Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Figure 8 shows the normalized network throughput.
The figure represents that the proposed algorithm with
using multi-channel system is higher throughput than
single channel and the proposed algorithm is better than
CSLA algorithm which is discussed in [5]. The uplink
plus downlink is the worst performance among the
schemes because this scheme deprives of exploiting
combined uplink and downlink transmissions and so the
spatial reuse is lower than other schemes. As expected in
Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8, ST does not influence
on the CUR, LCR and normalized network throughput so
much, because ST cannot independently influence on
these metrics.
5. Conclusions
An efficient routing tree algorithm is proposed for com-
bined uplink and downlink slot allocation on the central-
ized scheduling scheme in IEEE 802.16 based wireless
mesh networks. This algorithm considers interferences,
downlink packets, uplink packets and node identifier for
determining parent node in the routing tree construction.
This algorithm can reduce interference among the nodes
and improve spatial reuse in the network. Also, some
related issues such as fairness, relay model, slot reuse
and moderating switching frequently between transmit-
ting and receiving in the successive time slots have been
considered. This work is compared with combined up-
link and downlink slot allocation (CSLA) that is pro-
posed in [5]. Results confirm that the proposed algorithm
can significantly increase the link concurrency ratio,
network throughput and channel utilization ratio as well
as reducing the scheduling length. In conclusion, the
presented algorithm will provide a simple routing algo-
rithm for combined uplink and downlink slot allocation
on the centralized scheduling in IEEE 802.16 mesh
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