Sample Case
This section presents a case recently used that indicates the
type of logic that students will need in order to solve a scenario .
In this case, the victim was a discovered body in the forest.
Evidence provided to the students was that the victim was an
adult male, the ethnic group was identified, and the DNA pro-
file of the victim was identified.
The following steps were the ones necessary for the proper
1) Request a list of missing persons from the Missing Per-
sons Bureau. Exclude from consideration all those that were not
adul t males.
2) Prioritize the remaining persons according to location and
3) For each person on the list, contact their immediate fami-
lies and request DNA samples.
4) Exclude from the candidate list those whose DNA profiles
had several mismatches with the victim.
In th is case, only one male (Stanton Updegraff) survived the
previous pruning steps. The following steps were used to con-
firm the identity of the victim.
5) Determine that there were inconsistencies with the DNA
of the wife (Kesha) and three children. From this analysis the
students conclude that Kesha is not the biological mother of the
6) Through queries to other agencies students gather birth
records and marriage records. From this they learn that Stanton
was previously married to Serena and that the birth of the three
children was during this first marriage.
7) Use Seren a and the thr ee children to reconstru ct Stanton’s
DNA profile. In the initial analysis there are some inconsisten-
cies in the reconstruction and the reconstructed profile does not
match the victim. The early conclusion is that the victim is not
Stanton. However,…
8) Th e inconsistenci es trigger students to realize that one (or
more) of the children has a different biological father. Using
Y-chromosome information students conclude that the two sons
have the sa me bio logical father and that th e Y data matches the
victim. Therefore, they consider a reconstruction without the
9) The new reconstruction shows no mismatches between
Stanton and the victim.
10) Students then use statistical tools to compute the proba-
bility that a random person could have Stanton’s reconstructed
profile. This leads them to conclude that there is an extremely
high probability that the victim is Stanton. This is the correct
This case requires the students to use several tools. Students
will need to be able to reconstruct DNA profiles from relatives,
use Hardy-Weinberg statistics to compute probabilities, and
most importantly to understand the evidence. Twice in this case
students would have to understand that the evidence indicates
that oth er peop le are invo lved in the case ( first wi fe and ano th er
male partner). These latter two conclusions are not derived
from computer tools but solely from the student’s ability to
understand the evidence before t hem.
Final Comments
The current version of the simulation is Tir3 with two new
versions in the pipeline that will add other types of forensic
evidence (other than DNA) and new environments. Instructors
may access the simulation through a request through to the
author. Access is currently controlled but not highly restrictive.
Instructors wishing to participate in this project should contact
the author. Sample cases of the simulation are found on the
accompanying web site: http://binf.gmu.edu/kinser/fdna09/
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