Advances in Physical Education
2014. Vo l.4, No.1, 10-24
Published Online February 2014 in SciRes (
Physiques in Migrant Peasant Worker’s Children by Comparison
with Rural and Urban Children in Shanghai, China
Jin-Kui Lu 1*, Xiao -Jian Yin2, Takemasa Watanabe1, Yan-Min Lin3, Toyoho Tanaka1
1School of Health and S port Sciences, Chukyo Uni vers ity, 101 Tokodachi, Kaizu-c ho, Toyota,
Aichi, Japan
2Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention, Ministry of Education, School of
Phys ical Educ at io n a nd He al th, East China Normal Universit y, Shanghai , China
3Department of Physical Education, Lvliang College, Lvliang, China
Email: *
Received N o v ember 26th, 2013 ; revi sed December 26th, 2013; accepted January 4th, 2014
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Background: a few studies have been conducted which describe health status of Migrant Peasant
Work er’s children. However, there are no studies which compare physiques of MPW’s children with
those of rural children and urban children. Also, few studies have been done on physiques of MPW’s
children as it relates to socioeconomic f act or s in Chi na . Methods : We examin ed a cr os s-sectional study of
2457 children from Shanghai and Wuhu city in 2011. First, we compared the differences of physiques
among three groups by ANOVA. Second, ANCOVA were applied to analyze the associations between
the physiques and socioeconomic factors by taking physiques as dependent variables. The independent
varia b les i ncluded s oc ioec ono mic fa c tors suc h as the p arent a l occ upa tion, t he pa r ental educ a tion a nd fa m-
ily monthly income. Third, ANCOVA were used to assess differences in physiques among the three
groups by adj usti ng soci oeconomic fac tors . Results: There wer e signi fic ant dif ferenc es in all physic al in-
dexes, no matter they were boys and girls (P < .001). Children’s physiques of MPW were smaller than
those of c hil dren of Ci ti z en in Sha n ghai Ci ty. A mon g a ll a ges, rega r dl ess of gender , Chil dr en’s physiques
of MP W were bigger tha n those of childr en of rural r esident. In bot h boys and girls all indexes displayed
statistically significant associations with parental occupations (P < .001). There were strong associations
between parental educ ation and all physi cal indexes ( P < .001). Family monthly inc ome was found t o be
significantly associated with children’s physiques (P < .001). In both boys and girls, there were strong
ass ociati ons b etween physique and group in al l indexes ( P < .001), but physiques hardly had any associa-
tions with s ocioeconomic factors. Conclusions: We fi n d t ha t ph ysi q u es of MPW’s children were small er than
those of childr en of c it iz en i n Sha nghai Ci ty, a nd ph ysi q ues of MP W’s chil dr en were b i gger t ha n thos e of
children of rur al resident. There are strong associations b etween ph ysiques and soc ioeconomic factors.
Key words: Migrant Peasant Worker; Chil dren; Physi ques; Socioeconomic Factors; Group
With the rapid urbanization in China, it was extre mely obvi-
ous that there was shortage of labor in southeast coastal cities.
Since the economic reform and Opening-Up Policy in China,
the spare labor force was transfer ring from rural areas to cit ies,
and the population of the labor has consistently increased. The
term “Migrant Peasant Worker(MPW), referred to those who
migrate from rural areas to urban areas seeking employment
opportunities. Most MPWs children accompanied their parents
to the cities. At the end of 2009, the number of MPWs has
reached over 145 millions (State Statistic Bureau, 2009). More-
over, the number of MPWschildren l ess than 14 ye a r s o l d was
estimated at 15 millions, and about 380 thousand MPWschil-
dren were in Shanghai City in 2005 (Xiong, 2010).
Chinese government has classified every Chinese citizen as
either “r ural register” or “urban register” as a means of catego-
rizing household registration. This system is known as “Hukou”.
Newborn have to be registered in the area of parental registra-
tion. Citizens can only receive government benefits within the
district of their household registration. Moreover, any reforma-
tions to Hukou are restricted because there are significant dif-
ferences in government benefits from local governments in
rural Hukou and urban Hukou. Urban citizens enjoy access to
state-subsidi es such as food allowance, l ife employment, medi-
cal insurance, housing, social security and pensions. Those who
were designated as rural Hukou are not entitled to these city-
subsidies (Solinger, 1999). MPWs have no access to services
from local states d u e to their ru ral Huko u, and their chi ldr en are
unable to attend state schools in cities. They usually can not
afford expensive private schools, so they are forced to attend
schools in very poor condition. Hence, the MPW’s children are
at higher risk of suffering from poor health than the children of
*Corresponding author.
urban Hukou. On the contrary, since the migration from rural
area to urban area has i ncreased MPWs family income (Alaimo,
Olson, Frongillo, Briefel, 2001), they are in a better position to
provide for their children. Their increased income enables more
MPWs to purchase medical insurance for their children, which
ensures adequat e medical care. From thi s aspect, migratio n has
a favorable impact on their children’s health (Belsky, Bell,
Bradley, et al., 2007; Black, Morris, Smith, Townsend, White-
head, 1988; Bornstein, Hahn, Suwalsky, & Haynes, 2003).
Many studies have reported health issues of MPWs and their
children. MPWs were generally found to be in poor health,
having a co mparatively high prevalence of illness (Chen et al.,
2010; Ma, 2008) compared to ch ildren who are cit izen of citi es,
MP Wschildren are underweight and undernourished com-
pared to children of citizen in cit ies (Bradley & Kelleh er, 1992;
Chen et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2006). Zhang reported that
MP Wschildren have higher prevalence of underweight, ane-
mia and d ental caries th an children of citizen s in Shanghai city
(Zhang et al., 2005). However, this study was based on physical
measure ment onl y in MP Wschildren. The data for children of
citizens in Shanghai city was used fro m a former Yearly Heal th
Check Record. Yin showed that MPWschildren have lower
weight than children of citizens in Shanghai city, but this report
did not refer to the socioeconomic factors (Yin et al ., 2011). Li
reported that the growth and development parameters (height,
body weightchest circumferencevital capacity, body mass
index)of children from MPWs were much lower than that of
urban children, but the sample size of the study was small (625
subjects including 2 groups), and the socioeconomic factors
were not mentioned (Li, Zhou , 2011). Yan showed that MPWs
children have bigger physique than children living in rural areas
from which MPWschildren come after observing adjustment
by family income. The author explained the results in the fol-
lowing way. Since the migration improved family income,
MPW’s wages afforded them a higher quality of consumer
goo ds and lifestyle than that was available to most children
living in rural areas, but parental occupation and education
were not mentioned (Yan, 2005).
There are man y studies on the health problems of immi grant
children in other countries. Immigrant children can be divided
into international immigrant children and internal migration
children. International immigrant is defined as immigrants who
move from one country to other country, and internal migration
is called migration from one region to another region in the
same coun try. We believe th at Chi nese MP Ws exhibit th e same
characteristics as international immigrations as well as internal
migrations. On the one hand, MPWs have no “urban Hukou” in
cities and in the same way international immigrants have no
local nationality. On the other hand, Chinese MPWs are from
rural ar eas to urban areas in China. The y are similar to internal
migration, because both of them speak the same language and
have similar lifestyle.
