Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2014, 2, 437-442
Published Online May 2014 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Li, R.Q., Shen, J.M. and Ji, F. (2014) Aerodynamic Design of the Bleed Slot in a Hypersonic Quiet
Nozzle. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2, 437-442.
Aerodynamic Design of the Bleed Slot in a
Hypersonic Quiet Nozzle
Ruiqu Li*, Junmou Shen*, Feng Ji
China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, Beijing, China
Email: *liruiqu 995688@, *
Received March 2014
The bleed slot is necessary for the requirement of the hypersonic quiet flow all over the world.
The aim of the bleed slot is to decrease the influence of the disturbances from the contraction of
the quiet nozzle to the boundary layer downstream of the throat, so that the boundary layer of the
nozzle could be maintained as laminar flow. The main parameters of the bleed slot include the
distance from lip to throat (DLT) and the width of slot (WS). Various values of those parameters
will affect the performance of the slot by changing the suction intensity of the bleed slot. Two
kinds of the bleed slots in the world are compared in this paper and the aerodynamic design of the
bleed slots is optimized based on the Purdue-type slot. The influences of the various values of
those parameters to the flow field around the throat are analyzed and the optimizing results of
DLT and WS are consistent with those relative data designed for the slot of the Boeing/AFOSR Ma 6
Quiet Tunnel.
Hypersonic, Quiet Nozzle, Bleed Slot, Boundary Layer
1. Introduction
The earliest investigation on the bleed slot of the hypersonic quiet nozzle was pursued by Klebanoff et al. [1] in
1961. The aim is to maintain laminar flow along the walls and thus eliminate the source of the disturbances en-
tirely. It was unfortunate that the efforts of Klebanoff et al. [2] is unsuccessful, whereas the concept of a lateral
suction slot in the subsonic region upstream of the throat was inherited by subsequent researchers of the quiet
tunnel, such as Kendall [3] [4], Beckwith [5], Anders [6], Beckwith et al. [7] [8], Schneider [9], Taskinoglu et al.
[10], Aradag et al. [11].
In 2008, Schneider [12] summarized the development of hypersonic quiet tunnels and concluded that all suc-
cessful hypersonic quiet tunnels have used bleed slots upstream of the throat to remove streamwise vorticity that
may be generated in the contraction-wall boundary layer.
2. Classification of the Bleed Slot
Up to now, there are two types of the bleed slots. The Langley-type slot shown in Figure 1 was applied to the
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R. Q. Li et al.
Figure 1. The scheme of the Langley-
type bleed slot.
fabrication of NASA Langleys quiet tunnels [13] and Peking Universitys quiet tunnel [14]. And the Purdue-
type slot [15] shown in Figure 2 was used in the design of the BAM6QT.
The upper side and the lower side of the Langley-type slot are both curved surfaces and the angle between the
upper edge of the lip and the nozzle axis is 23.5 degree. Compared with the Purdue-type slot with the lips upper
side of horizontal line, the Langley-type slot has more complex confi g uration, is injured by the free stream more
easily and is more difficult to machining, install and maintain.
3. Main Parameters of the Bleed Slot
Geometrically, the bleed slot could be seen another nozzle which is similar with the quiet nozzle, thus the para-
meters shown in Fig ure 3 are satisfied with the following formula [16]:
() ()
222 222
entrysepslusllsep throat
rrr rrr− −=
where the radius of the upper wall at the bleed-lip tip is defined as r_entry, the minimum width of the slot is
defined asmin, withr_sluthe radius to the upper side of the minimum andr_sllthe radius to the lower
side of the slot minimum. The radius to the separating-streamline stagnation point on the bleed-lip tip isr_sep,
and the radius of the main-flow throat is r_throat. Due to the similarity from the above equation, the main ad-
justable parameters are min(as the width of the slot) and x_ st ep (as the distance from the lip to the throat).
To avoid the separating region around the bleed lip, the bleed lip is usually suggested as the semi-elliptic or
semispherical configuration. And the semispherical confi guration used in this paper is the same as that of
BAM6QT designed by Schneider.
4. Optimization of the Parameters
4.1. Criterion of Optimization
The function of the bleed slot is to remove the disturbances from the contraction and could be divided into
strong, weak and moderate suction. The strong suction will induce the separation region at the outer wall of the
slot to reduce the running time of the tunnel and the real free stream parameters such as unit Reynolds number.
The weak suction will induce the separation region at the inner wall of the slot to bring new disturbances into
the flow so that the aim of the bleed slot could not be satisfied. Thus, the values of x_s t ep (DLT) and min
(WS) are required to be carefully selected to adapt the intensity of suction to be moderate suction (Figure 4).
4.2. Computation of Various Conditions
Based on those two parameters of DLT and WS, the flow field of 23 suits of conditions shown in Table 1 will
be calculated and analyzed.
