American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2011, 2, 78-92
doi:10.4236/ajps.2011.21011 Published Online March 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L.
(Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Ashish K. Mishra, Nayan Sahu, Soumit K. Behera, L. B. Chaudhary
Plant Biodiversity & Conservation Biology Division, National Botanical Research Institute (CSIR), Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow,
Received February 14th, 2011; revised March 7th, 2011; accepted March 16th, 2011.
The paper deals with the taxonomy and diversity within the genus Ficus occurring in Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary
based on extensive field and herbarium studies. The genus comprises 11 species in the study area contrary to the earlier
report of 8 species. Out of which, one species each belongs to herbs (F. assamica) and straggling shrubs (F. hetero-
phylla) and the remaining species to shrub to big free standing trees (F. benghalensis, F. hispida, F. palmata subsp.
virgata, F. racemosa, F. religiosa, F. retusa var. nitida, F. rumphii, F. semicordata and F. squamosa). F. microcarpa
and F. carica have been excluded as they do not occur in the sanctuary but reported in the previous work due to mis-
identification. F. repens has been segregated from F. heterophylla and reinstated as a distinct species with a correct
name F. assamica. F. retusa var. nitida forms a ne w record for the sanctuary. In overall gross morpho logy, F. hisp ida,
F. palmata subsp. virgata, F. assamica and F. heterophylla exhibit maximum diversity especially in their leaves, pe-
duncles and figs. Among all species F. hispid a has been found more common especia lly in low land and moist areas in
mixed forest whereas F. retusa var. nitida has been seen with only two plants. All species have been critically examined
and provided with correct nomenclature, vernacular name, description, phenology, ecology, uses and reference to
voucher specimens. A dichotomous bracketed key to the species along with line drawings has also been included for
Keywords: Ficus, Taxonomy, Diversity, Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Moraceae
1. Introduction
Wildlife sanctuary plays an important role in the conser-
vation of plants as well as animals diversity. The forest
of Katerniaghat was declared as wildlife sanctuary in
1975 by government of India. Katerniaghat Wildlife
Sanctuary (KWS), a moist deciduous forest in the Upper
Gangetic Plains of Bahraich district in the province of
Uttar Pradesh, India is situated between 27˚41'-27˚56' N
& 81˚48'-81˚56' E with elevation ranges from 116-165 m
along the southern border of the Himalayan kingdom
Nepal. It is a dense patch of 40 km long and 10 km wide
with an area of 440 km2 which has been divided into five
zones. Since the sanctuary was not thoroughly explored
in the past, the entire area has been selected to assess the
plant diversity available there, so that any conservation
programme required in the future could be implemented
in proper way. The present study which highlights the
taxonomy and diversity of the genus Ficus L. available
within the sanctuary area forms a small part of the entire
flora. The extensive survey and collection of the plants
since last two years reveal that as far as the number of
species is concerned the genus Ficus L., commonly know
as ‘Fig’, is the largest genus in the sanctuary area and
plays important role in the forest ecosystem being a key-
stone species. During investigation some identification
and nomenclatural problems were also encountered within
the species of Ficus occurring there.
Ficus is considered most conspicuous but problematic
genus due to its minute flowers present inside the closed
fleshy receptacle (i.e. scyconium). The genus comprises
about 750 species throughout the world (Corner [1,2];
Berg [3]; Berg & Corner [4]; Ronsted et al. [5,6]) and
about 120 species in India (King [7,8]). In the present
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
study 11 species of Ficus have been reported from the
study area contrary to the earlier report of 8 species
(Maliya & Datt [9]; Khanna et al. [10])). Even in the
previous works also only 7-8 species of Ficus were re-
corded from the entire Bahraich district (Saini [11];
Panigrahi et al. [12]) in which the sanctuary area falls.
Although, Ficus microcarpa L. f. has been reported by
Panigrahi [12] from sanctuary area (Nishangarha range),
however, the same was not noticed in the present study.
The voucher specimen of Ficus microcarpa L. f. was
also not traced out at BSA where Panigrahi et al. [12]
have deposited their specimens. In the sanctuary area F.
palmata subsp. virgata is available, while the same has
been identified as F. carica in previous work (Maliya &
Datt [9]). Ficus carica is a native of Western Asia and
found in India only in cultivation. Further, Ficus repens
is quite distinct from F. heterophylla hence, treated here
separately with a correct nomenclature F. assamica. F.
retusa var. nitida has been collected for the first time
from the sanctuary.
Out of 11 species of Ficus recorded in the present
study, one species each belongs to herbs (F. assamica)
and straggling shrubs (F. heterophylla) and the remain-
ing species to shrub to big free standing trees (F. beng-
halensis, F. hispida, F. palmata subsp. virgata, F. ra-
cemosa, F. religiosa, F. retusa var. nitida, F. rumphii, F.
semicordata and F. squamosa). F. palmata subsp. Vir-
gata shows wide range of variations in its habit which
range from small shrub to medium-sized tree. In overall
gross morphology, F. palmata subsp. virgata, F. as-
samica and F. heterophylla exhibit maximum diversity
especially in their leaves, peduncles and figs. The posi-
tion of the development of figs and fig bearing peduncles
are quite variable from plant to plant in F. semicordata.
Among all species F. hispida has been found more
common especially in lo w land and moist areas in mixed
forest whereas F. retusa var. nitida has been seen with
only two plants. The main associates of figs in the sanc-
tuary area are: Bombax ceiba, Mallotus nudiflorus, Mal-
lotus philippensis, Syzygium cumini, Miliusa tomentosa
All species have been critically ex amined and detailed
taxonomic information such as recently accepted botani-
cal name with common synonyms, Hindi vernacular
names, description, phenology, ecology, uses and refer-
ence to voucher specimens have been provided. A di-
chotomous bracketed key to the species along with line
drawings has also been prepared for easy and quick iden-
tification. The voucher specimens of all species have
been deposited at LWGfor future reference.
2. Key to the Species
1a) Young branches distinctly hollow; leaves opposite 2
1b) Young branches solid; leaves alternate 3
2a) Main trunk present; figs develop chiefly through-
out main trunk; lateral bracts absent on fig body 4. F.
2b) Main trunk absent, caespitose; figs develop chiefly
at base of the plant; lateral bracts p resent on fig bod y 11.
F. squamosa
3a) Figs develop on separate inflorescence axis in
clusters 4
3b) Figs develop in the axils of leaves 5
4a) Inflorescence axis up to 6 feet long, chiefly de-
velop surrounding base or in middle of trunk in cluster;
leaf lamina quite rough on touch , obliquely se misagittate
at base, serrate along margins; figs tomentose, brown
wart like structure present on body, ligh t pink at maturity;
tepals 5 in female flowers, free, entire along margins 10.
F. semicordata
4b) Inflorescence axis up to 25 cm long, chiefly de-
velop throughout main trun k and branches in cluster; leaf
lamina smooth on touch, rounded or cuneate at base, en-
tire along margins; figs pubescent, brown wart like
structure absent on body, red at maturity; tepals 3 in fe-
male flowers, jointed at base, irregularly dentate or ser-
rate along margins 6. F. racemosa
5a) Leaves dentate to serrate along margins 6
5b) Leaves entire along margins 8
6a) Petioles 5-10 mm long, quite shorter than leaf la-
mina; figs ellipsoide or globular with 0-3 mm long stipe
3. F. heterophylla
6b) Petioles 4-6 cm long, almost equal to leaf lamina;
figs pyriform with 8-5 mm long stipe 7
7a) Herbs or small shrubs, 30-60 cm high; stem un-
branched; lamina entire or up to 4-lobed, obliquely cor-
date base; pistillode flowers present; stamen in male
flowers 1 1. F. assamica
7b) Large shrubs or small trees, 1-3 m tall; stem bran-
ched; lamina entire, cordate at base; pistillode flowers
absent; stamens in male flowers 3-5 5. F. palmata subsp.
8a) Leaves thick in texture, obtuse at apex; aerial prop
roots present and touch the ground 2. F. benghalensis
8b) Leaves membranous in texture, acute to caudate at
apex; aerial prop roots absent 9
9) Petioles up to 1 cm long, less than 1/3 of the leaf
lamina; lamina 7-9 × 3-4 cm, elliptic or sometimes obo-
vate, cuneate at base .8. F. retusa var. nitida
9b) Petioles 4-12.5 cm long, more than 1/3 of the leaf
lamina; lamina 11-18 × 6-12.5 cm, ovate to broadly ovate,
truncate, obtuse or rounded at base 10
10) Leaf lamina, ovate, acuminate at apex; petioles 4-8
cm long; basal bracts 3; figs undepressed globose; gall
and female flowers with 3 spatulate tepals 9. F. rumphii
10b) Leaf lamina broadly ovate, abruptly caudate at
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
apex; petioles 9-12.5 cm long, basal bracts 4; figs de-
pressed globose; gall and female flowers with 4-5 nar-
rowly lanceolate tepals 7. F. religiosa
3. Enumeration of the Species
3.1. Ficus Assamica
Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot. 7: 226. 1848. F. repens
Roxb. ex Willd., Sp. Pl. 4 (2): 1149. 1806 (non Rottl.
