Journal of Computer and Communications, 2014, 2, 1-8
Published Online July 2014 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Hu, H.K. and Mao, W.D. (2014) The Application of Cluster Analysis in Type II Diabetes Genome As-
sociation Study. Journal of Computer and Communications, 2, 1-8. http://dx. 4236/jcc.2014.29001
The Application of Cluster Analysis in Type
II Diabetes Genome Association Study
Hankun Hu1, Weidong Mao2
1Department of Pharmacy, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
2School of Science & Technology, Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, USA
Received February 2014
Genetic diseases, such as Type II diabetes, are caused by a combination of environmental factors
and mutations in multiple genes. Patients who have been diagnosed with such diseases cannot
easily be treated. However, many diseases can be avoided if people at high risk change their living
style, one example is their diet. Genome association study has been used to identify the risk factor
of genetic disease. With the development of DNA microarray technique, it is possible to access the
human genetic information related to specific diseases. This paper uses a combinatorial method to
analyze the genetic case-control data for Type II diabetes. A distance based cluster method has
been applied to publicly available genotype data on Type II diabetes for epidemiological study and
achieved a high accurate result.
Genetic Disease, Genome Association Study, Cluster Algorithm
1. Introduction
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce
enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use glucose for
energy. When you eat food, the body breaks down all of the sugars and starches into glucose, which is the basic
fuel for the cells in the body. Insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up in the
blood instead of going into cells, it can cause two problems: 1) Right away, your cells may be starved for energy.
2) Over time, high blood glucose levels may hurt your eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart. While diabetes occurs in
people of all ages and races, some groups have a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes than others. Research
shows that the type 2 diabetes is caused by a complicated interplay of genes, environment, insulin abnormalities,
increased glucose production in the liver, increased fat breakdown, and possibly defective hormonal secretions
in the intestine. The recent dramatic increase indicates that lifestyle factors (obesity and sedentary lifestyle) may
be particularly important in triggering the genetic elements that cause this type of diabetes [1].
Although the Type 2 diabetes cannot easily be treated, it can be avoided if people at high risk change their
living style, such as their diet. But how can we tell the susceptibility of people to the disease before symptoms
are found and help them make informed decisions about their health? With the development of DNA microarray
H. K. Hu, W. D. Mao
technique, it is possible to access the human genetic information related to specific diseases. Assessing the asso-
ciation between DNA variants and disease has been used widely to identify regions of the genome and candidate
genes that contribute to disease [2].
99.9% of one individuals DNA sequences are identical to that of another person. Over 80% of this 0.1% dif-
ference will be Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) and they promise to significantly advance our ability to
understand and treat human disease. A SNP is a single base substitution of one nucleotide with another. Each
individual has many single nucleotide polymorphisms that together create a unique DNA pattern for that person.
It is important to study SNPs because they represent genetic differences among human beings. Genome-wide
association studies require knowledge about common genetic variations and the ability to genotype a sufficiently
comprehensive set of variants in a large patient sample [3]. High-throughput SNP genotyping technologies make
massive genotype data, with a large number of individuals, publicly available. Accessibility of genetic data
makes genome-wide association studies for complex diseases possible.
Success stories when dealing with diseases caused by a single SNP or gene, sometimes called monogenic
diseases have been reported [4]. However, most complex diseases, such as psychiatric disorders, are characte-
rized by a non-mendelian, multifactorial genetic contribution with a number of susceptible genes interacting
with each other [5]. A fundamental issue in the analysis of SNP data is to define the unit of genetic function that
influences disease risk. Is it a single SNP, a regulatory motif, an encoded protein subunit, a combination of
SNPs in a combination of genes, an interacting protein complex, a metabolic or a physiological pathway [6]. In
general, it may be impossible to associate a single SNP or gene with a disease because a disease may be caused
by completely different modifications of alternative pathways, and each gene only makes a small contribution.
This makes the identification of genetic factors difficult. Multi-SNP interaction analysis is more reliable but it is
computationally infeasible. An exhaustive search among multi-SNP combination is computationally infeasible
even for a small number of SNPs. Furthermore, there are no reliable tools applicable to large genome ranges that
could rule out or confirm association with a disease.
It’s important to search for informative SNPs among a huge number of SNPs. These informative SNPs are
assumed to be associated with genetic diseases. Tag SNPs generated by the multiple linear regression based me-
thod [7] are good informative SNPs, but they are reconstruction-oriented instead of disease-oriented. Although
the combinatorial search method [8] for finding disease-associated multi-SNP combinations has a better result,
the exhaustive search is still very slow.
