A. Suleiman et al.
bile phone base station also known as TELCO tower worldwide. It has raised public concerns and substantial
controversy about the potential health effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields emissions of mobile
phone base station that have not been yet fully understood. There has been increasing public concern on the ef-
fects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from telecommunication towers (TELCO). These towers have been
constructed in housing areas, school compounds, apartment and multi-storey shop -lot rooftops and within com-
pounds of mosques throughout Malaysia and other countries.
On 31st May 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a part of WHO designated cell
phones as “possible human carcinogen” [Class 2B]. They found evidence of increase in glioma and acoustic
neuroma brain cancer for mobile phone (IARC WHO, 2011).
The health effects of EMR are best explained in a study by Hallberg and Oberfeld estimated that 50% of the
publicexposed to EMR would be sensitive to the radiation effects by 2017. The manifestation of this hypersen-
sitivity would be health complains such as headaches, giddiness, nausea, skin rashes, feeling warm, depression,
night sweats, memory loss, disturbances in menstruation and insomn ia (H allb e rg, 2006).
The studies that have been conducted provide indications that people living in the vicinity of mobile phone
base station develop adverse health conditions especially the non-specific health symptoms and cancer (Chiang,
1989; Coggon, 2006; Hutter, 2006; Santini, 2003). There are very few studies on the health effect of electro-
magnetic fields radiation. Many of the studies already conducted were confined to cell phone radiation. The few
studies on the health effects of electromagnetic fields radiation yielded both positive and negative results due to
the lack of proper measurement of the intensity of the electromagnetic fields radiation, the number of antennas
on the TELCO tower and the presence of confounding factors such as hand phone and WiFi (Wireless Fidelity).
2. Objectives
The objectives of this study we r e to conduct a comparative study of possible health effects of electromagnetic
fields radiation on communities exposed and not exposed to electromagnetic fields radiation from TELCO
3. Methodology
Five communities located in Penang Island were chosen randomly. Four of the communities who were located
within the radius of 0 to 150 meters from the TELCO towers and had a power density of more than 200 micro-
watts per square meter became the EMR exposed samples. One control group was chosen randomly from a
community that was located more than 150 meters from the nearest TELCO tower and had power density mea-
surement of less than 200 microwatts per square meter.
All samples of those who were exposed to electromagnetic fields radiation were above 15-year-old, of any
race, any gender and were exposed to EMR 10 years or more.
The housing areas for the exposed group were identified via random sampling. Systemic sampling was used
for the identification of the houses followed by cluster sampling for the respondents.
The survey was conducted via questionnaires containing past suggested and validated measurements to find
out the occurrence of non-specific health symptoms and incidence of cancer among the samples.
Sample size was calculated using the formula n = (Z1-α)2(P(1-P/100)/D2) which at P=0.125 yielded a sample
size of 1.962(0.125(1-0.125)/0.052) = 168. Therefore a total of 201 sets of questionnaires were filled up via
face-to-face interview in September 2013.
Distance between the TELCO tower and the housing areas were obtained through Google maps and the power
density of EMR was measured by using TES-92 ElectroSmog Meter. Complaints of non-specific health symp-
toms (NSHS) derived from a research by Oberfeld, et.al. in 2004were recorded using interval scale in terms of
their frequency of occurrence and severity.
In this study, all the data garnered from the samples were analyzed by utilizing both quantitative and qualita-
tive methods. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0 for Window was employed to execute
descriptive and statistical analyses.
4. Results
The socio-demographic data is shown in Table 1. From the total of 201 respondents, 91 (45.3%) were living at