Dielectric Loading on Multi-Band Behaviors of Pentagonal Fractal Patch Antennas 55
Table 5. Simulated return loss, impedance and VSWR of
the proposed fractal patch antenna for second iteration
with a dielectric cover of thickness 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm.
S11 (dB) Impedance
2.17 −16.69 62.46 1.33
3.56 −16.17 37.20 1.36
7.93 −19.64 60.0 1.23
2.0 −16.00 55.71 1.37
3.18 −13.27 32.27 1.55
7.2 −25.47 55.57 1.11
1.94 −19.59 58.93 1.23
3.06 −12.10 30.67 1.66
6.84 −29.85 47.08 1.06
1.92 −18.83 61.53 1.25
3.04 −12.05 30.73 1.66
6.86 −31.40 47.86 1.05
Table 6. Measured return loss for 2nd Iteration dielectric
cover of thickness 0.3 mm.
Type Measured Frequency (GHz) S
11 (dB)
1.9 −10.88
3.29 −9.50
0.3 mm gap
8.15 −24.70
A prototype of the proposed antenna was fabricated and
measured for experimental verification. Based on the
measurement results, substantial improvements in the
design of fractal antenna are taken care while analysing.
The pentagonal fractal antenna designed at frequency f =
2.45 GHz, can be used at three different frequency bands
(multiband)—2.17 GHz, 3.56 GHz, and 7.93 GHz with
acceptable performances (i.e. VSWR < 2 and S11 < −10
dB), particularly in wireless communications. Result of
dielectric loaded antenna reveals that the dielectric load-
ing changes the parameters—resonant frequency, return
loss, impedance, VSWR etc. of the antenna. Dielectric
loading increases its radiation efficiency at the cost of
significant decrease in gain and directivity. It has also
been observed that as the dielectric thickness increases,
the resonant frequency shifts towards lower side and
hence deteriorates the multi-band characteristics of the
pentagonal fractal antennas. The measured results for the
antennas are in good agreement with simulated results
especially for 2nd iterated patch antenna with dielectric
cover (water) having thickness 0.3 mm.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors express their appreciation to Dr. B. K. Kanau-
jia, Professor, Department of Electronics and Communi-
cation, Ambedkar Institute of Technology, New Delhi for
allows us to use HFSS simulation software and experi-
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