The Differences of Factors Influencing Employees’ Happiness
Organizational commitment is designed to allow each
respondent to describe their identity, sense of belonging
and loyalty to the organization from their own perspec-
tive. These aspects clearly reflect the degree of realize-
tion of organizational commitments to employees, which
determines the psychological distance between employee
and organization. Th is part has a total of nine test items.
Self-realization dimension focuses on reflecting re-
spondents’ subjective feelings of self-evaluation, invest-
tigating their satisfaction of their own value, quality and
working conditions and these aspects have a great influ-
ence on employees’ psychological well-being. This part
has a total of eight test items.
Health concern is also an important dimension which
affects employees’ psychological well-being. This part
has a total of four test items, focusing on reflecting re-
spondents’ satisfaction of physical fitness and lifestyle.
Sample’s reliability and validity. Through the Cron-
bach’s α value test of staff happiness factors’ dimensions,
we measured the internal consistency between the ques-
tions. The results showed the Cronbach’s α value of em-
ployees’ happiness, total compensation, organizational
commitment, self-realization, and health concern were
0.821, 0.887, 0.760, 0.860 and 0.762, which are all over
the recommended 0.7; therefore, the sample has a high
5. Empirical Analysis
This paper focuses on the research of what are the exist-
ing different factors about staff’s happiness under differ-
ent ownership. Therefore, we first discuss whether there
are some differences on employees’ happiness in dif-
ferent ownership enterprises. Then we use correlation
analysis to examine the correlation between the inde-
pendent variables and the dependent variable and regres-
sion analysis to test factors of employees’ happiness in
different ownership enterprises.
5.1. Variance Analysis of Employees’ Happiness
in Different Enterprises Ownership
In contrast, there do exist differences among employees
from different ownership enterprises. Private enterprises’
employee has the strongest happiness with an average
score of 3.37; foreign enterprises scored 3.29; while as
the weakest, state-owned enterprises scored 2.93. Mean-
while, the single-factor analysis of variance showed that
employees’ happiness of different ownership enterprises
differs at the 0.05 level.
5.2. Correlation Analysis
Through correlation analysis of the overall sample, Ta-
ble 1 can be obtained from which we know that total
compensation and organizational commitment are posi-
tive correlated with employees’ happiness at the level of
0.01 and correlation coefficient are 0.910,0.637, sup-
porting the Hypothesis 1,2. And the accompanied prob-
ability Sig. of self-realization and health concerns are
0.02, 0.04, both less than the significant level of 0.05.
This describes a significant correlation between self-
realization, health concern and employees’ happiness,
and the correlation coefficients are 0.503, 0.453, and thus
support Hypothesis 3, 4.
5.3. Regression Analysis
To further verify the hypothesis, we use the regression
analysis for the multiple linear regr ession about the over-
all sample, state-owned enterprises, foreign-funded enter-
prises and private enterprises samples. The results are
shown in Table 2.
From Table 2 we can see, there are differences on the
impact factors of employees’ happiness in state-owned
enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises and private enter-
prises. In state-owned enterprises, the significance level
of total compensation and organizational commitment
are over 0.01, and self-realization’s significance level is
more than 0.05 while health concern has little effect on
its employees’ happiness. In foreign-funded enterprises,
the total compensation affects employees’ well-being at
the significant level of 0.01; organizational commitment
and health concerns are at the 0.05 significance level and
self-realization is not played a significant influence. For
private enterprises, total compensation, organizational
commitment and self-realization all have reached a sig-
nificant level of 0.01, indicating that the three variables
has a significant effect on staff well-being. Thus, it can
be seen that in different ownership enterprises, the fac-
tors that affect employees’ well-be ing are d iffered, wh ich
supporting Hypothesis 5.
6. Conclusions and Discussion
The empirical results show that total compensation, or-
ganizational commitment, self-realization, and health
concerns have a significant impact on happiness of em-
ployees and in different ownership of enterprises, the
factors that affect employees’ well-being are different,
mainly in the follo wing asp e cts:
First, for state-owned enterprises, the total compensa-
tion and organizational commitment are major factors
that affect their employees’ happiness. This is due to a
better welfare and because the overall salary level is high
in state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises
have more strengthen caste system, making employees
feel strong emotional commitment, normative commit-
ment and ideal commitment. Self-realization signifi-
cantly affects happiness of employees from state-owned
nterprises, indicating that the fair and equitable devel- e
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