Journal of Service Science and Management, 2011, 4, 35-41
doi:10.4236/jssm.2011.41006 Published Online March 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
Selection Advantage Pattern of International
Sci-Tech Cooperation and Empirical Analysis
Li Li, Bin Yu
Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China.
Received November 15th, 2010; revised December 18th, 2010; accepted December 24th, 2010.
Traditional internatio nal sci-tech coo peration theo ries mainly focus on the ability and advantage o wned by coop erative
parties, and according to which to guide the direction of international science and technology cooperation. Based on
the integration of traditional theories of international science and technology cooperation and concrete practice, this
paper proposes the selection advantage pattern and matching mechanism, which comprehensively take cooperator ad-
vantages, specification of project and ch ange in circumstance into account and will play a guiding role in terms of de-
termining the key country or region with which to prior carry out international science and technology cooperation.
This paper also gives an analysis of the current status of industry development in Guangdong province and the research
upon competitiveness evaluation of the world's related leading technology, puts forward corresponding countermea-
sures and suggestions on the science and technology cooperation patterns and approaches in terms of technological
level and resources of Guangdong province.
Keywords: International Science and Technology Cooperation, Competitiveness Analysis, Selection Advantage Pattern
1. Introduction
International science and technology cooperation means
the science and technology research or communication
for the mutual aim, conducted by governments, firms,
institutions and individuals in two or more countries or
regions; or to realize the recombination of production
factors and constant improvement of production condi-
tion through technology introducing, digesting, innovat-
ing and diffusing between nations, for the purpose of
minimizing the pr ofit of cooperating par ties, adapting the
coordinated development of science and technology and
productivity, and promoting economic relations between
nations [1]. Currently, international science and technol-
ogy cooperation is carried out quickly and widely be-
tween countries and regions worldwide, which is the ob-
jective trend of global allocation and flow of scientific
and technological resource elements, and reflects the fact
that international science and technology cooperation is
the common needs of the development of the coun try and
region. However, the problems that how to excavate and
know clearly the world leading technology and accu-
rately judge the key country and region needing to
strengthen international science and technology coopera-
tion, so as to make the mode and policy capable of effec-
tively promoting international science and technology
cooperation, still need further study. With globalization
trends of economic and technological cooperation, cor-
rect understanding of the basic approach of international
science and technology cooperation and of the regularity
of regional science and technology cooperation, along
with the realization of optimizing the allocation of re-
sources, adapting coordinated development of science
and technology and productivity, and promoting eco-
nomic relations between countries, we are able to rapidly
raise the science and technology development level of
certain country or region, and strengthen core competi-
tiveness and facilitate economic growth as well.
2. Literature Review and Research
Exposed to globalization, knowledge economization and
rapid development of science and technology, people are
increasingly convinced of the enormous impact of inter-
national science and technology cooperation on effec-
tively optimizing the allocation of global scientific and
technological resources, improving the competitiveness
of country or region and enhancing economic growth. In
Selection Advantage Pattern of International Sci-Tech Cooperation and Empirical Analysis
theory circle, researchers worldwide have attached im-
portance to and conducted extensive study on the cos-
mopolitan subject of international science and technol-
ogy cooperation. The topics conducted abroad included:
the basic theories o f internation al science and techno logy
cooperation, such as theor y of interd ependency, theo ry of
balanced growth, growth pole theory, factor endowment
theory, comparative advantage theory, technology trans-
fer theory, grad process theory, theory of monopoly ad-
vantage and so on; statistical analysis and empirical re-
search of international science and technology coopera-
tion status [2,3]; studies on form and policy of interna-
tional science and technology cooperation [4]; impacts of
international science and technology cooperation on
academic institutions’ performance [5]; R & D and tech-
nology cooperation among international enterprises [6];
the cooperative environment problem during the process
of international science and technology cooperation
Meanwhile, researches on international science and
technology cooperation conducted at home mainly cen-
tered on the following themes that: international science
and technology cooperation model studied by Wei Dazhi
[9]; the international science and technology policy,
which was researched by Li Xiaobing [10]; the relation-
ship between the in ternational science and the intellectual
property studied by Gu Zuxue [11]; intern ational science
and technology cooperation and technology innovation,
which was studied by several researchers, such as Yi
Tong [12]; and international scien ce and technology per-
formance evaluation researched by Zhang Ju and Wu
Danqing [13]. And the mechanism and organizational
innovation, system construction and policy design had
been made based on those researches above.
