S. Khan
delinquents and non delinquents on the four dimensions of personality given by Eysenck. Almost all the studies
showed that delinquents scored higher on psychoticism, neuroticism, extraversion and lie as compared to
non-delinquents [5]-[10] compared the inmates with non-inmates and concluded that both differ in their perso-
This research is an attempt to compare the delinquents and non delinquents on personality dimensions. Juve-
nile delinquency is one of the most serious problems confronting Pakistan today. The total population of Pakis-
tan is 165 million of which 49 % are under the age of 18 years, and most of these adolescents are breaking laws.
The research on the personality dimensions of delinquents is important and useful for both the crime preven-
tion and the treatment of delinquents. This type of research helps to treat the personality disorders in delinquents
by knowing their personality features and to help them to avoid anti social acts. The high scores on psychoticism,
neuroticism and extroversion will show the need for counseling.
1.1. Objectives
The main objectives of the study are as follows:
• To compare the personality dimensions of delinquents and non delinquents.
• To find out the gender differences in the personality dimensions of delinquents.
1.2. Hypotheses
The hypotheses of present study are given below:
1) Delinquents will score high on psychoticism as compare to non Delinquents.
2) Delinquents will score high on neuroticism as compare to non Delinquents.
3) Delinquents will score high on extraversion as compare to non Delinquents.
4) Delinquents will score high on lie as compare to non Delinquents.
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Sample Selection
400 adolescents with the age range of 14 - 20 participated in this study. The convenient sampling was used to
select the sample which was divided into four categories i-e male delinquents (n = 100), female delinquents (n =
100), male non delinquents (n = 100) and female non delinquents (n = 100). The delinquents were selected from
different jails of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (Mansehra jail, Abbottabad jail, Haripur jail and Peshawar jail) and non
delinquents from different colleges of same districts.
2.2. Instrument
The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Junior) (Urdu Version 2007) was used in the study. It was originally
developed by Eysenck and Eysenck (1970). It was translated and adapted by Naqvi and Kamal in 2007 for
measuring the personality dimensions of Pakistani adolescents. It is 81 items scale with dichotomous response
options (yes or no) that was develop to measure three dimensions of personality which are extraversion, psycho-
ticism and neuroticism with lie scale. The alpha reliability coefficient of EPQ (junior) for the current study is 0.9
which reveals that it is a reliable instrument to measure personality traits in Pakistani culture.
2.3. Proced ure
For conducting the present research, the permission letter was signed by supervisor. Then the I.G officers of dis-
trict Abbottabad, Mansehra, Haripur and Peshawar were approached in their respective offices for taking written
approval to visit jail. After taking the permission delinquents were approached in Abbottabad jail, Haripur jail,
Mansehra jail and Peshawar central jail of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. Delinquents were given the brief introduction
regarding the objectives of the present study. After developing rapport with the delinquents demographic sheet
was filled which consisted of few information like age, sex, socioeconomic status, crime type etc. Then Eysenck
Personality Questionnaire Junior was filled from delinquents. The non delinquents were approached from dif-
ferent colleges of Abbottabad, Haripur, Mansehra and Peshawar. After taking permission from the head of the
each college the test was administered on them in the same way as on delinquents. The respondents were asked