The international immigrant children with low socioeco-
nomic status (Bogin, Smith, Orden, Varela Silva, Loucky, 2002;
Hernandez, 2004) and l imited health care access (Casey, Szet o,
Lensing, Bogle, & Weber, 2001; Desai & Alva, 1998; Dittus,
Hillers, & Beerman, 1995) were at higher risk of poor health
status than native-born children. The immigrant children have
been identified as having an array of poor health status and
these include: growth retardation (Geltman, Radin, Zhang,
Cochran, & Meyers, 2001; Huang, Stella et al., 2006) obesity
(Fredriks, Buuren, Jeurissen, et al., 2004; Geltman, Radin,
Zhang, Cochran, Meyers, 2001; Guarnaccia, Lopez, 1998), and
mental health problems (Guarnaccia, Lopez, 1998; Hu, 2004).
For children of internal migration, some studies have showed
that they were stunted and underweight due to their bad life-
styles (Glew, Brock et al., 2004; Slesinger, Christenson, Caut-
ley, 1986). Slesinger repor ted th at the migrant far merschildren
are at substantially greater risk of health problems and earlier
mortality than the urban children in Wisconsin, since they lack
access to regular physical checkup (Slesinger, Christenson,
Cautley, 1986). Glew showed that west Africa Fulani immi-
grant children and adolescents (5 - 18 years old) have smaller
physiques than Nigerian children in northern Nigeria due to
their poor lifestyles (Glew, Bro ck, et al ., 2004). However, some
studies have shown that immigration are likely to have earlier
onset of puberty ,improved physical status and reduction of the
prevalence of stunting (Bogin, Smith et al., 2002; Garnier,
Ndiaye, Ben efice, 2003). Bo gin et al. showed that Maya immi-
grant children living in Florida in USA are taller and have
longer leg than their counterparts living in Guatemala (Bogin,
Smith, et al. (2002) Garnier reported that immigration from
rural areas to Dakar in Senegal resulted in Senegalese children
having an earlier onset of puberty and an improvement of nutri-
tional status (higher BMI, fat mass index and midarm circum-
ference) but without catch-up in growth (Garnier, Ndiaye,
Benefice, 2003). There are almost no reports that internal mi-
grant children’s physiques and health status have improved by
their immigration in China.
In China, as previously described, there are many studies on
the health of MPW’s children. However, there are no studies
which compared physiques of MPW’s children with those of
rural children and urban children at the same time and few
studies on physiques of MPW’s children which take socioeco-
nomic factors into consideration. The present study is aimed at
evaluating physiques of MPW’s children as they with rural and
urban children while taking socioeconomic factors into account.
We hypothesize that MPW’s children have smaller physiques
than urban children and MPW’s children have bigger physiques
than rural children after the adjustment by socioeconomic fac-
Study De sign
This study was a cross-sectional survey of children aged 7 -
12 years in Shanghai city and Anhui province, China. The re-
search plan was approved by the Ethical Committee of Gradu-
ate School of Health and Sport Sciences in Chukyo University.
Study Area
The stud y areas were lo cated in Sh an ghai ci ty and Wu hu cit y
in Anhui province. The province is the origin of the greatest
number of MPWs in Shanghai city
011/11/24). Furthermore, the latitude and temperature in Wuhu
city are al most the same as Sh anghai cit y (annual average tem-
peratu re: Shanghai 15.8˚C, Wuhu city 15.9˚C). Anhui province
is located in Eastern China, across the basins of the Yangtze
River and the Huai River. The capital of the province is Hefei.
Wuhu city locates in 143 km southeast of the Hefei city. The
city covers 3317 km2 and contains a total population of about
2,307,000 people. The majority of the population lives in rural
area. It is an agricultural district which heavily exports its labor
force.29 Shanghai is located at the mouth of Yangtze River
Delta in the middle portion of the Chinese coast. Shanghai city
covers 6340.5 km2 and contains a total population of about
23,470,000 people. It is a major fi nancial center an d the b usiest
hub in China
( 2011/12/02). (Figure 1)
The subjects included two urban groups in Shanghai City and
one rural group in Anhui province. Each group consisted of
school children from two primary schools. Of two urban groups,
one group was MPW’s children in 2 special primary schools
founded by MPWs themselves. One of two schools is located in
urban areas and another one is in a suburb of Shanghai. The
other group is made up of children of Shanghai citizens. The
children are from 2 state primary schools. One is located in an
urban areas and the other in the suburbs. For the rural group, 2
state primary schools were selected from rural areas in Wuhu
city. One lies in rural mountain district and the other is in ru ral
plain district. The original cohort consisted of 4132 subjects, all
children from 6 primary schools. Among them, 964 were not
measured due to their absence during physical measurement
session, and 592 did not complete questionnaires. After physi-
cal measurement, 119 were excluded, because 95 were not in
the required age range of 7 to 12, and 24 were from ethnic mi-
nority (Figure 2). We defined children of rural resident as
group 1, MPW’s ch ildren as group 2 and children of Citizen in
Shanghai City as group 3. Finally, there were 748children in
group 1, 914 in group 2 and 795 in group 3 for the analysis
(Table 1).
Study area
Study area
(a) (b)
Figure 1.
Maps showing (a) loc ation of two study areas in China and (b) location of Wuhu City in Anhui province.
Table 1.
Dist ribution of the demographic characteristic s of the three group children.
Rural resident Migrant peasant worker Citizen in Shanghai city
N (%) N (%) N (%)
All 748 (100) 914 (100) 795 (100 )
Male 438 (5 8.6) 557 (60.9) 4 03 (50.7)
Female 310 (41.4) 357 (39. 1) 392 (49.3)
Age (years)
7 74 (9.9) 107 (11.7) 1 00 (12.6)
8 97 (13.0) 182 (19.9) 115 (14. 5)
9 120 (16. 0) 204 (22.3) 167 (2 1.0)
10 152 (20.3) 162 (17.7) 206 (25. 9)
11 174 (23.3) 175 (19.2) 149 (18. 7)
12 131 (17.5) 82 (9.0) 58 (7.30)
All students in 6 primary schools (N = 4132)
Group 1 (N = 1150)
One state primary school in rural plain district in A city, Anhui province, (n = 658)
One state primary school in mountain area of rural district in Wuhu city, Anhui province, (n = 592)
Group 2 (N = 1392)
One primary school for children of Migrant Peasant Worker in unban district in Shanghai city, (n = 754)
One primary school for children of Migrant Peasant Worker in suburb in Shanghai city, (n = 638)
Group 3 (N = 1590)
One state primary school in Unban district in Shanghai city , ( n = 869)
One state primary school in suburb in Shanghai city, (n = 721)
119 subjects were excluded:
95 were not in the age range of 7 to 12
24 were from ethnic minority
Group 1 (N = 793)
School in rural plain district, (n = 438)
School in rural mountain district, (n = 355)
Group 2 (N = 980)
School in urban district, (n = 534)
School in suburb, (n = 446)
Group 3 (N = 803)
School in urban district, (n = 456)
Schoolin subur b, (n = 347)
964 were not measured
592 did not complete questionnaires
Group 1 (N = 748)
School in rural plain district, (n = 418)
School in rural mountain district, (n = 330)
Group 2 (N = 914)
School in urban district, (n = 512)
School in suburb, (n = 402)
Group 3 (N = 795)
School in urban district, (n = 453)
Schoolin subur b, (n = 342)
Figure 2.