In spite of the remarkable achievement obtained in
theory and practice area, and the deep study carried out
in single subjects, with respect to resources, environ ment,
investment, R & D, technology transfer and intellectual
property protection and so on, the researches on the
comprehensive analysis and systematic study on outward
regional science and technology cooperation showed
obviously insufficiency. The problems that how to selec-
tively carry out high-level science and technology coop-
eration with world key counties and regions, according to
the principle of complementary advantages , how to build
an effective platform for the international scientific and
technological communication, the cooperation develop-
ment and market development in high and new technol-
ogy field, and how to establish a new cooperation model
and cooperation mechanism capable of effectively pro-
moting the intern ational science and techno logy coopera-
tion, become the urgent subjects to be studied.
3. Research Method
3.1. Basis Assumptions
First, the research objects concerned in this paper are all
rational. Here, rationality has another meaning, aside
from purchasing maximum self-interest, that one may
restrict the interest of counterpart with potential threat at
the cost of its own interest. For instance, adva nced coun-
try may blockade techniques against its counterpart with
potential threat and adopt export control policy and so
Second, the correct matching analysis and comprehen-
sive evaluation towards cooperative parties are the foun-
dation for actually operating international science and
technology cooperation. The ability or advantage of co-
operative parties’ is only a prerequisite for cooperation,
rather than a sufficient condition. Traditional theories
just conducted theoretical analysis on the cooperative
parties’ resources, in terms of natural resource, human
resource, technological condition etc, respectively, from
which the conclusions drawn may prove inoperative or
Third, the priority fields of a country or region act as
the principal direction and major basis for international
science and technology cooperation. The resource ad-
vantage and technological gap should be associated with
the requirements of specific project, and meanwhile, the
occurrence of international science and technology co-
operation depends on that whether the advantageous re-
source matches the requirement of specific project.
Fourth, international science and technology coopera-
tion circumstance today is under a dynamic state, in
terms of world political circumstance, economic policy,
technological and cultural environment etc. So interna-
tional science and technology cooperation should take
adjustment to changes in circumstance and select advan-
tages constantly to ensure the effectiveness of carrying
out international science and technology cooperation.
3.2. Selection Advantage Pattern
International science and technology cooperation should
take factors from the following four aspects into account:
3.2.1. Analysis on the Seeker’s Development Fields
with Priority and Advantage
According to the overall layout of development plan, in
term of national economy, technology and society in
certain country or region, the seeker which represents the
country or region looking for cooperation, needs to have
an objective grasp of the development status of its lead-
ing industry and development fields with priority, to de-
termine the advantageous direction with respect to re-
source, capital, technology, supporting facilities and pol-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
Selection Advantage Pattern of International Sci-Tech Cooperation and Empirical Analysis37
icy support, and then tak e the conclusion drawn above as
the major basis and main direction for it carrying out
international science and technology cooperation.
3.2.2. Advantage Analysis of World Leading
Technology Fields
By means of a mass of literature search, data analysis and
case studies, to judge and understand the core technolo-
gies in the development fields with priority of the seeker,
and the countries and regions with leading technological
advantage worldwide; and then to have a comprehensive
analysis of the tendency of science and techno logy coop-
eration between the seeker and the country or r egion with
leading technology concerned, the scientific and techno-
logical resource, management ability they own and the
encouragement or regulation policy of government; and
through the study on the technological gap of the party
seeking cooperation in those associated fields, to finally
determine the technical capacity and potential coopera-
tive direction in those concerned fields which are most in
need of development.
3.2.3. Analysis of Circumstance for International
Science and Technology Cooperation
With the globalization of economic and technological
activities, in order to avoid government regulation, sys-
tem obstacle and blockade on techniques, at the same
time to promote the successful launching of international
science and technology cooperation, it is essential to
correctly grasp the global allocation and optimal recom-
bination direction of technical elements, to see clearly the
evolutionary trend of current international science and
technology cooperation, progress in international bi-lateral
or multi-lateral mechanism and inter-countries science and
technology cooperation fields propelled and advocated
with emphasis by international organization.
