Engineering, 2013, 5, 391-395 Published Online October 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
The Comparison between Random Forest and Support
Vector Mach i n e Algorithm f or Predictin g β-Hairpin Motifs
in Proteins*
Shaochun Jia, Xiuzhen Hu, Lixia Sun
Department of Physics, College of Sciences Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Huhhot, China
Received 2013
Based on the research of predicting β-hairpin motifs in proteins, we apply Random Forest and Support Vector Machine
algorithm to predict β-hairpin motifs in ArchDB40 dataset. The motifs with the loop length of 2 to 8 amino acid resi-
dues are extract ed as rese arch object and the fixed-length pattern of 12 amino acids are selected. When using the same
characteristic parameters and the same test method, Random Forest algorithm is more effective than Support Vector
Machine. In addition, because of Random Forest algorithm doesn’t produce overfitting phenomenon while the dimen-
sion of characteristic parameters is higher, we use Random Forest based on higher dimension characteristic parameters
to predict β-hairpin motifs. The better prediction results are obtained; the overall accuracy and Matthew’s correlation
coefficient of 5-fold cross-validation achieve 83.3% and 0.59, respectively.
Keywords: Random Forest Algorithm; Support Vector Machine Algorithm; β-Hairpin Motif; Increment of Diversity;
Scorin g Function; P redicte d Seconda r y St ructure In forma t ion
1. Introduction
β-hairpin is a super secondary structure motif. In the β-β
motif, if two anti-parallel β-strands are con ne c te d by loop
and there are one or more hydrogen bonds between two
adjacent strands, then the structure is called as β-hairp in
[1-3], otherwise it is considered as non-β-hairpin. Correct
prediction of β-hairpin motifs is helpful to folding recog-
nition, and it is vital for simplifying folding numbers of
unknown structure [4-6]. Therefore prediction of β-hair-
pin motifs has very important meaning.
In the past few years, some methods have been devel-
oped for predicting β-hairpin motifs in different datasets
and better prediction results were obtained. In 2002, Cruz
et al. [2] employed an artificial neural network (ANN)
for predicting β-hairpins in 534 protein chains; an accu-
racy of 47.7 % w as ob tain ed. In 2 004 , Ku hn et al. [1] also
used ANN for predicting hairpins in 2209 protein chains
by identifying local hairpins and non-local diverging
turns; an accuracy of 75.9% was achieved. In 2005, Ku-
mar et al. [3] use d a S upport V ector Machine (SVM) and
ANN technique to predict β-hairpins in 2880 no redun-
dant protein chains and obtained an accuracy of 79.2%.
In 2008, our group’s Hu [7] et al. predicted β-hairpins in
ArchDB40 dataset by using SVM, the overall accuracy
and Matthew’s correlation coefficients are 79.9% and
0.59, respectively. In 2010, our group’s Hu et al. [8] at-
tempted to use a quadratic discriminate (QD) method for
predicting β-hairpins in ArchDB40 dataset, the overall
accuracy and Matthew’s correlation coefficients are 81.6%
and 0.55, resp ectively.
In this article, we attempt to use a combination clas-
sifier algorithm, Random Forest and Support Vector Ma-
chine to predict β-hairpin motifs in ArchDB40 dataset.
By using of the composite vector with increment of di-
versity, scoring function and predicted secondary struc-
ture information as characteristic parameters. When us-
ing Random Forest as prediction algorithm, the overall
accuracy and Matthew’s correlation coefficient of 5-fold
cross-validation achieve 82.0% and 0.55, respectively.
However, when Support Vector Machine is used as pre-
diction algorithm, they are only 79.4% and 0.49, respec-
tively. Similarly, the results of Random Forest algorithm
are also better than Support Vector Machine for the in-
dependent test. Furthermore, we also use Random Forest
based on higher dimension characteristic parameters to
predict β-hairpin motifs. The prediction results are fur-
ther improved.
*National Natural Science Foundation of China (30960090).
Natural Science Foundation of the
Inner Mongolia of China (project
Project for University of Inner Mongolia of China (proj ect, NJZY08059).
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
2. Materials and Methods
1) Materials
Our algorithm is trained and tested on ArchDB40 da-
taset. That is generated from ArchDB, in which the clas-
sification of protein loops from no redundant proteins of
known structures
ArchDB was based on DSSP [9] database and provided
by Oliva et al. [10,11]. ArchDB40 subset contains 3,088
no redundant proteins with resolution <3.0 Å, in which
no two protein chains have a percentage identity >40%
(ASTRAL SCOP 1.65). The ArchDB40 subset contains
9180 β-β motifs are divided into 6216 β-hairpin motifs
and 2964 non-β-hairpin motifs. Here a total of 6028 β-
hairpin motifs and 2643 non-β-hairpin motifs with the
loop length of 2 to 8 amino acid residues are selected as
research object.
