A Parallel Derivation to the Maxwell-Garnett Formula for the Magnetic Permeability of Mixed Materials
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. WJCMP
where f = nV is the volume ratio of the embedded parti-
cles within the mixture (0 ≤ f ≤ 1). In the more general
situations where the host is no longer vacuum but of the
permeability μh, then the more general mixing formula of
permeabilities becomes:
eff hh
As with Bruggeman’s approach for dielectrics [4], the
derived magnetic permeability formula can be genera-
lized to the multi-component form:
25 25
eff i
eff i
where fi and μi denote the volume ratios and permeabili-
ties of the involved different inclusions, respectively. Or,
25 2
reff ri
reff ri
Although the actual mixing procedures can vary
widely such that substantial deviations may result be-
tween the theoretical and measured values, (23) should
still serve as a valuable guide when designing magnetic
materials or composites.
5. Summary and Conclusions
An effective mixed medium approximation of perme-
abilities in the infinite-wavelength limit is derived from
the model describing a host material containing a collec-
tion of spherical homogeneous inclusions. The derivation
parallels that which had previously led to the famous
Maxwell Garnett formula for dielectric mixtures. It is
believed that such approximate magnetic mixing formula
should find a great many applications in all frequency
spectra of the general electromagnetic fields.
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