3.2.4. Judgment on Inter national Science a nd
Technology Cooperation Threshold
Resource advantage and wide technology gap only can’t
guarantee certainly the successful launching of interna-
tional science and technology cooperation. In addition,
the willingness, financing capacity, institutional factor,
government policy, cooperative targets of cooperative
parties, along with the requirements of specific project,
in terms of technology concerned, supporting facilities
and technical staff, and many other factors together con-
tribute to the operability of cooperation.
The general idea of the model can be explained in de-
tails as follows: at first, we should determine the devel-
opment fields with priority and understand the prior di-
rection supported by government policy through the en-
vironmental analysis in terms of social, economy and
technology of the seeker, namely, the party seeking for
cooperation; then taking into account the technology gap,
to ascertain the priority technology fields in each indus-
try field with priority and find out the key countries and
regions owning the advanced technical advantage in each
related fields; and then according to the findings derived
from previous steps, we have a comprehensive analysis
on the technical cooperation trend, the scientific and
technological resource, the management ability, as well
as the encouragement or regulation policy of the gov-
ernment, in addition, to pay sufficient attention to changes
in international scientific and technological cooperation
circumstance and evolutionary tendency of the interna-
tional scientific and technological cooperation, along
with cooperative threshold and operability of specific
project. We take the thoughts and steps described above
as the important basis for the seeker to follow in seeking
selection advantage and matching during international
science and technolog y cooperation.
3.3. Implementation Mechanism
Figure 1 shows the selection advantage and matching
mechanism of the international science and technology
cooperation. We carried out the study through four di-
mensions. The first one is the development status analy-
sis of development fields prioritized in certain country or
region. And we will rank those industries, according to
their average growth rate in recent years and share in
GDP, for the aim of optimizing resource allocation, de-
termining the industries with priority support and policy
orientation; the second dimension is that: from the pro-
spective of complementation, amongst the industry fields
concerned to ascertain the priority technology fields to
carry out international science and technology coopera-
tion, and then from each of those technology fields with
priority to judge and understand the seeker’s core tech-
nology and the countries or regions possessing leading
technical advantage concerned. The third one is that: in
the light of the practice and law of development of inter-
national science and technology cooperation and by vir-
tue of investigations on principal facilitating factor and
mainstream pattern in different period to sum up domi-
nant paradigms of international science and technology
cooperation of different stages, and hold the evolutionary
trend of current international science and technology
cooperation. And the last dimension means through cus-
tom yearbook, to investigate import target of each lead-
ing technical product, and the calculated share in
weighted average for each product, to some extent re-
flects the advanced status of various country in the fields
concerned and the av ailability of technology or product.
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Selection Advantage Pattern of International Sci-Tech Cooperation and Empirical Analysis
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Figure 1. International science and technology cooperation selection advantage and matching mechanism.
4. Empirical Analysis
Since China’s reform and opening-up in the 80s, Guang-
dong province has carried out extensive and various
forms of international science and technology coopera-
tion with many countries or regions. Multi-faceted in-
ternational science and technology cooperation, the in-
troduction and exchange of high-tech are becoming a key
component of supporting the export-oriented economy of
Guangdong Province to continue rapid development.
Despite of lots of achievements in international science
and technology cooperation, Guangdong province is still
in an imbalance situation in terms of international sci-
ence and technology cooperation with eastern and west-
ern countries, because of the geographic and historic
reasons, the lack of adequate judgments on the priority
countries and regions in the world it needs to strengthen
cooperation with, and the weakness on the basic ways of
international science and technology cooperation and
systematic understanding of regional science and tech-
nology cooperation.
General idea: According to the overall layout and pri-
ority development areas of plans for the development of
Guangdong’s natio nal economy, science and technology,
and society, clear the leading industries needing to be
prioritized. We analyze it from two directions, first is the
development status analysis of eight leading industries in
Guangdong province, by which sort these areas, in order
to optimize resources allocation, and determine the in-
dustries with priority support and policy orientation; the
second is taking into account both the eight leading in-
dustries in Guangdong province and the technology gap
with international advanced level, from the complemen-
tary perspective, determine the priority technology areas
needing cooperation in each area, in which determine the
leading technology products, then with the combination
of the customs import and export targets, ascertain the
priority in different countries or regions of each area.