1803); Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 535. 1832; Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind.
Orient. 2: t. 636. 1843; Brandis, Fr. Fl. N. W. & C. India
424. 1874. F. heterophylla var. repens (Roxb. ex Willd.)
King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta. 1: 77. 1888;
Brandis, Indian Trees 606. 1906; Haines, Bot. Bihar &
Orissa 3: 877. 1922; Kanjilal, For. Fl. Pilibhit, Oudh,
Gorakhpur & Bundelkhand 365. 1933; Kanjilal & Kan-
jilal, Fl. Assam 251. 1940. F. heterophylla f. repens
(Roxb. ex Willd.) King in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 519.
1888. F. heterophylla var. assamica (Miq.) Corner in
Gard. Bull. Singapore 21: 73. 1965; Chater. in Hara et al.
Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal, 3: 210. 1982.
Herbs or small shrubs, 30-60 cm tall, erect or some of
them gradually bend close to the ground or become
creeper due to its weak elongated stem and body weight
after the development of figs. Stem almost woody, dark
brown towards base, yellowish-green towards apex, 3-5
mm in diam., narrowly hollow, mostly unbranched espe-
cially in erect forms, sparsely puberulous in young stage,
glabrous or unevenly glabrescent at maturity; internodes
(1.5-) 2.5-6.5 cm long; nodes adjoining to the soil pro-
duce roots. Stipules ca. 5 × 2 mm, deciduous, triangular-
lanceolate, truncate at base, entire and ciliate along mar-
gins, acute to acuminate at apex, scabrous outside only
along middle region, glabrous inside. Leaves 11-12 cm
long, alternate; lamina 7-9 × 5-6.7 cm, yellowish- green,
ovate to broadly ovate, simple or up to 4-lobed, cordate
and oblique at base, dentate along margins, acute at apex,
scabrous above, tomentose below, subcoriaceous; midrib
reaches up to apex; basal veins 1-3; secondary veins 3-4
pairs; petioles 4.2-5.7 cm long, scabrous. Receptacles
4.5-5.5 cm long, solitary, axillary, dioecious; peduncle
1.8-2.6 cm long, scabrous. Basal bracts 3, 1 × 1 mm,
triangular, truncate at base, entire and hairy along margin,
acute at apex, scabrous outside, glabrous inside. Fig body
2-2.3 × 1.3-1.5 cm, pyriform, reddish-brown after ripen-
ing, scabrous, with red dots on surface, and pink ostioler
opening; stipe 8-13 mm long, unevenly scabrous. Apical
bracts 6, minute, triangular, entire along margins, acute
at apex, scabrous outside. Male flowers few, present near
to ostioler opening, 2-3 mm long , subped icellate; tepals 5,
ca. 2 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, jointed only at ex-
treme base, entire along margins, acute at apex, glabrous,
hyaline; stamen 1, ca. 2 mm long; filament 1, ca.1 mm
Figure 1. Ficus assamica Miq.: (a) Habit; (b) Stipule; (c)-(d)
Leaves; (e) Basal bract; f. Male flower; g. Pistillode flower;
(h) Gall flower; (i) Female flower (a)-(b) & (e)-(i) from
Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai 250601; (c)-(d) from Chaud-
hary, Kumar & Bajpai 252812).
long; anther ca.1mm long. Pistillode flowers numerous,
present near to ostioler opening, ca. 2 mm long, subses-
sile; tepals 5, ca. 2 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, entire
along margins, acute at apex, sparsely hairy outside, gla-
brous inside, hyaline; stamen 1, ca. 2 mm long; filament
ca. 1 mm long; anther 1, minute; ovary obovate, subses-
sile to sessile; style 1, lateral, 0.5-1 mm long; slightly
broaden. Gall flowers numerous, present throughout in-
side fig body, 2-3 × 1 mm, pedicels 0.5-2 mm long; te-
pals 4, 1-2 mm long, n arrowly lanceolate, jointed only at
base, entire along margins, acute at apex, glabrous, pink
to purple; ovary ca. 1.5 × 1 mm, pyriform or ovoid, with
0.5-1 mm long stalk; style lateral, minute; stigma normal.
Female flowers ca. 3 mm long; tepals 5, ca. 2 mm long,
linear-lanceolate, jointed below, free above, entire along
margin, acute to acuminate at apex, glabrous, hyaline;
ovary ca. 1 mm, subsessile; style ca. 1 mm, subterminal;
stigma normal, slightly broadened.
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
Flowering & Fruiting: Mar. – Jul.
Distribution: India (Gangetic Plain: Uttar Pradesh,
West Bengal, Assam), Nepal, Bangladesh, S. China (?),
Indo-China (L aos, Vietnam).
Ecology: Occasional in moist and shady places among
Notes: In some of the earlier publications (Duthie [13];
Fischer [14]) this species was treated as a synonym under
F. heterophylla while it distinctly differs in habit, leaf
shape, base, lobation and texture, petiole length, figs
bearing peduncle and fig shape & colour. The species
shows quite variations in leaf shape which ranges from
entire to distinctly trilobed on the same plant or on sepa-
rate plants in same population .
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: near Vardia Chauki, Katiyara,
08. 06. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai
250601 (LWG); 18. 07. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar
& O. Baj pai 250811 ( LWG); 21. 02. 2009, L. B. Chaud-
hary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai 250812 (LWG).
3.2. Ficus Benghalensis
L., Sp. pl. 1059.1753; King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard.
Calcutta. 1: 18, t. 13 & 81c.1887 & in Hook.f., Fl. Brit.
India 5: 499. 1888; Brandis, Indian Trees 600. 1906;
Duthie, Fl. Upp. Gang. Pl. 3(1): 147. 1915; Corner in
Gard. Bull. Singapore 17: 381. 1960; 21 (1): 14. 1965 &
in Dass & Forsb., Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon 3: 251, f. 13.
1981; Panigrahi in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 11 (1&2): 96.
1969; Srivastava, Fl. Gorakhpurensis 305. 1976; Singh,
Fl. Dudhwa National Park 390. 1997; Berg & Corner in
Fl. Malesiana 17(2): 630. 2005; Saini in J. Econ. Taxon.
Bot. 29 (4): 878. 2005; Maliya & Datt in J. Econ. Taxon.
Bot. 34 (1): 63. 2010. F. indica L., Sp. pl. 1060. 1753,
non sensu King (1887); Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 539. 1832. F.
umbrosa Salisb., Prodr. Stirp. Chap. A llerton 16. 1796. F.
cotonaeifolia Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 189. 1806. Urostigma
benghalense (L.) Gasp., Nov. Gen. Fic. 7. 1844; Wight,
Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. t. 1989. 1853.
Vernacular na me : Bargad, Banyan.
