J. Electromagnetic Analysis & Applications, 2009, 2: 124-127
doi:10.4236/jemaa.2009.12020 Published Online June 2009 (www.SciRP.org/journal/jemaa)
Copyright © 2009 SciRes JEMAA
Design and Implementation of a Novel Digital
Frequency Superposition Testing Power Supply
for Induction Motor
Xingjian Dong1, Shenxian Zhuang1, Wen Yan2
1School of Electric Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China; 2 Hunan YinHe Electric Corporation, Changsha,
Email: swjtu_dxj@126.com
Received April 15th, 2009; revised June 8th, 2009; accepted June 13th, 2009.
A novel design and implementation of frequency superposition testing power supply for induction motor is proposed. An
equivalent power using dynamic space voltage vector synthesis is generated to replace the two separate powers of the
traditional method. The principle of frequency superposition testing is firstly introduced, and then the detailed design
and implementation of the digita l frequency superpositio n power are given. Th e simulation of the power supply system
shows the promising resu lts. Finally, experimental results validate the feasibility and reliability of the proposed power.
Keywords: Digital Power, Frequency-Superposition Testing, SVPWM
1. Introduction
Currently, there are two main methods for temperature
rising testing which is an important index of induction
motors. One is direct loading testing; the other is fre-
quency superposition testing [1]. When a direct loading
testing is performed, a duplicate motor must be coupled
with the tested induction motor mechanically. However,
for a large scale induction motor, it’s difficult to add a
rated load on the shaft and it’s not safe. Frequency su-
perposition testing is an equivalent loading testing with
out a duplicate motor coupled. The tested induction mo-
tor is fed with two separate voltage sources of two dif-
ferent frequencies. When a frequency superposition test-
ing is performed, the most sophisticated case is that the
two power supplies ar e supported by a dynamotor. There
must be at least 4 to 5 operators to operate it. Another
drawback is that the dynamotor runs with a big noise.
This paper designs and implements a digital frequency
superposition testing power supply by using open loop
constant volts per hertz control based on SVPWM (Space
Vector Pulse Width Modulation). The reference voltage
is synthesized with the main reference voltage and the
auxiliary reference target voltage by using parallelogram
rule. The two reference voltages are controlled via a HMI
(Human Machine Interface) client.
The concept of frequency superposition testing is sim-
ply described in Section 2. The method to generate a
synthesized voltage vector using space voltage vector
synthesis and the digital implementation of the frequency
superposition testing power supply are described in Sec-
tion 3. The simulation and the experiment results of the
power supply proposed are given in Section 4, Section 5
respectively. The conclusion is presented in Section 6.
2. Traditional Frequency Superposition
Testing Power
In the traditional frequency superposition testing [1,2],
the tested motor is fed with two independent powers cou-
pled with a transformer. Figure 1 shows the schematic of
the traditional frequency superposition power with
dynamotor fed. Traditionally, the auxiliary frequency is
(80% - 120%) times of main frequency. Under the syn-
thesized power supply, the voltage, curren t, speed , flux of
the tested motor run with a beating frequency. When the
synthesized stator flux runs faster than the rotor’s, the
tested motor runs as a motor, when the synthesized stator
flux runs slower than the rotor’s, the tested motor runs as
a generator. The RMS (Root Mean Square) values of the
stator currents increase while the auxiliary voltage in-
creases. Until the RMS values of the electrical parameters
are around the rated values. The motor works as a rated
load added on its shaft.
Design and Implementation of a Novel Digital Frequency Superposition Testing Power Supply for Induction Motor 125
Figure 1. Schematic of the traditional frequency superposi-
tion testing with dynamotor fed for induction motor
3. Design and Implementation of the Digital
Frequency Superposition Testing Power
3.1 Design of the Proposed Frequency Super-
Position Testing Power Supply
The hardware diagram of the proposed power has been
shown in Figure 2. The hardware system consists of 1
power converter unit, 1 digital control board, 1 power
analyzers and 1 HMI client.
The drive is based on TMS320LF2812 DSP platform.
The main and auxiliary reference voltages are sent to the
control board from the HMI client.
3.2 Implementation of the Power Converter Unit
The structure of the proposed three-phase voltage source
power converter is shown in Figure 3. Uu, Uv and Uw
are the output voltages. S1…S6 are the six IGBTs that
shape the output, which are controlled by Su+ and Su-,
Sv+ and Sv-, Sw+ and Sw-. When an upper IGBT is
switched on, the corresponding lower IGBT is switched
off, i.e., when Su+, Sv+ or Sw+ is 1.the corresponding
Su-, Sv- or Sw- is 0. The on and off demonstrates the
states of the up transistors S1, S3 and S5.