2) Methods
a) Random Forest (RF) Algorith m.
Random Forest that had been originally proposed by
Leo Breiman [12] in 2001 is an ensemble classifier, it
contains many decision trees. For each tree in the forest,
a training set is firstly generated by randomly choosing N
times with replacement from all N samples of the original
dataset (bootstrap), and the rest are used as a testing set.
When each node of single decision tree is splitting, the
number of features used for splitting each node of deci-
sion tree (
) is firstly specified. Then
out of
features are randomly selected and the best split attribu te
on these
features is used to split the node, such that
the impurity at each node of single decision tree is min i-
mized and each tree in the forest fully grows without
pruning. A Random Forest with k decision trees is formed
by repeating k times as above procedure, and then the
Random Forest is used to predict test data. The final
classification results are decided by all the votes [13,14].
Random Forest has two most significant parameters,
one is the number of features used for splitting each node
of decision tree (m, m
M where M is the total num-
ber of features), another parameter is the number of trees
(k). In this work, and m is equal to
, k is equal to
500. Random Forest algorithm is implemented by using
the package in R software [15] (
One obvious properties of the algorithm is that it doesn’t
produce overfitting phenomenon when the characteristic
parameters of higher dimension are used.
b) Support Vector Machine (SVM) Algorithm.
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a promising
binary classification method developed by Vapnik [16].
As a supervise machine learning technology, the algo-
rithm had been used for many kinds of pattern recogni-
tion problems. In addition, because the algorithm of
Support Vector Machine is a convex quadratic optimiza-
tion problem, the local optimal solution is certainly the
global optimal one. But other algorithms (such as ANN)
don’t have these features of SVM. In this paper, we use
SVM to predict β-hairpin motifs. SVM has been widely
used by transforming the input vector into a high-di-
mension Hilbert space and seeking a separating hyper-
plane in this space. The form of the decision function is:
( )
( )
ii i
fxyK xxb
= ⋅+
(1 )
In this paper, we select the radial basis kernel function
(RBF) (
). The optimal val-
ues of parameters C and g are default. SVM has been
compiled into the software packages; we use libsvm-2.89
SVM software packages
3) The Selection of the Characterist ic Parameters
a) The Selection of the Fixed-leng th Pattern
According to Hu’s [7] ideas, β-hairpin motifs with the
loop length of 2 to 8 amino acid residues in the dataset
are extracted as research object and the fixed-length pat-
tern of 12 amino acids are selected. Particular rules de-
scribed as below:
i) The first amino acid (beginning) of loop locates the
fifth position of the fixed-length pattern (5 - 12).
ii) End of loop locates the eighth position of the
fixed-length pattern (8 - 12).
iii) The loop locates the center of fixed-length pattern.
If the loop length is odd, the central coil is mapped and
six residues (excluding the central coil) from the left-
hand side and five residues from the right-hand side are
taken. If not, the central two coils are mapped and five
residues (excluding the central two coils) from both the
sides were taken (Lr-12).
For above three rulers, if pattern length was <12, resi-
dues flanking the peptide in the amino acid sequence
were appended at both the ends.
b) Amin o acids component of position (A)
We statistically analyze the amino acid compositions
at 12 positions of the fixed-length pattern of β-hairpin
and non-β-hairpin motifs. The results show that conser-
vation of position is stronger in the fixed-length sequence
fragments. So amino acids component of position is ex-
tracted as sequence information. Because of the fixed-
length pattern are generated using three rules, amino ac-
ids component of pos i tion is des c ribed as a ve c t or of 21 ×
12 dimensions (21 denotes 20 amino acids and one ter-
minal residue) for each ruler.
c) Hydropathy component of position (Q)
Because of protein structure is seriously influenced by
hydropathy characteristics of amino acids. So hydropathy
component of position is extracted as sequence informa-
tion. Similarly, hydropathy component of position is de-
scribed as a vector of 7 × 12 dimensions (7 denotes 6
hydropathy characteristics for amino acids and one ter-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Table 1. Hydropathy charact eristics for 20 amino acids.