Trees, erect often epiphytic at first, 30-40 m tall, ever-
green, prop aerial roots arising from main trunk and
branches; milky latex present; bark greyish-white; blaze
pale-pink or cream, moderately hard. Stipules 1.5-2 × 1
cm, triangular, entire along margin, acute at apex, cori-
aceous in texture, minutely pubescent outside, glabrous
inside. Leaves spirally-alternate, 11-35; lamina 14-27 ×
10-17 cm, ovate, elliptic or suborbicular, rounded or
subcordate at base, entire along margin, obtuse at apex,
pubescent when young, glabrous above and glabrous or
minutely pubescent beneath at maturity, puberulous
along margin; mid vein prominent and reaches up to apex,
basal nerve 3-7, reaches up to 1/3 to 1/2 of the lamina,
Figure 2. Ficus benghalensis L.: (a) Habit; (b) Stipule; (c)
Fig; (d) Basal bract (inside view); (e) Male flower; (f) Gall
flower; (g) Female flower; (h)-(j) Tepals (a)-(b) & (d)-(j)
from Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai 252810; c from Chaud-
hary, Kumar & Bajpai 250258).
secondary nerves 5-7 pairs, generally forked towards
margin; reticulations distinct on both sides; petioles 3-5
cm long, stout, generally pubescent. Basal bracts 3,
14-17 × 6-13 mm, almost concealed, ovate to rounded,
truncate or suborbicular at base, entire along margin,
acute or obtuse to round at apex, pubescent at outside,
glabrous or minutely pubescent at inside. Fig body ses-
sile, axillary, in pairs, globose, 1-1.5 × 1.5-2 cm, pu-
berulous, red when ripe. Interfloral bracts 1-3 mm long,
club or slightly triangular in shaped, flat, entire along
margin, obtuse to acute apex. Male flowers distributed
throughout, 2-4 mm long; pedicel ca. 2-3 mm long, gla-
brous; tepals 3, 1 × 1 mm, broad ly ov ate to elliptic, en tire
along margin, acute to obtuse at apex, glabrous, anthers
slightly mucronal. Gall flowers ca. 4 mm long; pedicel
ca. 2-3 mm long; tepals 4, 1-2 × 1 mm, ovate to elliptic,
rounded or oval at base, entire along margins, acute at
apex, glabrous; ovary sessile or subsessile, pyriform;
style subterminal or lateral, minute; stigma clavate. Fe-
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
male flowers ca. 2-4 mm long, mostly sessile; tepals 3,
1-2 x 1 mm, elliptic to ovate, broadly ovate at base, en-
tire along margins, acute to acuminate at tip, glabrous;
ovary sessile, ovoid or pyriform; style 1.5-2 mm long,
subterminal; stigma normal or clavate.
Flowering & Fruiting: Apr. – Jun.
Distribution: India (Planted or running wild through-
out), Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Introduced
and widely cultivated in tropics and elsewhere.
Uses: The root fibres are given in gonorrhoea. The
milky juice is useful in piles, diseases of nose and gon-
orrhoea. This is also externally applied for pains and
bruises, in rheumatism, to cracked or inflamed soles of
the feet, to the teeth and gums as a remedy for toothache
and for the skin diseases. The tender ends of the hanging
roots are given for obstinate vomiting. The aerial root is
useful in gonorrhoea, syphilis, b iliousness, dysentery and
inflammation of the liver. The infusion of the bark is
supposed to be a powerful tonic and is considered to
have specific properties in the treatment of diabetes and
infusion of small branches is useful in haemoptysis. The
leaves are good for ulcers and leprosy (Kirtikar & Basu
[15]).The leaves are commonly used as fodder for ele-
phant (Srivastava [16]). The Aerial pillar roots are dura-
ble under water and used as well-curbs (Fischer [14]).
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Rampurva rest house, 09. 12.
2008, L. B. Chaudhary & A. Kumar 250111 (LWG);
Gangapur village, 22. 02. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary & A.
Kumar 25025 8 (LWG); Near K akraha rest house, 21. 07.
2010, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai, 252810
(LWG); Nishanghara forest, 12. 11. 2002, S. D. Maliya
224660 (LWG); Murtiha forest 24. 04. 2003, S. D.
Maliya 214829 (LWG).
3.3. Ficus Heterophylla
L.f., Suppl. Pl. 442. 1781; Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 532. 1832;
Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2: t. 659. 1843; Brand is, For.
Fl. N. W. & C. India 424. 1874 & Indian Trees 606. 1906;
King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta. 1 : 75, t. 94. 1888
& in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. lndia 5: 518. 1888; Cooke, Fl.
Bombay Pres.152. 1907; Kanjilal, For. Fl. Siwalik &
Jaunsar For. Div. United Prov. Agra & Oudh 373. 1911;
Duthie, Fl. Upp. Gang. Pl. 3(1): 154. 1915, p. p. (excl. F.
repens Willd.); Haines, Botany of Bihar & Orissa 876.
1922; Fischer in Gambles, Fl. Pres. Madras 1366. 1928,
p. p. (excl. F. repens Willd.); Kanjilal, For. Fl. For Pilib-
hit, Oudh, Gorakhpur & Bund elkhand 364. 1933; Corner
in Gard. Bull. Singapore 21: 73. 1965 & in Dass. &
Forsb., Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon 3: 272, f. 24. 1981;
Srivastava, Fl. Gorakhpurensis 306. 1976; Singh, Fl.
Dudhwa National Park 391. 1997; Berg & Corner in Fl.
Malesiana 17(2): 231. 2005 ; Saini in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.
29 (4): 878. 2005; Maliya & Datt in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.
34 (1): 63. 2010, p. p. (excl. F. repens). F. grossu-
larioides Burm.f., FI. Ind. 227. 1768; O. Kuntze, Rev.
Gen. Pl. 1: 626. 1891 p. p.. F. cannabina Lour., Fl.
Cochinch. 2: 668. 1790; King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard.
Calcutta 1: 180. 1 888. F. scabrella Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 532.
1832; Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2: t. 661. 1843. F.
subpanduraeformis Miq., in Hook. London J. Bot. 7: 235.
1848 & Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 292. 1867. F. het-
erophylla var. scabrella (Roxb.) King in Ann. Roy. Bot.
Gard. Calcutta. 1: 46, t. 94. 2. 1888 & in Hook.f. Fl. Brit.
India 5: 519. 1888, Brandis, Indian Trees 606. 1906. F.
heterophylla f. scabrella (Roxb.) King in Hook.f., Fl.
Brit. India 5: 519. 1888.
Straggling shrubs. Stem 1-2 m long, woody, support-
ing themselves among bushes, 10-20 mm in diam, nar-
rowly hollow, branched, scabrous in young stage, scab-
rous to glabrous at maturity, internodes 1.5-4.5 cm long.
Stipules 0.7-1 cm long, deciduous oblong-lanceolate,
glabrous. Leaves alternate, 6.3-10.8 cm long; lamina 5.8-
10 × 1.6-3.6 cm, quite variable, simple to 6-lobed, ob-
long, lanceolate, ellip tic or sub obovate, cun eate or obtuse
at base, serrate to subentire along margins, acute to sub-
Figure 3. Ficus heterophylla L. f.: (a) Habit; (b)-(d) Leaves;
(e) Basal bract; (f) Fig; (g) Male flower; (h) Pistillode flower;
(i) Gall flower; (j) Female flower (a)-(b), (e)-(j) from Chaud-
hary, Kumar & Bajpai 250629; (c)-(d) from Maliya 225979).
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
acuminate at apex, subcoriaceous, scabridulus to promi-
nently scabrid on both sides; midrib reaches up to apex,
more hairy on upper surface, basal veins mostly 2, reaches
up to 1/3 of lamina, almost equally prominent on both
surfaces, secondary veins 4-6 pairs; waxy glands present
at the base of the lateral veins and midrib; petioles 5-10
mm long, scabrous. Receptacles 2.3-3 cm long, axillary,
solitary, dioecious; peduncle 1.2-1.8 cm long, scabrous.
Basal bracts 3, ca. 1 × 2 mm, entire and hairy along
margins, obtuse at apex, scabrous outside, glabrous in-
side. Fig body 1.1-1.2 × 0 .8-1.0 cm, ellipso id or g lobular,
scabridulus to prominently scabrid, yellow or orange-
yellow; stipe 0-3 mm long, scabrou s. Apical bracts 5, ca.
1 × 1 mm, free, triangular, entire along margins, acute to
obtuse at apex, scabrous outside, glabrous inside. Male
flowers in 2-3 rings near the ostiole; pedicel ca. 1 mm
long; tepals 3 (-4), ca. 2-3 mm long, linear-oblong to
obovate, entire along margins, obtuse at apex; stamen 1,
ca. 2 mm long; filament 1, ca. 1 mm long; anther 1, ca. 1
mm long. Pistillode flowers present near to mouth of the
receptacle, numerous, 2-3 mm long, with ca.1 mm long
pedicel; tepals 3-5, 2-3 mm long, free, obovate, entire
along margins, obtuse at apex, glabrous, hyaline; stamen
1, 1-2 mm long; filament ca. 1 mm long; anther 1 × 1
mm; ov ary, ca. 1 × 1 mm, sessile to subsessile, pyriform;
style, ca. 1 mm long, subterminal or lateral; stigma
slightly broadened. Gall flowers present throughout, nu-
merous, ca. 3 mm long; pedicel up to 1 mm long; tepals
5, ca. 3 mm long, free, lanceolate-ellip- tic, entire along
margins, acute or sometimes obtuse at apex, glabrous;
ovary ca. 1.5 × 1.5 mm, sessile or subsessile, subspheri-
cal to oval; style ca. 0.5 mm; stigma simple, slightly
broadened. Female flowers inter mixed with gall flow-
ers, few, ca. 3 mm long; subsessile; tepals 4, hyaline,
2.5-3 mm, free, obovate, entire along margins, obtuse at
apex, glabrous; ovary, ca. 1 × 1 mm, subsessile, ovate to
obovate; style ca. 1 mm long, subterminal, lateral; stigma
slightly broadend. Achenes minute, subglobose, subcom-
pressed, tubercled.
