iBusiness, 2011, 3, 65-70
doi:10.4236/ib.2011.31011 Published Online March 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ib)
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. iB
Developing the Upgrade Detection and Defense
System of SSH Dictionary-Attack for
Multi-Platform Environment
Yen-Ning Su1, Guang-Han Chung2, Benjamin Jenghorng Wu3
1Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, China; 2Department of Leisure and Information
Management, Taiwan Shoufu University, Taiwan, China; 3Institution of Technology Development and Communication, National
University of Tainan, Taiwan, China.
Email:1yenning@mail.tn.edu.tw; 2guanghan999@hotmail.com; 3whiteben0222@gmail.com
Received November 14th, 2010; revised December 29th, 2010; accepted January 8th, 2011.
Based on the improved algorithm for analyzing log and the detection and defense system of SSH Dictionary-Attack for
Multi-Platform Environment (Su, Chen, Chung & Wu), we developed the upgrade detection and defense system of SSH
Dictionary-Attack for Mu lti-Platform Environment. In this study, we intro duced the current threats and the types of SSH
Dictionary-Attack. Then, we explained the functions and differences between the current defense software and defense
types of SSH Dictionary-Attack; and described the current system of SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Envi-
ronmen t. Moreov er, ba sed on the study of Su, Ch en, Chung and Wu , we improved the algorithm of analyzing log in or-
der to increase the d efense capability of SSH Dictionary-Attack. After that , we designed the upgrade detection and de-
fense system of SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Pla tform Environment. The contribution of this study is to p rovide the
upgrade detection and defense system of SSH Dictionary-Attack which was to keep the functions of original system of
SSH Dictionary-Attack, and to improve the effectiveness of the algorithm of analyzing log.
Keywords: SSH Dictionary Attak, An Improved Algorithm for Analyzing Log, Multi-Platform Environment
1. Introduction
The internet grew rapidly, and the operation of server
software was getting easy. For public, privet, and aca-
demic organizations, they could simply design the web to
service the public and provide the easy access for people
to reach information.
However, how to ensure the safety of the server be-
came the big issue for the server designers. Simson
Garfinkel and Gene Spafford pointed out that there were
many online-safety cases happening in the recent years,
for example account invaded, the pin numbers were sto-
len and so on [1]. Those problems cased a lot of damages
which were hard to value. Accord ing to th e annual report
of Government Accountability office (in 2009), there
were seven major elements of network security, such as
network analysis, and early warning capacity [2]. In ad-
dition, other related studies and SANS indicated that the
attacks for remote network servers mostly focused on
SSH, FTP, Telnet and Web, especially attacking SSH,
FTP and Telnet servers through violent pin number
guesses [3-5]. Hence, if the web-site administrators could
focus on the web safety, pay attention on the network
connection status, and design the warning system for
network attacks, this would increase the safety of the
In the control of the server safety, password system
was the first defense [6,7]. Generally, most servers used
account and password as the tool for access control. By
using those tools, the administrators could control the
users to access into the system. However, if the intruders
could break the password system, there would be no
safety in the server. Based on the study of Su and Chen,
the finding indicated that the password system was the
most popular used. It was important to ensure the safety
of the password system in order to increase the security
of the web system [7].
SSH Dictionary-Attack defined as the way for intrud-
ers to attack the SSH servers by guessing the combina-
tions of the numbers in order to get the pin number to
access into the target accounts. According to Xue’s study
Developing the Upgrade Detection and Defense System of SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment
(in 2009), SSH Dictionary-Attack was the major way for
the intruders to attack network systems. When the ad-
ministrators checked the records of the network systems,
they found out that most intruders used this way to attack
system, and this kind behavior cased a lot of troubles for
the administrators [8].
In the recent year, because the price of hardware de-
creased and the technology of virtualization was popular,
administrators may need to control many servers at the
same time. If the servers were attacked with malice fre-
quently, the administrators would need to spend extra
time to maintenance the servers and this would case the
extra burden to the administrators.
In 2009, Su and Chen already designed the detection
and defense system for SSH Dictionary-Attack which
focused on the analysis of the system logs in the single
platform [7]. Su, Chen, Chung and Wu proposed the sys-
tem of SSH dictionary-attack for multi-platform Envi-
ronment, and after the test, the finding indicated the sys-
tem had effective results [9]. In this study, the research-
ers tried to improve the algorithm for analyzing log of
SSH dictionary-attack in order to increase the defense
capacity. Hence, there were two purposes of the study.
First one was to keep the instant share of the attacking
resources of SSH dictionary-attack. Second one was to
improve the effectiveness of the algorithm for analyzing
log of SSH dictionary-attack in order to provide the bet-
ter way for d efending SSH dictionary-at tack.
2. Literature Review
Dictionary-attack defined as the attack model which used
violent password guesses. The intruders who belonged to
this attack type often attacked the system by using the
combination of numbers, and continued the error testing
until they broken the system or gave up the trying [7,8].