Flow chart showing participants and the derivation of sample.
The study comprised survey by questionnaires and anthro-
pometric measurements. The seven investigators were gradu ate
students majored in sport and health in K university in Shang-
hai. They were trained for one week. The training included
special instruction for filling in questionnaires and for taking
physical measurement. Each of them was put in charge of tak-
ing a specific physical measurement, and one of the authors
was responsible to the questionnaire.
We designed the questionnaire according to the Chinese Na-
tional Nutrition and Health Survey, and National Health Inter-
view Survey in USA.
d.htm#2012_NHIS.2010/11/06) A preliminary questionnaire
was assessed by a pilot survey in March, 2010. According to
the pilot survey, the questionnaire was slightly modified for
ease of un d erstan ding and response. The questionnaire included
questions concerning the occupation of child’s parents, the
child’s parental education, the guardian’s cognition of health,
the child living environment and family status, the child learn-
ing and living condition, child’s health status, child’s lifestyle
of diet and child’s food intake frequency. We distributed the
questionnaire to each school with the principal’s consent. The
questionnaires were handed out to the children and were col-
lected by the teachers in charge of each class. Each child was
asked to complete the questionnaire by consulting with their
parent or guardian at home.
Physical Measurements
The physical characteristics measured in this study were as
follows: height, weight, sitting height and body fat percentage.
These ph ysical indexes were chosen b ecause heigh t and weight
are used to measure to assess the nutritional health status of a
child, sitting height is often used as an indication of body pro-
portion, and body fat percentage is used as an indication of
body composition (Frisancho, 1981; Waterlow, Buzina, Keller,
Lane, Nichaman, & Tanner, 1 977). The anthropometric equip-
mentswereZT-120 Weight-Height-Sitting height Meter (Wuxi
Weighing Apparatus Company, China) and TBF-310 Body Fat
Calculator (TANITA Company, Japan). The boys were meas-
ured wearing underpants only, and girls wore a t-shir t and a pair
of light trousers. No subjects wore shoes. Heights were meas-
ured agai nst metal col umn scales, knees n ot bent, ar ms at sides,
shoulders relaxed, feet flat on the floor, and recorded to the
nearest .1 cm. Sitting heights were measured sitting against
metal col umn scales , and recorded to the nearest .1 cm. Weigh-
ing was done on platform scales, and the results were recorded
to the nearest .1 kg. Body fat percentages were measured
standing on platform scales after subject’s feet were clean ed by
ight.pdf .2011/03/02)
Analytical Framework and Statistical Analyses
There are many studies that have been conducted which ex-
plore the associations between socioeconomic factors and the
children’s physiques. Those researches noted that children who
live in low-level socioeconomic status are at higher risk of
growth retardation or obesity, and that socioeconomic status
was a multi-dimensional construct that was most often meas-
ured by some combination of income, education, and occupa-
tion (Kuh, Power, Rodgers, 1991; Li & Zhou, 2011; Ma, 2008).
Therefore, in this report, parental occupation, parental educa-
tion and family monthly income were selected as indices of
socio economic status (Table 2).
In anal ysis of variance (ANOVA ) and analysis of covari ance
(ANCOVA), the socioeconomic factors were reclassified be-
cause in the questionnaire the classified categories of occupa-
tion and family monthly inco me were ex cessi ve, an d th ere were
few parents with graduate degree in education. Three socio-
economic factors were reclassified as follow: 1) occupation:
administrator & office clerk personnel & military personnel
(OCP), professional (PRO), business service (BS), agriculture
and water conservancy labors (AWCL), production of transport
equipment operators (PTEO), unemployed (UNE), others
(OTH); 2) education: primary school or lower, junior high
school, senior high school, college or higher; 3) famil y monthly
income (yuan): ≤2000, 2001 - 5000, 5001≤. (uxin, et al.,2007)
The first analyses examined the differences of physique
among three groups by ANOVA. The dependent variables in-
cluded height, weight, sitting height, body fat percentage. Sec-
ondly, ANCOVA were applied to analyze the associations be-
tween children’s physiques and socioeconomic factors by tak-
ing height, weight, sitting height, body fat percentage as de-
pendent variables, socioeconomic factors (parental occupation,
parental education, family monthly income) as independent
variables, and age as a covari ant . Thi rdl y, ANCOVA were u sed
to assess differences of physiques among three groups by ad-
justing socioeconomic factor (parental occupation, parental
education, family monthly income). The analyses were exe-
cuted by taking physiques as a dependent variable, the group
and so cioecon omic factors as indep end ent variab les, an d age as
a covariant (Figure 3). All statistical analyses were performed
using SPSS17.0 for Windows.
<Comparison among three groups>
Dependent variable,
Height, Weight, Sitting height,
Body fat percentage
Independent variable,
<Comparison among socioeconomic
factors >
Dependent variable
Height, Weight, Sitting height,
Body fat percentage
Independent variable
Paren tal occupati on
Paren tal educati on
Family income per month
Covariant variable
<Comparison among socioeconomic
facto rs an d grou p>
Dependent variable
Height, Weight, Sitting height,
Body fat percentage
Independent variable
Parental occupation, Group
Parental education, Group
Family income per month, Group
Covariant variable
Figure 3.
Conceptual fram eworks f or analyses .
Tabl e 2.
Socioeconomic st atus of families of the part icipan ts.