There are eight possible combinations of on and off
patterns for Su+, Sv+, Sw+. The derived output phase
and line-to-line voltages in terms of DC supply voltage
Udc are shown in Table 1.
The objective of SVPWM technique [3] is to approxi-
mate the reference voltage vector Uo by a combination of
the eight switching patterns. One combination is shown
in Figure 4.
For every PWM period, the desired reference voltage
Uo can be approximated by having the power converter
in two adjacent switching pattern Ux,Ux+1 of T1 and T2
duration, respectively. The output voltages are decided by
the selection of the duration time T1 and T2. The output
voltage space vector is shown in Figure 5.
3.3 Synthesis of the Output Reference Voltage
Figure 6 shows a synthesis of the dynamic space voltage
According to Figure 6, using the parallelogram rule,
we have:
outmainauxmain aux
sin sin
arg tancos cos
main aux
main aux
where, ,
are the amplitude and electrical angle
of the main voltage vector. ,
are the amplitude
and electrical angle of the auxiliary voltage vector. ,
are the amplitude and electrical angle of the synthe-
sized voltage vector.
Figure 2. Hardware diagram of digital power for frequency superposition testing
Copyright © 2009 SciRes JEMAA
126 Design and Implementation of a Novel Digital Frequency Superposition Testing Power Supply for Induction Motor
Figure 3. The diagram of the power converter unit
Table 1. Output phase and line-to-line voltages
in terms of DC supply Udc
Su+ Sv+ Sw+ Uu UvUw Uuv UvwUwu
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 -1/3 -1/32/3 0 -1 1
0 1 1 -2/3 1/3 1/3 -1 0 1
0 1 0 -1/3 2/3-1/3 -1 1 0
1 1 0 1/3 1/3-2/3 0 1 -1
1 0 0 2/3 -1/3-1/3 1 0 -1
1 0 1 1/3 -2/31/3 1 -1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
(000) (001) (101) (101) (101) (001)(000)
1 PWM Period
Figure 4. One combination of the eight switch patterns
According t1), (2) we can get the target voltage
space vector in every carrier period. The sector,
the target voltage space vectors and the duration time of
the two nearest adjacent voltage vectors can be decided
by using SVPWM principle [4-7].
o (
4. Simulation Results
In order to verify the validity of the proposed frequency
superposition power, some simulation work has been
performed. The parameters of the tested induction motor
involved in the simulation are given in Table 2. Figure 7
gives the simulation results of the proposed m odel.
Before 2s, the motor is only fed with the main power;
the voltage of the auxiliary power is set to 0, i.e. the mo-
tor runs under No-Load Mode.
At 2s, the auxiliary power is added to the motor, the
motor runs under a frequency superposition mode.
5. Experimental Results
Figure 8 shows the DC bus voltage and the stator current
obtained with the Tektronix Scope. Such experimental
results were obtained with a roller induction motor. The
parameters of the tested motor the experiment are given
in Table 2.
In this case, the main frequency is given to 21.8Hz, the
auxiliary one is 17.8Hz (82% of 21.8). The auxiliary
voltage is 0.2 times as the main power which is given to
the rated voltage.
This experimental figure shows that the stator current
is oscillated at a RMS value equals to the rate current.
Figure 5. Diagram of the voltage space vector
Figure 6. Synthesis of the dynamic space voltage vectors
Table 2. Rated parameters of the tested induction motor
Parameters Value
Rated voltage (V) 380
Rated current (A) 107
Rated frequency (Hz) 21.8
Rated power (kW ) 60
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Design and Implementation of a Novel Digital Frequency Superposition Testing Power Supply for Induction Motor 127
Figure 7. Simulation results of the stator phase A current
and the DC bus voltage
Figure 8. Experimental results of the proposed frequency
superposition power supply
6. Conclusions
In this paper, a design of digital motor drive for fre-
quency superposition testing is proposed. It has been im-
plemented in an open loop control by using digital signal
processor TMS320LF2812. Simulation results show that
the stator current oscillated at a beating frequency after
Frequency-Superposition. The tested motor runs as a
rated load coupled with it. The experimental results indi-
cate that this power supply can realize the equivalent
loading test.
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Copyright © 2009 SciRes JEMAA