Laminar AUSM model is used in the numerical calculation of the flow field. The wall is assumed as adiabatic
and non slippage. The equations are solved by second-order upwind and coupling implicit scheme. The compu-
tational region of the flow field in the quiet nozzle is composed of 9 blocks with the height of first-level grid
around the lip of 0.05 mm and with the stretching ratio of 1.1, and the local grids around the lip are shown in
Figure 5.
R. Q. Li et al.
Figure 2. The scheme of the Purdue-type
bleed slot.
Figure 3. Geometry of the bleed slot and its parameters.
Figure 4. The influences of the suction intensity of the bleed slot to the flow field around the lip.
Table 1. Geometry parameters of the slot selected to calculate (mm).
case parameter
10 15 20 25 30 40 60 100
r_entry 24.657 25.075 25.326 25.577 25.827 25.926 27.331 29.336
Min 3.708 3.708 3.708 3.708 3.708 3.708 3.708 3.708
r_sep 19.805 20.224 20.475 20.725 20.976 21.075 22.480 24.485
r_entry 21.482 -- -- 22.402 -- 22.751 24.256 26.161
Min 0.731 -- -- 0.731 -- 0.731 0.731 0.731
r_sep 19.805 -- -- 20.725 -- 21.075 22.480 24.485
r_entry 22.422 -- -- 23.342 -- 23.691 25.096 27.100
Min 1.575 -- -- 1.575 -- 1.575 1.575 1.575
r_sep 19.805 -- -- 20.725 -- 21.075 22.480 24.485
r_entry 26.766 -- -- 27.685 -- 28.034 29.440 31.444
Min 5.817 -- -- 5.817 -- 5.817 5.817 5.817
r_sep 19.805 -- -- 20.725 -- 21.075 22.480 24.485
R. Q. Li et al.
4.3. Optimization of DLT
The Mach number contours around the bleed slot at various DLT from 10 mm to 100 mm are shown in Figures
6(a)-(h). The width of the slot is 3.708 mm. When the value of x_st ep is smaller, the stagnation point is over
the central axial line of the lip and the intensity of suction is closer to weak suction. With the increase of the
x_ste p, the stagnation point will move down and the suction of the bleed slot will become stronger. When the
x_ste pis from 20 mm to 40 mm, the intensity of suction is mostly close to the moderate suction.
4.4. Optimization of WS
Four cases of various width of the slot are numerical calculated to analyze the influence of the width of the slot
to the flow field around the lip. Figure 7 and Fig ure 8 show that the Mach number contours at the x_step = 25
mm and 40 mm, and the results at x_step = 10 mm, 60 mm and 100 mm are also calculated but are not shown
The influence of various DLT and WS to the stagnation point is shown in Figure 9. Here, Δy is defined as the
radial distance from the leading edge of the lip to the stagnation point. When Δy > 0, the intensity of suction is
weak suction; Δy < 0, it is strong suction and Δy = 0 means moderate suction. Figure 9 shows that when the
x_ste pis fixed, with the increase of the width of the slot, the stagnation point moves from the upper side to the
lower side of the leading edge of the lip, and the intensity of suction is also stronger. So when the x_s te pis
selected as the region from 20 mm to 40 mm in previous chapter, the most appropriate value of minis 3.708 mm.
Figure 5. Grids in the nozzle.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(e) (f) (g) (h)
Figure 6. Mach number contours at various DLT when min= 3.708 mm. (a) x_step = 10 mm; (b) x_step = 15 mm; (c)
x_ step = 20 mm; (d) x_s tep = 25 mm; (e) x_s tep = 30 mm; (f) x_ste p = 40 mm; (g) x_step = 60 mm; (h) x_step = 100 mm.
R. Q. Li et al.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 7. Mach number contours at various WS when x_step = 25 mm. (a) min = 0.731 mm; (b) min = 1.575 mm; (c)
min = 3.708 mm; (d) min = 5.817 mm.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 8. Mach number contours at various WS when x_step = 40 mm. (a) min = 0.731 mm; (b) min = 1.575 mm; (c)
min = 3.708 mm; (d) min = 5.817 mm.
Figure 9. Influence of the various DLT and WS to
the stagnation point.
5. Concluding Remarks
The requirement of the quiet-flow test region in the quiet tunnel is seriously relied on the control of the boun-
dary layer on the nozzle wall by the use of the bleed slot settled in front of the throat. Two kinds of bleed slot are
briefly introduced and compared each other. The Purdue-type bleed slot with simpler configuration is more
suited for us to machining, install and maintain.
The main parameters of the bleed slot mainly include the distance from the lip to the throat (DLT) and the
width of the slot (WS). A numerical analysis on the influence of those two parameters to the flow field around
the lip of the Purd ue-type slot is performed in this paper. The Mach number contours maps show that the stagna-
tion point will be changed with those two parameters. When WS is fixed, with the increase of DLT, the intensity
of suction becomes stronger, and when DLT is fixed, with the increase of WS, the intensity of suction also be-
comes stronger. The optimal value of DLT is from 20 mm to 40 mm, and the corresponding value of WS is
3.708 mm.
R. Q. Li et al.
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