Rural resident N (%) Migrant peasan t worker N (%) Citizen in Shanghai city N (%)
<Parental occupation >
Father 714 (95.5) 875 (95.7) 765 (96.2)
22 (2.9)
7 (.8)
60 (7.6)
Professional 43 (5.8) 35 (3.8) 166 (20.9)
Office clerk per so nnel 35 (4.7) 23 (2.5) 62 (7.8)
Busi nes s ser vice
113 (15. 1)
172 (18. 8)
159 (20. 0)
Agriculture and water conservancy labors
232 (31. 0)
15 (1.6)
16 (2.0)
The production of transport equipm ent operators 86 (11.5) 509 (55.7) 1 86 (23.4)
Military personnel
8 (1.1)
0 (0)
1 (.1)
Unemployed 40 (5.4) 22 (2.4) 22 (2.8)
135 (18. 1)
92 (10.1)
93 (11.7)
34 (4.6)
39 (4.3)
30 (3.8)
Mother 7 13 (95.3) 882 (96. 5) 770 (96.9)
12 (1.6)
3 (.8)
33 (4.2)
Professional 35 (4.7) 18 (2.0) 92 (11.6)
Office clerk per so nnel
24 (3.2)
16 (1.8)
121 (15. 2)
Busi nes s ser vice
106 (14.2)
193 (21. 1)
227 (28. 6)
Agriculture and water conservancy labors 284 (38. 0) 15 (1.6) 20 (2.5)
The production of transport equipm ent operators
56 (7.5)
85 (9.3)
116 (14. 6)
Military personnel 1 (.1) 1 (.1) 0 (0)
Unemployed 84 (11.2) 428 (46.8) 63 (7.9)
111 (14. 8)
123 (13. 5)
98 (12.3)
35 (4.7)
32 (3.5)
25 (3.1)
<Par ental educati on>
Father 714 (95.5) 873 (95.5) 765 (96.2)
Primary school or lower
248 (33. 2)
194 (21. 2)
16 (2.0)
Junior high sc hool 382 (51.1) 414 (45.3) 188 (23.7)
Senior high school
65 (8.7)
189 (20. 7)
313 (39. 4)
18 (2.4)
74 (8.1)
224 (28. 2)
Graduate 1 (.1) 2 (.2) 24 (3.0)
34 (4.6)
41 (4.5)
30 (3.8)
Mother 718 (96.0) 886 (96.9) 771 (97. 0)
Primary school or lower
391 (52. 3)
387 (42. 3)
54 (6.8)
Junior high sc hool
262 (35. 0)
307 (33. 6)
279 (35. 1)
Senior high school 50 (6.7) 130 (6.3) 229 (28.8)
9 (1.2)
58 (6.4)
200 (25. 2)
Graduate 2 (.3) 4 (.4) 9 (1.1)
34 (4.6)
28 (3.1)
24 (3.0)
<Family monthly income, yuan> 575 (76.9) 835 (91.4) 749 (94.2)
≤ 1000 1 73 (23.1) 66 (7.2) 12 (1.5)
1001 ~ 2000 194 (25.9) 202 (2 2.1) 73 (9.2)
2001 ~ 3000 114 (15.2) 153 (1 6.7) 85 (10.7)
3001 ~ 4000 32 (4.3) 101 (11.1) 85 (10.7)
4001 ~ 5000 21 (2.8) 96 (10.5) 86 (10.8)
5001 ~ 6000 14 (1.9) 55 (6.0) 114 (14.3)
6001 ~ 7000 8 (1.1) 47 (5.1) 66 (8.3)
7001 ~ 8000 5 (.7) 21 (2.3) 65 (8.2)
8001 ~ 10000 5 (.7) 49 (5.4) 88 (11.1)
10000< 9 (1.2) 45 (4.9) 75 (9.4)
Unknown 173 (23.1) 79 (8.6) 46 (5.8)
aClassification of socioeconomic factor were adjusted by according to Chi nese sixth nat iona l c e ns us , 2 0 10 . bThe data which were filled as unk now nwere excluded in the
Table 2 presents the frequencies and proportions of chil-
dren’s parental occupation, parental education and family
monthly income.
For the fathers, a high proportion of the occupations were
AWCL with 31%, OTH with 18% and BS with 15% in group 1,
PTEO with 56% and BS with 19% in group 2, and PTEO with
23%, PRO w it h 21% and BS with 20% in group 3. For mothers,
those were as follows: AWCL with 38%, OTH with 15% and
BS with 14% in group 1, UNE with 47%, BS with 21% and
OTH with 14% in group 2, and BS with 29%, OCP with 15%
and PTEO with 15% in grou p 3. Group 1 tended to have a high
proportion of AWCL in both parents, Group 2 did PTEO in
father and UNE in mother, and group 3 did PRO, OCP and AD
(administrator) in both par e nt s .
Regarding the parental education, father’s education level of
junior high school or lower was 84% in group 1, 66% in gr oup
2, and 26 % in grou p 3. The career of coll ege or higher was 3%
in group 1, 8% in group 2, and 31% in group 3. For mothers,
junior high school or lower was 85% in group 1, 76% in group
2 and 42% in group 3. The career of college or higher was 2%
in group 1, 7% in group 2 and 26% in group 3. The education
level was high in ascending order of group 1, group 2 and
group 3 in both father and mother. Father’s level was higher
than mother’s in all groups.
Family monthly income (yuan) was high in ascending order
of group 1, group 2 and group 3. The income of 2000 or less
was 49% in group 1, 29% in group 2, and 11% in group 3.The
income of 5001 or higher was 6% in group 1, 23% in group 2,
and 51% in group 3.
Comparison of Physique among Three Groups by
Comparisons of physique among three groups were pre-
sented in Fig ure 4. There were significant differences in all
physical indexes, no matter what boys and girls (P < .001).
Children’s physiques of group 2 were smaller than group 3
except for sitting height (7-year-old boys, 12-year-old girls) and
body fat percentage (7-year-old boys, 7 to 9-year-old girls). In
all age, regardless of gender, physiques in group 2 were bigge r
than group 1.
Relatio nship be tween Physique and Socioeconomic
Factor by ANCOVA
Tables 3 and 4 show associ ations of physiques with parental
occupation. In both boys and girls all indexes displayed statis-
tically significant associations with parental occupations (P
< .001). Among the occupations in fathers, AWCL and UNE
had relatively small physiques, and OCP, PRO and PTEO
showed big physiques in both boys and girls. In respect of
mothers occupations, AWCL had relat ively small physiques in
boys. Similarly, AWCL had relatively small physiques while
OCP, PRO, B S and PTEO sh owed big phys iques in girls.
Tabl e 3.
Comparison of physiques by father’s occupation.
Height Weigh t Sitting height Body fat percentage
Beta (95%CI ) F-value P-value Beta (95%CI) F-value
Beta (95%CI) F-value
Beta (95%CI ) F-value
Occupationa 15.17 <.001 14.32 <.001 17.04 <.001 16.64 <.001
OCP .85 (1.00 - 2.7) 1.79 (.09 - 3.66) .34 (1.40 - .71) .68 (.59 - 1.96)
PRO 1.92 (.13 - 3.72) .92 (.90 - 2.74) .25 (.77 - 1.28) 2.10 (.86 - 3.33)
BS .12 (1.40 - 2.7) .02 (1.56 - 1.53) .21 (.66 - 1.08) .58 (.47 - 1.63)
AWCL 5.05 (6.76 - 3.34)
6.25 - 2.78)
(3.90 -
(3.78 - 1.42)
PTEO 1.39 (.01 - 2.78) 1.91 (.50 - 3.32) 1.08 (.29 - 1.87) 2.00 (1.04 - 2.95)
UNE 1.63 (4.10 - .84) 1.89
(4.40 - .61) 1.56
(2.97 - .16)
.50 (2.20 - 1.19)
Age (years) 4.58 (4.31 - 4.86) 1063.42 <.001 2.77 (2.49 - 3.05) 377.18 <.001 1.87 (1.72 - 2.03) 546.59 <.001 .46 (.27 - .65) 22.96 <.001
Occupation 15.58 <.001 14.59 <.001 15.02 <.001 11.97 <.001
OCP 3.08 (1.09 - 5.07) 2.10 (.45 - 3.76) .96 (.14 - 2.05) .62 (.68 - 1.91)
PRO 4.58 (2.65 - 6.51) 2.11 (.51 - 3.72) 1.59 (.53 - 2.65) .41 (.85 - 1.67)
BS 1.71 (.01 - 3.41) 1.69 (.27 - 3.1) 1.01 (.07 - 1.95) .48 (.63 - 1.59)
AWCL 3.72 (5.69 - 1.75)
4.85 - 1.57)
(3.52 -
(4.21 - 1.64)
PTEO 3.14 (1.61 - 4.67) 2.95 (1.68 - 4.22) 1.88 (1.04 - 2.72) 1.73 (.73 - 2.73)
UNE 1.79 (4.73 - 1.14) 1.54
(3.98 - .90) .09 (1.71 - 1.52) 1.46
(3.38 - .45)
OTH — —
Age (years) 4.62 (4.29 - 4.95) 765.69 <.001 2.68 (2.40 - 2.95) 371.25 <.001 1.98 (1.80 - 2.16) 464.42 <.001 .50 (.29 - .71) 21.04 <.001
aOCP: Office clerk pers on nel, PRO: Professional, BS: Business service, AWCL: Agriculture and water conservancy labors, PTEO : The p ro d uct io n of t ra ns po rt equ ip me nt
operators, UNE: Unemp l oye d, OTH: Other. bOTH was set as reference.
