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J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2009, 2:40-43 Published Online April 2009 in SciRes ( Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA Three-Tier Knowledge Management System Based on .NET Mingxing Cai1, Jintao Zheng2, Ping Shi1, Xiaohui Li1 1Facility Division, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, 2School of Software Engineering of Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology, Wuhan, China Email: Received January 19th, 2009; revised February 20th, 2009; accepted March 24th, 2009. ABSTRACT Three-tier knowledge management system based on .NET architecture is designed according to requirement specifica- tion, characteristics of and relationship between enterprise electronic archives and knowledge management. This sys- tem using three-tier design based on factory pattern has good encapsulation and portability, with clearer and more concise structure. It degrades the costs of system development and maintenance and upgrades system’s high reusability and development efficiency. Keywords: Knowledge Management, .NET, Three-Tier Architecture, Design Based on Factory Pattern 1. Introduction With the advent of the era of knowledge economy and increasing competition among enterprises, more and more enterprises are aware of the importance of the knowledge management to their development [1]. How to refine business knowledge in complex external and in- ternal information, to effectively manage the acquisition, production and proliferation process of all kinds of enter- prise knowledge, and to enhance knowledge-based capa- bilities, is the key to business survival. Broadly speaking, knowledge management is a positive approach to manage and optimize the enterprise’s knowledge resources [2]. The goal of knowledge management is to pass on the most appropriate knowledge to the most appropriate per- son at the most appropriate time. It can give managers great support to make the best decisions [3]. At present, domestic researches on the enterprise knowledge man- agement focus more on the theoretics than the practice [4]. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to de- sign a set of easy-to-use and easy-to-promote knowledge management system, making use of the existing and somewhat general information technology, for promoting knowledge management in its application and develop- ment for the enterprise. This paper researches and analyzes knowledge man- agement in-depth theoretically and practically, using Mi- crosoft .NET technology platform, to design and develop knowledge management system solutions suitable for enterprise applications, in the hope of promoting the widespread and in-depth use of knowledge management in enterprise applications. 2. Design for Three-Tier Knowledge Man- agement System Based on .NET The architecture design for this system is shown in Figure 1. 2.1 System Architecture Design This system uses .NET platform based B/S three-tier ar- chitecture. B/S structure can lower the configuration re- quirements for the client. Three-tier architecture is a new method of programming, divided into the presentation tier, the business logic tier and the data access tier [5]. An advantage of three-tier architecture is its separation of data and format, with which programs can be easily ex- panded and modified to improve the coding reusability, once the business requirements are changed. The presentation tier, using ASP.NET dynamic Web pages/sites techniques, provides users with the interop- erability of the Web access interface, improving the pre- compiled operating mechanism, enhancing the security and guaranteeing good performance for the system. The business logic tier contains almost all the proc- essing functions of system business logic, which is a bridge between the data access tier and the presenta- tion tier. Thus, the robustness, flexibility, reusability, scalability and maintainability of the software system, to a large extent, depend on the design of business logic tier [5]. In this paper, the business logic tier based on .NET platform encapsulates components such as the approval flow, business entities, statistical analysis, etc. The data access tier offers centralized visits to the da- tabase to ensure good encapsulation and maintainability [6]. The business logic tier interacts with the database through the data access tier to avoid directly relying on the database. The data access tier, synthesizing the factory Three-Tier Knowledge Management System Based on .NET 41 Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA Figure 1. Architecture of knowledge management system Figure 2. Data access tier based on factory pattern design pattern and the reflex mechanism on .NET plat- form, makes itself more flexible, as shown in Figure 2. It really fulfills the characteristic that the data tier is unre- lated to the upper tiers. That is, whatever data storage is using, MS SQL Server database, Oracle or XML docu- ments, as long as the data is accessed through a certain interface, there is no need to revise other upper tiers and to recompile the whole system. 2.2 System Function Design Overall flow of three-tier knowledge management system based on .NET is as shown in Figure 3. Four main func- tional modules are briefly illustrated as follows. 1) Document management: It mainly includes two func- tions of the basic information management and appended documents management, which requires business personnel of all departments to upload internally- generated docu- ments into the knowledge management system in time. 2) Archives management: It includes four sub-modules of archiving management, expiration identification, de- partmental archives management and corporate archives management. ·Archiving management includes three functions of archiving application, archiving processing and ar- chiving approval. ·Expiration identification includes three functions of expiration reminding, documents destruction and documents postponement. ·Departmental archives management module is to display, using views, the archiving application in- formation to be processed by the departmental knowledge administrators and the archives informa- tion submitted to the corporate knowledge adminis- trators for approval, including two schedule views of above-mentioned information. Departmental admin- istrators have access to viewing. ·Corporate archives management is to display, mainly using views, the archives information required to be approved by the corporate knowledge administrators and the archives information already approved by them. Corporate administrators have access to viewing. Knowledge resource library Business per- sonnel of all departments Unified catalog Busi- ness items Docu- ment types Archives classifi- cation