Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment, 2014, 3, 1-8
Published Online July 2014 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Tyburski, J., Kurowski, T. and Adamiak, E. (2014) Root and Foot Rot Diseases of Winter Wheat
Grown in Conventional and Organic Systems. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment, 3, 1-8.
Root and Foot Rot Diseases of Winter Wheat
Grown in Conventional and Organic Systems
Jozef Tyburski1, Tomasz Kurowski2, Ewa Adamiak1
1Department of Farming Systems, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland
2Department of Phytopathology and Entomology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsz tyn, Poland
Received 24 April 2014
The object of the study was fungous disease s occurring on roots, leave sheaths and stem base of
winte r wh e at in the two opposing cropping systems (organic and conventional). The observat i on s
were made in vegetation periods (2007-2009) in the fields of wi n te r wheat in no rthe rn Polan d.
Every year on each plot of compared farming systems root rot occurred (Fusarium spp., Gaeu-
mannomyces graminis and other fun g i ) . For the period of 3 ye ar s the degr ee of disease injury on
the roots of winte r whe at grown in th e co nv en ti on al system in the vegetation period increased,
while in the organic one remained on pretty t he sam e leve l. On average a lot more affe cted roots,
especially in the flower ing stage, occurred on the wi n te r wh e at grown in the co nv enti ona l s ystem.
Fusarium foot rot (Fus ari u m sp p.) developed on the wheat duri ng the e n tir e ve geta ti on period. It
was the most dangerous root and foot rot disease (the hi ghes t i nde xes of in jury ). T he mean degree
of disease injury on leave sheath was on p re tty the s ame level in the two farming systems, al-
though in investigated vegetatio n periods differed a lot, whereas at the bases of stems the patho-
gen was on the higher level on the wheat in the conventional system. Also eyespot (Tapes ia yallude)
developed in the entire vegetati on perio d of the winter wheat, but its i nt ens i ty was much lower
than in case of fus arium foot rot. Leave s he aths of the wheat grown in the conventional system
were slightly stronger affected than tho s e grown in the organic system. In the flowering stage th e
intens i ty of the disease in both farming systems became equal, while in the wax maturity it was
consider abl y higher in the con ve nti ona l system. Sharp eyespot (R hizoctonia spp.) appeared rela-
tively late and occurred only in two years of investigation. The intensiveness of the disease was
definitely higher on the org a ni c plots. Among the affect ed roots, taken in the ste m elongation stage,
from the organic system 28 cultures of fungi were isolated, and from the conventional one 24 co-
lonies. Cereals pathogenic fungi amounted 35.8% of isolates obtained from the organic system and
as many as 66.7% from the conven ti onal system. Among the affected roots, taken in the flowering
stage, f rom th e organic syst em 68 cultures of fungi were isolated in all, and from the conventional
one 25 colonies. Cereals pathogenic fungi amounted 38.2% of isolates obtained from the organic
system and 56.0% from the conv ent i onal system. Among the affected stem bases, taken in the wax
maturity stage, from the organic system 56 cultures of fungi were isolated in all, and from the
conventional one 52 colonies. Cereals pathogenic fungi amounted 48.4% of isolates obtained from
the organic system and 53.6% from the conventional system. In the case of all root and foot rot
diseases of wheat grown in the organ i c system, an advantageous influence of greater biodiversity
and number of various fungi species living in root proximi ty was noticed as opposed to the con-
ventional system.