Wei ght
Sitting height
Body fat percentage
Figure 4.
Comparisons of physiques among three groups by ANOVA.
GroupP < .001
Age P <.001
GroupP < .001
Age P <.001
w eight/kg
Group P<.001
Age P < .001
w eig ht/kg
GroupP < .001
Age P <.001
Sit height/cm
Group P< .001
Age P <.001
Sit height/cm
Group P< .001
Age P <.001
Body fat percentage/%
Group P< .001
Age P <.001
Body fat percentage/%
GroupP < .001
Age P <.001
Table 4.
Comparison of physiques by mothers occupation.
Height Weigh t Sitting height Body fat percentage
Beta (95%CI ) F-value
Beta (95%CI) F-value
P-value Beta (95%CI) F-value P-value Beta (95%CI ) F-value
Occupationa 13.80 <.001 16.55 <.001 13.49 <.001 12.51 <.001
OCP 1.13 (.66 - 2.92) 2.18 (.37 - 3.99) .70 (1.74 - .34) 1.35 (.11 - 2.59)
PRO .71 (2.12 - 2.02) .22 (1.89 - 2.33) .46 (1.67 - .75) .54 (.91 - 1.99)
BS .20 (1.21 - 1.61) 1.21 (.21 - 2.63) .23 (1.05 - .58) 1.07 (.09 - 2.04)
AWCL 5.55
(6.76 - 3.34)
6.99 - 3.81)
4.23 -
2.80 (3.89 - 1.71)
PTEO 1.07
(2.72 - .57) .28 (1.93 - 1.38) .54 (1.49 - .41) .34 (.80 - 1.47)
UNE .24 (1.61 - 1.14) .17 (1.21 - 1.56) .22 (.58 - 1.01) .98 (.03 - 1.94)
OTHb — — — —
Age (years) 4.50 (4.22 - 4.77) 1034.18
<.001 2.70 (2.42 - 2.98) 367.96 <.001 1.83 (1.68 - 1.99) 514.33 <.001 .41 (.22 - .60) 17.52 <.001
Occupation 19.82 <.001 15.62 <.001 17.48 <.001 9.96 <.001
OCP 4.46 (2.39 - 6.52) 2.90 (1.17 - 4.63) 1.33 (.18 - 2.48) .75 (.61 - 2.10)
PRO 4.23 (1.97 - 6.49) 1.90 (.01 - 3.80) .88 (.38 - 2.14) .18 (1.67 - 1.30)
BS 2.17 (.50 - 3.84) 1.99 (.59 - 3.39) .75 (.187 - 1.68)
1.12 (.03 - 2.22)
AWCL 4.73
(6.60 - 2.86)
5.16 - 2.03)
4.27 -
2.57 (3.80 - 1.34)
PTEO 2.90 (.88 - 4.92) 2.81 (1.12 - 4.50) 1.25 (.13 - 2.38) 1.59 (.26 - 2.91)
UNE .85 (.81 - 2.51) 1.16 (.24 - 2.55) .54 (.39 - 1.46) .80 (.29 - 1.89)
OTH — — — —
Age (years) 4.64 (4.32 - 4.96) 795.39 <.001 2.72 (2.45 - 2.994) 389.18 <.001 2.00 (1.82 - 2.18) 475.56 <.001 .54 (.33 - .75) 24.98 <.001
aOCP: Office clerk personnel, PRO: Professional, BS: Business service, AWCL: Agriculture and water conservancy labors, PTEO : The p ro duc t ion o f t ra ns por t e qu ip me nt
operators, UNE: Unemp l oye d, OTH: Other. bOTH was set as reference.
There were strong associations between parental education
and all physical indexes (Table 5, P <.001). In both boys and
girls, children of fathers with higher education were bigger than
those that had lower edu cation. With regard to motherseduca-
tion, the results yielded almost the same as fathers’.
Family monthly income was significantly associated with
children’s physiques (P < .001). In both sexes, higher was the
family monthly income, bigger or higher were the physiques of
children in all ind exes (Table 6).
Associations of the Physiques with Socioeconomic
Factors and Group by ANCOVA
Tables 7 and 8 show that there were strong associations
(boys and girls) between physique and group in all indexes (P
< .001), but physiques hardly had any associations with socio-
economic factors. After the adjustment by socioeconomic fac-
tors, the sizes of physiques were big in descending order of
group 3, group 2 and gro up 1, while ANCOVA was performed
taking socioeconomic factors and group as independent vari-
ables when age was taken as a covariate.
This study showed significant differences in physiques
among three groups. Physiques of MPW’s children were
smaller than children of citizen in Shanghai City, and MPW’s
children had bigger physiques than rural children. The former
finding is consistent with previ ous stu dies th at repo rte d MPW’s
children were smaller than urban children (Bradley, Kelleher,
1992; Chen et al., 2010 ; Chen et al., 2006). The latter finding is
also consistent with the results from a previous study (Yan,
2005) We also found that there were strong associations be-
tween p hysiques and each socioeconomic factor such as famil y
income, parental occupation and parental education. These
findings were consistent with studies that children from high
SES family have bigger physiques than those from low SES
family (Morton, et al., 2002; McBride, 1990; Mahoney, Kaiser
et al., 1999; McLoyd, 1998; Ma, Wu, Yang, 2010; NICHD
Early Child Care Research N etwork, 1998; Ortega, Fang, Perez,
et al., 2007; P arke, Coltrane, Duffy, Buriel, Denn is et al., 2004;
Rona, Chinn, 1991; Solinger, 1999; Mohanty, Woolhandler,
Himmelstein, Pati, Carrasquillo, Bor, 2005; Slesinger, Chris-
tenson, Cautley, 1986; Stamatakis, Wardle, C ole, 2010). Finally,
by the ANCOVA in which both socioeconomic factors and
groups were taken as independent variables and age was taken
as a covariate, although strong associations between physiques
and group were identified, there were hardly associations be-
tween socioeconomic factors and physiques.
At first, the associations between physiques and socioeco-
nomic factors were discussed. In this study, we examined pa-
rental occupation , parental educational career and family
monthly income among socioeconomic factors.
In this study, children whose parents were AWCL had rela-
tively small physiques, and OCP and PRO did big physiques in
Tabl e 5.