Comparative genomics is the study of the relationship of genome structure and function across different bio-
logical species or strains. Comparative genomics is an attempt to take advantage of the information provided by
the signatures of selection to understand the function and evolutionary processes that act on genomes. In order to
get promising results, we need to compare human chromosomes or genes with those of other species which in-
volves a large amount of information and computation. In epidemiological study, instead of comparing human
chromosomes with other species, we just compare the genomic data from one individual to other individuals to
get useful information.
The distance-based algorithm and cluster analysis have been used to solve the classification problem. In this
algorithm, each item that is mapped to the same class may be thought of as more similar to the other items in
that class than it is to the items found in other classes. Therefore, similarity measures may be used to identify the
alikenessof different items in the database [9]. In our algorithm, the similarity is measured by the distance be-
tween the item and some neighbor clusters whose class label are previously known. The algorithm can be ap-
plied in our case-control study to predict an individuals susceptibility to type II diabetes by comparing its ge-
netic data with that of other individuals to find the similarity.
In this paper, we first address the disease susceptibility prediction problem [10]-[12]. This problem is to as-
sess accumulated information targeted to predicting genotype susceptibility to complex diseases with signifi-
cantly high accuracy and statistical power. Next, we introduce the cluster-based distance algorithm and its appli-
cation in disease susceptibility prediction problem. We will also introduce the case tagging algorithm which is
used to reduce the size of data and improve prediction results. The proposed method is applied to a publicly
available data for Type II diabetes.
2. Disease Susceptibility Prediction
In this section we first describe the genetic model then we formulate the disease susceptibility prediction prob-
H. K. Hu, W. D. Mao
2.1. Genetic Model
A SNP is a single base substitution of one nucleotide with another. Both substitutions have to be observed in the
general population at a frequency greater than 1%. If an individual has a sequence of GAACCT, while another
individual has sequence of GAGCCT, the polymorphism or the SNP is a A/G. Each individual has many single
nucleotide polymorphisms that together create a unique DNA pattern for that person.
Recent work has suggested that SNPs in human population are not inherited independently; rather, sets of
adjacent SNPs are present on alleles in a block pattern, so called haplotype. Many haplotype blocks in human
have been transmitted through many generations without recombination. This means although a block may con-
tain many SNPs, it takes only a few SNPs to identify or tag each haplotype in the block. A genome-wide hap-
lotype would comprise half of a diploid genome, including one allele from each allelic gene pair. The genotype
is the descriptor of the genome which is the set of physical DNA molecules inherited from the organisms par-
ents. A pair of haplotype consist a single genotype.
SNPs are bi-allelic and can be referred as 0 if its a majority and 1, otherwise. If both haplotypes are the same
allele, then the corresponding genotype is homogeneous, can be represented as 0 or 1. If the two haplotypes are
different, then the genotype is represented as 2.
The case-control sample populations consist of N individuals that are represented in genotype with M SNPs.
Each SNP attains one of the three values 0, 1, or 2. The sample G is an (0, 1, 2)-valued N × M matrix, where
each row corresponds to an individual, which is a sequence of 0, 1 and 2, each column corresponds to a SNP.
The data set we use in this paper is coming from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC)
[13]. The data has1999 individuals in case and 1999 individuals in control for type II diabetes, respectively.
44,000 SNPs of each chromosome are derived from individuals. Due to the computation difficulty, we take 100
individuals from case and 100 individuals from control. We also reduce the number of SNP to 100 by randomly
choose from the 44,000 SNPs.
2.2. Disease Susceptibility Prediction Problem
The disease susceptibility prediction problem can be formulated as follows:
Data sets have n genotypes. The input for a prediction algorithm includes:
(G1) Training genotype set G = (gi | i = 1…n),
(G2) Disease status (){0,1}, indicating if gi | i = 1...n is in case (1) or in control (0), and
(G3) Testing genotype gt without any disease status.
We will refer to the parts (G1-G2) of the input as the training set and to the part (G3) as the test set. The out-
put of prediction algorithms is the disease status of the genotype s(gt).
2.3. Cluster-Based Distance Algorithm
Due to the computational difficulty on finding SNPs associated with diseases, we try to explore another way to
find out an individual has the susceptibility to the disease or not. We use the ideal of comparative genomics, but
we do not compare humans chromosome with other species, we compare one individual with other patientsor
healthy individuals chromosome. In other words, we want to find an individuals disease status from its similar-
ity with other individuals whose disease status is already known.
In the distance-based algorithm, each item that is mapped to the same class may be thought of as more similar
to the other items in that class than it is to the items found in other classes. Therefore, similarity measures may
be used to identify the alikenessof different items in the database. The idea of similarity measures can be ab-
stracted and applied to more general classification problems. The difficulty lies in how the similarity measures
are defined and applied to the items.
