Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment, 2014, 3, 1-6
Published Online April 2014 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Lien, C.-C., Lin, J.-L. and Ting ,C.-H. (2014) Water Scrubbing for Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Inbiogas from Hog Farms. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment, 3, 1-6.
Water Scrubbing for Removal of Hydrogen
Sulfide (H2S) Inbiogas from Hog Farms
Cheng-Chang Lien1*, Jeng-Lian Lin1, Ching-Hua Ting2
1Department of Biomechatronic Engineering, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Chinese Taipei
2Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Chinese Taipei
Email: *
Received January 2014
Biogas from anaerobic digestion of biological wastes is a renewable energy resource. H2S in biogas
may cause corrosion or other damage to engines if it is not removed from the gas before utiliza-
tion. Because the solubility of H2S in water is higher than methane, water can be used as an ad-
sorbent to remove H2S from biogas. A simple water scrubbing column to reduce the H2S content
was de sig ned in this study. The biogas purification process took place in the scrubbing column
with water where the gas was continuously fed from the bottom of the column through the diffuser
which could produce bubbles. The biogas bubbles and the water can accelerate the reaction inside
the column. The water in the column was circulated by means of a pump. H2S content in raw biogas
was about 6000 ppm. First, the efficiencies of H2S removal for different bi ogas flow rate and water
level were conducted at 30 and 90 sec. Second, the efficiencies of H2S removal with water recycling
system were induced. The results showed that the concentration of H2S in biogas decre ased sig-
nificantly with water level and increased with biogas flow rate through the water scrubbing. It was
an effective technique for removing H2S in a short operation time, but absorption capability of
water declined rapidly with time. To maintain high absorption rate, water scrubbing after adsorp-
tion needed to be replaced or regenerated. The water scrubbing system is a simplest and cheapest
method. This work is investigated the feasibility of water scrubbing system and its application to a
small hog fa rm.
Biogas; Hydrogen Sulphide; Water Scrubber
1. Introduction
Biogas is produced by the anaerobic digestion or fermentation of biodegradable materials such as biomass, ma-
nure, sewage, municipal waste and plant materials. Biogas is a renewable energy source and can replace fossil
fuel. Anaerobic digestion is often the only possibility of producing biogas from manure. By definition, anaerobic
digestion is a microbiological process during which organic matter is decomposed into biogas and microbial
biomass in the absence of air. There has been growing interest in biogas which is bio-energy source resulting
*Corresponding author.
C.-C. Lien et al.
fr om t he conver s i on of natural biomass. The major portion of biogas is carbon dioxide (CO2), a mmonia ( NH3),
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and methane (CH4), of which hydrogen sulfide apparently is the most toxic to both hu-
mans and animals. Agricultural by-products are often the problem of environmental pollution and affect human
health. T he major source of methane contained in the atmospheric is agricultural activities, including straw and
cattle, pigs and other livestock. Theoretically, the methane productivity can be measured in terms of volatile
solid s (VS) . The theo retic al metha ne p roduc tivity i s hi gher i n pig ( 516 l·kg1 VS) and sow (530 l·kg1 VS) ma-
nure than in da ir y ca ttle manure (468 l·kg1 VS) [1 ] .
Biogas production has the potential to be an efficient means of emphatically decreasing greenhouse gas emis-
sions in a number of areas of the animal production life cycle [2]-[4]. If the amount of manure produced by a
fattening pig is 0.13 ton organic material (volatile solids, VS) per fattening pig place and year, this could pro-
duce around 0.29 MWh biogas per year [5]. One of the biggest factors limiting for the use of bio gas is re lated to
the hydrogen sulfide content, which is very corrosive to internal combustion engines [6] [7]. Most of the co m-
mercial technologies for the removal of H2S content are chemically based and expensive to operate [8]-[10]
thereby reducing the economic value of use of the biogas. The easiest method of biogas purification is water
scrubbing which uses of the characteristics of hydr ogen sulfid e so lub le in water [11].