Associations between parental education and physiques.
Height Weigh t Sitting height Body fat percentage
(95%CI ) F-value
(95%CI) F-value
(95%CI) F-value
P-value Beta (95%CI ) F-value P-value
Father’s education 35.21 <.001 35.53 <.001 35.46 <.001 26.67 <.001
Primary school or
7.94 - 4.97)
Junior high school
5.60 - 2.93)
7.96 - 4.94)
(4.40 - 2.70)
3.65 (4.69 - 2.61)
Senior high school
(2.74 - .19)
5.95 - 3.23)
(2.98 - 1.45)
2.65 (3.58 - 1.71)
College or highera
(2.82 - .16) .41 (1.25 - .43) .51 (1.54 - .51)
Age (years) 4.61 (4.33 - 4.88) 1082.76
<.001 — — —
<Girls> 2.79 (2.51 - 3.07) 385.67 <.001 1.89 (1.73 - 2.04) 555.12 <.001 .43 (.24 - .62) 19.09 <.001
Father’s education 4.36 <.001
Primary school or
9.68 - 6.41)
28.26 <.001 42.03 <.001 8.89 <.001
Junior high school
6.00 - 3.24)
6.85 - 4.09)
(5.26 - 3.46)
2.29 (3.39 - 1.19)
Senior high school
(2.92 - .05)
4.40 - 2.08)
(2.95 - 1.43)
1.79 (2.72 - .87)
College or higher.76
(2.01 - .50) .34 (1.16 - .48) .50 (1.50 - .50)
Age (years) 4.77 (4.45 - 5.08) 863.33 <.001 — — —
Mother’s education 32.70 <.001 36.14 <.001 19.49 <.001 24.35 <.001
Primary school or
6.91 - 3.98)
7.55 - 4.60)
(3.58 - 1.86)
3.58 (4.60 - 2.56)
Junior high school
4.60 - 1.68)
5.06 - 2.12)
(2.73 - 1.02)
2.71 (3.72 - 1.69)
Senior high school .19 (1.83 - 1.44) .74 (2.38 - .91) .56 (1.57 - .40) .78 (1.91 - .36)
College or higher — — — —
Age (years) 4.65 (4.37 - 4.92) 1114.96
<.001 2.87 (2.59 - 3.14) 419.67 <.001 1.89 (1.73 - 2.05) 536.49 <.001 .48 (.29 - .67) 22.44 <.001
Mother’s education 34.51 <.001 24.79 <.001 21.39 <.001 5.57 <.001
Primary school or
8.87 - 5.79)
6.56 - 3.96)
(4.17 - 2.43)
2.04 (3.08 - 1.01)
Junior high school
5.47 - 2.40)
4.25 - 1.66)
(2.56 - .83) 1.38 (2.40 - .35)
Senior high school
(4.17 - .70)
(3.25 - .32) 1.28
(2.26 - .30) .85 (2.01 - .32)
College or higher — — — —
Age (years) 4.84 ( 4.52 - 5.17) 868.47 <.001 2.88 (2.67 - 3.15) 433.50 <.001 2.12 (1.93 - 2.30) 519.76 <.001 .62 (.41 - .84) 32.14 <.001
aCo lle ge or higher was set as reference.
Tabl e 6.
Associations between family monthly income and physiques.
Height Weight Sitting height Body fat percentage
(95%CI ) F-value
Beta (95%CI) F-value
Beta (95%CI) F-value
Beta (95%CI ) F-value
Family monthly
income 55.51 <.001 40.55 <.001 45.91 <.001 28.00 <.001
≤2000 5.68
(6.77 - 5.0)
(5.97 - 3.79)
3.70 - 2.43)
2.87 (3.62 - 2.11)
2001-5000 1.93
(2.99 - .87)
(2.80 - .68) 1.22
(1.84 - .60) 1.49 (2.22 - .76)
5001≤a — — — —
Age (years) 4.73 (4.45 - 5.01) 2.97 (2.69 - 3.25) 435.46 <.001 1.93 (1.77 - 2.10) 536.81 <.001 .54 (.35 - .73) 30.23 <.001
Family monthly
50.35 <.001 38.55 <.001 34.48 <.001 13.05 <.001
≤2000 6.22
7.46 -
(5.48 - 3.38)
3.61 - 2.22)
1.94 (2.79 - 1.09)
2001-5000 2.10
(3.33 - .87)
.89 (1.93 - .15) 1.13
(1.82 - .44) .07 (.91 - .77)
5001≤ — — — —
Age (years) 5.00 (4.64 - 5.31) 858.88 <.001 3.00 (2.68 - 3.24) 423.51 <.001 2.14 (1.95 - 2.33) 504.53 <.001 .63 (.41 - .86) 29.66 <.001
a5001 was set as reference.
Tabl e 7.
Associations of physiques with occupation, education, family monthly income, and group by ANCOVA, boys.
Height Weigh t Sitting height Body fat percentage
Beta (95%CI) F-value P-value Beta (95%CI) F-value
P-value Beta
(95%CI) F-value
(95%CI) F-value
occupation .87 1.93 2.24 <.05 2.81 <.05
Group 155.60 <.001 149.78 <.001 168.00 <.001 102.89
1 6.80
(−9.24 - 4.37) 7.63
(10.12 - 5.15)
(5.34 - 2.57)
(5.17 - 1.64)
2 a — — — —
3 4.11 (1.40 - 6.81) 4.81 (2.04 - 7.57) .84 (.70 - 2.37) 2.55
(.59 - 4.51)
Age 4.86 (4.61 - 5.10) 1512.27 <.001 3.04 (2.79 - 3.29) 569.12 <.001 2.04 (1.90 - 2.18) 828.55 <.001 .62 (.45 - .80) 47.93 <.001
occupation 1.35 1.01 3.11 <.05 .72
Group 160.56 <.001 136.52 <.001 198.15 <.001 106.03
1 6.52
(8.82 - 4.22) 8.00
(10.32 - 5.65)
(5.44 - 2.83)
(5.89 - 2.59)
2 — — — —
3 4.93 (2.61 - 7.25) 4.30 (1.95 - 6.65) 1.31 (.01 - 2.62) 2.03
(.37 - 3.70)
Age 4.86 (4.62 - 5.12)
1503.69 < .001 3.08 (2.83 - 3.33) 586.10 <.001 2.07 (1.93 - 2.21) 845.04 <.001 .64 (.46 - .82) 50.60 <.001
education .37 .34 1.93 1.16
Group 68.85 <.001 70.12 <.001 58.90 <.001 45.18 <.001
1 5.98
(10.88 - 1.08)
(14.52 - 4.49)
(5.94 - .37)
(8.074 - .94)
2 — — — —
3 5.57 (3.18 - 7.96) 3.05 (.60 - 5.50) 1.85 (.49 - 3.21) 1.96
(.22 - 3.71)
Age 4.92 (4.68 - 5.17) 1537.70 <.001 3.12 (2.87 - 3.37) 589.82 <.001 2.10 (1.96 - 2.24) 863.60 <.001 .65 (.47 - .82) 49.76 <.001
education .63 .42 .94 .53
Group 80.35 <.001 74.93 <.001 68.83 <.001 44.89 <.001
1 5.82
(12.15 - .50) 7.24
(13.67 - .81) 3.14
(6.78 - .50)
(9.15 - .03)
2 — — — —
3 7.08 (4.59 - 9.59) 5.47 (2.93 - 8.01) 2.48 (1.04 - 3.92) 2.40
(.59 - 4.20)
Age 4.88 (4.64 - 5.12) <1567.60 <.001 3.11 (2.86 - 3.35) 615.83 <.001 2.05 (1.91 - 2.19) 837.88 <.001 .64 (.47 - .81) 51.83 <.001
income 3.04 <.05 .58 .33 1.66
Group 135.67 <.001 122.80 <.001 134.64 <.001
<.001 <.001
1 9.93
(12.83 - 7.02)
(10.71 - 4.87)
(7.24 - 3.89)
(5.91 - 1.78)
2 — — —
3 3.63 (2.16 - 5.10) 3.59 (2.12 - 5.07) .94 (.09 - 1.79) 1.38
(.33 - 2.43)
Age 4.93 (4.68 - 5.18) 1488.72 <.001 3.16 (2.90 - 3.41) 605.98 <.001 2.06 (1.91 - 2.20) 780.33 <.001 .68 (.50 - .85) 55.36 <.001
aGroup 2 was set as reference.