As we described in above section, genotypes are sequences of 0, 1, and 2, this make it easy to find out the si-
milarity among sequences by computing their hamming distance. The hamming distance between two strings (in
our case, two genotypes, each represents an individual) of equal length is the number of positions for which the
corresponding symbols are different. For example, the hamming distance between genotype 1 (01021011) and
genotype 2 (01021011) is 0, but the hamming distance between genotype 3 (21021210) and genotype 4
H. K. Hu, W. D. Mao
(01021011) is 3.
For the training data set, we build graph-based clusters for each class. In other words, we generate N clusters
in case class and N clusters in control class given the threshold N. First we generate the graph Gcase and Gcontrol-
based on the hamming distance among individual genotypes in case class and in control class, respectively. The
Kruskals algorithm is used to find the minimum spanning tree (MST) Gcase and Gcontrol. To generate N clusters
for Gcase we need to remove the largest N-1 edges. As a result, the inter-cluster distance is maximized and the in-
tra-cluster distance is minimized.
For these 2 × N clusters, we find the centroid for each cluster. The centroid is the genotype that has the mini-
mum distance with all other genotype in the same cluster. To begin, an adjacency matrix is created for each indi-
vidual cluster. Next, the vector is then iterated over adding up each row of the vector to return a total summation
of each individuals distance in relation to all other individuals in the vector. The genotype that has the smallest
total distance with all other genotype will be selected as the centroid for that cluster. For example in Table 1,
genotype 2 is selected as the centroid of the cluster with 7 genotypes because the total number of distance with
other 6 genotypes is the smallest.
K nearest neighbors (KNN) is used as the classification scheme based on the use of distance measures. The
KNN technique assumes that the entire training set includes not only the data in the set but also the desired clas-
sification for each item. When a classification is to be made for a new item, its distance to each item in the train-
ing set must be determined. Only the K closest entries in the training set are considered further. The new item is
then placed in the class that contains the most items from this set of K closest items. In our case, the hamming
distance of the testing genotype to each centroid in the training set (including both case and control set) will be
computed, then we find out the K closest genotypes which have smaller hamming distance than others. From the
set of K centroid, if most of them are coming from the case group, then the testing genotype will be classified as
case, otherwise, it will be classified as control. Obviously, it will be better if K is an odd number. The algorithm
is illustrated in Figure 1 when it is applied in the disease susceptibility prediction problem. Figure 2 shows how
to classify the testing item when N is 4 and K is 3. In this example, we generate 4 Clusters for case and control,
respectively. 8 centroids were found for these 8 clusters. The distance between the testing sample and the 8 cen-
troids is measured and the 3 centroids with the shortest distance are selected for voting. One out of the three
centroids is in case group, while the other two are in control group, and we can classify the testing sample as
3. Tag SNP
Constructing a complete human haplotype map is helpful when associating complex diseases with their related
SNPs. Unfortunately, the number of SNPs is very large and it is costly to sequence many individuals. Therefore,
it is desirable to reduce the number of SNPs that should be sequenced to a small number of informative repre-
sentatives called tag SNPs. On the other hand, these important tag SNPs or the subset of genotype/haplotype
probably are responsible for diseases. The techniques we described above using all or a random set of SNPs
yielded results that were not decisive enough to make any assertion as to the classification of a test sample. As a
result, a new method of generating the SNPs to be used was developed in an effort to obtain more accurate re-
sults and to improve the quality of the classification result.
Table 1. Centroid generation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 0 3 4 16 16 15 15 69
2 3 0 5 4 13 12 12 49
3 4 5 0 12 18 11 13 63
4 16 4 12 0 10 7 7 56
5 16 13 18 10 0 11 8 76
6 15 12 11 7 11 0 4 60
7 15 12 13 7 8 4 0 59
H. K. Hu, W. D. Mao
Input:Training genotype set G = (g
| i = 1...n),
Case class Ccase,
Control class Ccontrol,
Disease status s(gi){0,1},
gi = 1 if it is in class case,
gi = 0 if it is in class control,
Testing genotype gt
Treshhold N, K.
Case class
case = Φ
Control classCcontrol = Φ
For i = 1 to n
if s(gi) = 1 then
Ccase = CcaseU{gi}
Ccontrol = CcontrolU{gi}
For Ccase , do
Generate graph Gcase, based on hamming distance
Find minimum spanning tree MSTcase for Gcase
Remove N -1 largest edges from to create MSTcase
to create N clusters in case class
Find centroid for each cluster
For Ccontrol, do
Generate graph Gcontrol, based on hamming distance
Find minimum spanning tree MSTcontrol for Gcontrol
Remove N - 1 largest edges from to create MSTcontrol
to create N clusters in case class
Find centroid for each cluster
Find the distance between gt and the centroid of each
Find the K shortest distance and the corresponding
class of the K centroid
Output:s (g
) is classified by majority voting by the class of the
K centroid.