J. Tyburski et al.
Winter W h e at , Root and Foot Rot Diseases, Organic Farming, Conv en ti on a l, Farming
1. Introduction
The root and foot rot diseases are considered the most dangerous among the diseases caused by pathogens con-
nected with the soil environment [1] [2]. The ir common feature is a patch occurrence in productive field s, lead-
ing to the shortening vegetation of crops and yield decrease [1] [3]-[5]. The occurrence of the root and foot rot
diseases strengthens as a resu lt of the simplification of crop rotations, which happens in the conventional system
of cereals growing [6]-[8]. In order to counteract these disadvantageous phenomena a range of fungicides is ap-
plied, which decrease the pressure of fungi on roots and stem base [9]-[14]. Cereals cropping in the organic sys-
tem, on the other hand, is closely related to a proper crop rotation and manuring, which due to the increase of
biomass and biodiversity of microorganisms in soil, should protect crops to a high degree against attacks of pa-
thogens living in soil [15].
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of organic and conventional growing method on the occur-
rence of root and foot rot diseases and to lea rn about the species content of pathogens living in the above-men-
tioned organs.
2. Materials and Methods
The object of the study was fungous diseases occurring on roots, leave sheaths and stem base of winter wheat in
the two opposing cropping systems (organic and conventional). The observations of the health state were made
in three successive vegetation periods (2007-2009) in the productive fields of winter wheat of the Korweta va-
riety. Organic winter wheat growing was conducted on a family farm in Kurzętnik (between Olsztyn and Toruń),
which is run in the organic system since 1998 and certified since 2000. The comparison was made with the con-
ventional farm in Łasin (in 20 km distance) run in a v ery intensive way, with high doses of mineral fertilizers
and chemical plant protection agents.
For the study productive plantations were chosen covering 5 - 38 ha each. In order to eliminate the natural
variation of soil quality, small plots of the size of 40 by 60 meters were selected by a soil scientist on each plan-
tation. Thanks to it the chosen plots were of the same soil quality. According to soil quality evaluation, the plots
dispose brown loamy soil (containing 28% - 30% particles of less than 0.02 mm diameter). The humus content
was between 1.5% and 1.7% and soil reaction was neutral (pH 6.3 to 7.0). The lev el of exchangeable phospho-
rus was very high in the case of the conventional farm and medium on the organic farm. In the case of potassium
and magnesium the level of their content was high on the conventional plantations and again medium on the or-
ganic ones.
The forecrop on the conventional farm was winter rape. The plantation was fertilized with nitrogen rate of
203 - 213 kg per ha, 90 kg of K2O and 65 kg of P2O5 and 9 - 11 kg of Mg SO4. The seeds were treated with
Baytan Universal 19.5 DS. Th e weeds were controlled with a mixture of Expert 60 WG, Gle an 75 DF and Le-
gato 500 SC (in autumn) and additionally with Granstar 75 WG and Tomigan 250 EC (in spring). The diseases
were controlled few times with a fungicides (Sarfun 500 SC, Unix 75 WG, Proline 250 EC, Talius 200 EC, Du et
250 SC, Opera 147.5 SE) and insects with a insec ticides (Patriot 100 EC, Fury 100 EC, Cyperkil 25 EC). More-
over grow regulators were applied few times (Cycocel 460 SL, Moddus 250 EC). During the application of
mixtures of crop protection agents also fertilizers as urea and magnesium sulphate as well as microfertilizers
were added. This is the standard winter wheat growing technology on intensive conventional farms in the region,
assuring wheat yields of 8 - 11 t per ha.
On the organic farm winter wheat was grown after potato and fertilized with 25 t per ha of FYM. No seed
dressing was applied. Weeds were controlled by harrowing (two times in spring).
In each vegetation period to war d s the en d of tillering stage (BBCH 25 - 27) and in the flowering stage (BBCH
63 - 65), the evaluation of the health state of the winter wheat roots was made. For the study on the health state
of roots the MARTYNIUK’s (1986) method was used. 100 plants (20 plants fro m 5 spots of the plot) were taken
in random. Single plants were dug out, deceasing to the minimum damage to the root system. A fter the shaking
J. Tyburski et al.
off the soil, the seedlings or the bottom part of stems along with the roots were placed in foil sacks. On the same
day, in the lab the roots were dipped in water and then rinsed under the current of tap water. The degree of the
root and foot rot diseases injury was determined according to the scale, where; 0˚ealthy plants, 1˚lants very
slightly affected (1% - 10% of all roo ts ) , 2˚plants slightly affected (11% - 30% of all r oo ts ), 3˚lants affected
to the aver age degree (31% - 60% of all roots), 4˚plants strongly affected (over 61% of all roots ).