According to the two directions, define the countries or
regions, with which Guangdong province to prioritize
international coop eration.
Table 1 reflects the industrial added value of eight
major industries in Guangdong Province in the recent
four years (according to the new division regulation of
statistical indicators division, data selection from 2005);
Table 2 shows the average growth rate and average share
of GDP, in the recent four years, of the eight leading in-
dustries in Guangdong province. The weighted value of
these two variables above can determine the development
status and key support direction of eight industrial in
Guangdong province.
As for the second direction, in each field prioritized in
Guangdong, we choose two representative leading-edge
technology products, with the time span of two years,
and examine their imports targets through the Customs
Statistical Yearbook. The weighted average index share
indicates, in some extent, the availability of the advanced
technology or product of the world in the field. Figure 2
points out the key countries and regions with the corre-
sponding leading-edge technology and products in eight
major industries of Guangdong province. It shows both
the advanced technology level of the world in the areas
prioritized and the techno logy availability.
Taking into account both the eight major industries in
Guangdong province and technology gap with interna-
tional advanced level, from the complementary perspec-
Selection Advantage Pattern of International Sci-Tech Cooperation and Empirical Analysis39
Table 1. Industry added value as a share of GDP in Guangdong pr ovince.
2005 2006 2007 2008
Industry Added value Share Added valueShare Added valueShare Added value Share
Information and Communication 626.61 0.028 809.05 0.031 673.7 0.022 950.46 0.027
Advanced manufacturing 1896.82 0.085 2289.86 0.088 2602.57 0.084 3108.13 0.087
New material 1689.24 0.076 2131.14 0.081 2802.53 0.09 3445.32 0.097
New energy 1875.9 0.084 2380.6 0.091 2783.64 0.09 3303 0.093
Biology, medicine and health 131.67 0.006 161.28 0.006 185.79 0.006 230.77 0.006
Modern services 5919.48 0.265 6868.4 0.263 8503.1 0.274 9806.84 0.275
Oceanic resource and environment 546.24 0.024 603.26 0.023 705.79 0.023 882.4 0.025
Modern agriculture 1752.87 0.078 1891.56 0.072 2158.85 0.069 2596.83 0.073
Source: Gua ngdong Statistic Y earbook; China High-tech Industries Statistic Yearbook; Database of Zhonghong Industry.
Table 2. Leading industry development status in Guangdong provinc e.
Average growth rate Average share Development status
Information and Communication 0.149 0.027 0.1
Advanced manufacturing 0.179 0.086 0.142
New material 0.268 0.086 0.195
new energy 0.208 0.09 0.161
Biology, medicine and health 0.206 0.006 0.126
Modern services 0.183 0.269 0.217
Oceanic resource and environment 0.173 0.024 0.113
Modern agriculture 0.140 0.073 0.113
Note: development status = 0.6*average growth rate + 0.4*average share.
tive, we determined th e priority technolog y areas need ing
cooperation in each area. And according to the leading
technology product index, we ascertained the countries,
with which Guangdong province should prioritize sci-
ence and technology cooperation, are: USA, Japan, France,
Korea, Germany, England, Holland, Italy, Switzerland,
Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia and so on; In the light of
the sorts over the development speed and contribution of
the eight areas of Guangdong province, modern services,
new material, new energy and energy saving, advanced
manufacturing should obtain the priority support of the
external science and technology cooperation provided by
the government.
This paper reveals that, in the modern service industry,
Guangdong province should cooperate primarily with
France, USA, England, Holland and Italy, focusing on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, Web-based Educa-
tion, Electronic Commerce, Modern Logistics and Digi-
tal Medical Technology; and it should cooperate with
Korea, Japan, USA, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand in
new material industry, in terms of nano-material, high
molecular material, metallic material, alloy material,
atomic and molecular design of materials; as for new
energy industry, it should cooperate with Japan, USA,
Korea, German y, France, focusing on nuclear technolog y,
new energy power generation technology, technology of
energy saving and reproducible energy technology; while
in advanced manufacturing industry, the seeking for co-
operation with Japan, Korea, USA, Germany, Malaysia
and Thailand is necessary, including key technology and
equipment of electronic manufacturing, automobile elec-
tronic technology, key process and equipment technology
of machinery manufacturing, high-end home appliances,
With the international science and technology coop-
eration’s gradually increasing, the forms of science and
technology cooperation are prone to diversification.