The definition of SSH Dictionary-Attack in this study is
on-line password guessing attack [6-8,10]. This model is
that the intruders tried to connect with the target com-
puters, and continued attacking the servers by error test-
ing until they have the correct password to access the
system [7,8].
In the passed studies, there were many defenses mod-
els for SSH Dictionary-Attack, for example 1) changing
port; 2) connecting with accepted lists; 3) connecting
with rejected lists; 4) asymmetric encryption of public
and private key; 5) using attacking detection program; 6)
analyzing the log files; 7) intensifying codes. By chang-
ing port, it changed the original Port22 to other port in
order to increase the cover of SSH service. Then, con-
necting with accepted lists allowed the certain online
resources to use SSH service. In the other hand, con-
necting with rejected lists allowed all resources to use
SSH service. But the system would reject connecting
with the online resources from the rejected lists. Asym-
metric encryption of public and private key was to ex-
change the public and private key for server and client.
Client could access to the server without verifying the
password [11]. Attacking detection program could detect
the attacking behaviors from remote resources. If the
defection program was correct, the administrators could
get the early warning and blockade [8]. Analyzing the
log files used the attacking records of SSH Diction-
ary-Attack, and found out the malice attacking resources
and block the sources in order to defense SSH Diction-
ary-Attack [7]. Finally, intensifying codes was to use
complex combinations of words and numbers in order to
reduce the chance for cracking by SSH Dictionary-Attack
[12]. This part belonged to the safety of the information
The software which currently sell in the market for
defending SSH Diction ary-Attack are ssdfilter, Fail2Ban,
denyhosts, sshit and the software developed by Su and
Chen. The common parts of these software were all using
“connecting with rejected lists” and “analyzing the log
files” as the defense models for SSH Dictionary-Attack
[7,8,12-14]. Especially, the software developed by Su
and Chen was effective more than others in immediate
function [9].
In the following stud ies, Su, Chen, Chung and Wu de-
signed the detection and defense models of SSH Dic-
tionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment. The new
function could help multi-servers to blockade the re-
sources from the rejected lists. After the testing, this pro-
gram actually could defend SSH Dictionary-Attack in
multi-platform Environment [9].
Moreover, the researchers found that the system could
sharing the rejected lists, and have the better instant de-
fense capacity. Howev er, when the log got more d ata, the
administrators were hard to define the accurate numbers
for calculation. This would reduce the accuracy of the
defense function of SSH Dictionary-Attack. Hence, in
this study, the researchers tried to find the solutions for
this problem and hope to improve the algorithm for ana-
lyzing log and the system of SSH Dictionary-Attack for
multi-platform Environment.
3. System Architecture
Based on the study of Su, Chen, Chung and Wu, the re-
searchers designed “the detection and defense model of
SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment.
The system included a main server and several SSH
servers. For the structure of the system, please see Fig-
ure 1 [9].
The defense and detection models of SSH Diction-
ary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment (Su, Chen,
Chung and Wu) was designed based on the study of Su
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. iB
Developing the Upgrade Detection and Defense System of SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment67
Figure 1. System architecture.
and Chen. The operational process was detecting the con-
nections of SSH through TCP-Wrapper and the trigger
tools. For the operational process, please see Figure 2
In this study, the researchers tried to improve the
analysis of log. In the update system, the researchers not
only use “sharing the rejected lists”, but also saved the
numbers of attacking ip Address into the database. The
numbers of attacking ip Address from all sources were
set up as zero. Then, if the ip address connected with
other servers, the system would record all error testing in
the log. Every time, the error record was renewed, and
the system would add the attack numbers automatically.
When the attack numbers from the ip address reached the
maxima of the system setting, the update defense pro-
gram will blockade this ip addr ess in order to achieve the
purpose for defending SSH Dictionary-Attack. Please see
Figure 3 for the update system.
In addition, in order to limit the numbers of error test-
ing for the single connection from the ip address, the
researchers adjusted sshd_config of MaxAuthTries, and
changed the presetting number six to number 1. Hence, it
would solve the problem which was several error testing
Figure 2. Defenses and detection mode l fr om Su & Chen.
Step1. Detect the connect and start the analysis
Step2. Compare exception list and firewall roles
Step3. Check connection every connect to system
Step4a. If yes
Omit the process of
writing the database
Step4b. If not
This ip is written to
the database
Step5. Analyzing the error trying record of this ip
Step6. Error record renewed, and the system would add
the attack numbers automaticall
Step7. Reached the maximum number of attacks, the
date s
will blockade this i
Step8. Published ip address to Main Server
Figure 3. Defenses and detection model from Su, Chen,
Chung & Wu.
for the single connecting from one ip address. This func -
tion could make sure that it would happen certain times
of error testing from the single connecting. This also
helped the research to improve the algorithm for analyz-
ing log and to increase the accuracy of distinguishing
SSH Dictionary-Attack.