both boys and girls. Kuh DL et al. have reported that children
(7, 10, 11 yrs) whose fathers’ occupations were non-manual
work had taller than those with manual work (Kuh, Power,
Rodgers, 1991). AWCL is considered to belong to manual work,
and OCP and PRO to non-manual work according to Registrar
General’s categories in UK (Black, Morris, Smith, Townsend,
Whitehead, 1988; Kuh, Power, Rodgers, 1991). Therefore, our
findings are generally consistent with the report. Parents with
non-manual occupation can provide their children an array of
services, goods such as proper clothing, housing and food,
which are b eneficial to child ren. Many children of parents with
manual occupation lack access to those same resources and
benefits, thus putting them at risk for underweight (Halldorsson,
Kunst, Kohler, Mackenbach, 2000; Rona, Chinn,1991). In our
data, occupations such as OCP and PRO are regarded as
non-manual occupation, and they had a tendency to earn high
wage. Therefore, similar mechanisms are assumed to have
worked on the research populations.
Parental educational career has a definite association with
children’s physiques, that is, children with higher parental edu-
cational career have a tendency towards bigger physiques.
Many studies showed that parental education has a profound
influence on child’s physical growth. (Parke, Coltrane, Duffy,
Buriel, Dennis et al., 2004; Ron a & Chin n, 1991; Solinger,
1999). Physiques of children whose parents have high-level
education are bigger than those whose parents had low-level
Tabl e 8.
Associations of physiques with occupati on, education, family monthly income, and group by ANCOVA, girls.
Height Weigh t Sitting height Body Fat Percentage
Beta (95%CI) F-value P-value Beta
(95%CI) F-value P-value Beta (95%CI) F-value
Beta (95%CI) F-value P-value
occupation 1.13 1.05 .76 1.05
Group 83.42 <.001 82.48 <.001 106.76 <.001 36.48 <.001
1 5.32
(8.09 - 2.57) 4.92
(7.26 - 2.59)
(3.28 - .26)
(5.85 - 1.97)
2 a — — — —
3 7.29 (4.34 - 10.25) 4.38 (1.88 - 6.88) 3.30 (1.68 - 4.92) 1.45 (.62 - 3.53)
Age 5.06 (4.76 - 5.36) 1093.38 <.001 3.03 (2.78 - 3.29) 549.71 <.001 2.25 (2.09 - 2.42) 722.55 <.001 .73 (.52 - .95) 46.69 <.001
occupation 1.80 .90 .51 .49
Group 104.98 <.001 87.93 <.001 139.69 <.001 39.54 <.001
1 5.63
(8.56 - 2.70) 3.92
(6.37 - 1.47)
(4.36 -
2.35 (4.36 - .34)
2 — — — —
3 5.77 (2.69 - 8.85) 6.10 (3.52 - 8.67) 2.61 (.93 - 4.29) 3.47 (1.36 - 5.58)
Age 5.03 (4.74 - 5.33) 1122.30 <.001 3.06 (2.82 - 3.31) 594.04 <.001 2.25 (2.09 - 2.41) 749.54 <.001 .75 (.55 - .96) 53.37 <.001
education 1.11 .74 2.58 .74
Group 50.73 <.001 57.35 <.001 60.51 <.001 30.23 <.001
1 6.17
(11.12 - 1.21)
12.23 - 3.87)
(7.92 -
(6.77 - .15)
2 — — — —
3 4.85 (2.19 - 7.52) 1.84 (.41 - 4.09) 1.07 (.39 - 2.53) .78 (2.64 - 1.08)
Age 4.98 (4.69 - 5.27) 1133.19 <.001 3.01 (2.77 - 3.26) 581.97 <.001 2.26 (2.10 - 2.42) 776.52 <.001 .77 (.57 - .98) 55.94 <.001
education 1.61 .22 1.08 1.00
Group 60.01 <.001 56.79 <.001 67.73 <.001 25.55 <.001
1 4.57
(10.92 - 1.77) 6.88
12.24 - 1.51)
(6.79 - .21) 1.79
(6.22 - 2.65)
2 — — — —
3 7.49 (4.24 - 10.75) 2.44 (.31 - 5.19) 2.78 (.98 - 4.57) .18 (2.10 - 2.45)
Age 5.02 (4.73 - 5.31) 1157.33 <.001 3.05 (2.81 - 3.30) 596.80 <.001 2.23 (2.07 - 2.39) 752.18 <.001 .76 (.56 - .96) 54.05 <.001
income 2.74 2.93 .09 1.47
Group 74.73 <.001 68.38 <.001 1144.16
<.001 42.14 <.001
1 7.85
(11.70 - 4.00)
10.51 - 3.97)
(6.20 -
(8.22 - 2.78)
2 — — — —
3 4.21 (2.29 - 6.13) 1.79 (.16 - 3.42) 1.69 (.63 - 2.75) .18 (1.18 - 1.54)
Age 5.09 (4.79 - 5.40) 1072.88 <.001 3.08 (2.82 - 3.34) 543.17 <.001 2.23 (2.06 - 2.39) 672.58 <.001 .73 (.51 - .94) 43.55 <.001
aGroup 2 was set as reference.
education (Mohanty, Woolhandler, Himmelstein, Pati, Carras-
quillo, Bor, 2005; Slesinger, Christenson, Cautley, 1986; Sta-
matakis, Wardle, Cole, 2010; Chin J School Health, 2011) .
Parents with high level of education have resources to promote
health of children, and are in a better position to prevent or
reduce their disease. Moreover, parents with high level of edu-
cation may also have a higher standard of living and healthier
behaviors, which have a direct influence on their children. Ma-
ternal education is shown to have a strong association with
childcare and thus impacts a child’s development (Boyle,
Racine, Georgiades, et al., 2006; NICHD Early Child Care
Research Network, 1998). Wang et al. have reported that there
were strong associations between fatherseducation and child
development in China. (Wang & Zhou, 2012) In this study, the
education level was high in ascending order of group 1, group 2
and group 3 in both father and mother, and children’s physiques
correlated with their parent’s education level. This finding is
consistent with previous studies (Mohanty, Woolhandler,
Himmelstein, Pati, Carrasquillo, Bor, 2005; Slesinger, Chris-
tenson, Cautley, 1986; Stamatakis, Wardle, Cole, 2010; Shi et
al., 2011).