Flowering & Fruiting: Ju n. – Au g.
Distribution: India (Throughout the hotter parts from
Sub-Himalayan to Southern regions), Sri Lanka, Myan-
mar, China, Indochina, Malesia.
Ecology: Common in moist grassy lands and also near
water bodies like ponds, lakes, rivers.
Uses: The juice of the root is useful in colic pain. The
bark of the roots, which is very bitter, is taken for the
treatment of cough & asthma after pulverizing and mix-
ing it with coriander seeds. The extract of the leaves with
milk is useful in dysentery. The leaves are also used as
sand paper. The fruits are eaten by local people (Duthie
[13]; Kirtikar & Basu [15]).
Notes: The leaves are quite polymorphic in shape, size,
lobations of lamina and hairs even on the same plant.
They vary from entire to highly dissected up to 6 lobes.
The hairs are faintly to very prominently scabrous on
different plants. See also F. assamica.
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: near Vardia Chauki, 08. 06.
2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai 250629
(LWG); Katerniaghat forest, 19. 07. 2004, S. D. Maliya
225979 (LWG).
3.4. Ficus Hispida
L.f., Suppl. Pl. 442. 1782 (178 1); King in Ann. Roy. Bo t.
Gard. Calcutta. 1: 116, t. 154-155. 1888 & in Hook.f., Fl.
Brit. India 5: 522. 1888; Brandis, Indian Trees 606. 1906;
Duthie Fl. Upp. Gang. Pl. 3(1): 155. 1915; Corner in
Gard. Bull. Singapore 21: 89. 1965 & in Dass. & For sb.,
Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon 3: 277, f. 27. 1981; Panigrahi in
Bull. Bot. Surv. India 11 (1 & 2): 97. 1969; Srivastava,
Fl. Gorakhpurensis 306. 1976; Singh, Fl. Dudhwa
National Park 389. 1997; Berg & Corner in Fl. Malesiana
17(2): 426. 2005; Saini in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29 (4):
878. 2005; Maliya & Datt in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 34
(1):63. 2010. Ficu s symphytifolia Lam., Encycl. 2, 2: 498.
1788; King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta. 1: 184.
1888. F. oppositifolia Roxb., Pl. Coromandel. 2: 14, t.
124. 1798 & in Fl. In d. 3 : 561. 1 832 ; W ight, I con . Pl. Ind .
Orient. 2: t. 638. 1843; Griff. in Ic. Pl. As. 4: t. 560. 1854;
Dalz. & Gibs., Fl. Bombay 243. 1861. F. scabra Jacq. in
Plant. Rar. Hort. Caes. Sehoenbr. 3: 36, t. 315. 1798,
(non Forst. f . 1786). F. daemonum Koen. ex Vahl, En. 2:
198. 1806; Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 562. 1832; Wight, Icon. Pl.
Ind. Orient 2: t. 641. 1843. Sycomorphe roxburghii Miq.
in Ann. Sc. Nat. 3, 1: 35. 1844. Covellia oppositifolia
(Roxb.) Gasp., Rend. Ac. Sc. Nap. 25: 85, t. S, f. 36-42.
1845; Griff., Ic. Pl. As. 4: t. 560. 1854. Covellia
daemonum (Koen. ex Vahl) Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot.
7: 462. 1848; Dalz. & Gibs., Fl. Bombay 244. 1861.
Covellia assamica Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot. 7: 464.
1848. C. courtallensis Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot. 7:
463. 1848. C. dasycarpa Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot. 7:
464. 1848. C. hispida (L.f.) Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot.
7: 462. 1848. C. setulosa Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot. 7:
462. 1848. C. wightiana Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot.
7: 463. 1848. F. prominens Wall. ex Miq. in Hook.
London J. Bot. 7: 236. 1848. Ficus courtallensis (Miq.)
Baill., Hist. Pl. 6: 176. 1875.
Vernacular na me : Gobla, Kath Gular.
Shrub to small tree, 3-4 m long, all parts mostly his-
pid-pubescent; bark greyish brown; blaze red fibrous
with cream coloured latex; young shoots hollo w, densely
hispid, milky latex present. Stipules 11-13 mm long, tri-
angular, entire along margins, acute to acuminate at apex,
hispid outside, glabrous inside, deep grove in length.
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
Figure 4. Ficus hispida L. f.: (a) Habit; (b) Stipule; (c) Fig;
(d) Basal bract; (e) Male flower; f. Gall flower (a)-(b) & (d)-
(f) from Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai 252809; (c) from
Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai 250289).
Leaves 10-31 × 7-10 cm, decussate opposite, ovate-ob-
long, cuneate at base, dentate, denticulate or sometimes
entire along margins, hispid-scabrid on dorsal surface,
hispid-pubescent on ventral surface; midrib prominent,
reaches up to apex; basal veins 2-4, reaches up to 1/3 of
the lamina; secondary veins 4-9 pairs; petiole 2-6 cm
long, puberulous. Receptacle 2-4.5 cm long, fascicled on
the stem or leafy shortened branchlets from the old wood.
Basal bracts 3, 3-4 × 2-3 mm, triangu lar to ellip tic, en tire
along margins, obtuse at apex, puberulous at outside,
scabrous inside. Fig body 1.5-3 × 1.5-2 cm, obovate,
subglobose, subspherical or pyriform, hispid, often with
scattered bracts, yellowish when ripe; peduncles 0.5-1
cm long, hispid; stipe 0-5 mm long. Apical bracts many,
arranged in a rim covering the apical orifice. Interfloral
bracts absent. Male flowers very few near the mouth of
the fig, ca. 2 × 1 mm, sessile to stalked (0-1 mm long);
tepals 3, free above, jointed below, obovate or spatulate,
entire along margins, obtuse at apex, glabrous; stamen 1,
ca. 2 mm long, filament 1, ca. 2 mm long, anther 1, ca.
1 mm long. Gall flowers numerous, 2-6 mm long; pedicel
2-4 mm long, glabrous, brown in colour; tepals not ob-
vious, adherent to ovary; style minute, subterminal;
stigma simple, slightly dilated. Female flowers: Tepals
same as gall flowers; style long, lateral, hairy; stigma
cylindrical, tubular.
Flowering & Fruiting: Almost throughout the year.
Distribution: India (Throu ghout up to 3500 m.), Nepa l,
Bhutan, China, Indo -china, Sri Lanka, Malaysia.
Ecology: Common in moist and shady habitats.
Uses: Different parts are used in cough, ulcers, bili-
ousness, psoriasis, anaemia, piles, jaundice, haemorrhage
of the nose and mouth, diseases of the blood (Kirtikar &
Basu [15]). Figs are considered aphrodisiac and pow-
dered fig paste is applied to buboes. The immature figs
are eaten in curries and ripen figs are made into jam
(Anonymous [17]). The plants are given to milch cattle
to dry up their milk. The leaves and twigs of the plant are
used as fodder for cattle and elephants.
Note: Quite variable in the height of the plant, size of
leaves and position of fruiting branches, but can easily be
identified by its opposite leaves and hollow leafy twigs.
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
nighat Wildlife Sanctuary: Nishangara forest, 23. 08. 2002
S. D. Maliya & Bhaskar Datt 223666 (LWG); Bichhiya
town, 18. 04. 2003, S. D. Maliya 242929 (LWG); near
Bichhiya town, ra ilway station 27. 08. 2003, S. D. Maliya
214848 (LWG); Karmohini forest, S. D. Maliya 225288
(LWG); near Babhnia Fata village, 22. 02. 2009, L. B.
Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai 250267 (LWG);
Rampurva rest house, 08. 04. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A.
Kumar & O. Bajpai 250297 (LWG); near Babhnia Fata
village, 09. 04. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O.
Bajpai 250289 (LWG) ; Near Kakraha rest house, 21. 07.
2010, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai 252809
3.5. Ficus Palmata
Forssk. subsp. virgata (Roxb.) Browicz in Rechinger, Fl.
Iranica 153. 12. 1982 ; S. Kumar, Fl. Haryana 355. 2001;
Abdul Kader in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33: 339-341. 2009.