This study intends to design a simple desulfurization equipment of water scrubbing to reduce the hydrogen
sulphide content of the biogas. Pressurized biogas through the aeration plate to produce many small biogas bub-
bles and the bubb les will full contact with water in order to achieve adsorption effect of desul furization. A sim-
ple water scrubbing column to reduce the H2S content was desi gned in this study. Different water levels and
biogas flow rate were conducted to detect hydrogen sulphide content in biogas after water scrubbing, and then
investigate t he desulfurization efficienc y o f biogas purific a tion.
2. Materials and Metho ds
The test of desulfurization in b iogas was cond ucted in a ho g farm with feeding 700 pigs. Bioga s produced from
anaerobic digestion processes of the three-stage waste-water of pig’s manure. The energy source of lamp using
biogas-combustion was used to keep warm of weaned pigs. A desulfurization equipment of water scrubbing
with a transparent acrylic cylinder column (diameter as 0.248 m and height as 1.2 m) was designed to observe
the situation o f desulfurization in bio gas. The water were transported into transparent acrylic cylinder column at
the upper inlet, the water level could be measured. The water drained away at the bottom outlet and accom-
plished circulating water system. The aera tion plate was p laced in the bottom of the co lumn and the bioga s will
be pressurized into the column as small b ubbles to sufficient contact with water to remove the hydrogen sulfide
in biogas by positive way with pressure mac hine. The biogas flow rate could be measured by flow meter before
biogas into t he aeratio n pla te .
The concentrations of hydrogen sulfide will be measured at the up per outlet of biogas by the detection device
(range 500 ppm - 12000 ppm) which is composed of gas ta king implement and dete ction tubes at the measured
area of upper outlet. The schematic of de sulfurization in biogas using water scrubbing showed in Figure 1 Then,
the circulat ing water s ystem was set on the basis of the or igina l de sulf uriz atio n equ ip ment of water scrubbing to
avoid the water of the column saturated that maintain a stable removal efficiency of the hydrogen sulfide. The
aeration plate and the small biogas bubbles in the water column are shown in Figur e 2.
The test of water scrubbing would be conducted with the different water level (50, 60 and 70 cm) of the col-
umn and the flow rate (50, 100 and 140 l/min) of the biogas. The concentrations of hydro gen sulfide will be de-
tected at the upper outlet of biogas after the water scrubbing time as 90 sec and 30 sec, and whether the circulat-
ing water system was induce to investigate the removal efficiency of desulfurization of water scrubbing. The
removal efficiency was calculated as follow equation.
( )( )
Removal efficiency %/100
AB A=−∗
where A: the concentration of H2S (before water scrubbing) (ppm), B: the concentration of H2S ( after water
scrubbing ) (ppm).
3. Results and Discussion
The re sults of removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas in different water level with biogas flow rate 140
l/min after water scrubbing 30 sec and 90 sec were shown as Table 1a nd Table 2 which was clearly indicated
C.-C. Lien et al.
Figure 1. Schematic of desulfurization in biogas using water scrubbing.
Figure 2. The aeration plate and the s mall biogas bu bbles in the water colu mn.
Table 1. The removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas in different water level with biogas flow rate 140 l/min after water
scrubbing of 30 sec.
Water scrubbing time(sec) 30
Water lev el (cm)
Concentration of the H2S (ppm ) 4000.0 3633 .3 2 933.3
The removal ef f icien cy *(%)
33.3 ± 7.6
51.1 ± 9.8
*Without cir cula t ing water system.
Table 2. The removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas in different water level with biogas flow rate 140 l/min after water
scrubbing of 90 sec.
Water scrubbing time(sec)
Water lev el (cm) 50 60 70
Trial 3 3 3
Concentration of the H2S (ppm ) 5233.3 4766 .7 4466.7
The removal ef f icien cy *(%) 12.8 ± 8 20.6 ± 4.8 25. 6 ± 7
*Without cir cula t ing water system.
