele H. (1987) Psychoanalytic Practice Principles. Springer.
[5] Aminev, E.G., Qing, W. and Truskalov, V.V. (2004) Mnemonic Stupor in Rescuers: Training and Membrane Stabiliz-
ing Food Additives. Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.