F. virgata Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 530. 1832; Wight, Icon. Pl.
Ind. Orient. t. 649. 1841. F. caricoides Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3:
529. 1832; Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. t. 634. 1841. F.
pseudocarica Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot. 7: 225. 1848 .
F. palmata sensu King in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 1:
146, t. 185. 1888 p. p. (excl. syn. F. pseudo-sycomorus
Decne) & in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 530. 1888 p. p.
(excl. syn. F. pseudo-sycomorus Decne); Brandis, Indian
Trees 607. 1906; Duthie Fl. Upp. Gang. Pl. 3(1): 158.
1915; Collett, Fl. Siml. 460, f. 14 8. 1921; Corner in Gard.
Bull. Singapore 21(1): 36. 1965; Panigrahi in Bull. Bot.
Surv. India 11 (1 & 2): 97. 1969; Nair in Rec. Bot. Surv.
India 21(1): 2 44. 1978; Singh, Fl. Dudhwa Na tional Park
393. 1997; Maliya & Datt in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 34 (1):
63. 2010.
Vernacular na me : Anjiri, Bedu, Khemri.
Shrubs or small trees, 1-3 m height. Stem branched,
young branches tomentose, old branches glabrous; bark
light grey and smooth. Stipules Green-mauve, ca. 2 × 1
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
Figure 5. Ficus palmata Forssk. subsp. virgata (Roxb.)
Browicz.: (a) Habit; (b) Stipule; (c) Leaf; d. Male
flower; (e) Gall flower; (f) Female flower (a)-(b) &
(d)-(f) from Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai 252270; c
from Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai 250294).
cm, triangular, truncate at base, entire along margins,
acute at apex, glabrous except inner basal surface. Leaves
8-18.5 cm, alternate; lamina 5-12.5 × 5-12 cm, broadly
ovate, cordate at base, serrate along margins, acute to
obtuse at apex, scab rous above, tomentose below, subco-
riaceous in texture, midrib single, reaches up to apex,
prominent on both sides; basal veins 3-7, reaches up to
1/3 to half of the lamina; secondary veins 5-8 pairs; peti-
ole 3-6 cm long, puberulous. Receptacles 2-2.5 cm long,
axillary, solitary; peduncle 3-5 mm long, tomentose.
Basal bracts 3, ca. 2 × 1.6 mm, triangular, entire along
margins, acute at apex, tomentose outside towards base,
glabrous inside. Fig body 10-14 × 8-15 mm, pyriform,
tomentose when young, glabrous at maturity, yellow or
purple when ripe; stipe ca. 1.5 cm long, tomentose. Api-
cal bracts ca. 7, ca. 1.8 × 1.1 mm, triangular, entire
along margins, acute at apex, glabrous inside. Internal
hairs present, hyaline. Male flowers numerous, through-
out fig body, chiefly near to ostioler opening, ca. 3-4 mm
long; pedicel 2-3 mm long; tepals 3-4, 1-1.5 mm long,
hyaline, narrowly obovate, free, minutely hairy along
margins, acute at apex,; stamens 3-5, ca. 1.5 mm long,
free; filaments 0.3-0.5 mm long; anther 1 on each fila-
ment, ca. 1 mm long. Gall flowers numerous, throughout
the fig body, ca. 3.5 mm long, pedicel, ca. 2 mm long;
tepals 5, free, 2-3 mm long, linear-lanceolate, minutely
hairy along margins, acute at apex, hyaline; ovary, ca.
1.5 mm long, ovoid, subsessile; style, minute, lateral;
stigma simple with slightly br oadend tip. Female flowers
5-6 mm long, pedicel, ca. 2 mm long; tepals 5, 2.5-3 mm
long, gamophyllous at base, linear-lanceolate, minutely
hairy along margins, acute at apex, hyaline; ovary, 1-1.5
x 1 mm, pyriform to ovoid, subsessile; style up to 2 mm
long, hairy, sub-terminal; stigma unequally bifid.
Flowering & Fruiting: June – Oct o ber .
Distribution: India (North – West region: from plains
to 1700 m in the Himalaya; Northern region: Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan;
Southern region: Andhra Pradesh, Kerala), Iran, Arabian
Peninsula, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Somalia, Sudan,
Ethiopia and S. Egypt.
Uses: The figs are demulcent and laxative. They are
mostly used as diet in cases of constipation and in dis-
eases of the lungs and bladder. They are also used as
poultices (Kirtikar & Basu [15]). It is a goods source of
fodder for cattle.
Note: Quite common and variable in height of the
plants and leaf shape and size. The typical F. palmata
Forssk. occurs in E. Africa and Saudi Ar abia. The Indi an
materials belong to subsp. virgata (Roxb.) Browicz. The
species closely resembles with F. carica (Linn.) which is
sometimes cultivated in India for fruits.
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: Jai Rampurva, Motipur, 09.
02. 1965, O. P. Mishra 7755 (BSA); Nishangara forest,
23. 08. 2002, S. D. Maliya 223662 (LWG); Karmohini
forest, 16. 03. 2004, S. D. Maliya (LWG); Near Katerni-
aghat Barrier, 08. 04. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary 250294
(LWG); Nishangarha range, near Bhainsa Lotan Fata
village, 24. 04. 2010, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O.
Bajpai 252270 (LWG).
3.6. Ficus Racemosa
L., Sp. pl. 1060. 1753; King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard.
Calcutta. 1: 183. 1888; Corner, Gard. Bull. Singapore 21:
34. 1965 & in D ass. & Forsb., Rev. Handb . Fl. Ceylon 3 :
267, f. 21. 1981; Panigrahi in Bull. Bot. Surv. India. 11
(1&2): 97. 1969; Srivastava, Fl. Gorakhpurensis 307.
1976; Singh, Fl. Dudhwa National Park 394. 1997; C.C.
Berg & Corner in Fl. Malesiana 17(2): 339. 2005; Saini
in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29 (4): 878. 2005; Maliya & Datt
in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 34 (1): 63. 2010; Upadhyay &
Srivastava in Taxon 59 (6): 1881, f. 1 & 3. 2010. F.
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
Figure 6. Ficus racemosa L.: (a) Habit; (b) Stipule; (c) Fig;
(d) Basal bract; (e) Male flower; (f) Gall flower; (g) Female
flower (Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai 250270).
glomerata Roxb., Pl. Coromandel. 2: 13, t. 123. 1798;
Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2: t. 667. 1843 ; King in Ann.
Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta. 1: 173, t. 218. 1888 & in
Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 535. 1888; Brandis, Indian
Trees 609. 1906; Duthie, Fl. Upp. Gang. Pl. 3 (1): 160.
1915. Corner in J. Mal. Br. R. As. Soc. 11: 58, f. 31-32.
1933. Covellia glomera ta (Roxb.) Miq. in London J. Bot.
7: 465. 1848. F. goolerea Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 538. 1832.
Vernacular na me : Umar, Gular
Trees, ca. 30 m tall. Stem profusely branched, with
thick, brownish-grey bark; young shoots faintly scabrid.
Stipules 10-15 x 3-5 mm long, deciduous, triangular,
entire along margins, acute at apex, pubescent outside,
glabrous inside. Leaves 9-22 cm long, alternate; lamina
6-14 × 3.5-8 cm, elliptic to ovate, rounded or cuneate at
base, entire along margins, acute at apex, pubescent both
sides; mid vein prominent; basal vein 1 pair, reaches up
to ca. 1/3 of lamina; secondary veins 4-8 pairs; reticula-
tion distinct; petiole 1.5-6 cm long, minutely pubescent
when young, becoming brown and scurfy at age. Recep-
tacles clustered on up to 25 cm long leafless branchlets
on main trunk and branches; peduncle ca. 1 cm long,
pubescent; puberulous when young. Basal bracts 3,
green, greenish pink or mauve, 2-3 × 2 mm, triangular or
broadly ovate, obtuse to rounded at apex, pubescent out-
side, glabrous inside. Fig body 35-50 mm across, sub-
globose, pyriform to subobovate, pu bescent, r eddish af ter
ripening; ostiole plane or slightly sunken, closed by 5-6
apical bracts, the mouth is occupied by rows of bracts;
stipe up to 7 mm long, pubescent. Male Flowers ca. 3
mm long, ostioler, in 2-3 rings, sessile; tepals 3-4, mem-
branous, completely envelop the stamens; stamens 2; the
filaments united at base, length ca. 2 mm; anther ovate.