The associations between socioeconomic status and chil-
dren’s physiques have often been explained in terms of family
income (Will, Zeeb, et al., 2005). In our study, children from
high-income family have relatively bigger physique than those
from l o w-in come fami ly (Table 6). These resul ts are consistent
with previous studies (Waterlow, Buzina, Keller, Lane, Nicha-
man, & Tanner , 1977; Weinreb, Goldberg, Perloff, 1998; Wang,
Zhou, 2012). The determination of how family income affects
children’s physique is explained in the following ways. Family
income influences the ability to purchasing healthy items which
have an impact on a child’s growth. A poor family is much
more likely to buy a large amount of cheap, unhealthy food to
feed their family, rather than a small amount of nutritious food
that will leave them hungry. This inadequate dietary habit re-
sults in stunting in child’s growth (Casey, Szeto, Lensing,
Bogl e , & Weber, 2001; Dittus, Hillers, & Beerman, 1995). Fur-
thermore, many poor families cannot purchase necessary health
care services (Bradley, Kelleher, 1992; Dubay, Kenney, 2001).
Family monthly income was high in ascending order of group 1,
group 2 and group 3. Therefore, similar mechanisms to previ-
ous reports are assumed to have worked on the research popu-
Then, the following results are discussed. Although there
were strong associations between physiques and group, there
were hardly associations between socioeconomic factors and
physiques by the ANCOVA in which both socioeconomic fac-
tors and groups were taken as independent variables and age
was taken as a co var iate.
In this study, the education level was high in ascending order
of group 1, group 2 and group 3 in both father and mother.
Family monthly income was high in ascending order of group 1,
group 2 and group 3. Moreover, the occupations with high
wages were high in ascending order of group 1, group 2 and
group 3, and on the contrary, the occupations with low wages
were low in descending order of group 1, grou p 2 and group 3.
These facts mean that the factor of group denotes the same
tendency of three socioeconomic factors. This is the main rea-
son why there were strong associations between physiques and
group, but there are hardly associations between physiques and
socio economic factors in the ANCOVA.
In addition to the socioeconomic factors, there are some
other differences among the three groups such as residential
area and household registration called Hukou.
While the group 1 lives in rural area, th e group 2 and grou p 3
live in urban area. Many studies have showed that there were
the differences of physiques between rural and urban areas in
China (McLoyd, 1998; Zho u, 2009; Zhang & Wang, 2006; Ma,
Wu, & Yang, 2010). Yin compared the physiques of university
students between rural origin and urban origin (McLoyd, 1998).
The study showed that college students whose birthplaces were
in urban areas were taller and heavier than those whose birth-
places were in rural areas. The urban-origin students were still
bigger than rural-origin ones after the adjustment by gross fam-
ily income, family income per capita, latitude, air temperature,
precip itation and altitud e. It means th at there are so me differen t
factors affecting physiques between rural life and urban one in
childhood except for family income and other environmental
fac tors. The results, although subjects were university students,
are consistent with our findings that group 3 had bigger phy-
siques than group 1 and group 2 after the adjustment by the
family income. However, there are no previous reports that
showed the difference in physiques between rural-origin chil-
dren and urban-origin ones after the adjustment by parental
educa t ion or oc c upa t i on.
In addition to the difference of physiques between ru-
ral-origin group and urban-origin group, another important
aspect o f the re sults is that group 2 had bigger than group 1 and
smaller than group 3. Yang has showed that MPWschildren
have bigger physiques than rural children (Yan, 2005). Zhang
reported that MPWschildren are more likely to be under-
weight, anemia and more l ikely to lack access to ad equate den-
tal care th an children of citizens in Shan ghai city (Zh ang et al.,
2005) Yin XJ showed that MPWschildren have lower weight
than children of citizens in Shanghai city (Yin et al., 2011). Li
H reported that the growth and development parameters of most
child ren from MPWs were much lower than that of urban chil-
dren (Li & Zhou, 2011).
Although group 2 and group 3 are living in urban areas,
household registration (Hukou) is different in two groups.
Group 2 are entitled to none of subsidies in cities from local
states due to lack of urban household registration (Solinger,
1999). Besides the issue of registration, developmental history
was considered different without doubt, and perhaps lifestyle in
Shan ghai was also di fferent (Ma, 2000; Wang, Shen, Liu, 2008 ).
These factors are thought linked to the difference of physiques
between the groups.
How should we substantively examine the differences of
physiques between group 1 and group 2? It is clear that the
migration must have effectively raised family income in group
2. In fact, the family income of group 2 was higher than group
1. However, the story is somewhat complicated, because the
parental education level in group 2 was higher than group 1.
Therefore, group 2 was likely to have more income than group
1 prior to migrating. Moreover, the differences in physiques are
statistically significant even after the adjustment by income.
Taking th ese factors in to con sideratio n, the d ifferences b et ween
group 1 and group 2 were probably caused by both the migra-
tion and original difference between them, which could not be
adjusted by three socioecon omic factors.
There are some limitations in this study. First, we could not
select subjects from every province where Shanghai city’s
MPWs came fro m. We selected Anhu i province as a stu dy area
from following reasons: the MPWs in Shanghai city were the
largest in number from Anhui province. It might have caused
some selection bias in the results. Strictly speaking, the results
might reflect the characteristics of Anhui province and sur-
rounding areas. Second, although questionnaires were modified
to make it easier to understand after pre-survey, a few respon-
dents (parents or guardians) did not accurately to fill-out some
parts of questionnaire. For example, some respondents did not
clearly understand the classification for parental occupation, so
they were not able to distinguish their particular occupation.
This results in more error when comparing children’s physiques
by parental occupation in group 2 than in other groups. Third,
there might have been some errors in physical measurement.
For instance, even though children were informed to urinate
and defecate before physical measurement, some children
probably did not follow the guidelines we set forth in the ses-
sion prior to taking their physical measurement. Finally, this
was cross-sectional desi gned study. It is possible that there have
bigger physiques in group 2 than group 1 before they came to
Shanghai city from their rural area. It is difficult to infer causa-
tion for the association of children’s physiques with the group.
In summery, we find that physiques of MPWs child ren wer e
smaller th an those of citizens in Shanghai City, and bigger than
those of rural residents. There are strong associations between
physique and socioeconomic factors. These associations also
exist among children whose parents are employed in Agricul-
ture and water conservancy labors, are unemployed or produc-
tion of transport equipment operators, as they had relatively
small physiques. Conversely, children whose parents had
higher education had relatively bigger physiques. When family
monthly income was higher, those children displayed bigger
physiques in all indexes. Whereas, when both socioeconomic
factors and group were taken as independent variables, in both
sexes, there were strong associations between physique and
group in all indexes, and there were hardly associations be-
tween physiques and socioeconomic factors.
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