Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JGIS
validation points worldwide. The validation data we h ave
developed is one of the best available land cover valida-
tion datasets based on field observations in terms of its
numbers and its distribution. The validation showed
agreement rates of 61.3% for the new land cover map,
60.4% for MOD12, 58.9% for GLC2000, 55.2% for
UMD, and 53.2% for GLCC which showed the same
tendency compared with the previous work applied for
Eurasia using 749 DCP-derived validation points. Our
analysis shows statistically significant differences be-
tween the new land cover map and both GLC2000 and
UMD. The agreements were improved in most of the
classes as well as major climate zones. Some existing
maps might overestimate specific classes such as an
overestimate of cropland in GLC2000, which might ap-
pear as high agreements. Also, our findings suggest that
further work is required to improve the classification
methodology for grassland as well as to clarify the defi-
nition of forest. Moreover, there is little DCP-derived
validation data for the polar zone. Because this zone is
vulnerable to the effects of global warming, much more
DCP-derived validation data is required. DCP-derived
validation data will be available in 2011 at the GEO Grid
(Global Earth Observation Grid). A map integration sys-
tem based on the principle of favoring the majority view
will also be available as a service at the website.
5. Acknowledgements
We acknowledge with gratitude funding support for this
study from the Global Environmental Research Fund of
the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (Study leader:
Takehisa Oikawa) under program S-1: Integrated Study
for Terrestrial Carbon Management of Asia in the 21st
Century Based on Scientific Advancements. We thank
the founder, organizers, and all particip an ts in th e Degree
Confluence Project. We also acknowledge ongoing sup-
port from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology and the National Institute for
Environmental Studies.
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