Gall Flowers distributed everywhere in syconium, 4-5
mm long; stalk 2-3 mm long; tepals 4, ca. 2 mm long,
ovate to elliptic, jointed below, free above, dentate-lace-
rate along margins, acute to minutely acuminate at apex;
ovary rough; style short, lateral; stigma clavate. Female
Flowers ca. 4 mm long, sessile or very minutely stalked;
tepals 3, 2-3 mm long, jointed at base, lanceolate, irregu-
larly dentate and clefted along margins, acute to acumi-
nate at tip; ovary sessile, red spotted; style 1-2 mm long,
subterminal; stigma clavate.
Flowering & Fruiting: Mar. - Jul.
Distribution: India (Throughout up to low hills), Nepal,
China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Indochina,
Pakistan, Malaysia, Australia.
Uses: Root is useful in hydrophobia, dysentery and
diabetes. The bark is used in asthma and piles and as a
wash for wounds also. The unr ipe fruit is useful in co ugh,
biliousness, leucorrhoea and blood diseases. The ripe
fruit is useful in blood diseases, biliousness, burning
sensations, fatigue, urinary discharges, thirst, leprosy,
menorrhagia, nose bleeding, chronic bronchitis, dry
cough, loss of voice, diseases of the kidney and spleen
and in the preparation of cold jelly. The milk is aphrodi-
siac and vulnerary and used in inflammations, also ad-
ministered in piles and diarrhoea and in combination
with sesame oil in cancer (Kirtikar & Basu, [15]). The
leaves are chopped and given to cattle and elephant as
fodder. Wood is not durable but used as well curbs as
well as in doors, cross pieces for carts, rice mortars,
matchboxes (A nonymous [1 7] ).
Notes: On th e basis of s hape and pu bescence n ature of
leaves King [7] has identified four varieties in F. glom-
erata (viz. var. chittagonga (Miq.) King, var. miquelii
King, var. mollis (Miq.) King, and var. elongata King).
Due to pubescent nature of leaves at both sides the ex-
amined specimens belong to var. mollis (Miq.) King,
while Brandis [18], Duthie [13] and Corner [19] have not
discussed about these varieties in their work. Recently,
Upadhyay & Srivastava [20] have selected the epitype
for F. racemosa and correctly pointed out that F. glom-
erata was described by Roxburgh [21] and not by Will-
denow [22].
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: Kakraha rest house, 19. 02.
2009, L. B. Chaudhary & A. Kumar 250255 (LWG);
Babhnia Fata village, 22. 02. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary & A.
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
Kumar 250260 (LWG); Semal chowk, Taratal piller no.
76, 23. 02. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary & A. Kumar 250270
(LWG); Near Geruva Riv er, Katiyara road, 15. 06. 2009,
L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai 250608 (LWG);
Nishangarha range office, 21. 07. 2010, L. B. Chaudhary,
A. Kumar & O. Bajpai 252808 (LWG).
3.7. Ficus Religiosa
L., Sp. pl. 1059. 1753; Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6: t.
1967. 1853; King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 1: 55,
t. 67a. 1887 & in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. lndia 5: 513. 1888;
Brandis, Indian Trees 601. 1906; Duthie, Fl. Upp. Gang.
Pl. 3 (1): 150. 1915; Corner in Gard. Bull. Singapore 21
(1): 6. 1965 & in Dass. & Forsb., Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon
3: 236. 1981; Srivastava, Fl. Gorakhpurensis 307. 1976;
Singh, Fl. Dudhwa National Park 391. 1997; C.C. Berg
& Corner in Fl. Malesiana 17(2): 608. 2005; Saini in J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29 (4): 879. 2005; Maliya & Datt in J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot. 34 (1): 64. 2010. Urostigma re-
ligiosum (L.) Gasp., Ric. Caprifico 82, t. 7. f. 1-5. 1845;
Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. t. 1967. 185 3. U. affine Miq.
in Hook. London J. Bot. 6: 564. 1847. Ficus affinior
Griff., Notul. Pl. Asiat. 4: 392. 185 4 & Icon. Pl. Asiat. t.
553. 1854.
Figure 7. Ficus religiosa L.: (a) Habit; (b) Stipule; (c)
A portion of inflorescence axis; (d) Inner basal bract;
(e) Outer basal bract; f. Male flower; g. Gall flower;
(h) Female flower (a)-(b) & )d)-(h) from Chaudhary,
Kumar & Bajpai 252807 ; c from Chaudhary, Kumar &
Bajpai 252107).
Vernacular na me : Pipal.
Trees, 7-10 m tall, evergreen, without aerial roots,
milky latex present; bark ashy-grey, smooth when young,
exfoliating in irregular plates and darken when old; blaze
reddish white with lighter bands excluding latex; wood
whitish, moderately hard, young twigs & branches pu-
berulous to densely puberulous. Stipules 25-51 × 4-7 mm,
deciduous, elliptic, entire along margins, acute to acumi-
nate at apex, sometimes minutely puberulous along mar-
gins otherwise glabrous. Leaves pendulous, pink in young
stage, 24-30 cm long, spirally arranged; lamina 15-18 ×
6-12.5 cm, broadly ovate, truncate or subcordate at base,
slightly undulate along margins, 3-4.5 cm long caudate at
apex, glabrous, subcoriaceous, shiny; mid rib prominent
at both surfaces, reaches up to apex, basal veins 3-5,
reaches up to 1/4 of the lamina, secondary nerves 8-10
pairs, reticulations fine and distinct on both surfaces;
petioles 9-12.5 cm long, glabrous throughout in young
stage, pubescent toward s base and glabrous tow ards apex
at maturity. Basal bracts 4, in two rows, 1 in outer row, 3
in inner row; outer bract ca. 5 × 7 mm, mostly bilobed,
entire along margins, acute or obtuse at apex, pubescent
outside, glabrous inside; inner bracts 5-6 × 6 mm, adher-
ent to the fig body, elliptic to ovate or suborbicular,
jointed at base, entire along margins, obtuse at apex, un-
evenly pubescen t outside, glabrous inside. Fig body axil-
lary, in pairs, sessile, 1-1.5 cm across, globose with de-
pression, glabrous, red when ripe. Apical bracts 3, ca. 2 ×
2 mm, covering the ostiole, almost orbicular, mostly
white in colour, glabrous. Male flowers very few near
ostiole, ca. 1 × 1 mm, sessile; tepals 3, free, ca. 1 × 1 mm,
elliptic, entire along margins, acute at apex, glabrous;
stamen 1, filament minute; anther 1 with two lobes. Gall
flowers numerous, throughout inside fig, 2 x 1 mm, ses-
sile or pedicellate; tepals 4-5, free, ca. 1 mm long, linear
- lanceolate, entire along margins, acute at apex, g labrou s;
ovary ca. 2 × 1 mm, yellowish; style minute, subterminal;
stigma simple. Female flowers 2 x 1-2 mm, mixed with
gall flowers, sessile or pedicellate; tepals 4, free, ca.
1mm long, linear-lanceolate, entire along margins, acute
at apex; ovary pyriform, ca. 2 × 1 mm; style ca. 1.5 mm
long, subterminal; stigma simple or clavate.
Flowering & Fruiting: Almost throughou t the year.
Distribution: India (Wild in subhimalayan regions,
Bengal, Central provinces; cultivated throughout), Paki-
stan, Nepal, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indochina,
Sri Lanka. Introduced and cultivated elsewhere.
Uses: This is considered as a highly sacred tree in
Hindu & Buddha religions since ancient time and wor-
shiped in different ways at various occasions. The juice
of bark is used for the treatment of ulcer, liver, spleen
and skin diseases (Kirtikar & Basu, [15]). The milky la-
tex is used as sealing small holes in tires and hollow or-
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
naments. The wood is moderately hard and durable so
used in pack ing materials and in match boxes. Th e leaves
are used as a fodder for elephants and cattle. The leaves
and tender shoots are purgative and fruits are laxative. It
is planted as an avenue or road side tree.
Notes: King [7] observed that basal bracts are spread-
ing; however, in our specimens they are completely ad-
herent to the fig body and they are 4 in two rows. How-
ever, in all previous works only 3 bracts have been ob-
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctu ary: Dharampur, Motipur, 20. 05.
1990, K. K. Khanna 63 (BSA); Kakraha rest house, 24.
10. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai
252107 (LWG); Kakraha rest house, 21. 07. 2010, L. B.
Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai 252807 (LWG).
3.8. Ficus Retusa var. Nitida (Thunb.)
Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 267. 1867 ; King in
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 1: 51, t. 62, 84 p. 7-9.