Moreover, please see Figure 4 for the process of shar-
ing the rejected lists [9].
4. System Development and Presentation
The researchers improved the algorithm for analyzing log
based on the study of Su and Chen [7], and also using the
idea of sharing the rejected lists [9], to develop the up-
date detection and defense system of SSH Diction-
ary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment.
Step1. Detect the connection and start the analysis
For improving the algorithm for analyzing log, the
Step2. Compare exception list and firewall roles
Step3. Get system contents of log files
Step1. Integrate all servers blacklist to main server
Step 2. Remove duplicate content
Step4. Keyword matching and frequency calculations
Step5. Blockade ip which reached preset attack number
Step3. Integrate main server blacklist to all servers
Figure 4. The process of integrate blacklist.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. iB
Developing the Upgrade Detection and Defense System of SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment
researchers saved the numbers of attack into the database,
and the system could calculate the numbers of attack
from different ip address independently. Also, these
numbers would be the basis for blockading ip address.
For the content list of the number of attack, please see
Figure 5.
Figures 6 and 7 were the files of analyzing the log and
the decision making process for cumulating the numbers
of attack. If the ip address did not connect with the sys-
tem through SSH service, the databases would not have
information about this ip address. Hence, the defense
Figure 5. The number of attacks record.
Figure 6. Create and write initial value.
Figure 7. Analysis of error trying record.
system would set up a new file for this ip address, and
the number of attack started with zero. Please see Figure
6. Until the ip address connected with the server, the
system would check error testing record for this ip ad-
dress. If any error testing happened, the system would
automatically add the numbers together. Please see Fig-
ure 7.
If the numbers of attack from the same ip address
reached the maximum of the setting, the defense system
would report this ip address to the firewall (IPFW) to
blockade the address. Please see Figure 8.
In order to make sure that there will be certain error
testing happened, the researchers used sshd_config of
MaxAuthTries, and changed the reset data 6 to 1 in order
to continue the following calculation. Please see Figure
9. For the implementation, Figure 10 showed the con-
tents of the numbers of attack, and the cumulative value
for each ip address.
Figure 11 displayed that when the attacking numbers
from the ip address reached the maximum of the system
setting, the update detection and defense system will
Figure 8. The maximum number of attacks to be blocked.
Figure 9. Sshd_config of MaxAuth tries setting.
Figure 10. The numbers of attack data.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. iB
Developing the Upgrade Detection and Defense System of SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment69
Figure 11. Ip address blockade.
blockade this ip address. Also, the system will send the
ip address to the main server. In this study, because the
main server and experimental server were in the same
machine, the ip was
Figure 12 showed that the ip address of malicious
sources was sent to the main server. After organizing the
data, the main server sent out the ip address of malicious
sources to other SSH server.
5. Conclusions
In the study, the researchers designed the defense and detec-
tion system of SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform
Environment in order to provide an effective model bas ed
on the study of Su, Chen, Chung and Wu [9]. The ad-
vantages of the update system were:
1) Convenience: the ad ministrators only need to install
the detection and defense system of SSH Diction-
ary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment, and connect
the main server into other servers. The system will de-
fend SSH Dictionary-Attack automatically. This function
helped the administrators to save time in monitor the
2) Security: by using the concept of sharing the re-
jected lists, adding the server into the group of the de-
fense servers could share the new lists of malicious
sources at any time. It will increase the safety of the
server and reduce the chance from attacking by the same
In addition, the update system has the function of in-
stant defense as the system which was developed by Su
and Chen [7]. By using TCP-Wrapper to detect the con-
nection with SSH and starting the analysis program, the
server could define whether the remote connection is a
malicious source or not in order to blockade it. Hence,
the update system has the instant fun c tion for defense.
The update system, “the detection and defense system
of SSH Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environ-
ment”, improved the defense function of the old system.
For the log problem, the update system saved the num-
bers of attack into database, and based on each ip Ad-
dress, the system could calculate the numbers. Hence, by
Figure 12. Ip address blacklist.
improving algorithm for analyzing log, the system could
increase the effectiveness of the defense capacity of SSH
Dictionary-Attack for Multi-Platform Environment.
For the future study, the researchers plan to analyze
the common used models of SSH Dictionary-Attack, for
example particular account and password, and the changes
of network traffic. Also, the following studies will try to
combine decision tree algorithm in order to increase the
accuracy of defense system and to help the administra-
tors to maintain the servers.
6. Acknowledgments
The article was presented in th e International Con ference
on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP 2010) on
August 22, 2010. The researchers appreciated that the
experts and participants gave professional suggestions.
The contents of this research was revised and expanded.
The researchers express thanks to iTAP.
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