Electronic documents Paper documents Decen- tralized collec- tion Classified display Depart- mental docu- ments Corp-o rate docu- ments Corp- orate archi- ves Knowledge management system Marketing management system Productional operating systems Interface EIP System manage -ment Catalog manage- ment Purview manage- ment Log manage- ment Archives management A rc hi v i ng a pp lication A rc hi v i ng a pp roval Exp i rat i on id en t i - fication Document manage- ment Basic infor m ation Attachment man- agement Use and management of knowledge resources Loan management Distribution management Full-text retrieval Statistical analysis … Knowledge administrators of all de p artments A rc hi v i ng p rocessin g 42 Three-Tier Knowledge Management System Based on .NET Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA Figure 3. Overall flow of knowledge management system 3) Full-text retrieval: It mainly provides two func- tions of fuzzy retrieval and advanced retrieval. For both search modes, we have to consider the searchers’ ac- cess to files. Files, to which searchers have no access, should not be included in the search results. Advanced retrieval function is to rapidly integrate related infor- mation scattered in various heterogeneous systems and then present it to users, according to the meanings of domain knowledge possessed by the information re- sources. The implementation of this search function is based on Conceptual Set C and Attribute Set A in the ontology =(N,F,C,A,R,R), accurate relationship be- tween them and comprehensive setup of the ontology [7]. 4) System management: It is mainly composed of five sub-modules such as classified catalog management, file storage settings, access management, log management, and full-text retrieval management. 3. System Implementation As for three-tier architecture based system, there are three main assemblies-KMS. Web. dll for the presentation tier, KMS. BLL. dll for the business logic tier, and KMS. DAL. dll for the data access tier. And else there are three assisted assemblies-entity class KMS. Model. dll, public class KMS. Utility. dll, and class factory KMS. DAFactory. dll [8]. In order to implement real separation of data tier and other upper tiers, class factory design pattern and reflex mechanism design are integrated to fulfill the data access tier [8]. Using factory pattern + reflex mechanism + cach- ing mechanism, dynamic creating different object inter- faces to data tier is implemented. 1) Define an interface and a basic method used to ac- cess users’ information [9]. namespace KMS.IDAL { public interface IKMAdmin { /// add new data void Add(Maticsoft.Model.KMAdmin model); } } IDAL interface project is only a statement of a series of methods, while specific implementation details will be accomplished by data access project. 2) Compile corresponding data access project for Sql database namespace KMS.SQLServerDAL { public class KMAdmin : IKMAdmin { public KMAdmin() { } /// add new data public void Add(KMS.Model.KMAdmin model) { // ellipsis } } } Data access project SQLServerDAL fulfills “add”, “modify” and “delete” functions for records in connec- tion with the Sql database. 3) Create a class factory “DALFactory” to identify which database users choose when they are building ap- plications. DALFactory read the database identification information from the system configuration file “web.config” to provide users with a unified interface, making users worry less about it. When the Sql database is used, information identifiers in configuration files are as follows: <add key = "DAL" value = "KMS.SQLServerDAL"> DALFactory project will select the corresponding data- base according to the database identification information. Business personnel/ Knowledge administrators create files Departmental knowledge ad- ministrators preliminarily transact archiv- ing applications Archives maintenance Use electronic documents/files (e.g. borrow and query) Corporate knowledge administrators apply for archiving approvals and archive approved files Three-Tier Knowledge Management System Based on .NET 43 Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA private static readonly string AssemblyPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DAL"]; /// <summary> /// create an object or obtain from cache memory /// </summary> public static object CreateObject(string AssemblyPath, string ClassNamespace) { object objType = DataCache.GetCache(ClassNamespace);// read from cache memory if (objType == null) { try { objType = Assembly.Load(AssemblyPath).CreateInstance(ClassNamespace);// generate reflection DataCache.SetCache(ClassNamespace, objType);// write cache memory } catch { } } return objType; } /// <summary> /// create data access interface of KMAdmin /// </summary> public static KMS.IDAL.IKMAdmin CreateKMAdmin() { string ClassNamespace = AssemblyPath + ". KMAdmin"; object objType = CreateObject(AssemblyPath, ClassNamespace); return (Maticsoft.IDAL.IKMAdmin)objType; } The system encapsulates the processing of the lower tiers into the project and provides interfaces to the logic tier, so that it can be directly called. 4) Examples for calling interface of the logic tier. namespace KMS.BLL { public class KMAdmin { private readonly IKMAdmin dal = DataAccess.CreateKMAdmin(); public KMAdmin() { } /// add new data public void Add(KMS.Model.KMAdmin model) { dal.Add(model); } } } In this way, the encapsulation and universality are ful- filled well. 4. Conclusions Three-tier knowledge management system using .NET architecture design has good reusability, encapsulation and scalability. Compiled programs are of high security and efficiency. Separation of interface and programs makes the structure clear, which is easy to maintain. Through the design for every module in the knowledge management system, giving support to current archives management work is fulfilled. It combines archives management with knowledge management to promote internal knowledge sharing. REFERENCES [1] B. Gallupe, “Knowledge management systems: Surveying the land-scape [J],” International Journal of Management Reviews, 3(1), pp. 61-77, 2002. [2] J. X. Zhou and R. R. Zhou, “Research on PLM system framework and key technologies,” Transactions of Nan- jing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Vol. 35, No. 5, 2003. [3] R. Mack, Y. Ravin, and R. J. Byrd, “Knowledge portals and the emerging digital knowledge work place,” IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4, 2001. [4] C. E. Wang, Y. P. He, and Q. L. Shu, “Product life cycle modeling and management,” Science Press, Beijing, 2004. [5] S. S. Wei and N. S. Xu, “Design and implementation for data monitoring client based on .NET components,” Computer & Digital Engineering, No. 6, 2008. [6] Q. Z. 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