Classification Amino acids Classification Amino acids
Strongly hydrophilic or polar R, D, E, N, Q, K, H Proline P
Strongly hydrophobic L, I, V, A, M, F Glycine G
Weakly hydrophilic or Weakly hydrophobic S, T, Y, W Cysteine C
minal residue) for each ruler, classificatio n of hydropathy
characteristics [17] for 20 amino acids are showed in Ta-
ble 1.
d) Increment of Diversity (ID)
In the state space of s dimension, the diversity measure
for diversi t y so urce s S: {m1, m2ms} is defined as [18]:
( )loglog
DS MMmm=−
In the same state space, increment of diversity between
the source of diversity X: {n1, n2,… ns} an d Y: {m1, m2
ms} is defined as:
()log()( )log( )
log logloglog
ii ii
i iii
MN MNmnmn
M MN Nmmnn
= ++−++
− −++
N nMm= =
. Amino acids component
of position is selected as the basic parameter, and then
constructs 2 diversity sources for β-hairpin and non-β-
hairpin motifs. Because of the fixed-length pattern are
generated using three rules, arbitrary sequence segments
can obtain 6 ID values (ID (A)) which be calculated by
Equation (3). Simila rly , hy dr opa t hy component of position
is also selec ted as the bas ic parameter. Arb itrary sequence
segments obtain 6 ID values (ID (Q)) which be calculat-
ed by Equation (3).
e) Scoring function(S)
The position weight scoring function is a simple but
effective forecast algorithm. Here we only calculate the
scores of β-hairpin and non-β-hairpin motifs as characte-
ristic parameters, the score of segment can be defined as
(5 )
Where j is amino acid j or terminal residue, Ni is the
number of amino acids and terminal residue at the posi-
tion i, nij is the number of amino acid j or terminal resi-
due at the position i, wi, min and wi, max are th e min ima l
and maximal values of position weight at the position i,
respectively. wij is the observed position weight at the
position i, Ci is the conservation index vector at position i.
Amino acids component of position is selected as the
basic parameter. Because of the fixed-length pattern are
generated using three rules, arbitrary sequence segments
can obtain 6 S values (S12 (A)) which be calculated by
Equation (4).
f) Predicted secondary structure information (SS)
In the research of predicting β-hairpin motifs, litera-
ture [2,3] had used predicted secondary structure infor-
mation as the characteristic parameters; better prediction
results were obtained. In order to improve the prediction
effect, we also extract predicted secondary structure in-
formation. These are obtained by using the PHD [2] soft-
ware, and are represented by a vector of 3 dimensions
which are the frequency of predicted secondary structure
(α-helix, β-sheet and coils).
3. Results and Discussion
1) Performance Measures
In order to evaluate the correct prediction rate and the
reliability of a predictive method, we use the following
standard measures. Accuracy of prediction (
); Mat-
thew’s correlation coefficient (
); sensitivity of
β-hairpin (
); sensitivity of non-β-hairpin prediction
()o NH
); specificity of β-hairpin prediction (
specificity of non-β-hairpin (
()p NH
) [7]; calculating
formula as follow:
() 100%
Acc prou
= ×
[()()] ()()( )( )
pr ou
MCC p up oruro
=+ +++
() 100%
oH p
= ×
o NH
= ×
(1 1)
= ×
, mi n
,max ,min
i iji
ii i
SCw w
log( )
ij j
100 (log log21)
iij ij
C Pp
= +
( 21)
ij i
ij ii
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
() 100%
p NHr
= ×
Here p and r denote the number of correctly predicted
β-hairpin and non-β-hairpin, respectively; u denotes the
number of the β-hairpin that are predicted as non-β-hair-
pin, o denotes the number of the non-β-hairpin that are
predicted as β-hairpin.
2) The Predictive Results Using of 5-fold Cross-vali-
By using of the composite vector with increment of
diversity (ID(A) + ID(Q)), scoring f unction (S12(A )) and
predicted secondary structure information (SS) as cha-
racteristic parameters. When RF algorithm is applied to
predict β-hairpins, for 5-fold cross-validation, Acc and
MCC are 82.0% and 0.55, respectively. However, when
SVM is used as prediction algorithm, Acc and MCC are
only 79.4% and 0.49, respectively. Besides, the Qo(H),
Qo(NH), Qp(H), and Qp(NH) of RF algorithm are all higher
than SVM. The results show that RF algorithm is better
than SVM. In addition, to compare our method with oth-
ers, we also list previous prediction r esults in Table 2. It
can be seen that our prediction overall accuracy of using
RF algorithm is slightly higher than Hu’s [7,8] results.