1887; Duthie, Fl. Upp. Gang. Pl. 3 (1): 149. 1915. F.
nitida Thunb., Ficus 10. 1786; Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Ori-
ent. 2: t 642. 1843. Urosyigma nitidum (Thunb.) Miq. in
Hook. London J. Bot. 6: 582. 1847.
Vernacular na me : Inger.
Free standing trees or epiphytes, ca. 20 m tall, ever-
green, aerial roots few, thin in bunches, 3-4 m long, not
touching the ground. Stem profusely branched, greyish
white with smooth bark and profuse white milky latex.
Leafy twig 3-4 mm thick, solid. Stipules 6-9 × 2-3 mm,
deciduous, lanceolate, entire along margins, acuminate,
cuspidate at apex, glabrous. Leaves 7.8-9.9 cm long, al-
ternate, spirally arranged, lax; lamina 7-9 × 3-4 cm, ellip-
tic or sometimes obovate, cuneate at base, entire along
margins, acute to acuminate with 0.8-1.3 cm long tip,
glabrous; midrib more prominent on ventral surface; lat-
eral veins 6-7 pairs; basal vein 1 pair, reaches up to ca.
1/4 or 1/2 of lamina, faintly branched; petioles 0.7-1 cm
long. Basal bracts 3, 2-3 mm long with obtuse ap ex, per-
sistent, glabrous or finely puberulous along margins. Fig
body sessile or subsessile, axillary, in pairs or sometimes
solitary, rounded, 6-8 mm across, glabrous, slightly
sunken at orifice, yellowish green, red at maturity. Apical
bracts 3, ca. 1 x 1 cm, triangular, entire along margins,
acute at apex, unevenly puberulous. Interfloral bracts
few, minute, brown. Male flowers few, near the mouth of
the receptacle; pedicel 1-1.5 mm long; tepals 3, free,
spathulate, entire along margins, rounded to acute at apex,
glabrous; stamen 1; filament minute; anther dorsifixed,
dithecous. Gall flowers sessile or subsessile; tepals 3,
spathulate; ovary ovoid, narrowed at both ends; style
subterminal; stigma hooded. Female flowers sessile or
subsessile, 1.5-2 mm long; tepals 3, red with white edges,
Figure 8. Ficus retusa var. nitida Thunb.: (a) Habit; (b)
Stipule; (c) Leaf apices; (d) Male flower; (e) Gall flower; (f)-
(g) Female flower (a)-(b) & (d)–(g) from Chaudhary, Kumar
& Bajpai 252104; c from Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai
spathulate, free; ovary ovoid to obovo id, sessile or some-
times shortly stipitate with few white hairs, mostly with
red tinches; style short, subterminal; stigma simple.
Achenes ovoid or obovoid, minutely tuberculate.
Flowering & Fruiting: Almost throughout year.
Distribution: India (North-East region: Assam, Meg-
halaya-Khasi hills), Myanmar, Malaysia.
Ecology: Dense evergreen tree in asso ciation with teak,
sal, tendu, asna, rohini etc. Sometimes it grows as epi-
phyte on tendu plant.
Uses: Latex is used in leprosy & skin diseases by local
Note: Sometimes F. nitida Thunb. is reduced as syno-
nym either under F. benjamina L. or F. microcarpa L.f.
however, it distinctly differs in the nature of aerial roots,
apex of leaf lamina, length of petioles and colour of
Specimens examined: Bahraich, Katerniaghat forest,
Behind Kakraha rest house, 24.10.09, L. B. Chaudhary, A.
Kumar & O. Bajpai 252104 (LWG); Behind Kakraha
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
rest house, 19.02.09, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O.
Bajpai 250257 (LWG).
3.9. Ficus Rumphii
Blume in Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 437. 1825; King in Ann.
Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 1: 54, t. 67 b & 84 t. 1887 & in
Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 512. 1888; Watt., Dict. Ec.
Prod. Ind. 3: 361. 1890 ; Brandis, Ind ian Trees 601. 190 6;
Duthie, Fl. Upp. Gang. Pl. 3(1): 15 1. 19 15; Sr ivastav a, Fl.
Gorakhpurensis 307. 1976; Singh, Dudhwa National
Park 390. 1997; C.C. Berg & Corner in Fl. Malesiana
17(2): 609. 2005. Ficus cordifolia Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 548.
1832 (non Blume 1825); Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2: t.
640. 1843; Brand is, For. Fl. N. W. & C. India 416, t. 48.
1874. F. conciliorum (Rumph.) Oken. in Allg. Natur-
gesch. 3: 1561. 1841. F. populnea Kunth & Bouche, Ind.
Sem. Hort. Berol. 16. 1846. Urostigma cordifolium
(Roxb.) Miq. in Hook. Lond on J. Bot. 5: 564. 1847; D alz.
& Gibs., Bombay Fl. 242. 1861. U. rumphii (Bl.) Miq. in
Zoll. Syst. Verz. 2: 90. 1854. Ficus populiformis Schott.
ex Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3:287. 1867.
Vernacular na me : Pilkhan, Khabar, Gajhar.
Tree, ca. 20 m tall, epiphytic at beginning. Stem solid,
branched, glabrous; bark yellowish grey or brown,
smooth; blaze orange red exuding latex. Stipules decidu-
ous, ca. 8 × 4 mm, triangular, truncate at base, entire
along margins, acute at apex, glabrous. Leaves 16.5-23
cm long, spirally alternate; lamina, 11-15 × 7-10 cm,
simple, ovate, truncate to rounded at base, entire or sub-
undulate along margins, acuminate at apex, shining
above, glabrous, subcoriaceous; midrib prominent on
both sides, basal veins 4-5, secondary veins 7-10 pairs;
texture; petiole 4-8 cm long; glabrou s. Basal bracts 3, ca.
4-5 × 2.5-4 mm, triangular, entire along margins, acute to
apiculate at apex, coriaceous, glabrous. Fig body axillary,
in pairs, sessile, 6-8 × 7-9 mm, rounded without depress-
sion, green & glabrous when young, dark reddish black
when ripe. Apical bracts 3, ca. 1 × 1 mm, triangular,
acute at apex, closed to each other, glabrous, pale yellow.
Interfloral bracts hyaline to brownish, up to 2 mm long,
flat, rectangular to linear-lanceolate, entire along margins,
acute to acuminate at apex, glabrous. Male Flowers Near
to ostioler open ing, very few, ca. 2 mm long; pedicel ca.
2 mm long; tepals 3, hyaline, ca. 1.3 mm long, spatulate,
free, entire along margins, obtuse at apex, glabrous; sta-
men 1, filament, ca. 0.5 mm long; anther 1, ca. 0.5 × 0.5
mm. Gall Flowers throughout fig, numerous, 2-3 mm
long, pedicel, 0.5-0.7 mm long; tepals 3, hyaline, ca. 1
mm long, spatulate, free, entire along margins, obtuse at
apex, glabrous; ovary, 1 × 0.8 mm, subsessile, ovoid or
pyriform; style 1, ca. 1-1.5 mm long, lateral, more than
upper half portion hairy; stigma simple. Female Flowers
throughout fig, numerous, ca. 3 mm long; pedicel, ca. 1
Figure 9. Ficus rumphii Blume: (a) Habit; (b)-(c). Leaves; (d)
Basal bract; (e) Male flower; (f)) Gall flower; (g) Female
flower (Chaudhary, Kumar & Bajpai 252818).
mm long; tepals 3, hyaline, ca. 1 mm, spatulate, free,
entire along margins, obtuse at apex, glabrous; ovary ca.
0.5 mm long; subsessile, pyriform; style ca. 1 mm long,
subterminal or lateral, more than upper half portion hairy;
stigma simple.
Flowering & Fruiting: April – July & December –
Distribution: India (North West to North East & Cen-
tral provinces, Andaman and Nicobar Island. From sub-
himalayan tract and outer hills, ascending to 5000 ft.),
Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, In dochina, Malaysia.
Uses: The fruit juice mixed with turmeric, pepper and
ghee is given internally to kill worms and in asthma (Kir-
tikar & Basu [15]). The leaves and twigs are used as a
Note: Very similar to F. religiosa, but differs in having
acuminate apex (vs. abruptly caudate) and undepressed
globose figs (vs. depressed globose).
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: Kakraha rest house, 24. 10.
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai 252106
(LWG); Kakraha rest house, 22. 10. 2010, O. Bajpai
252818 (LWG ).
3.10. Ficus Semicordata
Buch.-Ham. ex J. E. Sm. in Rees, Cyclop. 14: Ficus n. 71.