The evaluation of the occurrence of root and foot rot diseases on the leave sheaths was made towards the end
of the tillering stage (BBCH 25 - 27), and at the base of stem in the flowering stag e (BBCH 63 - 65) and in the
stage of the wax maturity (BBCH 83 - 87). The Poncheta scale, modified by [16], was used for the evalua tion,
where: 0˚plants without visible sights of disease, 1˚plants slightly affected (1 spot on stem), 2˚plants
strongly affected (more spots on stem or 1 spilt all over the stem). To the analysis of the health state of the stem
base 100 plants (20 plants from 5 spots of the plot) were taken in random. In the lab the degree of fusarium foot
rot (Fusarium spp.), eyespot (Tapesia yallundae) and sharp eyespot (Rhizoctonia spp.) was evaluated. The ob-
tained results were presented in the form of an index of injury, calculated with the Mc Kinney’s formula [17].
In lab condition the isolation of fungi living in affected roots and stem base was conducted. With the aim of it
during the phytopathological evaluation of the health state of the root system of the wheat, the roots with the
symptoms of disease (necrosis and brown spots) were chosen. Further the steps of the [18]’s method were ap-
plied. The roots were meticulously rinsed with sterile water, and later sterilized for 30 seconds in 50% solution
of ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) and for 30 seconds in 0.1% solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). After the three
times rinsing in sterilized water an d drying, 5 mm sections with symptoms of disease were cut out. Such pre-
par ed root sections were placed into Petri dishes with potato-glucose agar. The 35 pieces of roots for each of the
plots were analyzed. In the case of lack of sufficient number of roots with the symptoms of injury, roots without
apparent disease symptoms were used. The samples were incubated in the temperatur e of 23˚C. The grown fungi
colonies were transferred on potato-glucose agar slants, then they were reduced to one-spor e cultures and recog-
nized by the means of available keys and monographies.
From the collected bases of stems showing the disease symptoms 30 mm peaces with discoloring were cut out
and were furthe r processed according to the [19]’s method. The stems sections were rinsed thoroughly in sterile
water with a simultaneous shaking off, and later sterilized for 30 seconds in 50% solution of ethyl alcohol
(C2H5OH) and for 30 seconds in 0.1% solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). After the three times rinsing in
sterile water and drying out in blotting-paper, 1 mm sections were cut out and placed on the PDA, made of 750
ml of distillated water, 250 ml of salt (according to Hansen -C rann er), 1 ml of solution 1 - 2 (Hoagland), 15 g of
agar. From each field 35 inoculums were placed and kept in the temperature of 20˚C in continuous lightening.
After six, eight days of incubation the grown mycelium transfer on potato-glucose agar slants, then they were
reduced to one-spore cultures and recognized by the means of available keys and monographies. For this study
only the results of fungi isolations from 2007 and 2008 were taken, as the isolations obtained in 2009 have not
been marked yet.
3. Results
Every year on each plot of compared farming systems root rot occurred (Fusarium sp p., Gaeumannomyces gra-
minis and other fungi). For the period of 3 years the degree of disease injury on the roots of winter wheat grown
in the conventional system in the vegetation period increased, while in the organic one remained on pretty the
same level (Table 1). On average a lot more affe c ted roots, especially in th e flowering stage, occurred on the
winter wheat grown in the conventional system.