C.-C. Lien et al.
that the removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas was increased with the height of the water level at water
scrubbing time of 30 sec and 90 sec. The removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas at time 30 sec was higher
than time 90 sec. It reveals that the average removal efficienc y was 51% at the scrubbing time and water level as
30 sec and 70 cm but drops to remaining 26% after scrubb ing time 90 sec. The removal efficiency of H2S con-
tent for bio gas in different wate r level without circulati ng water s ystem was s ho wn a s Figure 3 The removal ef-
ficiency of H2S content for biogas was decreased due to the concentration of dissolved hydrogen sulphide was
saturated with the increased of water scrubbing time.
The re sults of removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas in different biogas flow ratewith water level 60
cm after water scrubbing of 30 sec and 90 sec was shown as Table 3 and Table 4 whic h wa s clearl y indicated
that the removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas was decreased with biogas flow rate at water scrubbing
time of 30 sec and 90 sec. T he removal efficienc y of H2S content for biogas at time of 30 sec was higher than
time 90 sec. It reveals that the removal efficiency of H 2S content for biogas was 78% at the scrubbing time and
biogas flow rate as 30 sec and 50 l/min but drops to remaining 59% after scrubbing time of 9 0 sec. The removal
efficiency of H2S content for biogas in different biogas flow rate without circulatin g wa te r s ystem was shown a s
Figure 4. It could be clearly summed up that the removal efficiency of washi ng time as 30 sec was better than
90 sec that showed the desulfurization of water scrubbing equipment should be established the circulatin g water
system to get stable removal efficiency.
The rela tionship of removal ef ficiency of H2S content for biogas and water scrubbing time at biogas flow rate
as 50 l/min and water level as 60 cm was s hown as Figure 5. It reveals that the removal efficiency of H2S wa s
near 0 % after scrubbing time 6 min without circulating water system, butthe removal efficiency of H2S was
about 30% after scrubbing time 6 min for circulating water system with 7.2 l/min flow rate.
The water in the column adsorbed hydrogen sulfid was e missions into the tank and t he clean water of th e cir-
culat i ng wat er s ystem was flown into the column by pump that make sure the desulfurization of water scrubbing
equipment co ul d be recycled and adsorbed hydrogen sulfide in order to maintain the removal efficiency.
Figure 3. The removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas in
different wat er level without circulating water system.
Table 3. The removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas in different biogas flow rate with water level 60 cm after water
scrubbing of 30 sec.
Water scrubbing time (sec) 30
Water lev el (cm) 50 100 140
Trial 3 3 3
Concentration of the H2S (ppm ) 1300.0 2100 .0 3633.3
The removal ef f icien cy *(%) 78.3 ± 1.4 65 ± 5.9 5 4. 4 ± 11
*Without cir cula t ing water system.
45 50 55 60 65 70 75
30sec 90sec
Water level( cm )
Removal efficiency (%)
C.-C. Lien et al.
Table 4. The removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas in different biogas flow ratewith water level 60 cm after water
scrubbing of 90 sec.
Water scrubbing time(sec)
Water lev el (cm) 50 100 140
Trial 3 3 3
Concentration of the H
S (ppm)
The removal ef f icien cy *(%) 59.4 ± 5.7 52.8 ± 7.9 30.6 ± 14.6
*Without cir cula t ing water system.
Figure 4. The removal efficiency of H2S content for biogas in diffe-
rent biogas flow rate without circulating water system.
Figure 5. The relationship of removal efficiency of H2S content for
biogas and water scrubbing time.
4. Conclusion
Due to the h ydro gen s ul fide was easy to d iss olve i n the water for t he highe r water level and smaller biogas flow
rate could increase the scrubbing time that hydrogen sulphide reacted with the water. Then, the removal effi-
ciency of hydrogen sulphide was increased with the height of water level and decreased with the biogas flow
rate. Therefore, the removal efficiency will better with hig h water l eve l and small biogas flow rate, but decrease
with the scrubbing time because of the water saturation. However, it can be improved by setti ng the circulating
40 60 80 100 120 140
30sec 90sec
Biogas flow rate ( l/min )
Remov al efficiency ( % )
012345678910 11
With circulating water
Without circulating water
Water scrubbing time ( min )
Removal eficiency ( % )
C.-C. Lien et al.
water system that it can continue to absorb the hydrogen sulfide.
This work was supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC, under contractNSC102- 2221-E-415-
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