Generally speaking, at this stage, for the countries Guang-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
Selection Advantage Pattern of International Sci-Tech Cooperation and Empirical Analysis
Competitive power
communi c a t i on
resource and
and health
manu f a ctu ri n g
Figure 2. Correspondence re lationship be tween eight industries and key c ooperation countr ies.
dong will primarily cooperate with in information and
communication, new material, new energy, biology, me-
dicine and health, oceanic resource and environment, ad-
vanced manufacturing fields, the preferential patterns
adapted are: Science and Technology Exhibition, Science
and Technology Park, Technology Investigation, Tech-
nology Trade, Capital–Driven Pattern, Team Introduction,
Multinational Alliances, Joint Laboratory, Cooperative
Research, Joint Institution, etc. Guangdong should strong-
ly promote the exchanges, introduction and cooperative
research of high technology.
As to the countries with priority cooperation in mod-
ern service, modern agriculture industries, the coopera-
tion patterns are International Funding, Complementary
Resources, High-level Visits and Exchanges, Capital–
Driven Pattern, Technology Trade, Exchange and Coop-
eration of Expert, Technology Information Exchange,
Sharing of Network Information Resources, Technology
Investigation, etc.
5. Conclusions and Suggestions
Carrying out the comprehensive analysis and systematic
research of external regional science and technology co-
operation is the basis and prerequisite to guarantee the
success of international science and technology coopera-
tion. By means of the comprehensive survey of both the
advantages of cooperative parties, threshold of coopera-
tion and cooperative circumstance, from the prospective
of complementary, selectively carrying out high-level
science and te chnolog y cooper ation with main country or
region, can realize the optimization allocation of scien-
tific and technological resource, rapidly raise science and
technology development level of certain country or re-
This paper proposed the international science and
technology cooperation selection advantage pattern and
matching mechanism, and pointed out the direction for
the development fields with priority to carry out extern al
science and technology cooperation, crucial factors and
implementation method, which have guiding significance
in determining the major country and region with which
to preferentially carry out international science and
technology cooperation, and in making the model and
policy which are able to effectively propel international
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSSM
Selection Advantage Pattern of International Sci-Tech Cooperation and Empirical Analysis41
science and technolog y cooperation.
Based on the study of this paper, when carrying out
international science and technology cooperation practi-
cally, we recommend that: 1) Understanding the devel-
opment demand of certain country or region. Determine
the direction of international science and technology co-
operation according to the object of planning of certain
country or region. For instance, a country may firstly
determine its leading industry, and then carry out inter-
national science and technology cooperation centering on
the leading industries. 2) Determining the content of
prior cooperation. We are required of abundant effort to
the assessment of the leading technology fields world-
wide, then comprehensively analyze their technical ad-
vantage, cooperative tendency, science and technology
resource, management ability and encouragement and
regulation policy of government, and finally identify the
direction and content of cooperation in most need of co-
operation in concerned fields. 3) Selecting cooperator
objectively. When selecting cooperator, we should con-
sider such countries that can both make up for our defi-
ciencies in leading industry and play a leading role in
concerned fields. Through analysis of these four dimen-
sions of internation al science and tech nology coop eration,
to determine the priority order of the countries or regions
we are going to carry out international science and tech-
nology cooperate with. 4) Conducting real-time moni-
toring on the whole process of science and technology
cooperation. International science and technology coop-
eration should adjust rapidly according to the changes in
circumstance, and select advantage constantly, so as to
decrease the uncertainty existing in cooperation, and to
avoid and defend risk.
The study conducted by this paper is more appropriate
to the science and technology cooperation carried out
between developing country and advanced country under
disequilibrium condition. More case studies and discus-
sion are expected to further perfect the model.
6. Acknowledgements
Research works in this paper are financially supported by
the Soft Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No.
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