Fusarium foot rot (Fusarium spp.) developed on the wheat during the e ntire vegetation period. It was the most
dangerous root and foot rot disease (the highest indexes of injury). The mean degree of disease injury on leave
sheath was on pretty the same level in the two farming systems, although in investigated vegetation periods dif-
fered a lot, whereas at the base s of stems the pathogen was on the higher level on the wheat in the conventional
Also eyespo t (Tapesia ya llude) developed in the entire vegetation period of the winter wh eat, but its intensity
was much lower than in case of fusarium foot rot. Leave sheaths of the wheat grown in the conventional system
were slightly stronger affected than those grown in the organic system. In the flowering stage the intensity of the
disease in both farming systems became equ al, while in the wax maturity it was considerably higher in the con-
ventional system.
J. Tyburski et al.
Table 1. Intensity of root and foot rot diseases on winter wheat (injury index in %).
Disease (Pathogen) Part of plant Year Growth stage Farming system LSD 0.05
Organic Conventional
Root rot
(Fusarium spp.,
graminis and other fungi)
25 - 27
Mean 10.7 17.7
63 - 65
Mean 10.6 22.0
Fusarium foot rot
(Fusarium spp.)
Leaf sheaths
25 - 27
Mean 13.3 15.0
Stem bases
63 - 65
Mean 8.8 13.5
83 - 87
8.5 6.57
Mean 16.7 28.2
(Tapesia yallundae)
Leaf sheaths
25 - 27
0.0 2.34
Mean 5.0 7.3
Stem bases
63 - 65
6.0 n.s.
Mean 10.5 11.9
83 - 87
6.0 3.39
Mean 7.8 17.3
Sharp eyespot
(Rhizoctonia spp.) Stem bases
2009 BBCH
63 - 65 7.0 0.0 4.24
2009 BBCH
83 - 87 2.5
19.5 6.0
3.0 1.17
Mean 11.0 4.5
n.s.—not significant differences.
Shar p eyespot (Rhizoctonia spp.) appeared relatively late and occurred only in two years of investigation. The
intensiveness of the disease was definitely higher on the organic plots.
Among the affected roots, taken in the stem elongation stage, from the organic system 28 cultures of fungi
were isolated, and from the conventional one 24 colonies (Table 2(a)). Cereals pathogenic fungi amounted 35.8%
of isolates obtained fro m the organic system and as many as 66.7% from the conventional system. Among iso-
lates of cereals pathogenic fungi originating from the organic plots F. equiseti were predominant (25.0% of all
isolates), and from those originating from the conventional ones F. oxysporum (41.7%) and Microdochium ni-
vale (20.8%).
J. Tyburski et al.
Table 2. Percent of the pathogenic fungi isolated from infested roots and stem bases of winter wheat in 2007-
2008. (a) From roots in BBCH 25-27; (b) From roots in BBCH 63-65; (c) From ste m ba ses in BBCH 83 - 87.
Fungi species Farming system
Organic Conventional
Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc.
Fusarium oxysporum (Mart.) Appel et Wollenw.
Fusarium sporotrichioides Sherb.
Fusarium verticilloides (Sacc.) Nirenberg
Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) Arx et Olivier
Microdochium nivale (Fries) Cesati
Percent of all the pathogens 35.8 66.7
Other 64.2 33.3
Fungi species Farming system
Organic Conventional
Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc.
Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc.
Fusarium graminearum Schwabe
Fusarium oxysporum (Mart.) Appel et Wollenw.
Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) Arx et Olivier
Microdochium nivale (Fries) Cesati
Rhizoctonia spp.
Percent of all the pathogens 38.2 56.0
Other 61.8 44.0
Fungi species Farming system
Organic Conventional
Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc.
Fusarium culmorum (W.G. Smith) Sacc.
Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc.
Fusarium graminearum Schwabe
Fusarium oxysporum (Mart.) Appel et Wollenw.
Fusarium sporotrichioides Sherb.
Microdochium nivale (Fries) Cesati
Rhizoctonia spp.