But the Matthew’s correlation coefficient is lower than
Hu’s [7,8] results.
3) The Predictive R e s ults Using of t he independe nt test
To further compare RF and SVM algorithm, we also
use the independent test. The 1028 β-hairpins and 643
non-β-hairpins are selected as training set from 6028
β-hairpins and 2643 non-β-hairpins, the remaining 5000
β-hairpins and 2000 non-β-hairpins are independent test-
ing set. By using of the composite vector (ID (A) + ID(Q)
+ S12(A) + SS) as the characteristic parameters, when
RF algorithm is applied to predict β-hairpin motifs. Acc
and MCC are 79.9% and 0.50, respectively. However,
when SVM algorithm is used as prediction algorithm,
Acc and MCC are only 77.0% and 0.43, respectively.
Pred ictive results are showed in Table 3. It can be seen
that RF algorithm is still better than SVM. Furthermore,
it should be noticed that using the small sample to test
the large one in here.
4) The Predictive Results Using of higher dimension
characteristic parameters
Considering the obvious properties of RF algorithm,
we directly use the composite vector with amino acids
component of position (A), hydropaths component of po-
sition (Q), and predicted secondary structure information
(SS) as characteristic parameters (675 dimensions). Acc
and MCC of 5-fold cross-validation achieve 83.3% and
0.59, respectively. It needs to be pointed out that, amino
acids component of position and hydropaths component
of position are only based on the first two cutting rules (5
- 12 , 8 - 12) in here. In contrast, we also use of the com-
posite vector (ID(A) + ID(Q) + SS) as the characteristic
parameters. Acc and MCC of 5-fold cross-validation are
79.5% and 0.49, respectively. The predictive results are
decreased. Then we use RF algorithm based on the com-
posite vector (A + Q + SS) to predict β-hairpin motifs.
For the independent test (I (test)), Acc and MCC are 80.1%
and 0.50, respectively. Predictive results are showed in
Table 4. The results indicate that 5-fold cross-validation
and the independent test are similar when RF algorithm
is used to predict β-hairpin motifs.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, the predictive results of using RF algorithm
based on the composite vector (A + Q + SS) are better
than previous. From above results we can seen: 1) RF
algorithm is better than SVM when the same characteris-
tic parameters and the same test method are used; 2) Due
Table 2. Predictive results using of 5-fold cross validation for β-hairpinsand non β-hairpins in ArchDB40 dataset.
Method (parameters) Qo(H) (%) Qo(NH) (%) Qp(H) (%) Qp(NH) (%) Acc (%) MCC
RF(ID(A), ID(Q), S12 (A), SS) 92.0 59.2 83.7 76.4 82.0 0.55
SVM(ID(A), ID(Q), S12 (A), SS) 89.1 57.3 82.6 69.7 79.4 0.49
SVM(S, ID) [7] 80.3 79.3 86.1 71.5 79.9 0.59
QD(S12(a), ID(aa), ID(qq), ID(Af)) [8] 89.1 64.7 85.2 72.2 81.6 0.55
Table 3. Predicti ve results usi ng of the independent t est for β-hairpins an d non β-hairpins in ArchDB40 dataset.
Method(parameters) Qo(H) (%) Qo(NH) (%) Qp(H) (%) Qp(NH) (%) Acc (%) MCC
RF(ID(A), ID(Q), S12(A), SS) 91.2 54.1 81.9 72.9 79.9 0.50
SVM(ID(A), ID(Q), S12(A), SS) 87.9 52.1 80.7 65.5 77.0 0.43
Table 4. Predictive results using Random Forest algorithm for β-hairpins and non β-hairpins in ArchDB40datase.
parameters dimension Qo(H) (%) Qo(NH) ( %) Qp(H) (%) Qp(NH) (%) Acc (%) MCC
5-fold ID(A) + ID(Q) + SS 15 90.8 53.5 81.7 71.9 79.5 0.49
A + Q + SS 675 95.4 55.9 83.1 84.1 83.3 0.59
I (test) A + Q + SS 91.2 54.7 82.1 73.1 80.1 0.50
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
to RF algorithm doesn’t produce overfitting when the
dimension of the characteristic parameters is higher, bet-
ter results are still obtained. But the phenomenon will
appear in this case for the SVM; 3) Previous independent
test is usually that using the large sample to test the small
one. However, we still obtain better predictive results by
using the small sample to test the large one when RF
algorithm is us ed . Th is imp lie s th at RF alg or i th m is steady
and effective.
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