1810; Corner in Gard. Bull. Singapore 17: 449. 1960 &
21 (1): 62.1965; Singh, Dudhwa National Park 392. 1997;
C.C. Berg & Corner in Fl. Malesiana 17(2): 382. 2005;
Saini in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29 (4): 879. 2005; Maliya
& Datt in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 34 (1): 64. 201 0. F. cunia
Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb., Fl. In d. 3 : 56 1. 1832 ; Wight, Icon.
Pl. Ind. Orient. 2: t. 648. 1843; King in Ann. Roy. Bot.
Gard. Calcutta 1: 101, t. 126. 1888 & in Hook.f ., Fl. Brit.
India 5: 523. 1888 p.p. (excl. F. conglomerata Roxb.
1832); Brandis, Indian Trees 606. 1906; Duthie, Fl. Upp.
Gang. Pl. 3(1): 156. 1915; Corner in J. Mal. Br. R. As.
Soc. 11: 21, f. 8, 9. 1933; Srivastava, Fl. Gorakhp urensis
306. 1976. Covellia cunia (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Miq.
in Hook. London J. Bot. 7: 459. 1848. Ficus hapalo-
phylla Kurz., Fl. Burma 2: 461, f. 87. 1877.
Vernacular name: Khini, Khunia, Khain, Khurhur
Medium-sized tree with grayish brown bark; blaze red,
fibrous with cream coloured latex. Stipules ca. 35 × 7
mm, ovate-elliptic, truncate at b ase, entire along margins,
acute to acuminate at apex, unevenly pubescent outside,
glabrous inside. Leaves 13.5-19.5 cm long; lamina
12.5-20.5 × 5.5-5.8 cm, alternate, elliptic, unequally
oblique semisagittate at base, serrate along entire mar-
gins or sometimes entire up to lower half, pubescent to
scabrous below, scabrous above, acute to subacute at
apex; mid rib reaches up to apex, comparatively less
prominent on upper surface; basal veins 4-6, reaches up
to or less than 1/3 of the leaf lamina; secondary veins
8-10 pairs; petiole 1-1.5 cm long, puberulous. Recepta-
cles ca. 2 cm long, axillary, single to 3 or sometimes
more, born on separate quite elongated branches (up to
6 feet long) develop in clusters near base or in the middle
of stem; peduncle 0-7 mm, surface tomentose. Basal
bracts 3, ca. 6.2 × 3 mm, triangular, truncate at base,
entire along margins, acute at apex, tomentose outside,
glabrous inside. Fig body 7-11 × 6-10 mm, globose to
subglobose, tomentose, brown wart like structures on fig
body, light pinkish. Apical bracts many, around orifice,
1-2 x 3 mm, pointed upwards, triangular in shape, trun-
cate at base, entire along margin, acute at apex, puberu-
lous outside, glabrous inside. Internal hairs absent. Male
flowers present near the mouth of the receptacles with 3
lanceolate perianth; stamens with short filament and
ovate anther. Gall flowers with 4 perianth united below;
ovary globular, smooth; style lateral, very short. Female
flowers ca. 2 mm long, sessile or subsessile; tepals 5, ca.
Figure 10. Ficus semicordata Buch.–Ham. ex J.E. Sm.:
(a) Habit; (b) Stipule; (c) A portion of inflorescence
axis; (d) Basal bract; (e) Female flower (Chaudhary,
Kumar & Bajpai 250290).
2 mm long, free, linear-lanceolate, entire along margins,
acuminate at apex, glabrous, red to reddish brown, hya-
line along margin; ovary ca. 1 mm long; style ca. 2 mm
long, lateral; stigma simple.
Flowering & Fruiting: May-Sep.
Distribution: India (North-West & North-East region
(Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya
Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur), Pakistan,
Nepal, Bhutan, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand,
Vietnam, Malaysia.
Uses: The figs are sweet and eaten by locals as fruit. A
bath made from the fruit and bark is a cure for leprosy.
The juice from the roots is given in bladder complaints
and visceral obstructions (Kirtikar & Basu [15]). The
fibre of the bark is used in the preparation of rope. The
leaves are use as fodder for cattle.
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: Miscellaneous forest, Near
Balcha Barrier, 09. 04. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary 250290
(LWG); Near Murtiha barrier, 09. 04. 2009, L. B.
Chaudhary 250291 (LWG); Sujauli road, near Oripurva
village, 31. 10. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O.
Bajpai 252173 (LWG); Sujauli road, near Oripurva vil-
lage 31. 10. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Ba-
jpai 252174 (LWG).
Note: Very interesting and distinct species in which
the fruiting branch es born in cluster surround ing the base
of the main trunk or in the middle of the trunk.
3.11. Ficus Squamosa
Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 531. 1832; Wu et al. in Wu et al., Fl.
China 5: 49. 2003 . F. saemocarpa Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot.
Lugd.-Bat. 3: 232. 1867; King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard.
Calcutta 1: 115, t. 152. 1888 & in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. lndia
5: 523. 1888; Brandis, Indian Trees 606. 1906. F. pyr-
rhocarpa Kurz., Fl. Brit. Burm. 2: 457. 1832. F. lami-
nosa Hardw. ex Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 531. 1832; Duthie Fl.
Upp. Gang. Pl. 3(1): 156. 1915.
Bushy shrub or small tree, 4-5 feet long, caespitose,
erect. Stem hollow, br anched, you ng twig show s soft pith.
Stipules deciduous. Leaves 13.8-38.2 cm long, opposite;
lamina 11.7-28 × 7.5-15.2 cm, lanceo late to oblan ceo late,
truncate at base, serrate along margin s, acuminate at ap ex,
scabrous above, strigose below; midrib prominent on
both sides, secondary veins 6-10 pairs, basal veins 4-6
reaches up to 1/5-1/4 of lamina; petiole 2.1-10.2 cm long,
surface scabrous. Receptacles 3.7-5.2 cm long; develop
on panicles with or without leaves coming out from the
older parts of the stem & main branches; peduncle
1.6-2.2 cm long, hispid with brownish hairs. Basal
Bracts 3, 1.5 × 2 mm, triangular, entire & hairy along
margins, obtuse at apex, hispid outside, glabrous inside.
Fig body 1.8-2.3 × 2-2.5 cm, in pairs, spherical or glo-
bose, yellow when ripe, hispid; stipe 5-7 mm long, hispid
with brown hairs. Lateral bracts present on fig body, 1-4,
3-5 × 2 mm, almost inverted triangular, entire and hispid
along margins, truncate at apex, hispid outside, glabrous
inside. Apical bracts 3, ca. 3 × 2 mm, almost triangular,
entire and hairy along margins, obtuse at apex, hispid
outside, glabrous inside. Interfloral bracts absent. Male
flowers with three to four perianth; anther single. Gall
flowers perianth hyaline, closely attached to the smooth
ovary; style short, lateral; stigma tubular. Female Flow-
ers throughout fig, numerous, ca. 3 mm long, pedicel 0-2
mm long; tepals closely applied to the ovary; ovary,
0.8-1 × 0.6-0.8 mm, minutely stipitate, pyriform; style
1-2 mm long, subterminal to lateral, hairy; stig ma simple,
slightly broadened, brownish in colou r.
Flowering & Fruiting: Almost throughout the year.
Figure 11. Ficus squamosa Roxb.: (a) Habit; (b) A
portion of inflorescence axis; (c) Basal bract; (d) Late-
ral bract; (e) Apical bract (inside view); (f) Gall
flower; (g) Female flower (Chaudhary, Kumar & Ba-
jpai 252819).
Distribution: India (North & North-East regions: from
foot of the Kumaon Himalaya to eastwards), Nepal,
Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Thailand.
Notes: Very allied to F. hispida, but differs in caespi-
tose nature and lateral bracts present on fig body.
Specimens examined: Uttar Pradesh, Bahraich, Kater-
niaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: Behind Kakraha Rest House,
22. 10. 2009, L. B. Chaudhary, A. Kumar & O. Bajpai
250700 (LWG); Near Girijapuripuri Petrol Pump, 22. 10.
2010, O. Bajpai 2528 19 (LWG).
4. Acknowledgements
The authors are grateful to Dr. C. S. Nautiyal, Director,
National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (CSIR)
for providing facilities and encouragement. The thanks
are also due to the in-charge of herbaria mentioned in the
work and to the forest officials of Katerniaghat Wildlife
Sanctuary for granting permission and facilities to visit
the area. The funds to carry out this work were received
Assessment of Diversity in the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. AJPS
from CSI R , New Delhi under NWP-02 0.
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