T. Smith, C. Haider / Journal of Agricultural C hem i stry and Environment 3 (2014) 20-25
Copyright © 2014 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
Sajό’s procedure is difficult and complex, requiring high-
ly accurate calorimetric measurements and the use of
hydrofluoric acid and platinum vessels. It is not suitable
for routine measurements by the less-skilled operators
employed in many quality control laboratories today.
In contrast to enthalpimetric measurement methods,
thermometric titrimetry is a technique which is able to
utilize the near-universal property of enthalpy change in
chemical reactions in a relatively easy-to-use manner.
Thermometric titrations are readily automated, and share
with other automated titration techniques the use of a
sensor to detect the endpoint of the titration reaction. In
the case of thermometric titrimetry, the sensor is a ther-
mometer. The temperature sensing element is a thermis-
tor, a solid-state device which exhibits relatively large
changes in its resistance as a function of temperature.
The thermistor forms one arm of Wheatstone bridge, and
the analogue output is converted to a digital signal and
transferred by an electronic interface to a computer for
processing. The actual temperature of the solution is im-
material, as the sensor is only required to detect the
change in solution temperature at the endpoint. For this
reason, there is no need to calibrate the sensor. Further,
sensor maintenance is minimal, and it is normally stored
dry between titrations. It is thus a technique suitable for
use in many industrial situations.
The challenge was to utilize the chemistry pioneered
by Sajό and to convert it into a relatively easy titration
method, suitable for use in routine process and quality
control in food manuf acturing fa cilities. I t was found that
the only viable method employs a titrant solution com-
prising aluminium ions accompanied by potassium ions
in a concentration ratio such that the molar ratio [Al]/[K]
was 1:2.2, that is, a 10% molar excess over the stoi-
chiometric ratio of 1:2 in NaK2AlF6. Fully-dissociated
alumi ni um ion, Al3+ is the operating ion in the titrant, and
is the one against which the titrant is standardized. The
excess of fluoride ion required to drive the reaction equi-
librium to the right is provided in the titration solution by
either ammonium hydrogen difluoride, NH4F∙HF or
ammonium fluoride, NH4F. While NH4F∙HF also buff-
ers the titration solution to a near-ideal pH 3, NH4F can
be used in combination with acids such as hydrochloric,
acetic and trichloroacetic according to the circumstances
of sample preparation, and may be preferred by some
2.1. Apparatus
Thermometric titration measurements were made with
a Metrohm 8 59 Titrotherm thermometric titration system
(Herisau, Switzerland) fitted with a Metrohm 6.9011.040
Thermoprobe fluoride-resistant sensor. Automated titra-
tions were carried out in polypropylene vessels mounted
in the rac k of a Metrohm 814 Sample Processo r.
Sample preparation included comminution and disin-
tegration. A small “inverted cup” style of kitchen blender
was used to render some samples to a suitable size for
representative sampling, and a Polytron PT1300 D high
shear disintegrator (VWR, Germany) was used to fluid-
ize the sample and obtain maximum extraction of the
2.2. Reagents
All reagents were of analytical grade.
Titrant: c(Al3+) = 0.5 mol/L, c(K+) = 1.1 mol/L, pre-
pared from aluminium nitrate Al(NO 3)3∙9H2O and potas-
sium nitrate, KNO3.
Buffer/conditioning reagent: c(NHF.HF) = 300 g/L
ammonium hydrogen difluoride, or a lternatively, c(NH4F)
= 400 g/L ammonium fluoride.
pH adjuster, sample digestion and sodium liberation
aids: glacial acetic acid, trichloroacetic acid.
Solvents: toluene, acetone, deionized water.
Standard solution: c(NaCl) = 0.25 mol/L, prepared
from sodi um chloride fre shly dried for 4 hours at 110˚C.
2.3. Titrant Standardization
The titrant is standardized against a standard sodium
solution, prepared from sodium chloride. A titration pro-
gram was prepared to automatically dispense aliquots of
increasing volumes of standard NaCl into successive
vessels placed in the rack of the sample processor. Each
titration vessel contained 5 mL c(NH4F) = 400 g/L and 1
mL concentrated HCl, with deionized water added such
that the total volume of f luid (including the NaCl aliquot)
approximated 30 mL. The titration program automatical-
ly computed the molarity, systematic error of the deter-
mination and the coefficient of correlation from a regres-
sion analysis of the results. Figure 1 illustrates the
process by which the titrant molarity and systematic er-
ror is calculated.
This procedure provides assurance that the method is
linear over the anticipated range of sodium values to be
measured, and also determines its systematic error. The
systematic error incorporates all error sources inherent in
the determination, including sodium impurities in the
reagents. The systematic error is equal to the value of the
y axis intercept in the linear relationship, and in this in-
stance was calculated to be 0.070 mL.
2.4. Determination of Systematic Error
For accurate estimation of analytes in samples by TET,
it is important to determine the systematic error of the
analysis as applied to the sample under investigation.