Percent of all the pathogens 48.4 53.6
Other 51.6 46.4
Among the affected roots, taken in the flowering stage, from the organic system 68 cultures of fungi were
isolated in all, and from the conventional one 25 colonies (Table 2(b)). Cereals pathogenic fungi amounted 38.2%
of isolates obtained from the organic system and 56.0% from the conventional system. A mong isolates of ce-
reals pathogenic fungi originating from the organic plots G. graminis were predominant (17.6% of all isolates),
and from those originating from the conventional ones F. avenaceum (32.0%).
Among the affected stem bases, taken in the wax maturity stage, from the organic system 56 cultures of fungi
J. Tyburski et al.
were isolated in all, and from the conventional one 52 colonies (Table 2(c)). Cereals pathogenic fungi amounted
48.4% of isolates obtained from the organic system and 53.6% from the conventional system. Among isolates of
cereals pathogenic fungi originating from the organic farm F. avenaceum were predominant (26.8% of all iso-
lates), and from those originating from the conventional also F. avenaceum (28.8%) and Microdochium nivale
4. Discussion
The roo t rot disease occurring on the roots of winter wheat was more severe on crops grown in the conventional
system. The increase of disease injury index of crops was observed in this system during the vegetation period,
whereas the intensiveness of the disease in the organic system remained on a lower, relatively stable level. Ac-
cording to many authors [1] [2] [13] [18] [20] it is a very dangerous disease, causing decay of seedlings, and
thus leading to lowering of yields. The method of preventing this disease in the conventional system is com-
monly used chemical grains dressing. In turn, in crops g ro wn according to the organic farming principles form
their resistance against pathogens among others by mycorrhizal fungi [21] [22]. According to [23] and [24] the
fungi develop better in soils of the organic system, which would prove the obtained results.
Also fusarium foot rot and eyespot were more intensiv e in winter wheat grown in the conventional system.
The intensiveness of fusa rium foot rot was much higher than eyespot. It confirms the observation of many au-
thors [1] [25] [26], that fusarium foot rot has been the most dangerous among root and foot rot diseases in recent
years. The first fungicide application in the conventional system effectively protected the wheat against eyespot
up to the flowering stage, whereas in the wax maturity its intensiveness was definitely higher in the conventional
system. The s ec ond application of fungicides suppressed the development of fusarium foot rot in the wax matur-
ity stage in two out of three investigated years.
Only sporadically occurring in two out of three years of investigation sharp eyespot affected stronger crops
grown in the organic system. According to [2 7] the intensiveness of this disease depends predominantly on the
weather conditions in early spring and since the forecrop.
Among the roots and stem bases showing the disease symptoms, more fungi colonies and of greater species
diversity were isolated from the organic system, whereas pathogenic fungi for wheat occurred in greater number
among the isolates from the conventional system. Among the pathogens fungi of Fusarium genus were predo-
minant. Considered by many authors [28] [29] to be the most dangerous among them (Fusarium avenaceum, F.
culmorum, F. graminearum, Microdochium nivale = F. nivale) definitely stronger affected crops in the conven-
tional system. In the organic system a more frequent occurrence of weaker pathogens of Fusarium genus was
observed. Among dangerous cereals pathogens solely Gaeumannomyces graminis stronger affected crops roots
in the organic system.
In the case of all root and foot rot diseases of wheat grown in the organic system, an advantageous influence
of greater biodiversity and number of various fungi species living in root proximity was noticed as opposed to
the conventional system.
5. Conclusions
1) Root rot, fusarium foot rot and eyespot affected stronger winter wheat grown in the conventional system.
2) Sporadically occurring sharp eyespot developed stronger on crops grown in the organic system.
3) Us ed in the conventional system for the first fungicides application (BBCH 31) protected effectively wheat
against eyespot up to the flowering s t age.
4) Among roots and stem bases more fungi colonies and of greater species diversity were isolated from the
organic system.
5) Wheat pathogenic fungi constituted majority among the isolates originated from the conventional system
and minority in the case of the organic system.
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