Figure 1. Cluster-based distance algorithm.
Figure 2. Classify the testing item, N = 4, K = 3.
Taggingis used to generate the SNP subset that will be used throughout the program. This method seeks to
strip out data that is common between the Controls and Cases in an effort to reduce data size, and increase the
probability that the correct data is being sampled and analyzed. With this method, the algorithm iterates through
each position of SNP in both Cases and control. For each group, we find the mode of the position. If the mode at
this position from case is different from the mode at the same position from control, then the SNP is added to the
set of tag SNPs. If the modes are the same, we compare the frequency of the mode in case and control. If the
mode frequency from case is greater than our threshold and the mode frequency from control is smaller than the
threshold, or if the mode frequency from case is smaller than our threshold and the mode frequency from control
is greater than the threshold, we also added it to the set of tag SNPs. The tagging algorithm is illustrated in Fig-
ure 3.
H. K. Hu, W. D. Mao
Input:Case class C
Control class Ccontrol,
Genotype length m,
Treshhold t,
Tag SNP set TAG
For SNPi, i = 1...m
Find the mode of CcaseCaseMi
Find the frequency of the mode CaseFi
Find the mode of CcontrolControlMi
Find the frequency of the mode ControlFi
if (CaseMi ≠ ControlMi)
else if (CaseFi t&&ControlFi t)
else if (CaseFi t&&ControlFi t)
Output:Tag SNP set TAG
Figure 3. Tagging algorithm.
4. Results & Discussion
In this section we first introduce the measures to evaluate the prediction quality, after that is our experiment re-
sults and discussions.
4.1. Measures of Prediction Quality
To measure the quality of prediction methods, we need to measure the deviation between the true disease status
and the result of predicted susceptibility, which can be regarded as measurement error. We will present the basic
measures used in epidemiology to quantify accuracy of our methods.
The basic measures are:
Sensitivity: the proportion of persons who have the disease who are correctly identified as cases.
Specificity: the proportion of people who do not have the disease who are correctly classified as controls.
The definitions of these two measures of validity are illustrated in Table 2.
In this table:
a = True positive, people with the disease who test positive
b = False positive, people without the disease who test positive
c = False negative, people with the disease who test negative
d = True negative, people without the disease who test negative
From the table, we can compute sensitivity (accuracy in classification of case), Specificity (accuracy in classi-
fication of controls) and Accuracy:
( )
sensitivitya ac= +
( )
specificityd bd= +
() ()
Accuracyadab c d= ++++
Sensitivity is the ability to correctly detect a disease. Specificity is the ability to avoid calling normal as dis-
ease. Accuracy is the percent of the population that is correctly predicted.
We use K-fold cross validation method to measure the quality of the algorithm. In the K-fold cross validation,
the data set is divided into K subsets, and the holdout method is repeated K times. Each time, one of the K sub-
sets is used as the test set and the other K-1 subsets are put together to form a training set. In our experiment, we
use 5-fold cross validation.
4.2. Results
Table 3 is the experiment result. In this table, we compare the result when K is 1, 3, 5, 7 and the number of
cluster N is 2, 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22. The best result is as high as 100% for sensitivity, 100% for specificity, and
H. K. Hu, W. D. Mao
Table 2. Classification contingency table.
True Status
+ -
Classified Status + a b
- c d
Total c a + d + b
Case Control
Table 3. Experiment results.
K Measures Numbers of Clusters (N)
2 4 10 14 18 22
Sensitivity 100 54 64 69 78 75
Specificity 100 100 100 99 99 99
Accuracy 100 77 82 84 88.5 87
Sensitivity 0 92 81 82 63 65
Specificity 100 68 93 97 98 100
Accuracy 50 80 87 89.5 80.5 83.5
Sensitivity 100 95 80 84 84
Specificity 19 68 71 70 70
Accuracy 59.5 81.5 75.5 77 77
Sensitivity 0 99 88 81 75
Specificity 100 43 47 69 68
Accuracy 50 71 67.5 75 71.5
91.3% for accuracy.
Please note, when N is 1, we have only 4 clusters/centroids, two from case and two from control. So we don't
have results for K is 5 and for K is 7.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we discuss the potential of applying a cluster-based distance algorithm on epidemiological studies.
The proposed classification method based on cluster and distance is shown to have a high prediction rate without
finding SNPs associated with the disease which may reduce the running time. Also using tag SNPs reduces the
size of the problem and provides a better result. Current disease status prediction methods depend on the associ-
ation studies. The genetic factors associated with the disease have to be identified first. Our methods can predict
the individuals susceptibility without searching the genetic factors, thus save lots of money and efforts on that.
In our future work we are going to continue validation of the proposed method.
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