Effect of Aging on Chlorophyll Species Embedded in Silica Xerogels Matrix11
550 600650 700750
Normalized fluorescence intensity
Emission wavelength (nm)
R5, C2
Figure 6. Fluorescent emission spectra of spinach leaves,
with concentration of 4 g / 20 ml (C1), 8 g / 20 ml (C2), 50 g
/ 20 ml (C3) and 8g / 20ml with water to TEOS molar ratio
of 5 (R5,C2), embedded in silica xerogel matrix measured
after 36 months of gelling.
4. Conclusions
The PSII fluorescence comportment for spinach extract
of leaves embedded in silica xerogel matrix, give us in-
formation about the microstructural evolution during the
silica-gel-glass conversion.
We obtain a higher PSII stability for extract of leaves,
with concentration of 8 g / 20 ml and water to TEOS
molar ratio of 11.67 embedded in xerogel matrix, which
remain bioactive over a very long period of time,
whereas for a water to TEOS molar ratio of 5 a blue-shift
fluorescence is observed indicating the PSII denaturizing
and formation of fluorescing aggregates associated with
the activation of carotenoids radical s.
In samples with a water to TEOS molar ratio of R = 11,
and concentration between 4 g to 50 g per 20 ml the
chlorophylls molecules entrapped in silica xerogel re-
main bioactive ov er a long period of time.
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