Moderate physical activity is important in preventing de-
pression and stress (Gavric, 2012).
Open Journal of Depression gives the possibility one to ac-
cumulate more knowledge about the reasons, the symptoms, the
forms, and the treatment of this disease by means of assuring
support and patience, encouraging the positive outcomes and
doing the things that one likes.
Open Journal of Depression has the task to permit the ex-
pressions of sympathy, support and care for suffering people; to
help the estimation of the degree of risk and the acceptance of
situation; to offer different possibilities for solving the problem;
to encourage and to spread knowledge, skills and experience.
Since its start in 2012, Open Journal of Depression has pub-
lished several articles dealing with some aspects of depression
—its treatment, measurement, and coping. The aim of Open
Journal of Depression is to increase the number of the presented
topics related to depression, the number of the co-operating au-
thors and the own usefulness for the readers and specialists.
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Línea Base. Revista Peruana Medicina Experimental Salud Publica,
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tionship with the level of physical activity in a patient at the family
medicine. Open Journal of Depression, 1, 1-7.
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Psychiatry, 10, 85-100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-244X-10-85
Thorsteinsson, E. B., Ryan, S. M., & Sveinbjornsdottir, S. (2013). The
mediating effects of social support and coping on the stress-depres-
sion relationship in rural and urban adolescents. Open Journal of De-
pression, 2, 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojd.2013.21001
Tezvaran, Z., Akan, H., & Zahmaciog, O. (2012). Risk of depression
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